2023-02-16: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-02-16). New Bank of Japan governor has to tread a fine line. wsws.org The key task facing the new governor will be the reorientation of the central bank's policy away from yield curve control (YCC), instituted in 2016, under which the BOJ outlaid the equivalent of trillions of dollars to purchase government bonds and keep interest rates at near zero levels.

WSWS (2023-02-16). Japan plans to downgrade COVID-19 classification. wsws.org The Kishida government intends to further artificially suppress COVID-19 case numbers as the virus continues to run rampant in Japan.

WSWS (2023-02-16). Earthquake-ravaged Syria abandoned as Washington continues to pursue its goal of regime change. wsws.org The grand total of $85 million in aid offered by the Biden administration to both Turkey and Syria represents a tiny fraction of the billions in arms and aid poured into the proxy jihadist forces that ravaged Syria in Washington's regime change war.

Foreign Policy in Focus (2023-02-16). Should a repressive petrostate get to host UN climate talks? The UAE Plans for a Fossil Fuel Friendly COP28. juancole.com By Joey Shea | — ( Foreign Policy in Focus) — In recent weeks, grave concerns have emerged about the conflicts of interest posed by the United Arab Emirates as host of the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference known as COP28, as well as fears about the safety and security of participants in the …

Foreign Policy in Focus (2023-02-16). Should a repressive petrostate get to host UN climate talks? The UAE Plans for a Fossil Fuel Friendly COP28. juancole.com By Joey Shea | — ( Foreign Policy in Focus) — In recent weeks, grave concerns have emerged about the conflicts of interest posed by the United Arab Emirates as host of the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference known as COP28, as well as fears about the safety and security of participants in the …

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