2020-04-27: News Headlines

Richard D. Wolff (2020-04-27). Capitalism Can't Be Repaired, Coronavirus Shows Its Huge Weaknesses. counterpunch.org Consider this absurdity: The U.S. government's policy in the face of the current capitalist crash is to "return the economy to the pre-coronavirus normal." What? In that "normal" system, private capitalists maximized profits by not producing the tests, masks, ventilators, beds, etc., needed when coronavirus hit. Profit-driven capitalism proved extremely inefficient in its response to the virus

Glenn Greenwald (2020-04-27). The Ongoing Travesty of the Attempted Extradition of Julian Assange. zcomm.org The indictment pertains solely to those widely celebrated 2010 disclosures that revealed rampant war crimes, systemic corruption and official deceit by numerous governments around the world…

WSWS (2020-04-27). Application for delay in Assange extradition hearing as COVID-19 sweeps through UK prisons. wsws.org The vindictive suspension of the COVID-19 prisoner release programme demonstrates the criminal disregard of the British ruling class for the lives of prisoners.

RT (2020-04-27). Julian Assange's extradition hearing postponed amid Covid-19 pandemic, earliest available date November. rt.com WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange's US extradition hearing in London has been delayed, potentially till November, due to the coronavirus pandemic with his defense arguing it made the proceedings "medically dangerous." | Assange's extradition case has been delayed again after his defense lawyers said the coronavirus outbreak made his trial "impossible" and "medically dangerous." | A hearing, held by video link at Westminster Magistrates Court, heard that the case could be postponed until as late as November 2, the earliest date where three consecutive weeks are available. | Judge Vanessa Baraitser vacated the…

Colonel Ann Wright (2020-04-27). Video: The Criminal Indictments against Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning. globalresearch.ca Last year we met in Florence on the 7th of April, coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the founding of NATO. The theme of our conference last year was NATO EXIT. | On April 25, 2020, Commemorating the Liberation of Italy. …

Ben Norton (2020-04-27). Dissident British ex-diplomat Craig Murray indicted for blog posts in Kafkaesque case. thegrayzone.com Craig Murray, a former UK diplomat turned anti-war activist, has been charged with contempt of court for writing blog posts….

Kevin Zeese (2020-04-27). The Era of Mass Strikes Begins on May 1, the First Day of General Strike Campaign. globalresearch.ca On Friday, May 1, an ongoing General Strike campaign begins. This campaign could become the most powerful movement in the United States and reset the national agenda. It comes when the failures of the US political system have been magnified …

Staff (2020-04-27). Headlines for April 27, 2020. democracynow.org Global Coronavirus Deaths Top 207,000 as Hard-Hit European Nations Start Relaxing Lockdowns, States Prepare to Reopen Economies as Cases Continue to Mount, Doctors See Rise in Strokes Caused by Coronavirus; CDC Expands List of Possible Symptoms, Oakland Police Tackle and Detain Unhoused Outreach Workers, Poison Control Center Calls Spike After President Trump Suggests Injections of Disinfectant, WHO Warns Against Issuing "Immunity Passports", Activists Hold "Cancel the Rent" Protests Around the Country, Coronavirus Outbreak Reported at Tyson Foods Meat Processing Plant, "Larry King Live" Tape from 1993 Supports T…

Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (2020-04-27). Giulietto Chiesa (1940-2020): An Intellectual of Action. globalresearch.ca It is with great sorrow that we learned yesterday, April 26th, that Giulietto Chiesa has passed away. One of the most remarkable European intellectuals — activists of our times, deeply enshrined in the "Leninist" tradition of action before …

Rick Baum (2020-04-27). The Likely Democratic Party Candidate for the Senate Opposing McConnell is a Militarist Who is Not Much of an Alternative. counterpunch.org Given the 2018 election results, one might expect a wave of more liberally-minded peace candidates. In one race for the senate, that is definitely not happening. I live in California. A couple of weeks ago, I received a fundraising letter from Amy McGrath who is running for the Kentucky seat in the U.S. Senate against

RT (2020-04-27). Annual global military spending hits highest point in a decade — SIPRI. rt.com The US continues to be the driving force behind the surge in global military expenditure, spending $732bn last year, with China far behind in second place and India rounding out the top three, according to data provided by SIPRI. | Newly-released data by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

Staff (2020-04-27). Incarceration Is Killing Us. truthout.org Kelly Hayes talks with Alan Mills about COVID-19, prisons and making bold demands. | Note: This a rush transcript and has been lightly edited for clarity. Copy may not be in its final form. | Kelly Hayes: Welcome to Movement Memos, a Truthout podcast about things you should know if you want to change the world. I'm your host Kelly Hayes. | Tensions are high in the U.S. as lockdowns continue in some states, while others have begun to ease restrictions. Gun-toting right-wing protesters have staged astroturf protests, demanding the economy be reo…

Cassie Miller (2020-04-27). Anti-Lockdown Rallies Are Providing an Opening for the Proud Boys and Other Far-Right Extremists. splcenter.org Protests against state-imposed stay-at-home orders have exploded across the country and attracted a wide array of right-wing supporters, including the Proud Boys.

Staff (2020-04-27). Local-Level Fossil Fuel Fights Face Violent Retaliation From Industry. truthout.org Fighting fossil fuel companies can be dangerous business. The people of County Mayo, Ireland, found that out when they rose up against Shell Oil in the early 2000s. The uprising lasted 15 years. Protesters were beaten and jailed. But they delayed the refinery's opening by 10 years, cost Shell billions of dollars and caused the company a public relations nightmare, as a new book by Fred Wilcox,

Andrew Korybko (2020-04-27). The Restoration of Self-Rule in South Yemen Is the Next Step Towards Independence. globalresearch.ca South Yemen's Southern Transitional Council declared self-rule over the vast regions of the country that they claim as their own in response to the Saudi-backed Hadi government's repeated violations of last year's Riyadh Agreement that was aimed at de-escalating tensions …

Alan Macleod (2020-04-27). A Soft Power Ploy? Cuba Continues to Aid the Poorest and Least Influential Nations. mintpressnews.com As the coronavirus pandemic grows worse in many countries, Cuba has answered an urgent South African request for aid, sending 217 medical personnel to the country.

Alan MacLeod (2020-04-27). America's Super-Rich See Their Wealth Rise by $282 Billion in Three Weeks of Pandemic. thealtworld.com America's billionaires have accrued more wealth in the past three weeks alone than they made in total prior to 1980. | MPN— A

David Swanson (2020-04-27). Unsolicited Advice on Terrorism to UVa Basketball Player Austin Katstra. counterpunch.org Dear Mr. Katstra, First of all, thanks for your terrific work on the greatest team ever which I think we are all safe in assuming would have repeated last year's championship this year if the season hadn't been shut down. Maybe I'm biased. The point is I'm a fan and an alumnus who found very

RT (2020-04-27). We have begun to wrestle it to the floor: PM Johnson is 'back in the driving seat,' and he is in for a bumpy ride. rt.com British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has re-emerged following a weeks-long battle with Covid-19, but the "war" on the coronavirus is far from being won. Johnson faces numerous challenges, most notably when to reopen the economy. | Earlier on Monday morning, junior health minister Edward Argar vowed that Johnson "will be back in the driving seat" and "getting on with the job." Johnson has declined to give any specific dates regarding the easing of lockdown restrictions or a return to work for the world's fifth-largest economy. | Johnson expressed concern about "a new wave of death and disease as well as an econ…

RT (2020-04-27). French MPs from ruling party say their govt withdrew vote on 'StopCovid' tracing app. rt.com Lawmakers from France's ruling party accused their own government on Monday of withdrawing a vote on a planned coronavirus tracing app, saying they had been robbed of a chance to raise privacy concerns. Last week, the government bowed to pressure and promised a vote on the 'StopCovid' smartphone software. It is designed to warn users if they come into contact with infected people. | Over the weekend, PM Edouard Philippe wrote to the lower house speaker that he wanted to broaden the debate scheduled for April 28-29 to cover the government's entire strategy on ending coronavirus lockdowns. | A government source…

RT (2020-04-27). NYC tenant groups plan 1 million-strong RENT STRIKE as end of eviction moratorium looms with no amnesty in sight. rt.com New York City tenant groups have joined a growing movement for a statewide rent strike as the continued coronavirus shutdown makes working — and paying — impossible. The state's eviction moratorium expires in June. | The majority of tenants in the Cosmopolitan Houses complex in Woodside, Queens have joined a rent strike that hopes to enlist upwards of one million New Yorkers, set to begin May 1, organizers told the Wall Street Journal on Monday. Strikers have pointed to the impossibility of making the steep monthly payments as the economy remains in suspended animation due to the coronavirus pandem…

RT (2020-04-27). Shock new development as children fall ill with syndrome similar to severe Covid-19. rt.com Children have largely been spared from the coronavirus. But now British GPs have warned of youngsters being hit by a mysterious virus-like syndrome that may be an offshoot of the virus, or a new infectious pathogen. | An "urgent alert" has been issued to British doctors as what seems to be a serious coronavirus-related syndrome that affects children emerges in the population. | On Monday, the Health Service Journal

RT (2020-04-27). World should have 'listened carefully' to WHO coronavirus advice back in January, says director-general. rt.com Countries that ignored the WHO's advice at the end of January have been less successful in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic, its director warned, as both the organization and world leaders face criticism for mishandling the crisis. | "On January 30 we declared the highest level of global emergency on Covid-19 […] During that time, as you may remember, there were only 82 cases outside China. No cases in Latin America or Africa, only 10 cases in Europe. No cases in the rest of the world. So the world should have listened to the WHO then carefully," World Health Organization Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghe…

Fréa Lockley (2020-04-27). UK drops bombs during coronavirus crisis, defying global ceasefire it claims to support. thecanary.co On 25 April, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) quietly "The fury of the virus illustrates the folly of war": | On 23 March, UN secretary-general António Guterres

RT (2020-04-27). Syrian air defenses repel 'Israeli aggression', down several 'hostile' missiles over Damascus — state media. rt.com Syrian missile defenses responded to an attack by Israeli warplanes, intercepting several missiles over Damascus launched from Lebanese airspace, Syria's SANA news agency reported. | A video has emerged online purportedly showing the Syrian missile shield being activated to shoot down missiles, reportedly fired by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) from Lebanese airspace. | Syrian air defense active over

RT (2020-04-27). Fasten your seatbelt: Boeing CEO warns it could be 'years' before aviation industry recovers from Covid-19 financial turbulence. rt.com Boeing CEO David Calhoun told an online meeting of the aviation giant's shareholders it would be "a while before the dividend comes back," describing the situation as "like nothing we have ever experienced." | "It will be years before this returns to pre-pandemic levels. We are in an unpredictable and fast-changing environment, and it is difficult to estimate when the situation will stabilize," Calhoun warned. | On top of that, he

RT (2020-04-27). US House Speaker Pelosi endorses Biden for president. rt.com US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi has endorsed Joe Biden for president. The endorsement of the Democratic Party presidential candidate follows that of US Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Al Gore. | In a video statement released on Monday, Pelosi cited Biden's experience in government, including his role in passing the Affordable Care Act. She said Biden is well-positioned to lead the country amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. "As we face coronavirus, Joe has been a voice of reason and resilience, with a clear path to lead u…

RT (2020-04-27). 2019 Russian 'Woman of the Year' LEFT DESERTED by fans & sponsors after justifying domestic violence. rt.com As awareness of the devastating impact of domestic violence is ever-growing amid the Covid-19 lockdown, it's pretty much common knowledge that victim-blaming is bad form. In Russia, it appears one celebrity didn't get the memo. | Ukrainian-born and Russia-based singer and television presenter Regina Todorenko has come under attack after suggesting women should think about why their actions induced domestic violence. Todorenko, who was once a host of the incredibly popular travel show 'Oryol i Reshka', said women who complain that their husbands beat them must be "psychologically ill." | "Come on! Do you have a…

yenisafak (2020-04-27). COVID-19: UN expert urges US to free detained migrants. yenisafak.com The US must urgently use available alternatives for the detention of migrants held in overcrowded and unsanitary administrative centers in order to counter the risk of a novel coronavirus outbreak, a UN human rights expert said Monday."It is very difficult to keep the necessary physical distance in overcrowded detention facilities," said the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, Felipe Gonzalez Morales."Significantly reducing the number of detained migrants by releasing them into alternative settings can easily solve this," he said in a statement.Gonzalez Morales said that UN human rights expert…

sputniknews (2020-04-27). Judge's Decision to Postpone Julian Assange's Extradition Case is 'Very Wise', His Father Says. sputniknews.com Julian Assange's lawyers renewed their application to adjourn the second part of his extradition proceedings on the basis that it would be impossible to have a fair hearing without the lawyers and the defendant being physically present in court as due to their inability to consult with their client during the COVID-19 lockdown.

RT (2020-04-27). Israel may reopen some schools on Sunday, Gaza allows restaurants to reopen. rt.com Israel will begin a staggered reopening of schools next week if the latest health data does not warn of a heightened coronavirus risk, PM Benjamin Netanyahu's office said on Monday. The country closed schools and kindergartens in mid-March, worsening an economic lockdown as parents were forced to stay at home. With unemployment peaking at 27 percent and contagion rates waning, Israel is now easing its curbs. | Netanyahu's office said children in the first three years of primary school would resume studies, in reduced class sizes of no more than 15 pupils. Kindergartens and nurseries will reopen, with children…

RT (2020-04-27). Saudi-led coalition urges Yemen's separatist group to rescind self-rule declaration. rt.com The Saudi-led coalition currently engaged in Yemen urged on Monday for a leading separatist group that has declared self-rule in the south to rescind its move. The decision of the separatist Southern Transitional Council threatens to renew conflict between the STC and the Saudi-backed government — nominal allies under the coalition that is fighting the Houthis — as the UN tries to secure a permanent nationwide ceasefire amid the coronavirus pandemic. | Yemen's internationally recognized government warned of "catastrophic consequences" after the STC declared emergency rule in some southern governorate…

The Canary (2020-04-27). Boris Johnson is back and brimming with warlike language. thecanary.co The UK is at the point of "maximum risk" in its battle with coronavirus, Boris Johnson said as he acknowledged frustrations over the continuing lockdown but insisted he would not risk a second peak in the disease by relaxing restrictions too quickly.As the prime minister returned to take charge of the government's response to the coronavirus crisis following his recovery from Covid-19, he said there are signs that the UK is "passing through the peak" of the outbreak and "coming now to the end of the first phase of this conflict".Comparing the disease to a mugger, he said: "This is the moment when we have begun, t…

RT (2020-04-27). 'WHO sounded alarm early on, world should have listened carefully'. rt.com The head of the World Health Organization warned on Monday that the new coronavirus crisis was far from over and said that he was "deeply concerned" about the impact of the disruption of normal health services. | "The pandemic is far from over," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, adding that the body was concerned about increasing trends in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and some Asian countries. "We have a long road ahead of us and a lot of work to do." He added that shortages of vaccines against other diseases were being reported in 21 countries as a result of border restrictions li…

Anita Lekic (2020-04-27). A Small-Town Pharmacy in Europe's Westernmost Country Confronts Covid-19. counterpunch.org Portugal, a country roughly equivalent in size to Pennsylvania with a population of 10,276,617, registered its first coronavirus case on March 2. The country imposed a state of emergency on March 2. By April 23, 785 people died and 21,982 have been infected with the virus.

RT (2020-04-27). 'Even you can't defend that!' Piers Morgan slams conservative CNN pundit over Trump's 'dangerous' Covid-19 disinfectant comments. rt.com Piers Morgan unleashed on long-time friend Donald Trump over controversial comments about using "something like" disinfectant to beat Covid-19, sparring with a conservative CNN commentator over the "dangerous" remark. | While the Good Morning Britain host has often been a staunch defender of Trump, Morgan hasn't been reluctant to slam the US president over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. | In a heated segment on Monday, Morgan told CNN contributor Ben Ferguson that the crisis has brought "all the worst traits of Donald Trump" to the fore and that his handling of the outbreak has been "terrible." Morg…

RT (2020-04-27). Volkswagen resumes production at Europe's largest car factory after Covid-19 shutdown. rt.com The world's largest carmaker, Volkswagen, resumed work on Monday at its biggest factory in Wolfsburg, Germany, amid eased coronavirus lockdown rules. VW says it wants to give workers time to adapt to new hygiene measures. | After a month-long shutdown, around 8,000 workers in Wolfsburg started building cars again on Monday. The factory is planning to build 1,400 cars this week, and 6,000 vehicles during the first two weeks after reopening. | Production capacity at the plant will be at around 10 to 15 percent to begin with, said Andreas Tostmann, VW brand's board member responsible for production. It will reach…

RT (2020-04-27). What pandemic? German minister blasted for wearing NO MASK to receive Covid-19 supplies AND flouting social distancing rules. rt.com Germany's defense minister seems to have missed the memo on 'social distancing' and compulsory mask-wearing, showing up to receive a shipment of pandemic supplies wearing nothing on her face but a smile, prompting ridicule online. | Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer appeared at Leipzig/Halle Airport on Monday, flanked by aides and army personnel (in surprisingly close proximity) and surrounded by a huddle of tightly-packed reporters — almost as if there was no global pandemic to be worried about. | AKK (as she is known in Germany) was there to greet the Bundeswehr-chartered Antonov An-225 cargo plane as it touc…

Bill Hackwell (2020-04-27). Cuba's Covid-19 Medical Brigades Are Not Medical Diplomacy: They Are International Solidarity At Its Finest. dissidentvoice.org Cuban Medical Brigade going to Italy (Photo credit: Ismael Francisco Gonzalez) Today the latest medical brigade from Cuba's Henry Reeves contingent arrived in South Africa to join the front lines with those saving lives in the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic. After a 14 day quarantine the 216 member group, made up of family physicians, …

Anthony DiMaggio (2020-04-27). Record Inequality, COVID-19, and the Crisis of the Have-Nots. counterpunch.org Americans have historically struggled to see inequality as a major societal problem. Inequality in the U.S. was at record levels, even before the emergence of the Covid-19 public health and economic crisis. And Americans have long been tolerant of high inequality in their own country. Less than half historically have said inequality reduction should be a top policy priority of government.

RT (2020-04-27). Australia rejects Beijing's 'economic coercion' threat amid planned probe into pandemic origin. rt.com Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne has cautioned China against attempts at "economic coercion" as Australia pushes for an investigation into the coronavirus pandemic. Beijing's ambassador to Australia, Cheng Jingye, said in a newspaper interview on Monday the "Chinese public" could avoid Australian products and universities. | Payne said in a statement on Monday that Australia had made a "principled call" for an independent review of the Covid-19 outbreak which started in the Chinese city of Wuhan, Reuters reports. "We reject any suggestion that economic coercion is an appropriate response to a call for…

Staff (2020-04-27). Scientific American: As Trump Touts Dangerous Cures, Here's What We Know About COVID-19 Drug Tests. democracynow.org President Trump dangerously suggested injecting disinfectants could help patients sick with the coronavirus, then said he was being "sarcastic." But his remarks led to a spike in calls to helplines about taking disinfectants. We look at "What We Know About the Most Touted Drugs Tested for COVID-19" with Tanya Lewis, associate editor for health and medicine at Scientific American.

Steve Topple (2020-04-27). The MailOnline photoshopped an Olympian to look like he broke coronavirus distancing rules. thecanary.co The MailOnline has generally set a fairly low benchmark for its accuracy and standards of reporting. But it plumbed new depths on Sunday 26 April. Because it quite literally photoshopped a picture of an Olympian to make it look like he had broken coronavirus (Covid-19) social distancing rules.Feel free not to click any of the MailOnline links. Unless you enjoy funding the right-wing corporate press.Former Olympic rower and gold medallist

RT (2020-04-27). Coronavirus infections top 3 MILLION cases worldwide — Johns Hopkins University. rt.com The global coronavirus count has just surged past three million, according to newly released statistics by Johns Hopkins University. The US, with nearly one-third of all Covid-19 infections, still remains the hardest-hit country. | The number of registered cases of Covid-19 around the world stands at 3,002,303 as of Monday, April 27, according to the database maintained by the Baltimore, Maryland-based university. The global death toll has risen over 208,100. | | © Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center | Nearly a third of those confirmed coronavirus cases are in the US alone, along with j…

RT (2020-04-27). Covid-19 mortality in French intensive care units THREE to FOUR TIMES HIGHER than official figures — report. rt.com The number of people dying of the novel coronavirus in French intensive care units could be between three and four times higher than the figure provided by the French government, Le Monde newspaper reports, citing a new study. | Between 30 and 40 percent of all Covid-19 patients, who are transferred to intensive care units and are put on ventilators in France, are dying, a new study by the European Research Network on Artificial Ventilation (REVA) suggests. This figure is several times higher than the data revealed by Jerome Salomon, the director general for health, a high-ranking official within the French in…

RT (2020-04-27). UK Environment Secretary Eustice blasted after suggesting furloughed workers get 2nd job picking fruit. rt.com Environment Secretary George Eustice has come under sharp criticism after suggesting that workers furloughed due to the Covid-19 pandemic could get a second job in agriculture picking fruit and vegetables. | Speaking at a daily briefing on Sunday, Eustice gave some insight into how the coming shortage in the workforce can be managed. At the moment, he said, Britain's agriculture is doing fine, yet "we do anticipate" the sector to experience troubles in June at the height of the harvesting season. | "We estimate that probably only about a third of the migrant labor that would normally come to the UK is here, an…

RT (2020-04-27). Russia OVERTAKES China in number of coronavirus cases. rt.com Almost three months after the first confirmed cases of coronavirus in Russia, the number of infections in the world's largest country has overtaken China, the first nation to report an outbreak of Covid-19. | Official Russian numbers on Monday morning confirmed 6,198 brand new cases of Covid-19, bringing the country's overall total to 87,147. | The number has now surpassed China's official figures which are reported to be 82,830.As Russia's daily new infections continue to be in the several thousands, China's latest government figures state that the country saw just three new cases in the past day. | However,…

RT (2020-04-27). 'Where's the truth, who to believe?': Russian curler Sidorova ponders 'unanswered' coronavirus questions. rt.com Russian Olympic curler Anna Sidorova has urged people to listen to the coronavirus experts while pondering a series of "unanswered questions" about the pandemic. | Sidorva, who skippered her country at the Sochi 2014 Games and who has a host of World and European Championship medals to her name, took to Instagram to ask the big questions that appear to be bothering her as the world grapples with Covid-19. | "Where is the truth? Who to believe?!" Sidorova began the message, which was accompanied by a picture of herself gazing thoughtfully out of the window as a bath robe slips from her shoulder. | "On TV th…

RT (2020-04-27). 'It's a national catastrophe': BoJo ridiculed upon return after claiming many are looking at UK's 'APPARENT SUCCESS' on Covid-19. rt.com British PM Boris Johnson drew widespread criticism on his official return to work following his illness, after suggesting the UK's response to the Covid-19 crisis will be the envy of "many people" around the world. | During his public address to the nation outside 10 Downing Street on Monday, Johnson ostensibly attempted to quell people's anxieties by reeling off a number of UK 'achievements' concerning coronavirus statistics, tempered by an insistence that lockdown measures — which have been in place since March 23 — cannot be lifted just yet. | However, what riled many on social media was his rathe…

RT (2020-04-27). Not dead anymore? As Pyongyang cites Kim's message, media downplays death rumors after Seoul adviser says he's 'alive & well'. rt.com International media headlines have undergone some changes following reports from South Korea that Kim Jong-un isn't dead or even in grave condition. This coincided with the North's state media citing his message to workers. | Major news outlets rushed to quote Moon Chung-in, a national security adviser to South Korea's president, who said on Sunday that the North Korean leader has been staying in the coastal town of Wonsan, downplaying the death rumors. Seoul's position is "firm" that Kim Jong-un, believed to be 36 years of age, "is alive and well," the senior official stated. | Around the same time the remark…