2023-09-16: News Headlines

Nitin K Sethi (2023-09-16). Correspondence] India's ascendancy: feedback and constructive criticism. thelancet.com Although The Lancet's Editorial1 is thought-provoking, it has over-reached on many of the opinions expressed. The Lancet fail to balance necessary critique of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's administration with praise for good work. While the Modi Government has not been fully transparent on COVID-19 health data including the death toll, the Editorial does not mention that on March 24, 2020, Modi's administration made the tough but sensible decision to lock down India to protect more than 1 ∑3 billion Indians from COVID-19.

Pankaj Kumar Garg (2023-09-16). Correspondence] Challenges and opportunities for India on the world stage. thelancet.com Although India faces numerous domestic challenges, such as health care, education, and the economy,1 India's Government is striving to address these challenges and is implementing policies that promote the wellbeing and prosperity of its citizens.2,3 India's G20 priorities reflect a commitment to inclusive and resilient growth and focusing on issues such as climate, finance, sustainable development, and global health resilience.4 India advocates for a gradual and systematic approach to sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions while supporting the most affected sections of society.

Parth Sharma, Divya Shrinivas, Anoushka Arora, Shreyas Patil, Siddhesh Zadey (2023-09-16). Correspondence] India's ascendancy: getting the context and data right. thelancet.com The Lancet's Editorial raised several crucial points related to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's governance model and questioned India's approach to global ascendancy and becoming a Global South leader in larger geopolitics.1 Multilateralism and data transparency have changed over the past decade. We have previously written in The Lancet about the health data crisis that India faces and the issues with missed opportunities and priority settings.2,3…

Shaffi Fazaludeen Koya, Sushant Kumar (2023-09-16). Correspondence] India's indefinitely delayed census. thelancet.com We read with interest the Editorial by The Lancet1 asking for greater transparency and integrity from India's Government leadership. We would like to reiterate the need for greater data transparency for ensuring health equity by highlighting the case of the delayed 2021 Indian census.

ecns.cn (2023-09-15). President welcomes youth from Taiwan. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping on Friday welcomed young people from Taiwan to pursue and fulfill their dreams on the mainland, calling on youth across the Taiwan Strait to adhere to the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations.

ecns.cn (2023-09-13). Hangzhou Asian Games Village ready to open in Zhejiang. ecns.cn The village is made up of three parts for athletes, technical officials and media reporters respectively. It has been pre-opened on September 9 as delegates began to arrive, and will officially open on September 16.

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