2020-04-07: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

AOC Says Sanders's Plans Highlight the Progressive Future We Need Amid COVID-19
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-07
As millions hope to receive support as soon as possible from the massive coronavirus stimulus bill passed by Congress without adequate oversight mechanisms, we look at who will benefit from "extraordinary asymmetrical assistance" that went to corporations instead of working people. "Some of the people who need it the most are not getting it," says Congressmember Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. "This contributes to a public health crisis in addition to an economic one." She also discusses plans for t…

Be A Hero: COVID-19 w/ Ady Barka, Rep. A. Ocasio-Cortez, & Rahna Epting of MoveOn
Be A Hero Fund, MoveOn | indybay.org | 2020-04-07
Online via Zoom…

Deaths of Inequality: AOC on Black and Latinx Communities at Epicenter of Epicenter of the Pandemic
Staff | democracynow.org | 2020-04-07
As COVID-19 deaths spike in African-American and immigrant communities, almost a third of New York City's infections are in Queens, one of the most diverse places in the world, and many in the hardest-hit neighborhoods are undocumented and working-class. We speak with Congressmember Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who represents the neighborhoods at the epicenter of the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, about how the Trump administration's response to the pandemic is causing "deaths of incompetence," "deaths of science denial" and "deaths of inequality."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders & Fight for a Progressive Future
Staff | democracynow.org | 2020-04-07
As millions hope to receive support as soon as possible from the massive coronavirus stimulus bill passed by Congress without adequate oversight mechanisms, we look at who will benefit from "extraordinary asymmetrical assistance" that went to corporations instead of working people. "Some of the people who need it the most are not getting it," says Congressmember Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. "This contributes to a public health crisis in addition to an economic one." She also discusses plans for the 2020 election and a "progressive future" for the United States with a single-payer health system and a living wage.

Immigrants Know All About Disaster Preparedness
Liana Aghajanian | thenation.com | 2020-04-07
Immigrants Know All About Disaster Preparedness…

San Diego "Honk for Justice" Calls for the Release of people in ICE Detention
repost | indybay.org | 2020-04-07
Author Pedro Rios serves as director of the AFSC's U.S./Mexico Border Program and has been on staff with AFSC since 2003. He is a steering committee member of the Southern Border Communities Coalition, which brings together over 60 organizations along the Southern border working to support migrants and border communities.

For Refugee Camps, Covid-19 Is a Death Sentence
Sasha Abramsky | thenation.com | 2020-04-07
For Refugee Camps, Covid-19 Is a Death Sentence…

San Francisco: Mayor Breed Opts for Mass Indoor Camps
Quiver Watts, Street Sheet | indybay.org | 2020-04-07
While hundreds of advocates have been desperately contacting Mayor London Breed imploring her to place homeless people in hotel rooms and vacant units, it seems she has her own plan for addressing poverty during the pandemic: opening indoor camps to further concentrate vulnerable people.

Video: Collateral Murder 10 Years On
Kristinn Hrafnsson | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-07
Today April 05, 2020 marks the 10th anniversary of the WikiLeaks publication of the Collateral Murder video. | The video shows how two Apache helicopters murdered 11 Iraqi people including two Reuters journalists. | This is one of the publications Julian Assange…

The Decade of Transformation: Remaking International Relations
Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-04-07
The coronavirus pandemic is magnifying the cruelty of US foreign policy. The economic collapse is showing the failure of neoliberalism and how the empire-economy is not working for the people of the world, including the United States. The US is losing its global dominance as it demonstrates its own incompetence in response to the pandemic …

The Pandemic Makes the Bernie 2020 Campaign More Vital Than Ever
Norman Solomon | indybay.org | 2020-04-07
Reasons to stay in the race are ample and solid…

How China learned about SARS-CoV-2 in the weeks before the global pandemic
Vijay Prashad | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-04-07
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the WHO, said at the press conference on that day that this was "the first pandemic caused by a coronavirus." He said, "In the past two weeks, the number of cases of COVID-19 outside China has increased 13-fold, and the number of affected countries has tripled." From March 11 onward, it became clear that this virus was deadly and that it…

How China learned about SARS-CoV-2 in the weeks before the global pandemic
Vijay Prashad | mronline.org | 2020-04-07
In the early weeks when the virus emerged in Wuhan, the Chinese government neither suppressed evidence nor did their warning systems fail.

How China Learned About SARS-CoV-2 in the Weeks Before the Global Pandemic
Vijay Prashad | zcomm.org | 2020-04-07
In the early weeks when the virus emerged in Wuhan, the Chinese government neither suppressed evidence nor did their warning systems fail…

Trump Sends Gun Boats to Venezuela While the World Partners to Fight a Deadly Pandemic
Vijay Prashad, Paola Estrada, Ana Maldonado, and Zoe PC | counterpunch.org | 2020-04-07
On April's Fools Day, U.S. President Donald Trump gave a press conference where he announced a new "counter-narcotics effort" by U.S. Southern Command. "We're deploying additional Navy destroyers, combat ships, aircrafts and helicopters, Coast Guard cutters…doubling our capabilities in the region," he said. The point of this mission–which will be joined by other countries–is to…

Correcting the Sentinel's Latest Errors
Robert Norse & Keith McHenry | indybay.org | 2020-04-07
Food Not Bombs activist Keith McHenry corrects errors, omissions, and distoertions in Sentinel writer Jessica York's recent story "Santa Cruz County launches joint homelessness task force in coronavirus pandemic; Food Not Bombs expands food distribution" (4 PM, April 4th) at www.santacruzsentinel.com/2020/04/04/santa-cruz-county-launches-joint-homelessness-task-force-in-coronavirus-pandemic .

Updates from Santa Cruz's Struggling Benchlands Meal & Santa Barbara's Peter Marin
Robert Norse | indybay.org | 2020-04-07
Santa Barbara activist Peter Marin blasts Santa Barbara's "Let 'Em Die: " Lack of Services. Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs activist Keith McHenry Calls for More Volunteers, Warns Local Authorities Violate CDC Safeguards for Those Outside…

Colombia: Civil Society Speaks out on COVID-19 Outbreak
telesurenglish.net | 2020-04-07
Colombia's National Council for Peace, Reconciliation, and Coexistence (CNPRC) asked President Ivan Duque for a bilateral ceasefire across the South Amerian nation this week. | RELATED: | Colombia: Floods Affect 150 Families in the Choco Region | The Colombian civil society organization made this request after the unilateral declaration of a ceasefire by the National Liberation Army, as a humanitarian measure due to the situation caused by COVID-19. | El CNPRC, that groups 36 social se…

Letter from President Nicolás Maduro to the People of the United States
Nicolas Maduro | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-07
In greeting you, with affection, I take the liberty of addressing you on the occasion of denouncing the severe events taking place against the peace and stability of Venezuela, at a time when the concern of the States and Governments …

Webinar: Racial Justice has no Borders: War & Militarization in the time of Pandemic
MoveOn.org, Veterans For Peace, others | indybay.org | 2020-04-07
Online (go to link below)…

Savior to come to spread peace, justice
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-07
TEHRAN, Apr. 08 (MNA)

Bolivian Authorities Request Protection for Vulnerable Group
telesurenglish.net | 2020-04-07
Bolivia's Ombudsman Office requested the de facto government provide benefits to the population during COVID-19 outbreak that has affected most of the world. | RELATED: | Bolivians Unable to Quarantine, Protest All Over the Country | The administrative body, who overlooks people's rights, asked the government to extend the "Family Coupon" program and a pension for the familiar basket. According to the people's defendant institution, these actions should benefit vulnerable and fe…

'Everything is unraveling': Whole Foods worker speaks out about dangerous conditions
Ted Kelly | workers.org | 2020-04-07
The following is a lightly edited interview with a Workers World member who works in a Whole Foods grocery store in late March. Workers held a nationwide sickout on Tuesday, March 31, to protest low pay and unsafe conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. After this interview, a Wawa gas station . . . | Continue reading 'Everything is unraveling': Whole Foods worker speaks out about dangerous conditions at Workers.org

Pakistani doctors detained for demanding safety gear
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-04-07
On March 6, doctors in the town of Quetta in Pakistan took out a protest demanding personal protection equipment that is vital while working with COVID-19 patients. Instead of addressing their concerns, the government detained them. This is a reflection of the larger situation in the country where doctors are struggling without adequate resources.

WATCH police arrest Pakistani doctors during heated protest over lack of protective gear amid surge in Covid-19
rt.com | 2020-04-07
A group of Pakistani doctors clashed with police after taking to the streets to protest over shortages of protective equipment for frontline healthcare workers fighting the coronavirus. The scuffles led to dozens arrests. | Marching from Quetta's Civil Hospital to the local chief minister's office on Monday, members of the Young Doctors Association (YDA) came out in force to demand better protection for those treating Covid-19 patients. The medics were met by baton-wielding officers, however, who dispersed the intense street protest, which came just one day after some 13 doctors in the city tested positive for…

Amazon Retaliation: Workers Striking Back
Matt Smith | counterpunch.org | 2020-04-07
Last week, my Amazon coworkers in New York took the courageous step of walking off the job to protest our company's lack of action to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Amazon workers in Detroit and Chicago have followed suit, demanding that Amazon shut down any warehouse where positive cases of the virus are found, to ensure a thorough cleaning.

Amazon "Profiting from This Pandemic" as Warehouse Workers Walk Off Job to Demand Safer Conditions
Staff | democracynow.org | 2020-04-07
Just a week "after Amazon fired": www.democracynow.org/2020/3/31/headlines/amazon_fires_organizer_of_staten_island_strike_action a worker who led a walkout, workers at the same Staten Island warehouse walked off the job again Monday to protest unsafe working conditions as online orders soar during the pandemic. We get an update from Angeles Solis, lead organizer at Make the Road New York, which helped organize the strike. Solis helps lead the group's Beyond Amazon coalition in New York City. If Amazon doesn't do more to protect workers, "they are not only profiting from this pandemic, but they're helping t…

Amazon Warehouse Workers Walk Off Job to Demand Safer Conditions During Pandemic
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-07
Just a week after Amazon fired a worker who led a walkout, workers at the same Staten Island warehouse walked off the job again Monday to protest unsafe working conditions as online orders soar during the pandemic. We get an update from Angeles Solis, lead organizer at Make the Road New York, which helped organize the strike. Solis helps lead the group's Beyond Amazon coalitio…

The Chaotic Government Response to COVID-19 Resembles the Failures of 1914
Patrick Cockburn | counterpunch.org | 2020-04-07
Government leaders everywhere are calling for their people to wage war against the coronavirus outbreak, recalling past victories in an effort to boost public morale. In Britain, politicians cite the Second World War as a suitable example of determined and successful resistance to a terrifying enemy. Yet the faltering response of the British authorities to…

Coronavirus: Sanctions and Suffering
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-07
In the midst of the most horrendous crisis to confront the entire human family in recent decades, the United States elite, it appears, is hell-bent on perpetuating massive sanctions against certain states and affecting regime change in some of them. …

Trump and the COV-19 Hydroxychloroquine Cure
Andrew Korybko | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-07
The intense politicization over the topic of experimenting with the promising drug hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients strongly suggests that the "deep state" has intensified its Hybrid War on Trump's America at its most vulnerable moment in modern history, all …

Venezuela's president sends message to U.S. population
Nicolás Maduro | workers.org | 2020-04-07
Caracas, April 3, 2020 To the People of the United States of America: For weeks now, the world stands still, trying to control a pandemic that, without any doubt, is the greatest challenge we have faced together as a society and as international community. Our priority is confronting it, as . . . | Continue reading Venezuela's president sends message to U.S. population at Workers.org

Venezuelan Leader Pens Open Letter to US Public
Telesur | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-07
In a letter issued on Sunday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro warned the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump against making any unwise military decisions against the Bolivarian Republic. | Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza read a letter on Sunday that Venezuelan …

Venezuela Pres Maduro's Message to American people
repost | indybay.org | 2020-04-07
Oil rich Venezuela is again threatened with invasion, by Nazi Trump, with no opposition from any Democrat, sending an armada to Venezuela's shores, in the middle of a pandemic, under the obviously false pretext of drug-pushing, which the world knows Venezuela does not do. The democratically elected government of Nicolas Maduro has sent an open letter to the American people. See www.globalresearch.ca/letter-president-maduro-people-united-states/5708882

Bread Lines in the US
Stephen Lendman | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-07
It happened in the US before. It's happening again in various ways at a time when perhaps harder than ever hard times may be just beginning. | First some background and related thoughts. | The Great Depression of the 1930s in the …

60 Spanish associations call for lifting Iran sanctions
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-07
TEHRAN, Apr. 07 (MNA)

It's Spring and I've Turned 71 in a Pandemic-Induced Recession
Dave Lindorff | counterpunch.org | 2020-04-07
I'm feeling a little weird these days. No, don't worry! I'm not coming down with suspicious flu-like symptoms. So far fortunately, I'm managing to stay healthy despite my 71 years and a lung condition that makes me particularly at risk of any respiratory illness that comes along

"Who's Going to Pay For it?" A Dying Patient's Last Words Before Being Placed on a Ventilator
Alan Macleod | mintpressnews.com | 2020-04-07
In a country that leads in slashing budgets and encouraging individualism, the top-down failure to respond to the coronavirus has been uniquely American in flavor.

Targeting Iran While America Locks Down
Philip Giraldi | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-07
The United States has just declared war against the coronavirus, with President Donald Trump self-proclaiming that he is now a "wartime president." Whether one believes that the virus must be confronted with maximum aggression by effectively shutting down the country …

Biden Says He 'Doesn't Have Enough Information' on Iran to Have a Vew. How Odd, He Negotiated the Nuclear Deal
Robert Fisk | counterpunch.org | 2020-04-07
So, while we continue to be mesmerised by Covid-19, here are a few Middle East tales that should be going viral this week. Let's start with a little divestment story. Microsoft has said it's going to sell its stake in AnyVision, an Israeli facial recognition startup, after civil liberties groups in the US complained that…

Nà£o é a China, mas o mundo ocidental quem deve ser definido como "verdadeiro homem doentio"
Andre Vltchek | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-07
Nà£o há assim tanto tempo, o "Wall Street Journal" insultou a China, apodando-a de "verdadeiro homem doentio da àÅsia". A China retaliou, e depois os EUA contra retaliaram. As emoàßàµes têm estado ao rubro, e foram deportados jornalistas. | Subitamente, vários …

Italian Communists Send a Fraternal Hug to the People of Cuba
telesurenglish.net | 2020-04-07
On Monday, the Italian Communist Party (PCI) issued a public thanks to the cooperation of the Cuban Health workers in this European country. | RELATED: | Cuban Medical Team Arrives in Barbados to Help Fight COVID-19 | "For 60 years, you have been an example and an invaluable resource for all the peoples of the world… A nation that is giving a great lesson in solidarity and humanity. Its doctors, who have cured the sick in 64 countries, testify to the value of a socialist societ…

Lithuanian socialist leader Algirdas Palecki released from jail, to serve house arrest
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-04-07
Socialist leader Algirdas Paleckis has been incarcerated since October 2018 for allegedly "intending to kidnap prosecutors" and being a Russian spy. Critics believe that the former diplomat has been targeted by the right-wing Lithuanian government for his socialist ideology…

Greece and Turkey Clash in NATO Teleconference Waging Mini War of Words
Paul Antonopoulos | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-07
A NATO teleconference last week saw Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlàºt àáavu≈üoƒülu engage in a mini war of words, with accusations made by both sides against each other. àáavu≈üoƒülu took the Council of Foreign Ministers …

Sarisu trans-boundary market new Iran-Turkey Trade gateway
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-07
TEHRAN, Apr. 07 (MNA)

Iran ready to coop. with Turkey to contain coronvairus: Zarif
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-07
TEHRAN, Apr. 07 (MNA)

Paraguay: Government Still Not Providing Enough Aid
telesurenglish.net | 2020-04-07
Paraguay's government provided less than 15 percent of the foreseen economic help announced as a palliative due to the COVID-19 crisis. | RELATED: | COVID-19: First Death and New Case Confirmed in Latin America | According to National Emergency Secretariat (SEN), 41,662 Paraguayan families received economical help under the àëandereko Food Security Programme. Also, it stated 35,775 families received food coupons and 5,877 food kits in Alto Paraguay. Even when the figures se…

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Plan for healthy meals, fewer trips to the grocery store during pandemic
newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org | 2020-04-07
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: During the COVID-19 outbreak, I'm trying to limit trips to the grocery store. But I want to continue to eat healthy meals. What foods should I consider stocking up on, knowing that I probably won't be buying anything fresh for a couple of weeks? ANSWER: Most people are in the habit of …

Ecuadorian Humanitarian Catastrophe Amidst Pandemic
Lucas Leiroz de Almeida | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-07
Among the countries affected by the global pandemic, it is undeniable that there is a certain imbalance in media coverage, with some very affected countries being scarcely followed by the news, while in other locations the situation is overestimated. An …

Under COVID-19 stress, healthcare crumbles in neoliberal Ecuador
Peoples Dispatch | peoplesdispatch.org | 2020-04-07
In the city of Guayaquil in Guayas, dead bodies, most likely victims of the pandemic, are piling up on streets as funeral services fail to collect them on time, forcing families to abandon them.