2022-11-26: News Headlines

Manlio Dinucci (2022-11-26). Poisons at the FIFA World Cup. globalresearch.ca The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar hides a tragic reality that the political-media mainstream covered with silence. First of all, this Gulf emirate was chosen by FIFA to organize the 2022 World Cup. The International Football Federation, FIFA, is …

En.mehrnews (2022-11-26). VIDEO: Massive fire breaks out near FIFA World Cup fan zone. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 26 (MNA) — A huge fire has broken out near the World Cup city of Lusail in Qatar with smoke rising into the sky next to the country's fan villages.

Oakland Asian Cultural Center (2022-11-26). Saturday 12/3: Crescenciana Book Talk: Connecting with our Ancestors' Narratives. indybay.org 388 9th St STE 290, Oakland, CA 94607…

Andrew Green (2022-11-26). [Obituary] Dilip Mahalanabis. thelancet.com Paediatrician who pioneered the use of oral rehydration therapy. Born on Nov 12, 1934 in what is now Kishoreganj, Bangladesh, he died on Oct 16, 2022 in Kolkata, India, aged 87 years.

____ (2022-11-26). Chinese naval vessel to participate in int'l fleet review. ecns.cn The Changsha, a People's Liberation Army (PLA) naval vessel, set sail on Friday to attend an international fleet review in Bangladesh.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-26). 2 Turkish soldiers killed in northern Iraq. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 26 (MNA) — The Turkish National Defense Ministry said on Friday that two Turkish soldiers were killed in northern Iraq.

____ (2022-11-26). Chinese premier sends congratulations to new Malaysian PM. ecns.cn Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Friday congratulated Anwar Ibrahim on his appointment as Malaysia's prime minister.

____ (2022-11-26). Chip ban pushback stresses damage. ecns.cn Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Friday that calls from the United States business community pushing back on a proposed Chinese chip ban, in the final version of an annual defense policy bill.

WSWS (2022-11-26). Sri Lankan president threatens to crush anti-government struggles. wsws.org The opposition SJB and JVP, along with the pseudo-lefts and the trade unions, have downplayed Wikremasinghe's threats in order to disarm the working class.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-26). US base in eastern Syria comes under rocket attack. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 26 (MNA) — Two rockets targeted a US patrol base in northeastern Syria but did not result in any injuries or damage to the base, the US military said on Friday.

Staff (2022-11-26). Raúl rinde homenaje a Fidel en Santiago de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Este 25 de noviembre, cuando se cumplen seis años de la partida del Comandante en Jefe, su hermano entrañable, el General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, fue el primero en rendirle honores en el cementerio patrimonial Santa Ifigenia, de Santiago de Cuba. Con un ramo de rosas llegó Raúl hasta la piedra que guarda las cenizas de un hombre país.

TeleSUR, as, DRL (2022-11-26). Ecuador sumó un punto que vale oro en Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net El segundo tiempo arrancó con un equipo ecuatoriano que se tiró al ataque nuevamente por la banda de Estupiñán.

TeleSUR, mm, MER (2022-11-26). Argentina buscará su primera victoria ante México en Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Ambos equipos se han visto las caras en 35 ocasiones, con la Albiceleste dominando el histórico.

TeleSUR, em, JCM (2022-11-26). Australia logra su primera victoria en Copa Mundial de Qatar. telesurtv.net Túnez llega de igualar a cero goles con Dinamarca e intentará sacar un resultado que le permita clasificar a octavos de final.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-11-26). Aumentan a 310 los fallecidos por terremoto en Indonesia. telesurtv.net Más de un tercio de las víctimas mortales son niños, ya que los temblores impactaron la poblada provincia de Java Occidental en pleno horario escolar.

Staff (2022-11-26). Jóvenes cubanos recuerdan a Fidel en velada político-cultural (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu Jóvenes cubanos se reunieron este viernes en la escalinata de la Universidad de La Habana para, a través del arte, rendir homenaje al eterno Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, en el sexto aniversario de su partida física.

TeleSUR, ev, MER (2022-11-26). Polonia y Arabia Saudita jugarán por el Grupo C del Mundial. telesurtv.net Ambos equipos jugarán en el Estadio Ciudad de la Educación y será la segunda vez que se vean las caras después del amistoso realizado en 2006.

TeleSUR, jd, MER (2022-11-26). Túnez se medirá ante Australia en Copa Mundial de la FIFA. telesurtv.net Este encuentro, que se realizará en el estado Al Janoub, será el tercero entre ambos equipos.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-11-26). Francia se enfrentará a Dinamarca en el Mundial Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net En el Mundial de Rusia 2018, ambos equipos se enfrentaron y consiguieron un empate 0-0, pero lograron clasificar a octavos de final.

Staff (2022-11-26). EN VIVO: Polonia vs. Arabia Saudita en el Mundial de la FIFA. telesurtv.net En su histórico, Arabia Saudita ha caído en nueve de los diez partidos disputados contra equipos europeos.

Manlio Dinucci (2022-11-26). I veleni nella Coppa del Mondo. globalresearch.ca La Coppa del Mondo FIFA 2022 in Qatar nasconde una tragica realtà su cui il mainstream politico-mediatico ha calato una cappa di silenzio. Anzitutto il fatto che sia stato questo emirato del Golfo ad essere scelto dalla FIFA per organizzare …

TeleSUR, ev, MER (2022-11-26). Inglaterra y Estados Unidos empatan a cero goles en Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Ambas selecciones tuvieron jugadas destacadas para adelantarse en el tablero.

Infobrics (2022-11-25). What to Expect from the New Brazilian Govt's Foreign Policy. infobrics.org Lula must revisit well-established relations with emerging economies in Asia — and with India in particular. Brazil-India relations have an untapped potential for technological and economic exchange that might become a priority for Brazil…

WSWS (2022-11-25). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and New Zealand. wsws.org India: Power utility workers protest against privatisation; Swiggy food delivery still on strike in Kerala; Australia: Qantas short-haul cabin crew vote to strike for pay increase; Auckland University staff work-to-rule…

Peter Schiff (2022-11-25). War on Cash: India Rolling Out Retail Pilot Program for Digital Rupee. asia-pacificresearch.com

Contributing Writers (2022-11-25). Canada Set To Allow Euthanasia for Mental Illness. marktaliano.net

_____ (2022-11-25). Court Rules Against Waratah Coal Mine In Landmark Ruling. popularresistance.org The Queensland Land Court has ruled human rights would be unjustifiably limited by a proposal to dig the state's largest coal mine in the Galilee Basin in Central Queensland. | First Nations-led activist group Youth Verdict challenged an application by mining company Waratah Coal, owned by billionaire Clive Palmer. | The group of young Queensland activists challenged the mine on the basis it would impact the human rights of First Nations peoples by contributing to climate change. | The coal mine would remove about 40 million tonnes of coal a year for export to South-East Asia, with a forecast life span of 30 year…

_____ (2022-11-25). The US Is Determined To Drive A Wedge Between Ethiopia And Eritrea. popularresistance.org Western officials and pundits never stop trying to drive a wedge between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Their screams that Eritrea must get out of Ethiopia have grown louder and louder every day since Ethiopia and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) signed a peace agreement to end the two-year civil war. The US should get out of Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and outer space before it brings an end to life on earth, but of course that's not on the table. | Instead we hear that the Ethiopian peace agreement is likely to collapse if Eritrean troops don't leave Ethiopia. Biden, Blinken, and rabid pro-TPLF Congr…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-25). Greece Agreed To Send Its Air Defence Systems To Ukraine. southfront.org | According to the Greek media, Washington proposed Athens to transfer the Greek S-300 and Tor-M1 air defense systems to Ukraine and replace them with modern systems of NATO standards at the expense of the US military assistance. Athens reportedly accepted the deal and the negotiations with Washington are to begin in the near future. | Two divisions of the S-300 air defense systems were purchased to Cyprus under the contract signed in 1996. However, as a result of pressure from the US and Tu…

WSWS (2022-11-25). Indonesia suffers devastating earthquake. wsws.org It is the deadliest earthquake since 2018 in the disaster-prone country. The death toll is more than 270 with 40 still missing and over 2,000 people injured.

Peter Boyle (2022-11-25). Australian Greens condemn Turkish bombing of Rojava. greenleft.org.au Australian Greens foreign affairs spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has condemned Turkey's latest aggression against Kurds in north and east Syria and in northern Iraq. Peter Boyle reports.

Susan Price (2022-11-25). HDP: 'Turkey has a history of blood-soaked electioneering'. greenleft.org.au The pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party (HDP) in Turkey has called for immediate action against Turkey's cross-border attacks on North East Syria and Northern Iraq to prevent another humanitarian catastrophe, reports Susan Price.

Anonymous669 (2022-11-25). ISIS Shares Photos Of Daring Raid By Its Terrorists In Iraq's Kirkuk. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. | On November 24, ISIS's official news agency, Amaq, released photos documenting a daring raid that was recently carried out by one of the terrorist group's cells in the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk. | The raid, which took place on November 19, targeted a position of the Iraqi military in al-Dibis district in the northwestern Kirkuk countryside. | ISIS terrorists infiltrated the position then shot and killed four service members who were still asleep. The terrori…

_____ (2022-11-25). The anniversary of the DPRK missile launch. journal-neo.org Tensions between North and South Korea have not abated, and the advance toward the danger line is unceasing. On November 9, North Korea launched a short-range ballistic missile toward the Sea of Japan. On the same day, the South Korean military announced that fragments of one of the North Korean missiles recovered the previous day …

____ (2022-11-25). Ibexes spotted running on cliff in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Ibexes mainly live in high altitude mountainous areas, including Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai and Inner Mongolia. The population of this rare species grows continuously.

_____ (2022-11-25). Why I'm Thankful For 500 Years Of Indigenous Resistance. popularresistance.org Starting in 1452, under the guise of the Papal Bull Romanus Pontifex and later the 1493 Papal Bull Inter Cetera, the Christian Doctrine of Discovery, European Christians began their efforts to expand colonial rule, and the Christian Empire, throughout the world. | These Papal Bulls sanctioned European Christian Nations to "capture, vanquish, and subdue the saracens, pagans, and other enemies of Christ, to put them into perpetual slavery, and to take all their possessions and property" and were authorized "to take possession of any lands discovered that were not under the dominion of any Christian rulers." | Early…

____ (2022-11-25). Semi-automated offside technology serves FIFA World Cup 2022. ecns.cn Semi-automated offside technology has been used at the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar starting on Nov. 21 to offer help for referees make faster, more accurate and reproducible offside decisions.

WSWS (2022-11-25). The FIFA World Cup in Qatar: geopolitics, money and double standards. wsws.org With the World Cup in Qatar, the domination of commercial and power interests over sport has reached a new stage.

_____ (2022-11-25). This World Cup Is Brought To You By Abused Migrant Workers. popularresistance.org In a full-throated defense of 2022 World Cup host nation Qatar, FIFA president Gianni Infantino said in a press conference on Saturday, "Today I feel Qatari, today I feel Arab, today I feel African, today I feel gay, today I feel disabled, today I feel a migrant worker…because I know what it means to be discriminated, to be bullied." | Criticizing the West, and Europe in particular, for migration policies, corporate profiteering off of Gulf oil, and "what we Europeans have been doing for 3,000 years around the world," Infantino tried to draw attention away from multiple controversies plaguing the 2022 World Cup…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-25). At least two people dead after heavy rains in Jeddah: report. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 25 (MNA) — At least two people died on Thursday as heavy rains hit western Saudi Arabia, including Jeddah, delaying flights and forcing schools to close, officials said.

Steven Sahiounie (2022-11-25). US Defenseless to Protect Kurds Against Turkish Invasion in Syria. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2022-11-25). U.S. Defenseless to Stop Turkish Ground Invasion in Syria. strategic-culture.org Many see the brewing war on the Kurds in Syria as a distraction manipulated by Erdogan in his effort to boost nationalist sentiments ahead of the election. | "It's the end of the road for those who believe they can stall Turkey by pun games, by changing names of terrorist organizations, by sharing pictures showing their soldiers next to terrorists," Turkish President Erdogan was directly referring to the U.S. and their support of the Syrian Def…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-25). 125 Killed Or Wounded In Five Days Of Turkish Strikes On Syria: Monitoring Group. southfront.org

Staff (2022-11-25). Mundial de Catar 2022: Neymar sufre un esguince y Brasil tiembla. cubadebate.cu Brasil contiene la respiración y tiembla con su gran estrella. Neymar se retiró tocado en el tobillo derecho a los 79 minutos de la victoria (2-0) de la 'canarinha' ante Serbia en el arranque del Mundial de Qatar 2022 asustando a todo el país, en vilo por el estado de su tobillo derecho.Una hora después se explicó que Neymar sufre un esquince.

TeleSUR, jd, MER (2022-11-25). Brasil gana en su debut de la mano de Richarlison en Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net En el segundo tiempo, al minuto 62, Richarlison logró el primer tanto con jugada de Neymar.

TeleSUR, ls, MER (2022-11-25). Zurda Infinita analiza debut de Uruguay en Qatar con Rubén Sosa. telesurtv.net Sorín y Morales también conversaron sobre la victoria de Brasil ante Serbia, dando otra alegría a su país y a la región.

Staff (2022-11-25). Empate a cero entre Inglaterra y Estados Unidos en Mundial de Catar. cubadebate.cu Con empate a cero culminó el partido de este viernes entre Inglaterra y Estados Unidos en el Mundial de Fútbol de Catar. Así, Inglaterra no concretó su pase a octavos y Estados Unidos sumó un empate que lo deja complicado en el Grupo B. Estados Unidos llegó más, pero ninguno de los equipos arriesgó demasiado.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-11-25). Presidente de Indonesia insta a priorizar evacuación tras sismo. telesurtv.net Visita centros de evacuación en Java Occidental. Indica priorizar la evacuación a áreas seguras ante la proximidad de severas lluvias.

Staff (2022-11-25). Ascienden a 310 los fallecidos tras terremoto en Indonesia. cubadebate.cu La Agencia Nacional para la Gestión de Desastres (BNPB) de Indonesia dio a conocer este viernes que, tras el hallazgo de 17 nuevos cadáveres, subieron a 310 las víctimas mortales provocadas por el sismo que afectó el pasado lunes la provincia de Java Occidental. El terremoto dejó un saldo de más de 2 000 heridos y 62 000 desplazados.

Staff (2022-11-25). A propósito del monumento a Fidel. cubadebate.cu Se habla de 40 días (aunque son menos los que corren entre el 27 de abril y el 3 de junio), pero es un hecho que ningún otro estadista, pasó más días recorriendo el gran país de norte a sur y de oeste a este.Y quien haya conocido personalmente al Comandante en Jefe, sabe que poseía una capacidad asombrosa de descifrar los hechos.

Staff (2022-11-25). Los jóvenes y el país soñado por Fidel. cubadebate.cu Giselle Armas (profesora de FLACSO), Josué Benavides (profesor de Física de la UH), Belsis Rodríguez (estudiante de Comunicación Social) y Yuniel González (trabajador social) han encontrado inspiración en el pensamiento de Fidel Castro en los tiempos que corren. Jóvenes todos, han accedido a compartir sus apreciaciones sobre el Comandante y su legado en el contexto actual.

TeleSUR, as, MER (2022-11-25). Qatar y Senegal jugarán en un partido que no acepta derrotas. telesurtv.net Este compromiso es de suma importancia para los dos seleccionados, pues una derrota los podría dejar eliminados del certamen mundialista.

TeleSUR, em, MER (2022-11-25). Inglaterra buscará clasificación a octavos de final en Copa del Mundo. telesurtv.net La selección de Inglaterra tiene algunas novedades al 11 inicial que presentó en el primer partido de Qatar 2022.

TeleSUR, jap, DRL (2022-11-25). Portugal logra victoria 3 – 2 ante Ghana en Mundial de la FIFA. telesurtv.net En el primer encuentro de este grupo Uruguay y Corea del Sur igualaron sin goles.

TeleSUR, jap, MER (2022-11-25). Países Bajos y Ecuador se enfrentarán en Copa Mundial de FIFA. telesurtv.net En la primera fecha, Países Bajos venció a Senegal y Ecuador hizo historia al vencer a Qatar, país anfitrión.

Staff (2022-11-25). EN VIVO: Países Bajos 1-0 Ecuador en el Mundial Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net La selección tricolor busca continuar la hazaña venciendo a Países Bajos y sellar su clasificación a los octavos de final.

TeleSUR -MM, DRL (2022-11-25). Qatar se elimina de la Copa del Mundo tras perder ante Senegal. telesurtv.net La selección de Qatar cayó ante Ecuador en el partido inaugural, siendo la primera vez que el país anfitrión pierde en su debut.

Editor (2022-11-24). BBC Accused of 'Whitewashing' Autocratic Azerbaijan in BP-Sponsored Film. scheerpost.com

_____ (2022-11-24). African And Indigenous Peoples: An Alliance For Defense, Survival And Revolution. popularresistance.org Yet again a holiday for mass delusion about "Pilgrims and Indians" looms. It is a day when practically nobody seated around tables piled high with big dead birds and assorted platters of carbohydrates gives even a passing thought to Massachusetts Bay Colony Governor John Winthrop's 1637 journal entry calling for "…a day of thanksgiving kept in all the churches for our victories against the Pequots." Plymouth Colony Governor William Bradford provided a detailed account of the so-called victories over an estimated 700 members of an indigenous community: | "Those that scraped the fire were [slain] with the sword;…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-24). Military Situation In Iraq On November 24, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous669 (2022-11-24). In Video: New Wave Of Iraqi Airstrikes Hit ISIS Hideouts In Kirkuk. southfront.org Iraqi Air Force F-16s during a training sortie on July 18, 2019. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Chris Drzazgowski) | On November 21, F-16 fighter jets of the Iraqi Air Force (IQAF) carried out a series of airstrikes on hideouts of ISIS cells in Wadi al-Khas in the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk. | In a statement, the Iraqi Security Media Cell said that the IQAF carried out the airstrikes after coordinating with the National Intelligence Service and the Federal Intelligence and Investigation Agency. | The air…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-24). Turkey renews air strike on northern Iraq, Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 24 (MNA) — Media sources reported on Thursday that the positions of Kurdish militias in northern Iraq and Syria came under attack by Turkish air strikes.

UnitedEditor (2022-11-24). Tàºrkiye's air operation against PKK/YPG in Syria and Iraq. unitedworldint.com On the night of November 19, the Turkish Armed Forces conducted an intensive airstrike against PKK/YPG targets in Syria and Iraq following the terrorist attack carried out by the PKK/YPG on Istiklal Street in Istanbul on November 13, which claimed the lives of 6 people and wounded 81 others. "89 targets and 184 terrorists were …

Michael Jansen (2022-11-24). Lebanon Still Faces Multiple Crises. globalresearch.ca

____ (2022-11-24). Anwar Ibrahim named new Malaysian PM. ecns.cn Anwar Ibrahim, the leader of the Pakatan Harapan coalition, has been named the prime minister of Malaysia, the national palace said on Thursday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-24). Malaysia King names Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 24 (MNA) — Malaysia's king has named Anwar Ibrahim as the country's next prime minister on Thursday.

Dr. Konstantin Asmolov (2022-11-24). The US and ROK Consider "Deterring North Korea's Use of Nuclear Weapons" globalresearch.ca

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-11-24). Woman Seen Cleaning Collard Greens In Bathtub: Black America Responds. moguldom.com As families across America prepare to eat, drink and be merry this holiday season, one viral video of a woman cleaning collard greens in the bathtub has some in Black America scratching its head. A video reposted by journalist Philip Lewis shows a woman washing her collard greens in a bathtub with what looks to …

Staff (2022-11-24). Romania, Black Sea: NATO holds drills with carrier strike group, missiles, warplanes. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com ReutersNovember 22, 2022 NATO allies test air defence system in Romania with simulated attack NATO allies on Wednesday conducted a military exercise to test air and missile defences in Romania…. A French air defence system deployed to Romania repelled a simulated attack by allied fighter jets, NATO's Allied Air Command in Ramstein in western Germany …

_____ (2022-11-24). Filipino Movements Criticize US Vice President's Visit. popularresistance.org United States Vice-President Kamala Harris ended her three-day visit to the Philippines on Tuesday, November 22, amid protests by peace advocates and social movements in the country. Harris is the first top-level US official to visit the Philippines after President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr took office in June earlier this year. | While President Marcos arranged for a warm reception for Harris, social movements received her visit with a massive demonstration to protest the US' role in the worsening human rights situation in the Philippines. | On Monday, November 21, thousands participated in a massive rally…

Infobrics (2022-11-24). Westerners insult Qatari culture by imposing their ideological agenda against local traditions. infobrics.org Gay flags and neo-Nazi symbols are used by Western tourists and journalists to offend Qatari people.

WSWS (2022-11-24). South Korean truckers strike amid growing worker anger. wsws.org In the unfolding struggles workers confront not just the government, but the opposition Democrats and trade unions, which are seeking to block the emergence of a broader movement.

WSWS (2022-11-24). Sri Lankan unions shut down government press workers' strike. wsws.org The Government Press plant is one of many state-owned enterprises being targeted for privatisation and associated attacks on wages, conditions and jobs.

Anonymous669 (2022-11-24). 18 Killed Or Wounded In Last Wave Of Turkish Strikes On Northern, Northeastern Syria. southfront.org Image: aa.com.tr | On November 24, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that 18 people were killed or wounded as a result of a series of Turkish air and artillery strikes that targeted its areas of influence in northern and northeastern Syria a day earlier. | The airstrikes targeted several positions of the SDF and Syrian government forces as well as a number of oil, gas and electric facilities. | In a statement, the SDF acknowledged that three of its fighters an security per…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-24). SDF 'Defense Minister' Targeted By Turkish Combat Drone In Northeastern Syria. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter. | Late on November 23, a Turkish drone strike targeted a senior military commander of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the northeastern Syrian town of al-Qamishli. | A mini truck that was carrying the commander, identified as Rezan Gelo, and two other people was struck while it was passing near al-Qarmouti roundabout in al-Qamishli, which is jointly held by the SDF and Syrian government forces. | Citing local sources in al-Qamishli,…

Marwa Osman (2022-11-24). Syrians Suffer Inside TurkeyMES EP.185. thealtworld.com Efforts to raise awareness about the seriousness of hate speech to which Syrians in Turkey are subjected have not limited violent incidents. Some of them held the government and organizations responsible for their insufficient interest in curbing this discourse. | The fears of Syrian refugees in Turkey are increasing in light of the growing hate speech against them to the point of threatening their lives, and the country has recorded several murders due to hate and racism. In this context, they call on those who defend them and their right to live away from the dangers of arrest or killing. | To discuss this issu…

Saheli Chowdhury (2022-11-24). UN Special Rapporteur Calls for End of Illegal Sanctions Suffocating Syria. orinocotribune.com Caracas, November 23, 2022 ( "I am struck by the pervasiveness of the human rights and humanitarian impact of the…

Albert Bender (2022-11-24). Thanksgiving's genocidal history continues amid family gatherings and celebrations. peoplesworld.org Another Thanksgiving—called "Thankstaking" in many Indigenous circles—comes and goes, but its bloody background forever lingers on. There is no getting around the crimson history once it is embedded in the psyche of those of us who know better. No amount of family gatherings and pass the turkey and pumpkin pie can erase the colonial elephant …

Anonymous669 (2022-11-24). Turkey Supplied Dozens Of TRLG-230 Laser-Guided Missiles To Ukraine — Report. southfront.org A Roketsan MCL launching a TRLG-230 missile during a test. Source: youtu.be/KfNuBYzJ8s0 | Turkey has supplied Ukraine with dozens of TRLG-230 precision-guided missiles, The TRLG-230, which was developed by Turkey's defense contractor Roketsan, is guided by a GPS-aided inertial navigation systems and a semi-active l…

Staff (2022-11-24). Brasil 2 – 0 Serbia por el Grupo G del Mundial de FIFA. telesurtv.net Este encuentro se disputó en el estadio Lusail, con una capacidad para albergar 80.000 espectadores.

Staff (2022-11-24). EN VIVO: Brasil vs. Serbia por el Grupo G del Mundial de FIFA. telesurtv.net Este encuentro se disputará en el estadio Lusail, con una capacidad para albergar 80.000 espectadores.

TeleSUR -odr -YSM (2022-11-24). Elevan a 271 las muertes por terremoto en Indonesia. telesurtv.net Al menos cien niños perdieron la vida en el sismo, que contabiliza 40 desaparecidos, y más de 2.000 heridos.

Staff (2022-11-24). EE.UU. bloquea importaciones de azúcar de República Dominicana, citando trabajo forzoso. cubadebate.cu El gobierno de Biden anunció el miércoles que bloquearía los envíos de azúcar de Central Romana Corporation, una empresa de República Dominicana que produce azúcar que se vende en Estados Unidos bajo la marca Domino y que durante mucho tiempo ha enfrentado acusaciones de someter a sus trabajadores a malas condiciones laborales.

Staff (2022-11-24). Brasil vence a Serbia en el cierre de la primera fecha del Grupo G. cubadebate.cu Con un doblete de Richarlison, Brasil derrotó 2-0 a Serbia y sumó sus tres primeros puntos en el Grupo C del Mundial Qatar 2022.Después del 2-0, Brasil se adueñó por completo del trámite del partido y sometió a placer a Serbia. Sin despeinarse, los dirigidos por Tite sumarán sus primeros tres puntos en el Mundial Qatar 2022.

Staff (2022-11-24). Uruguay y Corea del Sur terminan partido sin anotar goles en Mundial de Fútbol. cubadebate.cu El equipo de Uruguay igualó 0-0 ante Corea del Sur en la primera fecha por el Grupo H en la Copa del Mundo de la FIFA de Qatar 2022. La selección asiática salió a proponer en los primeros minutos del compromiso, mientras tanto Uruguay espero en su campo y analizó al rival durante los primeros 5 minutos, pero Corea del Sur empezó a dominar las bandas.

TeleSUR, em, JGN, DRL (2022-11-24). Suiza gana por la mínima diferencia a Camerún en Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Esta fue la primera vez en la historia que las selecciones de Suiza y Camerún se enfrentan. en el contexto de copas mundiales.

TeleSUR, ev, MER (2022-11-24). Portugal se medirá ante Ghana en la quinta jornada del Mundial. telesurtv.net La selección de Ghana se clasificó para esta Copa tras quedar primeros del Grupo G en la segunda fase de la región africana.

TeleSUR, jd, MER (2022-11-24). Brasil y Serbia cerrarán quinta jornada de Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net En los dos únicos partidos que han jugado estos equipos, la Canarinha se ha llevado la victoria en ambos encuentros.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-11-24). Suiza y Camerún abrirán el Grupo G de la Copa del Mundo. telesurtv.net Los suizos han accedido a la fase de octavos de final en los últimos dos mundiales.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-11-24). Zurda Infinita repasa sorpresas de la 4 ∞ jornada del Mundial. telesurtv.net El invitado en esta ocasión fue Afonsinho, exjugador brasileño, quien analizó al actual nivel de la Canarinha.

TeleSUR, as, MER (2022-11-24). Uruguay jugará contra Corea del Sur en primera fecha del Grupo H. telesurtv.net Ambas selecciones se medirán por tercera ocasión en Copas del Mundo.

TeleSUR, MM, DRL (2022-11-24). Amargo empate entre Uruguay y Corea del Sur en Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net Con esta participación, Uruguay completa cuatro asistencias consecutivas en Copas del Mundo desde Sudáfrica 2010.

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