2022-12-25: News Headlines

americanthinker (2022-12-25). 10 Christmas movie classics for the holidays. americanthinker.com A movie buff recommends some good family fare for the holidays.

| Anadolu Agency | (2022-12-25). Pope Francis conducts traditional Christmas service at Vatican. tribune.com.pk

Juan Cole (2022-12-25). A Merry Palestinian Christmas in Bethlehem: Tourism and National Resistance. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) The Mayor of Bethlehem, Hanna Hanania, said that this year's holiday message was titled "Christmas brings us together", that is, it unites us on goodness, love and giving, and it is a message to the international community of the need to stand up to its responsibilities and to stop Israeli practices. | I don't know about you, but the ending of that sentence brought me up short. Christmas…

| Reuters | (2022-12-25). U.S. deep freeze leaves hundreds of thousands without power. tribune.com.pk An arctic blast that gripped much of the United States on Saturday left more than 700,000 without power, at least 16 dead from weather-related car crashes and thousands stranded due to flight cancellations. | Plummeting temperatures were expected to bring the coldest Christmas Eve on record, and energy systems across the country were strained by rising demand for heat and storm-related damage to transmission lines. | The latest outage numbers are a sharp drop from the 1.8 million U.S. homes and businesses left without power as of early Saturday morning, according to tracking site Poweroutage.us. | Many electri…

americanthinker (2022-12-25). Christmas and the war on Christmas. americanthinker.com Christmas is God's greatest gift, for man's greatest need. Why the war on Christmas?>

americanthinker (2022-12-25). Even in War, Good Will toward Men. americanthinker.com Have you heard this Christmas miracle from the Battle of the Bulge?>

americanthinker (2022-12-25). Some thoughts on why Handel's Messiah at Christmas is so compelling. americanthinker.com The soaring oratorio at Christmas seems to be touched by the divine…

James J. Zogby (2022-12-25). Christmas in Palestine: Then and Now. globalresearch.ca

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2022-12-25). Christmas Visions: Children and the Importance of Redemption. globalresearch.ca First published on December 26, 2020 | The Factory | "And such should childhood ever be, | The fairy well; to bring | To life's worn, weary memory | The freshness of its spring. | But here the order is reversed, | And infancy, like age, | Knows …

americanthinker (2022-12-25). Merry Christmas from 30 million Texans. americanthinker.com You don't need a newspaper story to confirm that Texas is growing.

Kathryn Shihadah (2022-12-25). Unholy Days and Nights in Bethlehem. indybay.org On December 3rd, amid joyous celebration, the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony took place in Manger Square in Bethlehem, Palestine. In just a few more days, Bethlehem will commemorate the day of Jesus' birth right in the very town where it happened. It is a holy, magical time of year for residents and visitors. We may picture a sleepy, picturesque town surrounded by hills, dotted with sheep, but the reality in the city of Bethlehem and its environs (the Bethlehem Governate) is much different.

____ (2022-12-25). Merry Christmas, Again And Why… smoothiex12.blogspot.com

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-25). Temporal invernal deja al menos 22 muertos en Estados Unidos. telesurtv.net El temporal Elliot ha dejado a más de 315 mil hogares y negocios sin energía eléctrica en la víspera de Navidad.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-25). Lula hace votos por una Navidad que reconcilie a Brasil. telesurtv.net El líder del PT transmitió su aspiración a que "la Navidad sea de reconciliación familiar y de Brasil consigo mismo".

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-25). Familiares de Pelé lo acompañan en el hospital durante Navidad. telesurtv.net El astro futbolístico, tres veces campeón mundial, está acompañado de sus hijos Flavia, Kely y Edinho Nascimento.

Staff (2022-12-25). Papa Francisco llama a mayores esfuerzos para solucionar conflictos políticos y sociales. cubadebate.cu El papa Francisco pidió este domingo esfuerzos para que "se pacifiquen las tensiones políticas y sociales que afectan a varios países del continente americano", en el mensaje de Navidad pronunciado desde la logia central de la basílica de San Pedro antes de la bendición Urbi et Otbi.

____ (2022-12-25). US life expectancy falls to lowest in 25 years. ecns.cn The average life expectancy in the United States shortened by more than seven months last year primarily due to an increase in deaths from COVID-19 and drug overdoses, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-25). Resilient China injects certainty into global economic recovery. ecns.cn

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2022-12-25). Perú anuncia apoyo para familias de manifestantes fallecidos. telesurtv.net El titular de Justicia expresó su solidaridad a las familias que perdieron a un miembro durante las manifestaciones en el país.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-25). Poder Judicial peruano admite a trámite apelación de Castillo. telesurtv.net Magistrado peruano señala que el recurso interpuesto por el exmandatario cumple las formalidades establecidas para ser evaluado por la Corte Suprema.

Editor (2022-12-25). Sen. Lindsey Graham Says Ukraine War Will Only End If Putin Is 'Taken Out'. scheerpost.com

Staff (2022-12-25). While Ukraine War Continues, Southeast Europe Braces for Conflict in Serbia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com While Ukraine War Continues, Southeast Europe Braces for Conflict in Serbia After 300 NATO-trained Kosovar military police officers occupied the northern city of Kosovska Mitrovica in southern Serbia/Kosovo in early December, the Serbian president is looking to send the military into the region under United Nations Sec. Council Resolution 1244. www.worldatlarge.news/world-conflict/2022/12/20/while-ukraine-war-continues-southeast-europe-braces-for-conflict-in-serbia?fbclid=IwAR1cYnV5KXvdx8ttpvbm-e3_d_Zv4AP2xysyoJCZw3-Te8s56eAB-cSwDkc

| Reuters | (2022-12-25). Putin says Russia ready to negotiate over Ukraine. tribune.com.pk Russia is ready to negotiate with all parties involved in the war in Ukraine but Kyiv and its Western backers have refused to engage in talks, President Vladimir Putin said in an interview aired on Sunday. | Russia's Feb 24 invasion of Ukraine has triggered the most deadly conflict in Europe since World War Two and the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. | There is, thus far, little end in sight to the war. | The Kremlin says it will fight until all its aims are achieved while Kyiv says it will not rest until every Russian soldier is ejected from all of its te…

| Reuters | (2022-12-25). China stages 'strike drills' around Taiwan, citing provocation. tribune.com.pk China's military said it had conducted "strike drills" in the sea and airspace around Taiwan on Sunday in response to unspecified "provocation" from the democratically-governed island and the United States. | Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory, has complained of repeated Chinese military activity nearby over the past three years or so as Beijing seeks to pressure Taipei to accept Chinese sovereignty. | China staged war games around Taiwan in August following a visit to Taipei by then-US House speaker Nancy Pelosi, and on Saturday it condemned the United States for a new defence authorisation law t…

americanthinker (2022-12-25). When it comes to COVID and China, it's déjà vu all over again. americanthinker.com Reports from China sound eerily like the same reports that led to 2020's rise of the invariably wrong "experts" and the end of America as we knew it.

____ (2022-12-25). China's economy has survived the most difficult period: official. ecns.cn China's economy has survived the most difficult period and an overall improvement is expected in 2023, an official said at a forum on Saturday.

____ (2022-12-25). Chinese cities issue vouchers to prop up consumer spending. ecns.cn Local governments across China have issued a new round of consumption vouchers to boost the recovery of catering, tourism, retail and other industries weighed down by the COVID-19 epidemic.

____ (2022-12-25). Xi stresses building up China's strength in agriculture at key rural work conference. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for enhanced efforts to build up China's strength in agriculture and do a good job in work on agriculture and rural areas.

____ (2022-12-25). Eight major achievements of China's major-country diplomacy in 2022: FM. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Sunday that over the year 2022, China has conducted major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in an all-round way, making new contribution to upholding world peace and promoting common development.

____ (2022-12-25). (W. E. Talk) How to refurbish agricultural cooperation between China and America? –Exclusive interview with Kenneth M. Quinn, honorary president of World Food Prize Foundation. ecns.cn Economic and trade cooperation, especially in agriculture, is the ballast of China-U.S. relations. Since the re-establishment of diplomatic ties, the two countries have initiated technical exchanges and cooperation in agriculture. Iowa, the state known as the "granary of the United States," plays a vital role in agricultural cooperation with China. In 1983, it signed an agreement with Hebei Province as a sister province/state, and the vitality of exchanges has always been maintained.

____ (2022-12-25). Shanghai opens about 2,590 fever clinics as COVID-19 infections surge. ecns.cn In a fever alertness clinic on Friday in Putuo District, east China's Shanghai, patients were being treated in an orderly manner. Starting on Monday, a total of 2,594 small-scale fever clinics in community health centers across Shanghai started to treat patients.

____ (2022-12-25). China to commit itself to cause of peace, development for humanity: FM. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sunday said China will commit itself to the noble cause of peace and development for humanity on the new journey to build China into a modern socialist country in all respects.

____ (2022-12-25). Zimbabwe, China renew extradition treaty. ecns.cn Zimbabwe and China have renewed their extradition treaty with effect from Dec. 23, 2022, Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Minister Kazembe Kazembe has said.

____ (2022-12-25). Efforts made to build a barrier against COVID-19. ecns.cn As multiple regions in China have seen surging COVID-19 infections, local governments are taking swift and precise measures to prevent severe cases, protect people's health, and build a barrier against the epidemic.

____ (2022-12-25). China firmly opposes U.S. signing into law national defense authorization act: spokesperson. ecns.cn China deplores and firmly opposes the U.S. passing and signing into law the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, which contains negative content concerning China, a foreign ministry spokesperson said Saturday in a press release.

The Conversation (2022-12-25). Are China's increasing Economic ties with the Gulf states reducing the West's Sway in the Middle East? juancole.com By Emilie Rutledge, The Open University | At the end of November 2022, UK prime minister Rishi Sunak announced that the "golden era" between Great Britain and China was over. China may not have been too bothered by this news however, and has been busy making influential friends elsewhere. In early December, Chinese president …

____ (2022-12-25). China to break new ground in major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics: FM. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Sunday that China will fully implement the policies set by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and break new ground in major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in 2023.

____ (2022-12-25). Head-of-state diplomacy sets pace for China's overall diplomatic work: FM. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Sunday that the head-of-state diplomacy has been immensely successful with one significant event after another and has set the pace for China's overall diplomatic work, which can be highlighted as one home-ground event, two major initiatives, and three important visits.

____ (2022-12-25). China's top legislature protests China-related content in U.S. defense act. ecns.cn A spokesperson for China's national legislature on Saturday voiced strong dissatisfaction with and firm opposition to the China-related content of a new U.S. defense act.

____ (2022-12-25). Xi Jinping leads China's drive toward rural modernization. ecns.cn China has embarked on a fast track of development in pursuing the modernization of agriculture and rural areas thanks to the persistent and concerted efforts mobilized and guided by the Chinese leadership with Xi Jinping at its core.

____ (2022-12-25). Winter Naadam festival booms tourism in N China's Inner Mongolia. ecns.cn The 19th Naadam of Ice and Snow Festival kicked off on Thursday in Hulunbuir, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

____ (2022-12-25). China's defense ministry protests China-related content in U.S. defense act. ecns.cn A Chinese defense spokesperson on Saturday voiced strong dissatisfaction with and firm opposition to the China-related content of a new U.S. defense act.

mforinoco (2022-12-25). Why Chinese 'Debt Trap Diplomacy' is a Lie. orinocotribune.com By Amanda Yee Dec 19, 2022 | U.S. politicians and corporate media often promote the narrative that China lures developing countries into predatory, high-interest loans to build infrastructure projects as part of its Belt and Road Initiative. As the story goes, China anticipates that the borrowing country will default on that loan, so that it can then seize that asset in order to extend its military or geostrategic influence — evidence of China's so-called colonizing of the Global South. | The concept of Chinese "debt trap diplomacy" finds its origins in a 2017 academic article published by a think tan…

____ (2022-12-25). One year on, RCEP, CCFTA give momentum to Cambodia's trade growth in post-pandemic era. ecns.cn One year on, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade deal and the Cambodia-China Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) have injected a vital impetus to Cambodia's trade growth in…

____ (2022-12-25). China's national postgraduate entrance exam kicks off. ecns.cn China's 2023 national entrance exam for postgraduate studies kicked off on Saturday. Relatives and friends of the candidates came to refuel them outside the exam sites.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-25). China estima que la relaciones con Rusia son sólidas como una roca. telesurtv.net El ministro de Exteriores de China hizo énfasis en el trabajo conjunto sobre la multipolaridad y una mayor democracia en las relaciones internacionales.

Staff (2022-12-25). India vacunará a sus niñas contra el cáncer de cuello del útero. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno de la India anunció este sábado que pondrá en marcha la vacunación contra el cáncer de cuello de útero de las niñas entre nueve y 14 años de edad, a través de las escuelas. | Recientemente, un estudió en la revista científica The Lancet reveló que India es el país asiático con mayor incidencia de cáncer de este tipo, seguido de China.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-25). 18 mineros quedaron atrapados en una mina en el oeste de China. telesurtv.net Según el Departamento de Gestión de Emergencias de Xinjiang, al momento del derrumbe había cerca de 40 personas trabajando en la mina de oro.

americanthinker (2022-12-25). Schadenfreude: Department of Energy ramps up the war against their tax slaves (us). americanthinker.com Biden's criminal confederacy thrives under climate communism.

Ann Brown (2022-12-25). 10 Important Facts About The Extraordinary Influence Of HBCUs In America. moguldom.com The news about Historically Black Colleges and Universities tends to cover their financial struggles. A recent tweet by Dr. KaNisha L. Hall reminds everyone of the excellence that has come from HBCUs. The board-certified anesthesiologist, who attended Howard University, posted a Twitter thread that began with "You know I got something to say!!! 4 HBCU …

Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty (2022-12-25). Taliban's University Ban Signals Return To Past Repression Of Women. juancole.com I'm Mustafa Sarwar, a senior news editor at RFE/RL's Radio Azadi. Here's what I've been tracking and what I'm keeping an eye on in the days ahead. (RFE/RL ) The Taliban banned women from attending universities in Afghanistan on December 20. In a statement, the Taliban's Higher Education Ministry said the decision was effective …

| Anadolu Agency | (2022-12-25). FBI 'doorman to social media censorship, surveilance', reveal Twitter Files. tribune.com.pk The FBI acts "as doorman to a vast program of social media surveillance and censorship, encompassing agencies across the federal government," according to the latest Twitter Files release. | Mentioning that FBI did not refute the previous claims about how it benefited from the social media platform, which had basically asserted that the FBI moderates the Twitter, journalist Matt Taibbi said on Twitter that the bureau shared a statement on Wednesday, saying: "The men and women of the FBI work every day to protect the American public…" | Read Former employees create Twitter alternative called Spill | "It is un…

| AFP | (2022-12-25). Women staff ban: Top UN, NGO officials to meet over Taliban policy. tribune.com.pk Top officials from the United Nations and dozens of NGOs operating in Afghanistan are meeting Sunday to discuss the way ahead after the Taliban authorities ordered all NGOs to stop women employees from working, aid officials said. | The hardline Islamists on Saturday threatened to suspend the operating licences of NGOs if they failed to implement the order. | The Ministry of Economy, which issues these licences, said it had received "serious complaints" that women working in NGOs were not observing a proper Islamic dress code. | "A meeting of Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) is scheduled later today to consult…

| Reuters | (2022-12-25). Nepal's 'fierce' ex-guerrilla chief becomes new prime minister. tribune.com.pk

| Reuters | (2022-12-25). Paris shooting suspect expressed 'hatred of foreigners', says prosecutor. tribune.com.pk The suspect detained over the killing of three Kurdish people in Paris told investigators of his "hatred of foreigners", the Paris prosecutor said on Sunday. | The 69-year-old man was arrested on Friday after shooting dead two men and a woman at a Kurdish cultural centre and nearby Kurdish cafe in the 10th district of Paris. | The killings stunned a community preparing to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the unresolved murder of three activists and prompted protests that led to clashes with police. | The suspect said during questioning that a burglary at his home in 2016 had triggered a "hatred of foreigner…

Editor (2022-12-25). Democrats Are Making a Devil's Bargain on Pentagon Funding. It's Not Paying Off. scheerpost.com

Editor (2022-12-25). Twitter Suspends Palestinian Journalist Arikat, and Media Response—Silence. scheerpost.com

Staff (2022-12-25). A call from Palestine: Take action for the freedom of Ahmad Sa'adat and Palestinian prisoners. samidoun.net We urge all friends and supporters of Palestine to read the following statement, first issued in Arabic by the Handala Center for Prisoners and Former Prisoners, and join us to take action this January 14-24, 2023 to free Ahmad Sa'adat and all Palestinian prisoners! Visit our resource page for posters, flyers, graphics and materials to …

americanthinker (2022-12-25). DIE on the Road to Global Tyranny. americanthinker.com Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity is a favorite of the elite Davos crowd. And it's for nothing good.

americanthinker (2022-12-25). How the FBI Used Twitter to Lie to You. americanthinker.com The FBI we know is a creation of Hollywood.

americanthinker (2022-12-25). If Tucker Carlson Were On the Air in 1941. americanthinker.com A fun little thought experiment in an alternate reality….

americanthinker (2022-12-25). The Arizona Printer Problem. americanthinker.com Is the investigation into Maricopa county voter fraud asking the right questions?>

americanthinker (2022-12-25). A Biden and Bankman-Fried connection emerging? americanthinker.com Is Joe Biden about to get engulfed in another huge corruption scandal?>

americanthinker (2022-12-25). House Republicans report on Jan. 6. americanthinker.com House Republicans have released their own report on the infamous Capitol riot.

americanthinker (2022-12-25). Mark Finchem and Katie Hobbs were once political allies. americanthinker.com If it weren't for Andy Biggs and others like him, the Electoral College would be obsolete, and Hillary would have won in 2016.

americanthinker (2022-12-25). New Twitter Files drop: the FBI was a liaison for all sorts of government agencies. americanthinker.com Thanks to the FBI's Foreign Information Task Force, the entire federal government got access to Twitter and was able to control the flow of information.

Claire Asher (2022-12-25). Playing Dangerously: The Environmental Impact of Video Gaming Consoles. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2022-12-25). US 'Justice' System Trashes Diplomatic Immunity & Rules Against Alex Saab, Defense Working on Appeal. orinocotribune.com Caracas, December 24, 2022 ( "The Maduro regime has been deemed illegitimate … Any claim of diplomatic immunity asserted by a representative of the Maduro regime must also be considered illegitimate," Scola ruled. | The ruling was reported by AP journalist, Joshua Goo…

Animal Liberation Press Office (2022-12-25). Largest US Fur Farm, Recently Raided by ALF, Closes. indybay.org Ohio: The largest mink farm in the U.S. is closing on Friday. The owner of North America's largest mink farm, located in Van Wert County, Ohio is closing down the business and selling it, according to the farm's operations manager, Eddie Meyer.

DJ Mouse (2022-12-25). Goodbye Moral High Road, Tracy, Riva,Steve, Jack and Carol at Feb. 2020 press conference. indybay.org Tracy Rosenberg, Riva Enteen, Steve, Jack Heyman, Carol Denny and more on the sabotage from the top of our once favorite network…

Vlada Moran (2022-12-25). Saturday 12/31: New Year's Eve Organists' Kaleidophone. indybay.org Peace United Church | 900 High Street, Santa Cruz…

Marc Batko, W Meyer, K Chavent (2022-12-25). The Humor of Jesus and The cry of the poor. indybay.org After much meditation and reflection, I firmly believe that Jesus made fun of individualism and profit-oriented economic systems. Winning people to trust the infinite, invisible and transcendent God was surely his central goal. "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?" he asked his calculating counterpart. "No sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's consent. You are worth more…!

____ (2022-12-25). Comicomment: U.S. unilateralism, trade protectionism harm global trade. ecns.cn

Animal Liberation Press Office (2022-12-25). 4000 More Captive Mink Find Freedom in Michigan, Farm Sabotaged. indybay.org In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, activists have claimed responsibility for the liberation of 4000 captive mink from Scholten Farm in Wayland, Michigan (260 139th Avenue). This is the fourth liberation from an American fur farm in the last 2 months. Extensive damage to ten farm vehicles, the water supply and killing devices were also claimed.

President Biden Executive Order (2022-12-25). How will California expand active engagement with the Pan African Diaspora? indybay.org President of the United States of America Executive Order on Establishing the President's Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States – How do we expand active engagement throughout California?>

____ (2022-12-25). Xi meets with Macao SAR chief executive. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping on Friday met with Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Ho Iat Seng, who is on a duty visit to Beijing.

Mobilization for Reproductive Justice (2022-12-25). Saturday 1/21: Counter Protest the Catholic Led "Walk for Life" indybay.org Gather at the Philip Burton Federal Courthouse, 4 Golden Gate Ave to rally. Then march together the short distance to Civic Center where the Walk for Life West Coast will hold its annual rally. Our counter protest will be there.

Labor Video Project (2022-12-25). NNU-CNA Sutter Alta Bates Hospital Nurses Fed Up & Strike Against Concession Contract. indybay.org 1800 Sutter nurses at Berkeley Alta Bates and Summit hospitals have gone on a strike for ten days. They are angry at a concession agreement that was being pushed by the NNU-CNA leadership that would allow a two tier contract and would continue the loss nurses to Kaiser where nurses are paid $10 to $12 an hour more.

| Reuters | (2022-12-25). UK's Sunak criticised for asking homeless man if he 'works in business'. tribune.com.pk British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faced criticism on Saturday for seeming out of touch with ordinary people when he asked a homeless man at a charity whether he "worked in business" and wanted to get into the finance industry. | Sunak, a former Goldman Sachs banker and one of Britain's wealthiest people, was serving breakfast at a homeless shelter in London on Friday, when he began chatting with a man who identified himself as Dean. | "Do you work in business?" the prime minister asks the man at one point during the conversation, as he hands him a plate of sausages, toast and eggs. | "No, I'm homeless. I'm ac…

Lynda Carson (2022-12-25). HUD FY 2023 budget saves subsidized housing units for the poor. indybay.org New HUD Budget For FY 2023:…

americanthinker (2022-12-25). Helen Keller knew God before she knew His name. americanthinker.com A story of innocence and faith brings light to a dark world.

Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (2022-12-25). Wednesday 12/21: Ninth Annual Homeless Person's Interfaith Memorial Service in San Jose. indybay.org Plaza of SCC Gov. building | 70 W. Hedding Street | San Jose, CA 95110…

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-25). Gobierno afgano ordena nueva restricción contra las mujeres. telesurtv.net El Talibán ordena a las ONG´S nacionales y extranjeras no contratar a mujeres afganas.

americanthinker (2022-12-25). The drag queens' dirty little secret: Their lack of talent is intentional. americanthinker.com This is all part of the left's deliberate effort to downgrade beauty and hope in the world.

KQED Live (2022-12-25). Sunday 1/22: A Royal Walk with the King Tides in South Bay. indybay.org Cooley Landing | 2100 Bay Rd | East Palo Alto, CA 94303…

Minnesota Reformer (2022-12-25). A Pastor Comes to Terms with the Church's Idols of Trump, Money and Power. juancole.com By Rev. Angela Denker | Book excerpt: A pastor comes to terms with the Church's idols of Trump, money and power Red State Christians: A Journey into White Christian Nationalism and the Wreckage it leaves behind," available everywhere books are sold. ( Minnesota Reformer ) On Sunday, January 10, 2021, I woke up …

____ (2022-12-25). Cradle of Civilization: Mausoleum of Qinshihuang. ecns.cn

____ (2022-12-25). Xi meets with HKSAR chief executive. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping on Friday met with Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) John Lee, who is on a duty visit to Beijing.

Brenda Norrell (2022-12-25). Quechan battle lithium mining at Salton Sea, songs carry sacred origins. indybay.org Quechan Elder Preston Arrow-weed led the battle against gold ming here on Quechan sacred land, and now battles a new monster, lithium mining, driven by corporate greenwashing for electric vehicles.

Noe Yeonkkoch (2022-12-25). Woman's Rights and Public Rape Crisis Disputes Nationalized in S. Korea. indybay.org

David Giesen (2022-12-25). Wednesday 12/21: Environmental economics for dummies featuring THE LORAX. indybay.org ZOOM: us05web.zoom.us/j/84595777949?pwd=cEpMVFUxNXRPRUJEVU5OSnhXOXZGdz09

David Giesen (2022-12-25). Friday 12/23: Environmental Economics for Dummies, featuring The Lorax. indybay.org ZOOM: us05web.zoom.us/j/84595777949?pwd=cEpMVFUxNXRPRUJEVU5OSnhXOXZGdz09

Staff (2022-12-25). Cuba reconoce avance de los Estados Unidos en el cumplimiento de acuerdos migratorios. cubadebate.cu Tras cinco años de sostenido incumplimiento por parte de Washington de los acuerdos migratorios con La Habana, en este momento se aprecia un avance, aseguró Johana Tablada, subdirectora general de Estados Unidos en la Cancillería cubana.

Staff (2022-12-25). Desigualdad y vulnerabilidad social, prioridades de Cuba en 2023. cubadebate.cu Actualmente, más de mil comunidades y alrededor de 20 mil familias reciben algún tipo de protección, y se trabaja de manera particular con los jóvenes sin vínculo laboral o educativo, para lo cual existe una estrategia, según dijo el vice primer ministro y titular de Economía, Alejandro Gil.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-25). Al menos cuatro fallecidos en un accidente de autobús en España. telesurtv.net Las tareas de rescate fueron suspendidas de madrugada por las malas condiciones, ya que el río llevaba un caudal muy elevado, con una intensa corriente.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-25). Rusia y Azerbaiyán abordan seguridad en frontera con Armenia. telesurtv.net El presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, mantuvo una conversación telefónica con su homólogo de Azerbaiyán, Ilhám Alíev, según informó el Kremlin.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-25). Rusia está dispuesta a negociar la paz con Ucrania. telesurtv.net El presidente ruso Vladímir Putin indicó que Ucrania y sus aliados de Occidente rechazan el diálogo con Moscú.

Staff (2022-12-25). Forbes Italia selecciona al Ron Santiago como uno de los mejores del mundo. cubadebate.cu Sabores decisivos, combinados con notas sublimes capaces de ofrecer experiencias extraordinarias al paladar, así definió la revista especializada Forbes Italia a los 23 mejores rones del mercado, entre los que se encuentra el cubano Ron Santiago Extra Añejo 11 años.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2022-12-25). Aumentan niveles de contagio por la Covid-19 en Guatemala. telesurtv.net Las cifras presentan con los mayores acumulados de casos a los departamentos de Guatemala, Sacatepequez, El Progreso, Zacapa y Quetzaltenango.

Staff (2022-12-25). Informan sobre tratamiento laboral de este domingo 25 de diciembre. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (MTSS) informó el tratamiento laboral y salarial previsto para este domingo, día feriado, según lo previsto en la Ley 116 "Código de Trabajo", del 20 de diciembre de 2013.Este 25 de diciembre recesan las actividades laborales, con excepción de las relacionadas con la zafra azucarera y otros trabajos agrícolas urgentes.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-25). Ejército y policía montan cerco en Tutunichapa, San Salvador. telesurtv.net El Gobierno desplegó más de 1.000 soldados y 130 policías con el objetivo de "remover" a todos los presuntos delincuentes que residen en el sector.

Staff (2022-12-25). Autor de tiroteo en París admite sentir un odio patológico contra los extranjeros. cubadebate.cu El presunto autor del atentado ocurrido el pasado viernes contra un centro kurdo en París, con un saldo de tres muertos y otros tres heridos, ha admitido sentir un "odio patológico hacia los extranjeros", según han dicho este domingo fuentes oficiales.

Staff (2022-12-25). El monumento a Fidel en Moscú. cubadebate.cu En la reciente gira del primer secretario del Comité Central y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, por cuatro países de Europa y Asia, un momento particularmente emotivo fue su presencia, junto al presidente Vladimir Putin, en la inauguración de un monumento al Comandante en Jefe en el distrito Sokol, de Moscú, en la plaza que precisamente lleva por nombre Fidel Castro. Hoy conversamos con el escultor de esta obra Alexey Dmitrevich Chebanenko.

Staff (2022-12-25). Liga Élite: Ya está el orden de los cuatro primeros para los play off. cubadebate.cu Agricultores concluyó en la cima de la tabla (30-19), a pesar de perder los dos últimos juegos con Centrales, quienes se colocaron en el segundo lugar (27-23), Portuarios (26-24), Tabacaleros (25-20), y fuera de los play off quedaron Ganaderos (20-28) y Cafetaleros (19-29).

Staff (2022-12-25). UNE no pronostica afectaciones por déficit de generación para este domingo 25 de diciembre. cubadebate.cu Este sábado 24 no se afectó el servicio eléctrico por déficit de capacidad de generación. Con este pronóstico, se estima para la hora pico una disponibilidad de 2707 MW y una demanda máxima de 2550 MW, para una reserva de 157 MW.

Staff (2022-12-25). Cuba podrá contar con jugadores cubanos de la MLB para el V Clásico Mundial. cubadebate.cu La Federación Cubana de Beisbol (FCB) ha sido informada de que el Gobierno de Estados Unidos otorgó el permiso para que atletas de origen cubano, con residencia en ese país, puedan integrar su equipo al V Clásico Mundial de Beisbol, programado del 8 al 21 de marzo de 2023.La comunicación precisa que próximamente informarán los detalles de la licencia otorgada.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-25). ONU condena nuevo decreto contra las mujeres en Afganistán. telesurtv.net EE.UU. amenazó al Gobierno talibán, al afirmar que el decreto podría llevar a la interrupción de la ayuda humanitaria al país asiático.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-25). Ascienden a 31 los fallecidos tras alud en campamento en Malasia. telesurtv.net Concluyen operaciones de búsqueda de víctimas. Balance final arroja 61 heridos. De los fallecidos, 11 eran menores.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2022-12-25). Solicitan nulidad de indulto a responsables de masacre en Brasil. telesurtv.net El indulto de Jair Bolsonaro a los militares vinculados a la masacre de Carandirú es una afrenta a la dignidad humana y a los principios del derecho internacional público.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-25). Venezuela rechaza fallo judicial en EE. UU. sobre Alex Saab. telesurtv.net Caracas denuncia fallo judicial que viola la Convención de Viena sobre Relaciones Diplomáticas, instrumento del cual EE.UU. es Estado parte.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-25). Declaran estado de emergencia en región sudanesa de Darfur. telesurtv.net La declaración se produce tras un estallido de violencia tribal que ha dejado al menos 11 muertos y decenas de heridos.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-25). Venezuela rechaza fallo judicial en EE. UU. que desconoce inmunidad diplomática de Alex Saab. telesurtv.net Caracas denuncia fallo judicial que viola la Convención de Viena sobre Relaciones Diplomáticas, instrumento del cual EE.UU. es Estado parte.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-25). Al menos un muerto deja tiroteo en un centro comercial de EE.UU. telesurtv.net El centro comercial prohíbe las armas de fuego en las instalaciones, pero no tiene detectores de metales en sus entradas.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2022-12-25). Bolsonaro indulta a militares acusados por masacre carcelaria. telesurtv.net Considerada una de las más sangrientas de la historia carcelaria de Brasil, la masacre de Carandiru ocurrió el 2 de octubre de 1992.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-12-25). México: La incesante militarización en pueblos indígenas. indybay.org México: La incesante militarización en pueblos indígenas | Basta Ya de represión!

Staff (2022-12-25). Chile declara controlado el incendio en Viña del Mar. cubadebate.cu "El incendio de Viña del Mar está en situación controlada y ha dejado la alerta roja. Eso no quiere decir que esté totalmente extinguido", dijo la ministra del Interior, Carolina Tohá, al hacer un balance de la situación en esa localidad, a 120 km al oeste de Santiago. La funcionaria descartó que haya una amenaza directa para los residentes en la zona afectada.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2022-12-25). Arrestados más de 43 pandilleros en operativo policial en San Salvador. telesurtv.net La operación tiene como objetivo golpear a los narcotraficantes y pandillas que delinquen en el lugar…

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2022-12-25). Declaran la alerta sanitaria en Panamá por caso de gripe aviar. telesurtv.net La Dirección Nacional de Salud Animal orientó una serie de acciones a sus veterinarios y personal técnico para dar seguimiento a la enfermedad en el país.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-25). Incendio forestal en Chile ha dejado al menos 67 heridos. telesurtv.net La Corporación Nacional Forestal de Chile estimó en 111 hectáreas el área afectada por el fuego forestal en la ciudad chilena de Vila del Mar.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-25). Decenas de rohinyás quedan varados en la isla indonesia de Sumatra. telesurtv.net Telmaizul Syatri, jefe de la oficina de inmigración local, dijo que los refugiados serán alojados temporalmente en una instalación del gobierno local.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-12-25). Ferrocarrileros británicos continúan paro en Nochebuena. telesurtv.net El Sindicato Nacional Marítimo, de Ferrocarril y Transporte rechazó el aumento del cinco por ciento de Network Rail.

Staff (2022-12-25). Rusia donará a Cuba 25 mil toneladas de trigo en los próximos meses. cubadebate.cu Las autoridades rusas destinaron más de 800 millones de rublos al Ministerio de Emergencias para la compra y entrega a Cuba de 25 mil toneladas de trigo, informo la agencia de noticias Prensa Latina en un despacho fechado en Moscú.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-25). Desplome de una grada de un estadio deja 27 heridos en Egipto. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Sanidad informó que alrededor de 20 ambulancias fueron enviadas al Centro Deportivo Hasan Mustafa a unos 40 kilómetros de la capital egipcia.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2022-12-25). Al menos 10 muertos deja explosión de camión en Sudáfrica. telesurtv.net La explosión ocurrió muy cerca del hospital Tambo que resultó afectado por la tragedia…

Staff (2022-12-25). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este domingo 25 de diciembre. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este domingo 25 de diciembre en el mercado cambiario del país. | En Cadeca: | En aeropuertos:…

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-25). Gustavo Petro confirma tregua navideña de grupos armados. telesurtv.net El Presidente colombiano expresó su deseo de que la tregua se consolide en verdaderos procesos de paz.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-25). Presidente Arce pide cuidar la unidad y estabilidad en Bolivia. telesurtv.net Luis Arce llamó a la población a seguir acompañándolo para seguir en la senda del crecimiento social y económico.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-25). Kurdos protestan en Francia tras tiroteo xenófobo en la capital. telesurtv.net El Comité Democrático Kurdo en Francia convocó a la manifestación en la que se reportaron violentos enfrentamientos.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Cold weather medical emergencies to know about: frostbite and hypothermia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says arctic cold and bitter winds will spread across much of the U.S., and some states will experience dangerously low temperatures dipping well below zero. This is especially concerning during the busy holiday week when many people are expected to travel. One concern, if you are exposed to the extreme cold, should be frostbite. Frostbite Frostbite is an injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues. First, your skin becomes very cold…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips for sticking to a holiday season health routine. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Sticking to a healthy routine can be a challenge at any time of year, but with tempting meals, travel and stressors around the holidays, it can be easy to get off track. Dr. John Presutti, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician, shares tips for maintaining a healthy diet, exercise regimen and sleep pattern during the holiday season. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/W0FOqEtG1R8 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 58) is in the downloads at the end of…

Alex Bainbridge (2022-12-24). Byron Bay: from 'paradise' to 'hell for the homeless'. greenleft.org.au More than 200 people rallied on Christmas Eve at Main Beach in Byron Bay to call for a 90 day limit on using residential houses for short stay holiday accommodation like AirBnB. | A significant increase in the number of investors buying local properties for the short term holiday market is pricing residents out of the market. | Local Greens MP Tamara Smith told the rally that "the fundamental principle is that we want homes for people to live in".

| Reuters | (2022-12-24). Arctic blast, blizzards disrupt U.S. travel ahead of holidays. tribune.com.pk Arctic cold extended its grip over much of the United States on Friday, combining with snow, ice and howling winds from a deadly winter storm roaring out of the Midwest to disrupt energy supplies and thwart travel for millions of Americans ahead of the holiday weekend. | The extreme winter weather, which prompted city authorities across the country to open warming centers in libraries and police stations while scrambling to expand temporary shelter for the homeless, was blamed for at least five deaths on Friday. | A -vehicle pileup on the Ohio Turnpike in a blizzard near Toledo killed two motorists, injured n…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Holiday driving safety tips. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The hustle and bustle of the holidays can be a hazard on the highway. If you're getting behind the wheel, one Mayo Clinic expert has some tips to keep you and your family safe on the road. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/psGh9P5iKW8 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 58) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Holiday safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm hosting my extended family over the holidays for the first time in many years. My great-nephew is 2 years old and will be the youngest person in attendance. I do not have any children, so I am not used to having a toddler around. What should I do safety-wise to prepare for his arrival? ANSWER: It's wonderful that you can host your family gathering this holiday season and welcome young and old into…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Self-care steps can keep your heart healthy during the holidays. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have read that heart attacks are more common around the holidays. Why does that happen? Is there anything I can do to lower my risk? I currently take blood pressure medication, and heart disease runs in my family. ANSWER: Heart attacks, along with heart problems in general, are more common around the holidays. Various factors can play into this, including stress, travel, disrupted schedules, changes in diet and even environmental factors. Fortunately, many…

_____ (2022-12-24). NYC's Christmas Tree Cooperative. popularresistance.org New York City, New York – In this holiday-themed episode of All Things Co-op, Kevin speaks with Ellis Roberts of New York State of Pine, a worker cooperative selling Christmas trees in New York City. They discuss the exploitation of workers and huge markups for consumers from traditional Christmas tree companies, New York State of Pine's democratic centralist model for decision-making, the question of scale, and the importance of working with and getting to know working-class people as communists and socialists. | If you live in NYC and haven't gotten your Christmas tree yet, visit NY State of Pine at 323 St. Joh…

Hendrik Sybrandy (2022-12-24). Yearender 2022: Fighting COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. america.cgtn.com COVID-19 cases are back on the upswing in the U.S., up 44 percent over the past two weeks according to a New York Times tracking tool. Deaths are up 71 percent. Medical experts urge Americans to take precautions as they head into the holidays. …

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Icy blast hits 200 million Americans, over a dozen dead. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Some 200 million Americans are feeling the icy grip of a massive winter storm that has been linked to at least 12 deaths ahead of the holiday weekend.

Staff (2022-12-24). In Aubervilliers for the holidays: Boycott Israel! samidoun.net On Saturday, 17 December, Samidoun Paris Banlieue organized its monthly Palestine stand in Aubervilliers, Paris, focusing on the boycott of Israel, especially in the holiday season. At the stand, they urged the boycott of Israel and that of corporations complicit in war crimes and colonialism, such as HP, supplier of computer equipment to the Israeli …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Mayo Clinic cooks: Holiday dish for all. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Finding a recipe that fits a number of dietary needs and taste buds can be challenging and frustrating, especially during a busy holiday season. Jen Welper, a wellness executive chef with the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program, has a sweet potato quinoa cake recipe that is standout. The kids will love it. The family will love it. Guests will devour it. It's easy. And this versatile recipe can be made ahead, stored in the freezer and put together quickly…

Editor (2022-12-24). The Holidays are the Most Painful Time of the Year to be Behind Bars. scheerpost.com Every holiday season, prisoners suffer spikes in suicides, violence, and depression. Eddie Conway, who spent 44 years locked up, explains what people on the outside can do to help.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Weight gain over holiday season – tips to manage calories at parties. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you have noticed you've packed on pounds over the last 10 or 20 years, and wondered how that weight gain happened, here's one idea that might make you consider setting down that extra plate of cookies or latkes during this holiday season. "Studies have shown that, from mid-November until mid-January, people averaged a weight gain in the population of about three quarters of a pound or so. It doesn't sound like much, but it…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Healthy for the Holidays: Mayo Clinic Health System provides tips for combatting stress this season. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. ‚Äï During the holiday season, it is easy to get caught up in the stress and chaos that can accompany this time of the year. Already demanding lives become even more hectic as last-minute shopping, cooking and spending combine to add even more anxiety. For many people, the result can be overwhelming. "What if there was a way you could plan ahead to counter the stress? Start with identifying the issue," says Lisa Hardesty,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). How to prevent flu, RSV and COVID-19 during busy holiday season. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu infection rates across the U.S. continue to be very high. "As we predicted, this flu season has hit early, and it's hit us hard," says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "We are seeing high and very high rates of influenza across the country." For those who have yet to get a flu shot, now is an excellent time to…

Author Blank (2022-12-24). Holiday greetings to workers behind bars. themilitant.com New Year greetings to our readers behind bars! | The Militant will continue to tell the truth about the conditions you face and keep getting news about the struggles of working people worldwide into your hands. 2022 was quite a year! Millions took to the streets to defend themselves. | From the Ukrainian people's courageous defense of their nation's sovereignty against Moscow's invasion, to working people inside Russia who are protesting the war. From working people and youth in Iran standing up to assaults by government thugs, to thousands of workers here who are using unions to strike for better wages and condi…

americanthinker (2022-12-24). Silent Cal did it 99 years ago. americanthinker.com Christmas Eve in 1923 began one of the most celebrated traditions for the American love of country.

Staff (2022-12-24). Christmas in Kosovo: one drop of blood spilled can lead to spiral of violence. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com B92December 24, 2022 Growing concerns: An ultimatum was set; New demands In the north of Kosovo and Metohija, Serbs have been at the barricades for the 15th day, demanding freedom for the arrested and the withdrawal of Kosovo special forces from the north. Serb List announced that Pristina published a new list for the persecution …

americanthinker (2022-12-24). The United States is rapidly becoming a secular nation. americanthinker.com Merry secular Christmas?>

Binoy Kampmark (2022-12-24). Christmas Jottings from North Queensland. dissidentvoice.org A ridiculous spectacle: Christmas in North Queensland, an event held in a land so prehistoric it makes a mockery of its human inhabitants. Cartoons and cardboard cut-outs of snow flecked reindeer stranded upon water-hungry lawns, irrelevant and incapable of surviving in these climes; the occasional defiance by the inhabitants who replace the reindeer with kangaroos …

americanthinker (2022-12-24). Ahhh, Christmas 'miracles' in DC, with a rare display of bipartisanship. americanthinker.com One big happy swamp out there at the Capitol.

americanthinker (2022-12-24). The Rejection of 'Merry Christmas'. americanthinker.com It becomes necessary to question the motives of the many citizens who want to deny the encompassing love, welcome, hope, and joy that Christmas embraces.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Teenager killed in shooting at Mall of America: Police. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — A 19-year-old man died in a shooting that prompted the Mall of America to go on lockdown Friday night less than two days before Christmas.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). S Arabia plans to use Christmas as cover for mass executions. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Media are reporting that Saudi Arabia's government is planning to increase its executions of dissidents while the world is busy celebrating the start of the new year.

americanthinker (2022-12-24). Spielberg's 'The Fabelmans' is more reality than fable. americanthinker.com If you like to go to the movies at Christmas, go see Stephen Spielberg's "The Fabelmans."

teleSUR, hvh, DRL (2022-12-24). Pronostican el Día de Navidad más frío en EE.UU. desde 1980. telesurtv.net El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS) precisó que las temperaturas para el fin de semana oscilarán hasta los -10 °C.

Staff (2022-12-24). Tormenta invernal en EEUU provoca una de las Navidades más frías de la historia. cubadebate.cu Elliot, la "tormenta invernal histórica" que azotará a buena parte de Estados Unidos provocará interrupciones generalizadas en grandes partes del país, comunicó este viernes el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Staff (2022-12-24). NATO interoperability: English-language course for wounded Georgian soldiers. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Georgian Ministry of DefenseDecember 22, 2022 The summary event of the "Wounded Fighters Support Fund" was held The Wounded Fighters Assistance Fund hosted representatives of the Defense Forces and other invited guests at a charity event….[T]his year, the Foundation financed 53 wounded fighters….With the support of Great Britain, special English language training courses were created …

____ (2022-12-24). China prioritizes medical services in high-risk COVID-19 locations. ecns.cn China has moved to prioritize the provision of medical services in elderly care facilities and social welfare institutions amid the COVID-19 epidemic, according to a video conference held by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

SP Editor (2022-12-24). SOS Issued for Rohingya Refugees Desperately Adrift at Sea. scheerpost.com "These are human beings—men, women, and children," said one U.N. expert. "We need to see the states in the region help save lives and not let people die."

SP Editor (2022-12-24). New Israeli Government to Un-ban Violent Racists From Parliament. scheerpost.com

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2022-12-24). Hero Worship of Zelensky in Washington Would Make for a Good Episode of the Twilight Zone—If It Weren't Real. covertactionmagazine.com Joe Biden compares Zelensky to Judah the Maccabee but he is more like the evil Greek King Antiochus in the Hanukkah story Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky received a hero's welcome in his visit to Washington on December 21. Departing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi compared him to Winston Churchill, while President Joe Biden compared him on …

Anonymous767 (2022-12-24). Military Situation In Ukraine On December 24, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Russia struck the AFU 65th AFU Mechanised Brigade near Zaporozhye with high-precision missiles | Russia struck the AFU 92nd AFU Mechanised Brigade near Vodyanoye with high-precision missiles | Russia struck the AFU 25th AFU Airborne Brigade near Lyman with high-precision missiles | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Kupyansk | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU con…

Anonymous767 (2022-12-24). Kiev's Forces Shell Donetsk City Amid Intense Fighting In Bakhmut. southfront.org On December 24, Kiev's forces carried out another massive strike on civilian targets in the Russian city of Donetsk. The Republican trauma center became one of the main targets of the strike. Earlier, the Armed Forces of Ukraine inflicted a series of strikes on the Kalinin hospital. | Kiev's forces have been systematically shelling civilian targets in DPR and LPR. In the second half of December, the Kiev regime even intensified these terrorist acts as a kind of 'response' to the dare situ…

Anonymous767 (2022-12-24). Military Situation In Region Of Donbass On December 24, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org

Mariana àÅlvarez Orellana (2022-12-24). Perú: La derecha intenta gobernar hasta 2024 con mano dura. globalizacion.ca El tiempo en el Congreso peruano corre de forma distinta al de la calle. La mayoría de los congresistas decidieron esta semana que las elecciones generales se realicen en abril de 2024, dentro de un año y medio, mientras el…

teleSUR, MER (2022-12-24). Organizaciones peruanas rechazan persecución policial. telesurtv.net Resaltaron que en Perú se viven momentos complejos y difíciles en medio del estado de emergencia decretado.

Jacob Perasso (2022-12-24). Washington state mushroom workers rally for union. themilitant.com SEATTLE — "We've come very far and we are not going to stop. A lot of us want a union," Joceline Castillo, a worker at Ostrom Mushroom Farms, told a rally of 60 other mushroom workers and supporters here Nov. 20. "We are fighting to stop the retaliation, harassment and intimidation." Some 40 workers came from Sunnyside, where Ostrom is located. They're seeking to organize into the United Farm Workers union. | The rally was held outside the Metropolitan Market. "We appreciate the support of those here and those who buy the mushrooms so we can win a union," said Daniel Leon, an Ostrom worker and a leader of t…

Christelle Néant (2022-12-24). Ukrainian army bombs Kalinina hospital in Donetsk for two days in a row. mronline.org Since the beginning of December 2022, the Ukrainian army has been shelling the city centre of Donetsk on a daily basis, causing numerous civilian casualties. | December 24, 2022 | Newswire…

Roy Landersen (2022-12-24). Defend Ukraine independence! Demand Putin get out now! themilitant.com The Ukrainian people are withstanding some of the heaviest aerial bombardment since Moscow's war began as they fight tenaciously to drive back its invasion. Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks to demoralize working people by crippling Ukraine's power supplies as winter begins, but this only encourages greater determination to resist. | The conflict is the largest ground war fought by two states in Europe since 1945. It has set in motion realignments among capitalist powers across the world, and exacerbated the global economic crisis. The Kremlin is banking on Russia's bigger military resources to wear Ukrainia…

_____ (2022-12-24). A New Brutal Purge Upon the Serbs in the Making, Orchestrated by NATOstan. strategic-culture.org The goal of the Kosovo Albanians' hidden agenda is even more blatant now in broad political daylight in the midst of the Ukraine crisis, –¢atiana Obrenovic writes. | The Serbs are 'up on the barricades' yet again. The Kosovo Albanians-only police officers keep provoking the local Serbs. | They harass the Serbs only and arrest the innocent Serbian civilians only in a quasi failed state of Kosovo (and Metohija). | For instance, one Serb was arrested and detained by the police only because he lives in the same building where the electoral committee is located. Then a few others as well in a matter of a fe…

Staff (2022-12-24). Turkish combat drones "playing huge role in Ukraine": NATO official. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahDecember 22, 2022 Turkish-made drones 'playing huge role in Ukraine,' says senior NATO official Turkish-made drones used by Ukraine on the battlefield are "playing a huge role in Ukraine," according to David van Weel, NATO's assistant secretary general for emerging security challenges. Van Weel told Anadolu Agency (AA) in an exclusive interview that Tàºrkiye's …

Staff (2022-12-24). Colossal arms package: U.S. Patriot missile batteries in Ukraine in 2-3 months "max" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish RadioDecember 24, 2022 US Patriot system to be launched in Ukraine in a few months: official US Patriot air defence system is to become operational in Ukraine in a few months, according to a Ukrainian military expert. Oleksandr Musiyenko told Polish Radio that it might take between 3 and 5 months to train Ukrainian …

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). US congressmen approve $1.7 tln draft budget with Ukraine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — The US House of Representatives approved the country's draft budget for the fiscal year 2023 (ends September 30) for around $1.7 trillion, which included $44.9 bln for Ukraine.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Russia names new participants in military bio prgm in Ukraine. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) —The Russian Defense Ministry named new high-ranking participants in the military biological program in Ukraine, including ex-heads of the US Department of Health structures, all of them associated with the US Democratic Party.

_____ (2022-12-24). The Claim That the Ukraine War Advances U.S. Interests Discredits the Claim That It's 'Unprovoked'. strategic-culture.org

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2022-12-24). Former German Chancellor Merkel Admits that Minsk Peace Agreements Were Part of Scheme for Ukraine to Buy Time to Prepare for War With Russia. orinocotribune.com By Jeremy Kuzmarov Dec 19, 2022 | War was inevitable outcome of 2014 U.S.-backed coup in Ukraine | Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel These comments echoed those of Petro Poroshenko, the former president of Ukraine, who came to power in snap elections after the 2014 coup d'état. Regarding his sig…

Staff (2022-12-24). First operational mission since WWII: U.S. airborne forces kilometers from Ukraine war zone. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Stars and StripesDecember 20, 2022 Black Sea vantage point gives 101st Airborne troops closer view of Ukraine war The 101st Airborne Division soldiers here are positioned close enough to Ukraine that their artillery is in easy range of the war-torn country and intelligence gatherers can monitor fighters buzzing around the Black Sea. The 2nd Brigade …

Roberto J De Puente, Jeffrey Sachs (2022-12-24). The Prince of Hell and Peace in Ukraine is possible. indybay.org There is little truth in war. If you want to survive, any means must necessarily be acceptable. In this scenario, lying is not a sin, not something to be outlawed, but simply an option to achieve one's own goals. It is therefore normality. Basically, no one who is in a war can be accused of lying, because the logics of humanity and decency are then suspended.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Terrorist shelling in Idlib leaves three Syrian soldiers dead. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Three Syrian soldiers were killed as a result of artillery and mortar shelling by terrorists in the Idlib governorate, said the deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria on Friday.

Anonymous767 (2022-12-24). Military Situation In Syria On December 24, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org On December 24, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours | On December 24, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions near Ain al-Arab | On December 24, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions near Tal Rafaat | On December 22, SDF artillery shelled a Turkish base in the Dabiq area | On December 22, an SAA serviceman was killed by an IED attack in Inkhil town | MORE ON THE TOPIC: :…

unitedEditor (2022-12-24). Chimeras manipulate Armenia. unitedworldint.com United World International author Mehmet Perinàßek gave an interview to the weekly newspaper Kaspiy about the latest developments in the South Caucasus and the normalization process of relations between Tàºrkiye and Armenia. We present the interview, published in Russian, to our readers translated into English. Tàºrkiye announced the start of the second stage of the …

| Reuters | (2022-12-24). Blaze kills 22 in Russian home for elderly, electrical problems eyed. tribune.com.pk

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). First Tupolev Tu-160M bomber to join Russian MoD this year. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — The first newly-built Tupolev Tu-160M strategic missile-carrying bomber will be delivered before the end of this year, head of the United Aircraft Corporation Yury Slyusar said on Friday.

Staff (2022-12-24). NATO partner Colombia mulls purchase of French warplanes. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense NewsDecember 23, 2022 Colombia begins negotiations to buy 16 Rafale fighter jets Colombia is negotiating the purchase of 16 Rafale multirole fighter jets for its Air Force, a deal potentially worth $3.15 billion, according to a news release from the country's president. *** Earlier this month, the president had announced during a military ceremony …

americanthinker (2022-12-24). Omnibus Bill: Don't Get Mad, Get Even. americanthinker.com A dozen or so U.S. senators have screwed up royally by allowing the 4,100-plus-page omnibus $1.7-trillion budget to be adopted — and they know it.

Staff (2022-12-24). NATO ally Lithuania first nation to receive U.S. kamikaze drones. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense NewsDecember 23, 2022 Lithuania buys Switchblade 600 drones Lithuania's Defence Ministry has signed a deal to buy Switchblade 600 drones from the United States, becoming the first European NATO member to order the kamikaze system. "We are the first country in the world after the United States to purchase the Switchblade 600. These combat …

Staff (2022-12-24). European satrapies: U.S. Congress threatens Bulgaria's top prosecutor over "stability of NATO" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com EuractivDecember 24, 2022 US congressman: Bulgaria's chief prosecutor threatens stability of NATO US Congressman Warren Davidson called on the US Treasury Department on Thursday (22 December) to take action against Bulgarian Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev for "corrupt actions" threatening "the stability and security of NATO allies in Europe", a document obtained by EURACTIV reveals. Davidson, …

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-24). Palestina reitera llamado a tomar medidas contra crímenes israelíes. telesurtv.net Mahmoud Abbas condenó las demoliciones, así como los asesinatos, delitos y violaciones del derecho internacional.

Staff (2022-12-24). Turkey trains Kosovo army to use Bayraktar drones for final assault on Serbs. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Tanjug News AgencyDecember 23, 2022 Drecun: Pristina preparing new base in north of Kosovo-Metohija The head of the Serbian parliamentary committee on Kosovo-Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Friday Pristina was preparing to open a fifth base in the north of the province, and added that it would be a military one. Speaking to Pink TV, Drecun said …

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Iran could have made nuclear weapon a year ago if wanted. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — The advisor to the Iranian negotiating delegation in the nuclear talks, says that if Iran wanted a nuclear weapon, it would have made one year ago.

Middle East Monitor (2022-12-24). Netanyahu's Empty Offer of "Self-Rule" without Land for Palestinians is just another form of Apartheid. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor ) A few days before the formation of his sixth government, Benjamin Netanyahu has defined his ceilings for the solution to the Palestinian issue: self-rule for the Palestinians and security and sovereignty for the Israelis. He did not mention Jerusalem, which has already been declared to be Israel's "united eternal …

Juan Cole (2022-12-24). The Great Muslim Sufi Mystic Farid al-Din Attar on Jesus' Innocence, Love, Forgiveness. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) Christians are often surprised to discover how important Jesus is to the Muslim spiritual tradition. The Muslim scripture, the Qur'an, praises him as a Word from God and affirms the Virgin Birth. In Muslim civilizations with painting traditions, such as the Mughals in India, Jesus, Mary and the nativity became …

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). "Dumb and Dumber" New Episode in Berlin. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — After France and US made their own mistakes by promoting certain Iranian opposition figures, Germany appeared keen to follow suit and gall Iran by meeting a former soccer player who stands accused of fomenting riots in Iran.

_____ (2022-12-24). Gaining Power In The Struggle For A Better World. popularresistance.org Prolific academic Vijay Prashad is the Executive Director of Leftword books, a publishing house out of India. Recently he published a book with Noam Chomsky, "The Withdrawal: Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and the Fragility of U.S." Vijay collaborates with social movements on an international level, including with the leadership of many left-wing Latin American governments. | On the subject of censorship, the conversation naturally turns to the cancellation of RT, including shows hosted by Chris Hedges and Lee Camp himself. Vijay points out that many liberals who claim to champion free speech are making an argument ba…

_____ (2022-12-24). I Witnessed The Truth About Nicaragua. popularresistance.org Entering adulthood alongside the dwindling of 2020 uprisings for Black liberation (that I had naively seen as the beginning of the end), I felt very stuck. Understanding I am a poor queer Black woman, I saw myself facing a world where the options presented for survival were dehumanizing at best, and the innate dream of living as a free person essentially destroyed. I wanted to fight the liberal tendency of American youth to begin with strong spirits of resistance, before colleging, working and/or drugging, and ultimately, laying down into the nuzzle of the state we once claimed to relentlessly hate. I myself knew…

_____ (2022-12-24). NHS Price Problem Is Big Pharma, Not Striking Nurses. popularresistance.org Imagine a disability almost disappearing if you flew out of the Global South. I have severe haemophilia, a genetic condition that interferes with the body's ability to clot after bleeding. When left untreated, anything — even a bruise or merely sitting down — can trigger a bleed, internally or externally. Anti-clotting injections can stop this. | However, outside the advanced West, these injections are sold at exorbitantly high prices. When I was a child in India, my parents couldn't afford such treatment, so they'd bury my bleeding joints under piles of ice to freeze them. Almost all the bleeds I exp…

_____ (2022-12-24). Sowing Doubt: How Big Ag Is Delaying Sustainable Farming In Europe. popularresistance.org In the spring of 2020, the European Union announced an ambitious plan to overhaul farming practices in fields and valleys across the continent. Named Farm to Fork, it calls for less fertiliser and pesticide use, and more organic production. | Veteran sustainable food and farming experts welcomed the strategy as one that just might have a genuine shot at transforming the agriculture sector and result in better public health, contribute to ending the vertiginous decline of biodiversity, and lower greenhouse gas pollution. | The response from Europe's powerful industrial agriculture sector was swift and unequivocal:…

_____ (2022-12-24). Judge Decision Denying Alex Saab's Right To Diplomatic Immunity. popularresistance.org Saab Moran faces charges in this case for bribing Venezuelan officials channeling hundreds of millions of dollars into foreign accounts under the guise of a food program meant to benefit Venezuelans. His alleged criminal activity took place from 2011 through 2015. | In an apparent effort to either avoid prosecution or reduce his criminal exposure in the United States, Saab Moran began to meet secretly with United States law enforcement agents starting in August 2016. Saab Moran met with agents in August and September of 2016. The following year, he met with | agents in November of 2017. The next year, he met with…

_____ (2022-12-24). How We Got Here: Ecological Restoration's Surprising History. popularresistance.org A new book uncovers the development of the world's most widespread environmental management practice. | Rising carbon emissions. Heatwaves and wildfires. Supercharged storms. Environmental headlines these days can be bleak — and with good reason. But a new book proposes an antidote. | "There is hope to be found in ecological restoration," writes Laura J. Martin in Wild by Design. | If we want to save threatened species or ecosystems on the brink, we'll need to get our hands dirty. Across the world billions are being spent on restoration projects — like reforestation efforts or reintroducing extirpated…

_____ (2022-12-24). Military Budget Hike For 2023 Is 3,200 Times The NLRB Increase. popularresistance.org Draft text of the congressional omnibus spending bill released this week reveals a proposed $25 million increase in funding to the National Labor Relations Board, which would bring the agency's 2023 federal fiscal year budget to $299 million. Its funding has otherwise been frozen at $274 million for the past nine years; when inflation is taken into account, this effectively amounts to a budget decrease of 25% since 2014, according to calculations cited in an NLRB news release. | The proposed hike is well below what leaders from unions like Communications Workers of America and Unite Here have been calling for, an…

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Zionist regime's drone downed in north of Gaza Strip. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — A drone of the Zionist Regime has been downed in the north of the Gaza Strip, the Zionist Ministry of War confirmed on Friday night.

Ben Norton (2022-12-24). UN experts: US sanctions violate Iranians' human rights. multipolarista.com Top United Nations experts wrote a letter to the United States government, emphasizing that its illegal unilateral sanctions on Iran violate the human rights of the Iranian people, calling for them to "be eased or lifted completely."

____ (2022-12-24). China's ODI rises on multiple fronts. ecns.cn China's non-financial outbound direct investment, or ODI, rose 7.4 percent year-on-year to 687.86 billion yuan during the first eleven months of the year, the Ministry of Commerce said on Friday.

____ (2022-12-24). China, Switzerland achieve mutual recognition of auditing standards, oversight. ecns.cn China and Switzerland have achieved mutual recognition of the equivalence of auditing standards and audit oversight system, the Chinese finance ministry said Friday.

____ (2022-12-24). China's FDI inflow up 9.9% in Jan-Nov. ecns.cn Foreign direct investment into the Chinese mainland, in terms of actual use, rose 9.9 percent year-on-year to 1.16 trillion yuan in the first 11 months of 2022.

____ (2022-12-24). Multiple factors cause rise of severe COVID cases in Beijing: health experts. ecns.cn Health experts noted that multiple reasons have led to a rise of severe COVID-19 cases in Beijing, as north China generally sees a greater occurrence of respiratory infectious diseases in winter times.

____ (2022-12-24). China's non-financial ODI up 7.4 pct in first 11 months. ecns.cn China's non-financial outbound direct investment (ODI) reached 687.86 billion yuan in the first 11 months of the year, up 7.4 percent year on year, official data showed Friday.

____ (2022-12-24). China's FDI inflow up 9.9 pct in first 11 months. ecns.cn Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland, in actual use, expanded 9.9 percent year on year to nearly 1.16 trillion yuan in the first 11 months of the year, the Ministry of Commerce said Friday.

____ (2022-12-24). China develops first home-grown DPU chip. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have developed the country's first Data Processing Unit (DPU) chip, marking a milestone in the domestic chip industry.

Fight Back (2022-12-24). Red Theory: The achievements of socialism in China. fightbacknews.org After waging revolution from 1927 to 1949, Mao Zedong proclaimed from Tiananmen Gate that "the Chinese people have stood up!" This marked the end of imperialist domination in China and the beginning of socialism in the newly founded People's Republic of China, led by the Communist Party. The Chinese revolution has continued through socialist construction from then until today, and we would do well to sum up some of its many heroic achievements in order to better understand, from a Marxist-Leninist perspective, the process of socialist revolution and socialist construction. | The achievements of socialism in China…

____ (2022-12-24). Train tickets to go on sale for Spring Festival travel rush. ecns.cn Train tickets for China's upcoming Spring Festival travel rush will go on sale on Saturday, according to the country's railway operator.

Dongsheng Collective (2022-12-24). 2022 Retrospective | No. 128. dongshengnews.org We present to you a retrospective of 2022, a year of significant historical events in China, such as the death of former president Jiang Zemin and the holding of the 20th CPC congress, and the challenges and changes that will set the course in the coming years not only for China and the region but for geopolitics at large.

China Dialogue (2022-12-24). COP15 reaches historic Agreement to protect Biodiversity. juancole.com By Regina Lam and Xia Zhijian | ( ) Delegates at the COP15 UN Biodiversity Conference have approved a deal to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, hoping to put nature on a path to recovery for the benefit of all the world's people. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework was agreed after …

| Reuters | (2022-12-24). China angered, Taiwan cheered by new US defence act. tribune.com.pk China expressed anger on Saturday at a new US defence authorisation law that boosts military assistance for Taiwan, while Taipei cheered it for helping boost the island's security. | China, which considers democratically governed Taiwan its own territory, expressed "strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition" regarding the US National Defence Authorisation Act, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement. | It said the $858 billion military spending measure, which authorises up to $10 billion in security assistance and fast-tracked weapons procurement for Taiwan, contained provisions that "cause serio…

____ (2022-12-24). Free health kits distributed to local residents in C China. ecns.cn The first batch of 100,000 free health kit packages have been distributed, each containing 9 tablets of fever reducing drugs and 2 antigen test kits.

____ (2022-12-24). Xinjiang's border port sees foreign trade exceed 270 bln yuan in Jan-Nov. ecns.cn The import and export volume handled through the Horgos Port in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region totaled 271.94 billion yuan from January to November this year, up 5.8 percent year on year.

____ (2022-12-24). Chinese commercial space company to launch stackable satellites. ecns.cn China's private company GalaxySpace is accelerating the research and development of flat-panel stackable satellites, for rapid construction of a satellite internet constellation.

Vijay Prashad (2022-12-24). South Africans are fighting for crumbs: A conversation with trade union Leader Irvin Jim. mronline.org South Africa is sitting on a tinderbox, says Irvin Jim, General Secretary of the country's largest trade union NUMSA. The solution is to foster a spirit of solidarity which will have to come from people's struggles and movements.

Editor (2022-12-24). The Perils of Pious Neoliberalism in the Austerity State. scheerpost.com By Vijay Prashad / Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research The International Labour Organisation's Global Wage Report 2022—23 tracks the horrendous collapse of real wages for billions of people around the planet. The gaping distance between the incomes and wealth of 99% of the world's population from the incomes and wealth of the billionaires and near-trillionaires who make …

Editor (2022-12-24). Our survival depends on a world without billionaires. mronline.org The study looks at the impact of 125 of the richest billionaires globally, whose carbon emissions equal those of France, or 67 million people, and shows that just the richest 10 of those individuals own more wealth than the poorest 40% of humanity. The average billionaire in the study is responsible for carbon emissions over one million times higher than the average person in the bottom 90% of humanity.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Biden signs $858 bn US defense policy bill. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — US President Joe Biden on Friday signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2023, providing nearly $858 billion in funding for defense programs and priorities, the White House said.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Iran, Pakistan target $5 bn trade. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Iran's Consul General Hassan Nourian has said the trade volume between Iran and Pakistan is not satisfactory at $1.5 billion per annum, and both governments were targeting $5 billion, which can be achieved easily.

Florence CGTN (2022-12-24). Yearender: Travel and tourism in 2022. america.cgtn.com International travel seems to be on its way to postpandemic recovery. But new concerns are adding a few bumps. Inflation and a strong U.S. dollar have global consumers re-considering how far they can stretch their bank accounts.

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-12-24). Jewish Group Moves To Support Reparations For Black Americans. moguldom.com A Jewish group has taken a step toward supporting reparations for Black Americans. Reconstructing Judaism recently voted to approve a resolution to support and advocate "for institutional, local, and federal legislation and policies that specifically address the need for reparations" for BIPOC — which stands for Black, Indigenous, [and] People Of Color. Rabbi Micah Geurin Weiss is the assistant director …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). NIH's All of Us Research Program returns health-related DNA results to participants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Institutes of Health's (NIH) All of Us Research Program has begun returning personalized health-related DNA results to more than 155,000 participants. The reports detail whether participants have an increased risk for specific health conditions and how their bodies might process certain medications. The All of Us Research Program collects participants' blood, urine, and saliva samples. These biosamples are stored and managed for research at a specialized All of Us Research Program biobank at Mayo Clinic. "It is rewarding for us at the…

Editor (2022-12-24). Top 10 Inequality Victories of 2022. scheerpost.com

Anonymous767 (2022-12-24). Military Situation In Iraq On December 24, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org

Staff (2022-12-24). Vietnam, Afghanistan precedents for Poland: U.S. sells recovery vehicles for (366) Abrams tanks disabled in combat. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish Press AgencyDecember 21, 2022 Poland signs recovery vehicle deal for Abrams tanks Poland has signed a deal for the purchase of 26 Hercules armoured recovery vehicles from BAE Systems to support the US-made Abrams tanks Warsaw bought earlier. The Hercules is designed to recover tanks while under fire, and has been used in conflicts …

| Reuters | (2022-12-24). Al Qaeda releases video it claims is narrated by leader al-Zawahiri who was believed dead -SITE. tribune.com.pk Al Qaeda has released a 35-minute recording the group claims was narrated by its leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who was believed to have been killed in a U.S. raid in August 2022, SITE intelligence group said on Friday. | The recording was undated and the transcript did not clearly point towards a time frame for when it could have been made. | Zawahiri was killed in a U.S. strike in Afghanistan, the biggest blow to the militant group since its founder Osama bin Laden was killed in 2011. | Zawahiri had been in hiding for years, and the operation to locate and kill him was the result of "careful, patient and persiste…

Terry Evans (2022-12-24). As political crisis of US rulers deepens, Socialist Workers Party speaks out. themilitant.com Following the 2022 elections, working people face both a deepening crisis in the capitalist economy — a slowdown in hiring at the same time prices continue to rise — and attacks on living conditions and constitutional freedoms by the capitalist rulers and their two political parties, the Democrats and Republicans. | The Socialist Workers Party is organizing to build solidarity with workers in battle against boss and government attacks, from the rail yards nationwide to strikes by Case New Holland workers in Wisconsin and Iowa and miners at Warrior Met Coal in Alabama. The party fields candidates posin…

_____ (2022-12-24). Let the Patriot Games Begin. strategic-culture.org Little did we know that by 2023 the raging would go beyond paroxysm, Pepe Escobar writes. | It's idle to dwell on the cringe-worthy visit of the Kiev clown to Crash Test Dummy at the White House, coupled with a "Churchillian" speech at the War Party dominions in Capitol Hill. History will ridicule this Hollywood soap for centuries ahead. | Way more juice is provided by the latest War Party P.R. show, sponsored by Raytheon Productions. After all Lloyd Austin, the current Pentagon head, is a former Raytheon weapons peddler. | After much fanfare, it was established that the Pentagon will provide not a collection, bu…

Brian Williams (2022-12-24). Ohio workers at GM battery plant vote 710-16 to join UAW. themilitant.com Workers at an electric vehicle battery factory near Warren, Ohio, overwhelmingly voted to join the United Auto Workers. The 710-16 vote, announced by the National Labor Relations Board Dec. 9, marks the first time workers have won union representation in this burgeoning industry. | The plant is owned by Ultium Cells, a joint venture between General Motors and South Korean-owned LG Energy Solution. Ultium has announced plans to build two more battery factories, in Lansing, Michigan, and Spring Hill, Tennessee. As part of the auto bosses' competition to take the lead in electric car sales, Ford says it will build t…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-12-24). Lenguaje, desnaturalización y la mirada del jaguar. indybay.org Lenguaje, desnaturalización y la mirada del jaguar | por Julie Wark…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Science Saturday: Researchers investigate precision nutrition to improve health, prevent diseases. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Could prescribing specific nutrients, grains, fruits and vegetables tailored to a person's DNA and other biological characteristics help improve their health? Precision nutrition took center stage at Mayo Clinic's Individualizing Medicine Conference Nov. 2—3, 2022, in Rochester, Minnesota, where some of the world's top experts shared their knowledge of the potential benefits of tailoring nutrients and dietary guidance to a person's genes, metabolism, microbiome and other distinguishing characteristics. The ultimate goal of the holistic approach is to…

americanthinker (2022-12-24). The Balenciaga scandal may help educate the apolitical. americanthinker.com A Facebook group that I follow ended up having an unusual and, possibly, important thread.

____ (2022-12-24). Policeman killed, 5 injured in Islamabad suicide attack. ecns.cn A policeman was killed and five others including three policemen injured in a suicide attack here on Friday morning, Islamabad police said in a statement.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). 1 killed, 12 injured in Saudis attack on Yemen's Saada. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — One person was martyred and 12 other people were injured in Saudis attack on the northern Saada province in Yemen.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Texas health system Shannon joins Mayo Clinic Care Network. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Shannon and Mayo Clinic announced Wednesday, Dec. 14, that the Texas health system has joined the Mayo Clinic Care Network. Members of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a group of carefully vetted, independent health care organizations, have special access to Mayo Clinic's knowledge and expertise. "We are honored to join this prestigious network, which will enable us to connect with the most respected and recognized health care system in the world," says…

Dean Baker (2022-12-24). Big Victory on Retirement Income in Omnibus Spending Bill. cepr.net Since coming to Washington more than three decades ago, I have spent much of my time working on retirement income. The biggest part of that story was defending Social Security, which leaders in both parties were anxious to cut. This defense was largely successful, as the efforts to privatize it in the 1990s and under …

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Tehran, Doha discuss transportation cooperation. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Iranian and Qatari officials held a meeting on expansion of transportation cooperation.

americanthinker (2022-12-24). America and the Season of Hope. americanthinker.com It is not the job of the Church to save America, but if the Church became proficient in making disciples, then saving America would be an expected by-product.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). 210 al-Shabab terrorists killed in a week: Somalia military. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — The Somali military's land forces commander said that the army killed 67 terrorists in the Middle Shabelle region, bringing the number of al-Shabaab fatalities to 217 in less than a week.

____ (2022-12-24). U.S. House panel investigating Capitol riot releases final report. ecns.cn The U.S. House select committee investigating the Capitol riot released its final report late Thursday night.

americanthinker (2022-12-24). A scholar is trying to give more dimension to Africa's colonial history. americanthinker.com This is going to be an uphill slog, but it seems that he's got a lot of factual points to back up his argument.

____ (2022-12-24). 400 robots to serve Chinese language and culture education in Philippines. ecns.cn Four hundred robots in total donated by Huaqiao University in Fujian Province will serve the Chinese language and culture education in Chinese schools in the Philippines.

Editor (2022-12-24). We Heard Your Requests — ScheerPost is Now on PayPal. scheerpost.com Attention readers! | We've seen your requests for one time donation options and pleads for an alternative to Patreon (are they really that bad?) | We are happy to announce that we are We are very excited to continue bringing you new advancements in 2023, and we plan to continue listening to your requests and improving your…

americanthinker (2022-12-24). Women don't want abortions. americanthinker.com Abortion advocates would have us believe that women routinely choose — freely and without reservations — to have an abortion when, in fact, most abortions are coerced.

Paulo Cabral (2022-12-24). Yearender 2022: Latin America politics. america.cgtn.com Political analysts have been talking about a new "pink tide" in Latin America as leftist parties began defeating incumbent right-wing governments in several countries over the last few years.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Fuel tanker blast in S. Africa's Boksburg leaves 8 killed. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Eight people were killed after a fuel tanker exploded in Boksburg on the East Rand of Gauteng on Saturday morning.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Renewed clashes between protesters and police in Paris. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Renewed clashes broke out in Paris on Saturday between police and members of the Kurdish community angry at the killing on Friday of three members of their community, media reported.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Safety tips to keep you out of the emergency department this winter. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Winter brings snow, cold and ice that can create hazardous conditions leading to serious injury. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Sue Cullinan, a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician, discusses some of the most common winter-related injuries that she sees and offers tips on how to keep you and your family safe. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/H08ugUwD_Xw Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Tips for living younger, longer by preventing disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While we know that health affects longevity and quality of life, it can be difficult to change bad habits. People often try to make sweeping New Year's resolutions, only to fail. In fact, Jan. 17 is the date that the average America breaks their New Year's resolution. Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a Mayo Clinic preventive cardiologist, says a better approach is to focus on small steps that add up over time. "The answer, I think, is…

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). 14 Iranian fishermen freed after 8 years in Somalia. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — As many as 14 Iranian fishermen have been freed through diplomatic efforts of the foreign ministry after being held in Somalia for 8 years.

Nitza Soledad Perez (2022-12-24). Haiti year-end review in 2022. america.cgtn.com For most Haitians, 2022 will be a year to be remembered for all the wrong reasons… Gang violence, kidnappings, hunger and disease. Their government has been incapable of restoring stability following the assassination of President Jovenel Moise back in 2021. Now, the humanitarian crisis …

Staff (2022-12-24). [BREAKING] US Court Denies Alex Saab Immunity Claim. venezuelanalysis.com The Venezuelan government envoy's legal team has announced it will appeal the decision.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Antibiotic shortage – what to know if you can't find amoxicillin. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Food and Drug Administration, a national shortage of different medications, including a common antibiotic, is expected to last several months. "The most notable one is probably amoxicillin. It is a common antibiotic that we use to treat a variety of childhood infections, including ear infections, strep throat, and pneumonia," says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. She says parents may notice this as they take their children to…

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). VIDEO: Fire breaks out in shop in west Delhi. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — A major fire broke out at a shop at DDA Lal market in west Delhi's Vikaspuri area Saturday morning.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Advancing treatments for acute myeloid leukemia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), also called acute myelogenous leukemia, is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, the spongy tissue inside bones where blood cells are made. The disease progresses rapidly, affecting a group of white blood cells called myeloid cells, which normally develop into mature red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. "There are acute and chronic leukemias, explains Dr. James Foran, an oncologist at Mayo Clinic. "The chronic ones tend to happen…

Seth Galinsky (2022-12-24). Iran protests for rights, against executions stoke gov't divisions. themilitant.com Organizing Council of Oil Contract Workers of IranWorkers in Ahvaz, in Iran's Khuzestan province, join Dec. 17 strike at seven oil complexes for higher wages, pensions, health care. Some unions have condemned gov't use of death penalty. | More than three months of daily protests are widening rifts between rival factions among Iran's capitalist rulers. The execution of two protesters, death sentences for 11 others and charges that carry the death penalty against six more have expanded demonstrations across the country and internationally. | In the face of these actions, at least two of the executions…

____ (2022-12-24). Chinese mainland sets no obstacle to cross-Strait travel: spokesperson. ecns.cn A Chinese mainland spokesperson on Friday said there is no obstacle on the mainland side to resuming travels and other direct exchanges between Fujian Province's coastal areas and Kinmen and Matsu.

____ (2022-12-24). Residential buildings installed with cliff elevators in Chongqing. ecns.cn An outdoor elevator is stalled on the mountain side of residential buildings in Chongqing, Dec. 23, 2022.

INDYRADIO (2022-12-24). Where is your data safe? A Barrett Brown Example. indybay.org It is difficult to explain why important releases abruptly disappear from public view. Here's one example that did survive, and at the end, I'll list a few that were less fortunate. My current project is to trace the systematic and quiet removal of whistleblower and FOIA information from the public view, even after it's presence is considered legal and appropriate. Barrett Brown was still coherent in 2012, before the FBI exploited his weaknesses and rattled his mind: here is an example from pastebin.

Author Blank (2022-12-24). 'Cuba's revolution grew in extraordinary school of experience'. themilitant.com

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Heavy snow, flash floods cause difficulties across Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Snow and cold temperature in western and northern Iranian cities and flash floods in the southwest on Saturday have caused problems in people's daily lives in most Iranian cities.

americanthinker (2022-12-24). A Massachusetts court unwittingly makes the case for pulling children out of public schools. americanthinker.com The judge ruled that school officials who turned two siblings into transgenders and hid the activity from their parents failed to meet the judicial standard for "shocks the conscience."

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Riyadh sentences prominent Shia cleric to 4 years in prison. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Saudi Arabia has sentenced prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Kazem al-Omari to four years in prison, as the Riyadh regime presses ahead with its heavy-handed crackdown on members of the religious community.

Greg Palast (2022-12-24). Justice Sues "True the Vote" Vigilantes. dissidentvoice.org Finally. The Department of Justice has finally taken on 'True the Vote', the right-wing group behind the wrongful challenge of hundreds of thousands of legal Georgia voters. True the Vote challenges were the central subject of the film Vigilante, Georgia's Vote Suppression Hitman created by the Palast Investigative Fund team. I know what you're thinking: …

| Anadolu Agency | (2022-12-24). One killed, over injured as protesters, police clash in Bangladesh. tribune.com.pk At least one person was killed and over others injured, including policemen, after supporters of the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and police clashed on Saturday. | The party in a statement claimed that its district leader Abdur Rashid Arefin, , was killed when police fired at a rally and baton-charged the party supporters in Boda town of the northern district of Panchagarh. | Dozens of party supporters were also injured in the police firing, it added. | The local police, however, rejected the claim. | Md Rakibul Islam, a police officer in the Panchagarh district, told Anadolu Agency: "

| Anadolu Agency | (2022-12-24). Indian court orders survey of historic mosque on Hindu group plea. tribune.com.pk

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Suicide bomber detained in Iraq's Diyala. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Iraqi security forces on Saturday identified and arreseted an ISIL terrorist who was going to carry out a suicide attack in Diyala province.

Editor (2022-12-24). Big Pharma's Obscene Profits, Not Striking Nurses, Are Killing the NHS. scheerpost.com

LaborFest (2022-12-24). "Ticket To Mars" Concert At Elon's Twitter San Francisco Headquarters: Oligarchs Gone Wild. indybay.org The first "Get Your Ticket To Mars" concert took place at Elon Musk's Twitter headquarters on December 18, 2022. Musicians, poets, tech and labor organizers spoke and artists painted a mural on the side of the building.

Deborah Liatos (2022-12-24). University of California teaching assistants strike for over a month. themilitant.com LOS ANGELES — As the strike of University of California workers reached its 31st day, hundreds of striking academic workers rallied at the U.C. campus here Dec. 14. They were joined by supporters, including faculty, students and members of UNITE HERE and American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 3299. They marched around the campus, chanting and singing labor solidarity songs. | Nearly 48,000 University of California researchers, teaching assistants, graders and others went on strike Nov. 14 demanding higher wages, improved benefits and better working conditions. | "When I was a stu…

scorinoco (2022-12-24). Spiritual Foundation of The Korean People (Statement). orinocotribune.com Message from the Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in Caracas, Venezuela: | In spite of many challenges and vicissitudes, the Korean people are fighting unswervingly for the overall development of socialism because they have a firm conviction in the idea of General Secretary Kim Jong Un. | Why do the Korean people consider the idea of their leader as their spiritual foundation? | It is because they have experienced that, following the guidance of their leader, everything turns out well. | In the course of leading the DPRK, Kim Jong Un accumulated great ideological and theoretical feats in all s…

americanthinker (2022-12-24). Kamala Harris berates the press for not praising her 'strong leadership'. americanthinker.com Is that why not even Democrats want her to be president over doddering Joe?>

Editor (2022-12-24). The egregious arrogance of Sam Bankman-Fried (& his ilk). mronline.org On December 13, the House Financial Services Committee held a long-awaited hearing into the collapse of the FTX crypto empire.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Magnitude 5.1 jolts Boshruyeh in South Khorasan province. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — A magnitude 5.1 quake struck Boshruyeh city in South Khorasan province on Saturday evening.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Exports to Nigeria rise by 36%. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Iran has exported more than 195,300 tons of goods worth $115.4 million to Nigeria during the first eight months of the current Iranian year (March 21-Nov. 21), according to the spokesperson of the Iran-Africa Traders Club.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Chile wildfire leaves 2 dead, dozens injured. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Hundreds of homes were either destroyed or damaged in a massive fire that broke out along the coast of Chile.

americanthinker (2022-12-24). Ballot printer questions in Arizona. americanthinker.com The big thing now is "shrink to fit."

____ (2022-12-24). Chinese EV brands earn increasing recognition: McKinsey. ecns.cn Chinese consumers have long been willing to pay a higher premium for international brands, but this trend is changing in the Chinese automobile market.

Staff (2022-12-24). 14-24 January 2023: International Week of Action to Free Ahmad Sa'adat and all Palestinian Prisoners — Action Call and Materials. samidoun.net

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Know the signs of strep throat in children. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Image courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Strep infections may be on the rise in the U.S., as they have been in the U.K., so it's important to know the signs and symptoms, especially in children. "Group A streptococcal disease is a group of conditions caused by a bacteria called 'group A strep,'" says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "The one that people are probably most familiar with is strep…

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Iran embassy condemns suicide bombing in Pakistan. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — In a statement on Saturday, the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Islamabad condemned the suicide bombing in the capital of Pakistan on Friday.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Japan's recent heavy snow caused 13 deaths, many injuries. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Recent heavy snow in Japan's north and elsewhere has killed 13 people injured more than 80 and left more than 10,000 households without power, the authorities said on Saturday.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Flu shots are important for young people, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 28 and consider myself fairly healthy. I have never gotten a flu shot and have never had the flu. I did receive a COVID-19 vaccine series. Do I really need a flu vaccination? My employer is recommending an influenza immunization for everyone, but I am hesitant. I have heard some people get sick from flu shots. ANSWER: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends that everyone 6 months and older…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Why should I be evaluated for a penicillin allergy? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Taking action to be evaluated for a penicillin allergy can impact your health, safety and wallet. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 10% of the U.S. population reports a penicillin allergy, but less than 1% is allergic after testing. Common penicillins include ampicillin, amoxicillin and Augmentin. Penicillin allergy is an abnormal reaction of your immune system to the antibiotic drug prescribed for treating various bacterial infections. These medications are used often to treat ear…

confirmed? (2022-12-24). aliens put hole in space station. indybay.org very likely…

John Steele (2022-12-24). Communist League: 'Down with Canadian rulers' Emergencies Act'. themilitant.com MONTREAL — Six weeks of mandatory public hearings on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government imposition of the never-before-used Emergencies Act concluded Nov. 25. The act aimed to crush the three-week-long truckers' "Freedom Convoy" protest in Ottawa and at border-crossing bridges with the U.S. last February. It was convened by the Public Order Emergency Commission to determine if the government's assault against the rights of the truckers was legal under the law. Their report to Parliament is due by Feb. 20. | Over 75 witnesses appeared before the commission, including police, government minist…

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Palestinian Resistance carries out missile test in Gaza. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Palestinian sources on Saturday reported that the Resistance forces have launched a missile test on the shores of Gaza, during which several missiles were fired into the sea.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Perseverance rover drops 2nd sample tube on Mars. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — NASA announced on Friday that Perseverance successfully dropped its second rock sample tube on the Martian surface.

americanthinker (2022-12-24). Take This Potentially Deadly Vaccine, Or We Will Deny You Lifesaving Care. americanthinker.com Despite everything we have learned about the vaccine's mediocre efficacy and serious risks, one hospital is determined to let a girl die if she remains unvaxxed.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). French want to replay 2022 World Cup final. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — More than 200,000 signatures in France have been collected in support of the petition to replay the 2022 World Cup final between Argentina and France.

WNBR-SF (2022-12-24). Sunday 1/1: New Years Day 2023 World Naked Bike Ride and Polar Plunge. indybay.org Meet on the Great Highway at the Taraval Street crossing…

____ (2022-12-24). Chinese Olympic champion weightlifter astonished at positive ITA report. ecns.cn The International Testing Agency announced Thursday that Chinese weightlifter Lyu Xiaojun tested positive and will be provisionally suspended from competing until the resolution of his case.

Robert Hunziker (2022-12-24). Astronaut Edgar Mitchell's "State of the Planet" Message Revisited. dissidentvoice.org Imagine being confined to a space the size of a car's interior in the pitch blackness of outer space for three days. Your spacecraft is the Apollo 14 Command Module "Kitty Hawk," returning from the moon. In order to maintain thermal balance, the module will rotate 360 ∞ every two minutes, as the sun, the moon …

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). VIDEO: Heavy flood hits eastern Baghdad. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Sadr city of eastern Baghdad in Iraq is surrounded by floods caused by heavy rain.

| Reuters | (2022-12-24). Afghan Taliban order NGOs to ban female employees from work. tribune.com.pk Afghanistan's Taliban-run administration on Saturday ordered all local and foreign non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to stop female employees from coming to work, according to an economy ministry letter, in the latest crackdown on women's freedoms. | The letter, confirmed by economy ministry spokesperson Abdulrahman Habib, said the female employees were not allowed to work until further notice because some had not adhered to the administration's interpretation of Islamic dress code for women. | It was not immediately clear whether the order applied to United Nations agencies, which have a large presence in…

WorkWeek (2022-12-24). Starbucks Strike SF , SF "Ticket To Mars" Concert , Removal of TWU2 a Pres& UAW180 Strike. indybay.org WorkWeek radio covers the Starbuck's in San Francisco. A Starbucks Worker In SF Speaks Out, "Ticket To Mars" Concert In SF, Murder Threats & Removal Of TWU2 a President Roger Marenco and UAW Case Holland Tractor 7 Month Strike and their fight for justice.

Florence CGTN (2022-12-24). Yearender 2022: Space exploration. america.cgtn.com 2022 was a historic year in space exploration. Take a look back on some of the key highlights in space travel worldwide over the past year.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Norway's fund to cease investing in Zionist settlements. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Israeli officials reported that the move was influenced by the United Nations' decision in 2020 to publish a blacklist of 112 companies that are suspected of having connections to West Bank settlements…

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Defending human rights not exist in foreign policy of West. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — The notion of defending human rights and the fight against terrorism doesn't have a place in the foreign policy of the Western powers, the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister said.

Julia Conley (2022-12-24). Protesters: "No Democracy With Oligarchy" at Twitter HQ. indybay.org Dozens of artists, labor advocates, and climate campaigners answered a call from Climate Justice Arts on Sunday, arriving at Twitter's headquarters in San Francisco to paint the company's famed bird logo on the street outside along with pro-democracy messages.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). I've been diagnosed with prediabetes. What does that mean? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you've been diagnosed with prediabetes, it means your blood sugar levels are not high enough to be classified as Type 2 diabetes, but are high enough to indicate a need for change. A normal fasting blood sugar level is below 100; whereas, the level of a person with prediabetes is between 100 and 126. Once levels have surpassed 126, it's classified as Type 2 diabetes. This indicates that the body resists insulin or doesn't produce enough of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips to help a frozen shoulder. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Pain and stiffness in your shoulder can make every activity, including sleep, difficult. Worsening shoulder pain, especially at night, could mean you have a frozen shoulder, says Dr. Christopher Camp, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic surgeon. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/OU6-i4dKPKs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of…

Ricardo Gomez (2022-12-24). YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: The Lever Union Is Here. levernews.com

____ (2022-12-24). Hong Kong to launch online platform of talents service. ecns.cn The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government will launch an online platform of talents service on Dec. 28 to facilitate entry application as the financial hub steps up efforts to trawl for talents.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Iran, Guinea officials discuss expansion of bilateral ties. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — In a meeting with the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for the Economic Diplomacy, the foreign minister of Guinea Morissanda Kouyaté stressed his country's willingness to develop ties with Tehran.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Iran voices readiness to solve Afghan girls education problem. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — An Iranian foreign ministry official has conveyed Iran's stance on the suspension of women's education in Afghanistan in a meeting with the caretaker head of the Afghan mission in Tehran.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Leader attends 1st Fatemieh mourning session. en.mehrnews.com The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei attended the first night of mourning ceremony for the noble and dignified daughter of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on Saturday evening.

americanthinker (2022-12-24). Yes, Americans can still count our blessings. americanthinker.com The United States remains a great nation and an example for the world to emulate.

americanthinker (2022-12-24). The Gigantic Defense Bill Does More Harm than Good. americanthinker.com A strong and free America is secured by a strong national defense, and that requires spending money. But America is at risk with legislation like this.

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on Dec. 24. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Saturday, December 24.

Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty (2022-12-24). Families Of Slain Iranian Protesters Mark End Of Mourning Period With Defiance. juancole.com By Ardeshir Tayebi/ Radio Farda | ( RFE/RL ) The families of the victims of the recent nationwide protests in Iran have staged protests amid ceremonies marking the 40th day since the death of 10 protesters across the country. With police standing nearby in the southern Iranian city of Shiraz on December 22, …

americanthinker (2022-12-24). We've reached terminal velocity: Washington state bureaucrats bemoan 'rational thinking'. americanthinker.com New curriculum on "climate change" parades the left's descent into insanity and Newspeak.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Best cooking fats for healthy cholesterol levels. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Are you trying to remember which fat is the good fat to use in the kitchen? If you are confused about whether to use unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated or saturated fats when cooking, it's understandable. It can be confusing. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says fats that raise your bad cholesterol levels and increase your risk for heart disease are the ones to avoid. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/drmIcHaxxfM Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

____ (2022-12-24). Xi extends congratulations to new Slovenian president. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday sent a congratulatory message to Natasa Pirc Musar on her assuming office as the president of the Republic of Slovenia.

Staff (2022-12-24). Boycott Tour and Gaza solidarity evening bring message of Palestine to Toulouse. samidoun.net

en.mehrnews (2022-12-24). Iran deputy FM reviews Tehran-Bamako ties with Malian FM, PM. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) — Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy discussed the latest status of Iran-Mali economic cooperation in separate meetings with the foreign minister and prime minister of the African country.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). Get to the point: Proper disposal of sharps. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org "Sharps" is the term used to describe any device with a sharp point or edge that could cut your skin. This includes needles, syringes, infusion sets, lancets (sometimes called "fingersticks") and auto-injectors, like EpiPens. There are many reasons why you may have sharps in your home. They are used to manage many different health conditions, including allergies, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, infertility, blood clotting disorders and psoriasis. It's important to correctly dispose of sharps to…

Franz Hinkelammert, Sebastian Pittl (2022-12-24). Critique of Religion and Market Religion and Post-colonialism. indybay.org Critique of religion as critique of fetishism is a critique of earthly gods, which are false gods. "Man is the highest being for man." Marx develops it further in other words and formulates his idea of the liberation of man in the Communist Manifesto. There he says: "In place of the old bourgeois society with its classes and class antagonisms comes…the free development of all. "

Editor (2022-12-24). The Chris Hedges Report: "The Catholic Church Expelled Me for Supporting Women Joining the Priesthood" scheerpost.com

Staff (2022-12-24). Talk World Radio: Niamh Ni Bhriain on Weapons Business Booming. davidswanson.org

| Reuters | (2022-12-24). Iran Supreme Court accepts rapper Yasin's appeal against death sentence. tribune.com.pk Iran's Supreme Court has accepted the death sentence appeal of rapper Saman Seydi Yasin even as it confirmed a death sentence against another protestor, the country's judiciary said on Saturday. | Yasin, a Kurd who raps about inequality, oppression and unemployment, had been accused of attempting to kill security forces, setting a rubbish bin on fire and shooting three times into the air, charges which he denied. | Yasin's mother last week pleaded in a video for help to save her son. "Where in the world have you seen a loved one's life is taken for a trash bin?" she said in the video posted on social media.

Naomi Craine (2022-12-24). Rail workers protest as gov't imposes contract, bars strike. themilitant.com CHICAGO — In rail yards and on locomotives across the country discussion and debate continue among rail workers over how to respond to the ongoing attacks from the rail bosses and the government. These include grueling schedules, draconian attendance policies, unsafe conditions, a renewed push to run engineer-only trains and the anti-union Railway Labor Act. | On Dec. 2 President Joseph Biden signed legislation passed overwhelmingly by a bipartisan majority in Congress imposing a contract on 115,000 rail workers and proscribing union strike action. Members of four unions — representing a majority of t…

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2022-12-24). Presidente Arce afirmó que Bolivia romperá récords en exportaciones. telesurtv.net El mandatario Luis Arce afirmó que Bolivia cuenta con una economía estable y tiene la menor inflación de toda la región.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-12-24). Advierten sobre peligro por tormenta de invierno en Canadá. telesurtv.net En estos momentos debido a la acción de la tormenta invernal son más de 290.000 hogares de Quebec, Ontario y Ottawa que ya no cuentan con fluido eléctrico.

Staff (2022-12-24). Solidaridad con Cuba desde Bélgica: Realizan preparativos para nuevas donaciones en 2023. cubadebate.cu La iniciativa de cubanas residentes en Bélgica "La maleta solidaria" se consolida con los preparativos de nuevos envíos para ayudar a la isla a enfrentar las dificultades que atraviesa, resaltó hoy la coordinadora del proyecto, Lissett Herrera, a Prensa Latina. De acuerdo con Herrera, si bien es un apoyo modesto a los compatriotas en Cuba, la iniciativa representa mucho amor y compromiso con la patria que las vio nacer.

Staff (2022-12-24). El 28 de diciembre vence el plazo para realizar el cambio de las cuentas en pesos convertibles. cubadebate.cu Los titulares de estas cuentas podrán decidir hasta el próximo 28 de diciembre si convierten su saldo total o parcialmente, a pesos cubanos, a la tasa de cambio de veinticuatro (24) pesos cubanos por un peso (1) convertible, o a un Certificado de Depósitos en dólares estadounidense o euros con características específicas.

Staff (2022-12-24). Rusia revela nuevos detalles sobre proyectos de armas biológicas en Ucrania y su relación con EE.UU. cubadebate.cu El jefe de las Tropas de Defensa Radiológica, Química y Biológica de las Fuerzas Armadas de Rusia, ha revelado a nuevos participantes de los proyectos estadounidenses de armas biológicas en Ucrania, durante la rueda de prensa dedicada a los resultados de la Novena Conferencia de Revisión de la Convención sobre las Armas Biológicas y Toxínicas.

Staff (2022-12-24). Otorgan la Orden Carlos J. Finlay a la Doctora Hilda Saladrigas. cubadebate.cu Hilda Saladrigas fue reconocida con la Orden Carlos J. Finlay, concedida por el Consejo de Estado a personalidades nacionales y extranjeras por sus valiosos aportes al desarrollo de las ciencias naturales o sociales. Para Hilda, aún "hay mucho que investigar sobre la Comunicación y su complejidad en pos de perfeccionar nuestra sociedad y sus relaciones humanas".

Staff (2022-12-24). Ajedrez: øCuáles son los motivos para celebrar en Cuba? cubadebate.cu Siempre habrá algo que añadir, motivos para soñar, aspiraciones por cumplir. Sin embargo, los protagonistas del ajedrez en Cuba tienen muchas razones para sentirse satisfechos con lo logrado en el año a punto de expirar.No fue perfecto, pero lo sucedido en 2022 tiende marcadamente a lo positivo.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-24). OMM reitera urgencia de actuar ante cambio climático. telesurtv.net Los desastres conectados con el tiempo, el agua y el clima, las inundaciones, el calor y la sequía, impactaron numerosas vidas.

Staff (2022-12-24). Meta pagará 725 millones para resolver demanda sobre intercambio de datos con Cambridge Analytica. cubadebate.cu La empresa matriz de Facebook, Meta Platforms, pagará 725 millones de dólares para resolver una demanda colectiva interpuesta en 2018, en la que se acusa a la compañía de compartir datos de los usuarios con la firma británica de investigación de mercados Cambridge Analytica.La compañía tuvo acceso a los datos de hasta 87 millones de usuarios de la red social.

Staff (2022-12-24). El tiempo: Inundaciones costeras en el norte de occidente y día invernal en esta región. cubadebate.cu Habrá fuertes marejadas en el litoral norte occidental, con inundaciones costeras de ligeras a moderadas en zonas bajas de este litoral. En el norte central habrá oleaje, mientras que en el resto de las costas habrá poco oleaje.

Staff (2022-12-24). FAO apoyará industria del musgo marino de Dominica. cubadebate.cu La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) apoyará la industria del musgo marino de Dominica, un ingrediente básico hoy de zumos artesanales y comerciales con propiedades energéticas. Mejorar la cadena de valor del musgo marino de Dominica también apoyaría los esfuerzos para reducir la factura de importación de alimentos de la Comunidad del Caribe en un 25 por ciento para 2025.

Staff (2022-12-24). No se prevén afectaciones al servicio eléctrico por capacidad de generación en esta jornada. cubadebate.cu Se estima para la hora pico una disponibilidad de 2685 MW y una demanda máxima de 2600 MW, para una reserva de 85 MW, por lo que de mantenerse las condiciones previstas no se pronostican afectaciones al servicio por déficit de capacidad, aunque se trabaja con bajos niveles de reserva en este horario.

Staff (2022-12-24). øQuién dijo que no se puede sembrar soya en Cuba? cubadebate.cu Santiago Cuéllar Magdaleno se considera un guajiro atrevido en Placetas. Cuando iniciaron los convenios porcinos en Cuba, él fue de los primeros en inscribirse; luego, al iniciarse la experiencia de las cebas al destete, no dudó en ser, junto a su coterráneo Orelvis Peñate, pionero en el país en esa modalidad.Así empezó por ese camino de emprendimiento.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-24). Presidente Arce asistirá a toma de posesión de Lula en Brasil. telesurtv.net La viceministra de Comunicación refirió ante medios de prensa que el jefe de Estado también sostendrá un encuentro de trabajo.

Eloy Osvaldo Proaño (2022-12-24). Ecuador: Nuevamente piden la destitución de Lasso. globalizacion.ca La Comisión de Garantías Constitucionales del Congreso de Ecuador que investigaba al presidente neoliberal Guillermo Lasso, aprobó un informe no vinculante que establece que el mandatario incumplió la ley para ser candidato que señala que no puede tener sus recursos…

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-24). Incendio en un geriátrico ruso deja al menos 20 muertos. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Situaciones de Emergencias de Rusia indicó que continúan en la búsqueda de siete personas cuyo paradero aún es desconocido.

Staff (2022-12-24). Curiosidades del Palacio Presidencial. cubadebate.cu Su entrada principal, sobre calle Refugio, está flanqueada por dos elementos emblemáticos, los restos de la garita del àÅngel, parte de la muralla que rodeaba a La Habana en la época colonial, y el cañón autopropulsado SAU-100 utilizado por el Comandante en Jefe, Fidel Castro Ruz, en el combate de Bahía de Cochinos, en abril de 1961.

Staff (2022-12-24). Más de 20 millones de niños están en riesgo por sequía en àÅfrica, según la Unicef. cubadebate.cu Según alertó este viernes el Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef), más de 20 millones de niños se encuentran en riesgo de hambre grave, enfermedades y sed a causa de la sequía que afecta al Cuerno de àÅfrica, la más grave "en más de dos generaciones".

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-12-24). Llaman en Costa Rica a completar vacunación contra la Covid-19. telesurtv.net El galeno mencionó al distanciamiento social, el lavado de las manos, la desinfección de las manos, cubrirse la boca al toser y el uso del barbijo en los espacios cerrados.

àÅlvaro Verzi Rangel (2022-12-24). La propia oposición venezolana defenestró, al fin, al "presidente interino" Juan Guaidó. globalizacion.ca Juan Guaidó, el "presidente interino" made in Washington, ya no le sirve a EEUU, por lo que le lanzó al "basurero" y se aceró al gobierno constitucional de Nicolás Maduro, obligando a los partidos de la oposición a eliminar el…

teleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-12-24). Realizan homenaje a víctimas del terremoto de 1972 en Nicaragua. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó la ayuda enviada por Cuba en ese momento para el pueblo nicaragüense.

Staff (2022-12-24). El conflicto en Ucrania agota las reservas de armas de la OTAN, asegura The Washington Post. cubadebate.cu Según refleja The Washington Post en un material pubicado este viernes en el que analiza la ayuda bélica que Occidente presta a Kiev, los combates en Ucrania han puesto al descubierto "fallos en la planificación estratégica" de Estados Unidos. Asimismo, han revelado "lagunas significativas" en la base industrial militar de Washington y de la OTAN.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-24). Gobierno chileno logra contener incendio en Viña del Mar. telesurtv.net El presidente Boric, prometió ayuda para las personas y familias que perdieron su vivienda en el incendio que destruyó una zona de Viña del Mar.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-24). Paraguay reporta 4.381 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en una semana. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sanitarias de Paraguay indicaron que los casos de Covid-19 aumentaron un 93 por ciento en una semana.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-12-24). Piden a empresa NFT cesar venta de valores indígenas de Brasil. telesurtv.net La solicitud firmada por el fiscal general de Amazonas da un plazo de diez días a Nemus para tomar medidas al respecto.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-24). Más de 20 millones de niños en riesgo por sequía en Cuerno de àÅfrica. telesurtv.net ONU refiere que en África Oriental "las lluvias han estado por debajo del promedio en cuatro temporadas consecutivas".

teleSUR, MER (2022-12-24). teleSUR entrega premios del concurso #MiHistoriaConD10S. telesurtv.net En el programa Zurda Infinita fue compartida la historia de Marco Antonio Santivañez Soria, desde Bolivia.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-24). JEP de Colombia abre proceso a exmilitares por paramilitarismo. telesurtv.net La JEP investiga el presunto apoyo en los años 90 a desmovilizados de grupos armados por parte de militares para que pasaran a filas paramilitares.

teleSUR, YSM (2022-12-24). Policía fronteriza inicia huelga en Reino Unido. telesurtv.net La huelga alcanza a dos aeropuertos londineses, los de Birmingham, Cardiff, Glasgow y Manchester, así como al sureño puerto de Newhaven.

teleSUR, MER (2022-12-24). Fallece en Nicaragua Blanca Segovia, hija del general Augusto Sandino. telesurtv.net El Gobierno de Nicaragua indicó que será realizado un homenaje a Blanca Segovia Sandino Aráuz en la Asamblea Nacional.

Staff (2022-12-24). Aumenta el número de casos confirmados de cólera en Haití. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de la Salud Pública y Población del país caribeño actualizó el jueves la situación del más reciente brote de cólera que exhibe cifras de 18 799 casos sospechosos, 1 380 confirmados, 16 047 hospitalizados y 342 fallecidos. La Oficina para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios resaltó la preocupación por la incidencia del virus en las edades más tempranas.

Staff (2022-12-24). Autoridades portuarias informan sobre suspensión de la navegación marítima Batabanó-Nueva Gerona. cubadebate.cu Autoridades portuarias informan que se decidió suspender la navegación marítima entre estos puertos a partir de las 00: 00 horas del sábado 24 de diciembre, hasta que mejore la situación hidrometeorológica en el Golfo de Batabanó que afectara la seguridad para la navegación durante la travesía y el atraque en los puertos de Batabanó, Nueva Gerona y Cayo Largo del Sur.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2022-12-24). Corte salvadoreña ratifica prisión a asesinos de 4 periodistas. telesurtv.net Los acusados son el ex general José Guillermo García, el ex coronel Francisco Morán y el coronel Mario Adalberto Reyes.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-24). Ascienden a más de 400 los muertos por brote de cólera en Malawi. telesurtv.net La ciudad de Mangochi, la más grande y poblada del país, ha registrado la mayor cantidad de casos.

Staff (2022-12-24). Gobierno talibán impone nueva restricción a las mujeres. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno talibán ordenó este sábado a todos los grupos no gubernamentales nacionales y extranjeros en Afganistán que suspendan el empleo de mujeres, supuestamente porque algunas empleadas no usaban el velo islámico correctamente. La prohibición es la medida restrictiva más reciente de los nuevos gobernantes de Afganistán contra los derechos y libertades de las mujeres.

Staff (2022-12-24). Qué trae la prensa cubana, sábado 24 de diciembre de 2022. cubadebate.cu

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-24). López Obrador rechaza que EE.UU. actúe como un gobierno mundial. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado mexicano le expresó a su homólogo estadounidense, Joe Biden: "Con todo respeto, América somos todos".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-24). México recibe segundo lote de vacunas Abdala contra la Covid-19. telesurtv.net El fármaco Abdala contra la Covid-19 se usará en México como refuerzo o primera dosis hasta completar el esquema…

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-24). Al menos 13 personas mueren en EE.UU. por tormenta invernal. telesurtv.net Producto de la tormenta invernal, alrededor 1. 0.000 hogares y negocios se quedaron sin fluido eléctrico en varios estados de EE.UU.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2022-12-24). Alertan del aumento de casos confirmados de cólera en Haití. telesurtv.net Haití ya tuvo que enfrentar una epidemia de cólera en 2010 y tras nueve años la enfermedad cobró la vida de unas 10 mil personas.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-24). This winter, keep your balance to avoid the emergency room. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LA CROSSE, Wis. — Balance is defined as the body's ability to maintain its center of mass over the base of support. More importantly, especially when snowstorms hit, being balanced can prevent falls, which can lead to a reduction in injury. "Many parts of your body play key roles with your balance," says Kariline Bringe M.D., orthopedic surgeon, Mayo Clinic Health System in La Crosse. "Your muscles, bones, joints, eyes, the balance organ in the inner…

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