2020-04-28: News Headlines

Margie Mason, Robin McDowell (2020-04-28). Parents fear for their children's safety as coronavirus hits juvenile jails. peoplesworld.org Nicole Hingle wasn't surprised when the call came. Frustrations had been building inside juvenile detention centers nationwide as the number of coronavirus cases continued to climb. Now, her 17-year-old son Jace was on the phone telling her around 40 kids had rioted at his facility in Louisiana—the same state where more than a dozen youths …

Jake Johnston (2020-04-28). Exporting COVID-19: ICE Air Conducted Deportation Flights to 11 LAC Countries, Flight Data Shows. cepr.net There were 232 likely ICE Air deportation flights to Latin America and Caribbean countries between February 3, 2020 and April 24, 2020, CEPR analysis shows. In 2019, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deported 267,258 individuals — 96 percent of whom were from the Latin America and Caribbean region. Though much of the media focus has …

James Phillips (2020-04-28). COVID-19 and Central America: a Learning Moment? counterpunch.org The countries of Central America are indeed central to the foreign and domestic policies of the United States in many ways, most obvious of which is immigration. But the current COVID19 pandemic has exposed significant differences in the responses of Central American countries and examples of gross disaster opportunism and the double standard applied to

Brett Heinz (2020-04-28). US Deportations Are Exporting COVID-19 to Nations Unprepared for a Pandemic. cepr.net On April 22nd, President Trump signed an Executive Order putting a 60-day halt on the issuance of new green cards to immigrants admissible for permanent residency in the United States. This measure, coming on the back of other government measures restricting legal immigration, ostensibly seeks to protect the US from imported cases of COVID-19. But …

Sasha Abramsky (2020-04-28). The Federalist Fight Against Fascism. thenation.com The Federalist Fight Against Fascism…

en.mehrnews (2020-04-28). Iran FM expresses deep concern over conditions of migrants in US detention center. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Apr. 28 (MNA) — Iran Foreign Ministry has expressed deep concern over the conditions of 1,500 migrants in the US detention center.

Binoy Kampmark (2020-04-28). Pandemic Delays: Postponing the Assange Extradition Hearing. dissidentvoice.org Mr Assange will be facing a David and Goliath battle with his hands tied behind his back. — Edward Fitzgerald QC, lawyer for Julian Assange, April 27, 2020 Julian Assange must have had time amidst cramped and hostile surrounds, paper work, pleas and applications, to ponder what circle of Dante's Hell he finds himself in. …

WSWS (2020-04-28). Assange extradition hearing delayed following defence appeal. wsws.org Assange's legal team insisted that a hearing could not proceed under the current circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic…

Medea Benjamin (2020-04-28). During Coronvrius: Cuba to the rescue, but don't tell the American people. mronline.org Anti-Cuba zealots in the Trump administration have been enticing Cuban doctors working overseas to defect, paying journalists to write negative stories, slapping sanctions on Cubans in charge of the program, and strong-arming countries to expel Cuban doctors.

The Grayzone (2020-04-28). Exclusive: OPCW insiders slam "compromised" new Syria chemical weapons probe. thegrayzone.com Current and former staff members of the OPCW have denounced the organization's IIT report alleging Syrian government sarin use at…

The Grayzone (2020-04-28). Exclusive: OPCW insiders slam 'compromised' new Syria chemical weapons probe. thegrayzone.com Current and former staff members of the OPCW have denounced the organization's IIT report alleging Syrian government sarin use at…

Ajamu Baraka (2020-04-28). Video: Venezuela and the Struggle Against Empire: Ajamu Baraka. globalresearch.ca Black Alliance for Peace National Organizer Ajamu Baraka discussed the role of U.S. activists in stopping the U.S. war machine during "An Inside View of Resistance to US Imperialism in Venezuela and How to Build International Solidarity," a webinar co-hosted …

Howie Hawkins (2020-04-28). Ranked-Choice Voting: An Idea Whose Time Has Come. counterpunch.org Climate activist Bill McKibben took to the New Yorker recently to advise me and the Green Party to stand down our presidential campaign and instead work for ranked-choice voting (RCV) so we don't "spoil" the election for Joe Biden ("Instead of Challenging Joe Biden, Maybe the Green Party Could Help Change Our Democracy," April 15).

graham (2020-04-28). World economy faces a $5 trillion hit, like losing UK AND France. truepublica.org.uk The coronavirus pandemic is set to rob the global economy of more than $5 trillion of growth over the next two years, greater than the annual output of Japan or both the UK and France combined That's the warning from Wall Street banks as the world plunges into its deepest peacetime recession since the 1930s, …

RT (2020-04-28). Gunshots ring out and cars are set ablaze in Haiti as police officers protest against government corruption (VIDEO). rt.com Rioting cops stormed the Finance Ministry in the capital over complaints about their pay and working conditions, as Covid-19 rips through the impoverished Caribbean nation. | Videos from the scene show cars set ablaze and government buildings being stormed, as Haitian police took to the streets of Port au Prince on Monday. | Officers went out to protest their pay, working conditions, and government corruption against the bleak backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has put further strain on the country's dire economic situation. | Rioting cops, calling themselves 'Fantomes 509' (Ghosts 509) exchanged gunf…

en.mehrnews (2020-04-28). Over 170 doctors protest against inhumane US sanctions amid COVID-19. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Apr. 28 (MNA) — More than 170 physicians and surgeons in various fields from around the world in a letter addressed to the UN Secretary General António Guterres protested against inhumane and cruel US sanctions.

WSWS (2020-04-28). Protests in Somalia after police killing during pandemic lockdown. wsws.org The protests reflect a broader anger towards the brutal methods utilized by the security forces during the curfew…

RT (2020-04-28). WATCH: Lebanese citizens vent their ire by TORCHING bank, army vehicle, as at least 1 protester shot dead. rt.com A protester has been shot and killed in the Lebanese city of Tripoli, as the country's financial and economic crisis worsens under the additional pressure of the coronavirus pandemic. | The Lebanese pound has collapsed amid soaring inflation and unemployment worsened by the shutdown of the economy, exacerbating the pre-existing financial crisis which has plagued the country since October. | #ÿߟÑÿ≠ŸÖÿ±ÿßÿ° – #ÿ®Ÿä&yuml…

Repost (2020-04-28). April 25, 2020: Nationwide Cancel Rents Protests. indybay.org We face a second rent day, May 1, when at least one third of renters nationwide will not be able to pay the rent due to the pandemic lockdown. Yet no governor, Democrat or Republican, has demanded that the rent be cancelled since the renters who live from paycheck to paycheck face immediate eviction when the lockdown ends as they cannot pay any back rent.

Barbara Boland (2020-04-28). Is Trump Using the U.S. Military for Regime Change in Venezuela? globalresearch.ca U.S. policy towards Venezuela has been a head-spinning series of contradictions lately, with no end in sight. From placing a bounty on the heads of President Nicolas Maduro and a dozen current and former Venezuelan officials, to upping sanctions and …

Alan MacLeod (2020-04-28). Both Sides-ing Bleach Injection – Media in the era of an incompetent president. fair.org Vox ( You probably saw Donald Trump's ridiculous, false and deadly claim last week: that ingesting chemical cleaners could cure humans of the coronavirus. At a White House press briefing on Thursday (

South Front (2020-04-28). Video: Turkish Army Clashing with Turkish Proxies in Idlib. globalresearch.ca Early on April 27, the Israeli Air Force carried out a series of airstrikes on alleged Iranian targets in the countryside of Damascus. As always, pro-Israeli sources claimed that the missile attack hit and destroyed weapon depots and HQs of …

Zero Hedge (2020-04-28). Secret 'COVID-19 Manhattan Project' Led by Billionaires Seeking to Influence Trump Admin. globalresearch.ca Last month Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey called for the bold and urgent launch of

Philip Giraldi (2020-04-28). Netanyahu Is Back Yet Again. thealtworld.com Israel will become much bigger | Rahm Emanuel, up until recently the mayor of Chicago and before that a top advisor to the president in the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama White Houses and still earlier a volunteer in the Israeli Army, famously once commented that a good crisis should never be allowed to go to waste. He meant, of course, that a crisis can be exploited to provide cover for other shenanigans involving politicians. It was an observation that was particularly true when one was working for a sexual predator like Bill, who once attacked a "terrorist" pharmaceutical factory in Sudan to divert attention aw…

Philip Giraldi (2020-04-28). Netanyahu Is Back Yet Again. Israel Will Become Much Bigger. globalresearch.ca Rahm Emanuel, up until recently the mayor of Chicago and before that a top advisor to the president in the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama White Houses and still earlier a volunteer in the Israeli Army, famously once commented that …

Staff (2020-04-28). Government Must Pay $12 Billion to Obamacare Insurers, Supreme Court Rules. truthout.org Insurance companies are entitled to recoup $12 billion from the federal government in unpaid Obamacare claims, the Supreme Court ruled Monday in an 8-1 vote. | The companies were shielded under the "risk corridor" provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which promised compensation for companies that incurred losses in the marketplaces created by the law. | The original remuneration period lasted three years, but Congressional Republicans capped payments between 2015 and 2017, which the insure…

Paul Antonopoulos (2020-04-28). Corruption Scandals Could See Bolsonaro Removed from Power Quicker than One Could Expect. globalresearch.ca The Brazilian government was shaken by a new controversy on Friday after the General Director of the Federal Police, Maurício Valeixo, was sacked by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Following threats made on Thursday, the Minister of Justice and Public …

Andrew Korybko (2020-04-28). The U.S. Wants to "Purchase" Greenland from Denmark. globalresearch.ca The US' plan to leverage economic aid to Greenland for strategic ends is exactly the same thing that it accuses China of doing in Africa, suggesting that its infowar against Beijing's Belt & Road Initiative is driven more by jealousy …

yenisafak (2020-04-28). Lebanon: one person killed in protests over price hikes. yenisafak.com A Lebanese protestor on Tuesday succumbed to his wounds he sustained in clashes between army forces and demonstrators in Tripoli city, said a health NGO.The Islamic Medical Association identified the protestor as Fawaz al-Samman. It also said 22 protestors and five soldiers were injured in the clashes that took place late Monday at Al-Nour Square during which live bullets, rubber bullets and molotov cocktails were used.Despite the spread of the novel coronavirus, Lebanese protesters took to the streets late Monday in a number of cities to protest deteriorated living conditions and spiraling food prices amid the c…

Staff (2020-04-28). In Her Own Words: Fiona Apple on New Album "Fetch the Bolt Cutters" & Acknowledging Indigenous Lands. democracynow.org In a broadcast exclusive, world-renowned singer-songwriter Fiona Apple joins Democracy Now! for the hour to discuss her critically acclaimed new album, "Fetch the Bolt Cutters," which was released early amid the pandemic. "I've heard that it's actually making people feel free and happy," Apple says, "and it might be helping people feel alive or feel their anger or feel creative. And that's the best thing that I could hope for." Her record includes an acknowledgment that the album was "Made on unceded Tongva, Mescalero Apache, and Suma territories." We also speak with Native American activist Eryn Wise, an organiz…

en.mehrnews (2020-04-28). 'Resistance to give crushing response to Israelis' occupation of West Bank'. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Apr. 28 (MNA) — Iranian Parliament Speaker's Special Aide for International Affairs warned that any move by the Israeli regime to occupy parts of Palestine's West Bank will await the Resistance Movement's crushing response.

Stephen Lendman (2020-04-28). Reports of North Korean Leader's Death Greatly Exaggerated. globalresearch.ca Once again, the good old reliable US major media proved unreliable again — time and again delivering fake news to readers, viewers and listeners. | On April 20, the NYT reported that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un "was receiving treatment after …

Stephen Lendman (2020-04-28). Are the US and China on a Collision Course for Greater Confrontation? globalresearch.ca US policymakers from both right wings of the one-party state want China's rise on the world stage as an economic, industrial, and technological power undermined. | A undeclared Cold War between both countries rages. There's always risk of things turning hot …

Stephen Lendman (2020-04-28). The People's Choice Between Two Unacceptable Lessers for US President in November. globalresearch.ca What passes for US-style "democracy" would make some despots blush. | It's more fanciful than real, an illusion of what doesn't exist. | The nation was created to be run by its rich, well-born, and able, John Adams explained. | John Jay, the …

Patrick Cockburn (2020-04-28). Can Boris Johnson's Government Survive the COVID-19 Crisis Their Mistakes Exacerbated? counterpunch.org In the summer of 2011, riots erupted all over London and television screens and newspapers were filled with pictures of blazing buildings and looted shops. People swiftly noted that among those not present in the capital was the mayor of London, Boris Johnson, who was with his family in a camper van in the Canadian

David Swanson (2020-04-28). How Are You Gonna Pay For It? Stop Giving Money to Israel. mintpressnews.com Israel is not a poor country. It is certainly not the poorest in the world. So why is it the top recipient of US military "aid?"

Staff (2020-04-28). Headlines for April 28, 2020. democracynow.org Known U.S. Deaths Top 56,000 as New Study Shows True Number Likely Much Higher, Trump Ignored Early Intelligence Reports as Coronavirus Spread, Trump Denies Responsibility for Spike in Disinfectant Poisonings, Texas Reopens Businesses, California Warns Against Violating Restrictions | , Trump's Plan to Give Commencement Address at West Point Could Bring Back 1,000 Cadets to Campus, NY Cancels Primary After Removing Bernie Sanders from the Ballot , U.N. Calls for Release of Immigrant Prisoners as San Diego Facility Refuses to Allow Face Mask Delivery, More Cases Reported at Prisons as New Study Shows 96% of Inmate…

James L Cowan (2020-04-28). Bernie Sanders and the Future of the Movement. indybay.org Online…

RT (2020-04-28). Italy's Covid-19 daily death toll JUMPS as number of cases passes 200,000 milestone. rt.com Italy suffered a jump in Covid-19 fatalities on Tuesday as the illness claimed 382 more lives. It comes as the total number of people infected since the outbreak began in the Mediterranean country topped the 200,000 mark. | Tuesday's total was an increase of 49 on Monday's figure and represented the highest number of deaths from the disease in four days. The number of new confirmed cases also increased on Tuesday, and the tally of 2,091 was enough to push Italy past the 200,000 milestone. | The coronavirus has wreaked havoc in Italy since it first emerged there on February 21. With 27,359 fatalities the countr…

RT (2020-04-28). 'What's the US hiding?' Beijing slams Washington's Covid-19 response & 'desperate' attempts to pin blame on China. rt.com Beijing has called on Washington to address the concerns of its own citizens about the US response to the Covid-19 pandemic, while condemning American politicians for shifting blame for the crisis squarely onto China's shoulders. | Asked to comment on a series of American media reports on the US government's slow and often inept response to the health crisis on Monday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang relayed some of the questions raised by the reporting, asking whether Washington may have swept information about the virus under the rug. | "Recently there have been many voices in the United States that q…

RT (2020-04-28). Australia's most populous state to relax some restrictions on movement. rt.com The most populous state in Australia said on Tuesday it will relax some restrictions on movement. New South Wales state, which is home to nearly half of Australia's roughly 6,700 cases of Covid-19, said it would let up to two adults visit another person's home from Friday, relaxing a stay-at-home policy and ban on non-essential movement. | Bondi Beach and two neighboring beaches in Sydney were reopened to local residents on Tuesday after being closed a month ago due to large crowds breaking social distancing rules. | Australia recorded just one new case of Covid-19 in the past 24 hours, suggesting community tr…

RT (2020-04-28). Most Americans will ditch live events until a Covid-19 vaccine is found — poll. rt.com In a potential major blow to the US' economy, arts scene and social life, a poll has found that more than half of Americans would not consider attending a live arts or sporting event before a Covid-19 vaccine is made available.

Dilip Hiro (2020-04-28). The COVID-19 Chronology From Hell. counterpunch.org Historically, in hyper-crises, local and global systems can change fundamentally. Before the coronavirus pandemic hit first China and then the rest of the globe, the question of whether the American imperial era might be faltering was already on the table, amid that country's endless wars and with the world's most capricious leader. When humanity emerges

RT (2020-04-28). No need to extend Covid-19 home quarantine: Austria to let people out from May 1 and allow gatherings soon. rt.com Austrians will soon be able to walk with no restrictions and gather in groups of 10, as coronavirus measures will be gradually lifted starting next month. | The easing of the self-isolation measures was announced by Health Minister Rudolf Anschober, who said that the spread of the novel coronavirus remains quite slow and the forecast for the upcoming month looks "very good." He also said that the nation has coped with the epidemic "very well," all thanks to the population, which "made it possible." | The minister then said that going out will be permitted again starting from May 1, although a "minimal distance…

The Canary (2020-04-28). Matt Hancock asked for apology by son of doctor who died after PPE warning. thecanary.co Matt Hancock has been asked for a public apology by the son of a doctor who died after warning the government about a lack of PPE.On Tuesday morning the health secretary took part in a live radio phone-in with Nick Ferrari on LBC, taking questions from members of the public.The first question came from Intisar Chowdhury, the son of Dr Abdul Mabud Chowdhury, who died earlier this month with Covid-19.Five days before he was admitted to hospital, Dr Chowdhury wrote a Facebook post asking Boris Johnson urgently to provide every NHS worker with personal protective equipment (PPE).Dr Chowdhury died on April 8 with Covi…

The Canary (2020-04-28). Care home deaths will be published daily as well as hospital toll from Wednesday. thecanary.co The number of deaths involving Covid-19 in care homes and other settings will be published daily as well as the hospital death toll, the health secretary said.Matt Hancock said that, in an effort to "bring as much transparency as possible" to the death figures, "from tomorrow we will be publishing not just the number of deaths in hospital each day, but the number of deaths in care homes and the community too"."This will supplement the ONS [Office for National Statistics] and CQC [Care Quality Commission] weekly publication and all add to our understanding of how this virus is spreading day by day, and it will hel…

The Canary (2020-04-28). New Zealand eases lockdown as coronavirus tamed in Australasia. thecanary.co New Zealand has eased a strict lockdown amid hopeful signs coronavirus (Covid-19) has been all but vanquished in Australasia for the moment.But elsewhere, Brazil is emerging as a potential new hotspot for infections, and fresh doubts have been raised over whether Japan would be able to host the already postponed Olympic Games next year.Europe and some US states are also continuing to gradually ease limits on movement and commerce as they try to restart their economies.But in a reminder of the virus's increasing toll, president Donald Trump said the numbers of deaths could reach 70,000 in the US, after putting the…

Al Neal (2020-04-28). Corporations: "Thank you essential workers, your sacrifice is our PR gain." peoplesworld.org On any given sunny day, as we walk out the front door and check our physical distance from others, you may notice the curious and quick arrival of yard signs thanking "essential workers." Are you surprised? As one day blurs into another during our self-isolation, the Covid-19 public narrative has shifted: essential workers are in …

RT (2020-04-28). 'We must learn to live with Covid-19': French PM says lockdown easing over risk of economic collapse, '2nd wave' still possible. rt.com France's Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has announced that the country will begin to ease its lockdown on May 11, adding that the country has never before faced such a situation — even in wartime. | Speaking in parliament on Tuesday, Philippe said people will need to be cautious as the strict national lockdown ends to avoid setting off a second wave of infections which he said would "strike a weakened hospital fabric" and impose a "re-confinement" that would ruin progress made during the initial restriction period. | He said the country cannot be locked down for "too long" and that France had never expe…

Federico Fuentes (2020-04-28). COVID-19 crisis: Bolivia's movement towards socialism says #PutLivesFirst. mronline.org Given the exponentially rising death toll from COVID-19 and the devastating social and economic effects of brutal lockdowns, what could a humane and progressive response to the global pandemic look like?>