2022-10-05: News Headlines

WSWS (2022-10-05). Journalist Katie Halper censored and fired for telling the truth about Israeli apartheid. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site condemns the censorship and firing of Katie Halper by The Hill. It must be condemned by the working class and all defenders of free speech as an attack on basic democratic rights.

For Workers Power In Iran (2022-10-05). Mass Iran Solidarity Protest At SF Union Square. indybay.org Thousands of Iranian Americans rallied in San Francisco's Union Square to protest the regime.

Staff (2022-10-05). VIDEO 1: Foreign enemies planned riots, Leader says. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 05 (MNA) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that the demise of the young Iranian lady saddened him but said that riots that followed her death were planned outside the country even before the incident.

____ (2022-10-05). HKSAR gov't vows full cooperation to country's recruitment of payload specialists in Hong Kong. ecns.cn The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government said on Sunday that it will render its full assistance and cooperation to the country's selection exercise for recruitment of payload specialists in the HKSAR.

Socialist Alliance (2022-10-05). Mass protest movement in Iran needs international solidarity. greenleft.org.au Socialist Alliance extends its solidarity to the mass protest movement in Iran that has developed in response to the killing of Mahsa Amini by the Iranian authorities.

Kerry Smith (2022-10-05). Women students lead the protests for Mahsa (Jina) Amini in Iran. greenleft.org.au The uprising in Iran sparked by the murder of Mahsa (Jina) Amini continues to spread across the country and international support for the Iranian people's resistance to the regime is growing, reports Kerry Smith.

Staff (2022-10-05). VIDEO 2: Enemies behind riots in Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 05 (MNA) — In his Monday speech, Leader said that the recent riots had nothing to do with the death of the young Iranian lady and the United States and Zionist Israeli had planned them long before.

Staff (2022-10-05). VIDEO 3: Leader says Western powers united against Iran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 05 (MNA) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei noted in his Monday speech that the western countries led by the US have formed an alliance in support of riots in Iran.

Staff (2022-10-05). Que las relaciones bilaterales con Cambodia alcancen un estadio superior. cubadebate.cu Cuba y Cambodia firmaron este martes dos acuerdos de cooperación en los ámbitos de la cultura y el deporte, con el propósito de ´fomentar, promover y fortalecer ª la colaboración técnica en estas áreas, así como el intercambio de expertos.

TeleSUR, jaa, JDO (2022-10-05). Fallecen al menos cuatro personas por avalancha al norte de India. telesurtv.net Un grupo de 34 alpinistas en formación, siete instructores y un asistente de enfermería fueron sepultados por un alud de nieve.

TeleSUR, ysm, JDO (2022-10-05). Palestina condena violencia de soldados y colonos israelíes. telesurtv.net Responsabilizan al Ejército y los colonos israelíes de atacar ciudades, campamentos de refugiados y aldeas.

TeleSUR, mcs, JCM (2022-10-05). Al menos 25 muertos tras caer autobús a un precipicio en India. telesurtv.net El subjefe general de Policía, Ashok Kumar comuncó que el transporte trasladaba a más de 40 personas de una procesión nupcial…

Staff (2022-10-04). North Korea fires ballistic missile over Japan. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — South Korea's military and Japan's Coast Guard say North Korea has fired a ballistic missile, which has flown over the northern part of Japan.

Anonymous103 (2022-10-04). North Korean Ballistic Missile Defiantly Flew Over Japan. southfront.org On the morning of October 4, North Korea reportedly launched a ballistic missile towards the Sea of Japan. The Japanese government warned residents in some remote islands that are part of Tokyo as well as Hokkaido and Aomori prefectures to take shelter. | According to Tokyo's Ministry of Defense, the missile flew over Japan's northern territory. It reportedly fell into the Pacific Ocean outside the exclusive economic zone of the state, about 3 thousand kilometers from the islands of the J…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-10-04). Cholera and US Sanctions Killing Syrian Civilians. orinocotribune.com By Steven Sahiounie Sep 29, 2022 | On September 23, the Al Qaeda-occupied area in Idlib Province reported the In the northeast region of Syria controlled by the US-backed SDF, a Kurdish mi…

WSWS (2022-10-04). Sri Lankan plantation unions call protests amid rising anger among workers. wsws.org The token protests were deliberately limited to prevent the broader participation of other estate workers facing the same management attacks.

Anonymous103 (2022-10-04). Military Situation In Iraq On October 4, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org

_____ (2022-10-04). How Long Can Indonesia Balance between the PRC and the US? journal-neo.org The global confrontation between the superpowers, the PRC and the US, affects every country in the world in one way or another. However, it primarily affects countries within the direct sphere of influence of competing giants. While the US sphere of influence is geographically fragmented and may include African and Asian countries alongside all Western …

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-10-04). Marlyne Barrett Of Hit Show 'Chicago Med': I Have Cancer. moguldom.com Fans and loved ones of "Chicago Med" star Marlyne Barrett were saddened to learn the actress is battling uterine and ovarian cancer. Barrett herself said it was a "shock" when she first found out. "The initial experience was a shock, a shock to my womanhood," Barrett told People. "I didn't believe them, but when they showed me …

TeleSUR (2022-10-04). India's Falling Rupee Hits All-time Low, What It Signifies. telesurenglish.net

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2022-10-04). US Is Recalibrating the Power Dynamic in East Mediterranean. Can South Asia be Far Behind? globalresearch.ca

Ryan Cristián (2022-10-04). USAID Connected To "Dirty Water Scam" Behind Cholera Outbreak In Syria & Biden's "AI Bill Of Rights" thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/4/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

TeleSUR (2022-10-04). Iraqi Political Impasse Must Be Resolved Through Dialogue: UN. telesurenglish.net "It is time for Iraq's leaders – all of them – to engage in dialogue, collectively define core Iraqi needs and pull the country back from the ledge. In other words, all leaders should assume responsibility and return the spotlight where it must be: on the people of Iraq," the special envoy told the Security Council meeting on the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). | RELATED: | The absence of a func…

Staff (2022-10-04). Iraq's PMU headquarters comes under rocket attack (+VIDEO). en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — Iraqi media reported on Tuesday morning that 3 explosions rocked the city of Basra in the south of the country.

WSWS (2022-10-04). 125 people killed in stampede at Indonesian soccer stadium. wsws.org The deadly stampede was triggered when police fired rounds of tear gas into a crowd of spectators.

Staff (2022-10-04). Car bomb explodes in Syria's Deir ez-Zur. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — News sources on Tuesday morning reported a car bomb explosion in the east of Syrian Deir ez-Zur province.

Staff (2022-10-04). VIDEO: 5 Police arrest woman protesting UK govt. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — The footage shows a woman, who is protesting the policies of the UK government, has been brutally arrested by five police officers.

____ (2022-10-04). PM Modi launches 5G services in India. ecns.cn Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday launched 5G services in the country.The 5G network will not only offer faster Internet speed to users but also help offer support to the federal and state governments in areas such as disaster management and agriculture, among others."ÄÄ"ÄÄ5G services will be rolled out in the country in a phased manner.

Staff (2022-10-04). Drone attack reported on Iraq's Sulaymaniyah. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — News sources reported a drone attack on Sulaymaniyah, Iraq which led to the injury of several people.

Staff (2022-10-04). Japanese PM says his country will hold joint drill with US. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 04 (MNA) — Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said on Tuesday that the nation and the United States will hold joint exercises, media have reported.

TeleSUR, ysm, JDO (2022-10-04). Indonesia crea equipo para investigar tragedia futbolística. telesurtv.net Investigaciones preliminares apuntan que la policía lanzó gas lacrimógeno, con lo cual desencadenó miedo colectivo y altercados.

Staff (2022-10-04). Cuba obtiene segundo triunfo en Olimpiada Mundial Sub-16 de Ajedrez, en Azerbaiyán. cubadebate.cu Otro triunfo cubano se disfrutó este lunes, con marcador de 3-1 sobre Bangladesh, durante la segunda ronda de la Olimpiada Mundial Sub-16 de Ajedrez de Nakhshivan 2022, en Azerbaiyán. Éxitos de Daniel Hidalgo y José Alejandro Hernández en los tableros uno y tres, por ese orden, marcaban la diferencia luego de la derrota de Leduard González en la segunda mesa.

Staff (2022-10-04). Inauguran primera pintura mural realizada por un cubano en Qatar. cubadebate.cu El artista cubano Maisel López imprimió su arte en Doha, capital de Qatar, para ubicar, desde este lunes, a Cuba en el mapamundi futbolístico de Qatar 2022. La obra ilustra a dos infantes: uno de Qatar y otro de Cuba, con símbolos de ambas naciones y un balón de fútbol alegórico a la cercana Copa Mundial de la disciplina.

Staff (2022-10-04). Marrero Cruz: Es recíproca la solidaridad entre Cuba y Laos. cubadebate.cu Desde el establecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas, el 4 de noviembre de 1974, los nexos entre ambos países han sido amistosos y de estrecha colaboración, significó Marrero Cruz, por lo que ratificó la voluntad de continuar consolidando esos lazos y de seguir, muy de cerca, todos los acuerdos que emanen de la visita oficial.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-10-03). Tripoli Signs Controversial Agreements with Turkey, Provoking Widespread Rejection. libya360.wordpress.com Libyan Foreign Minister Najla al-Mangoush (R) and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu attend a press conference in the capital Tripoli, October 3, 2022. (AFP) Media reports have talked about Ankara's possible participation in a trans-Saharan gas pipeline linking Nigeria to Libya with the aim of supplying Europe with natural gas. The project would upend Algeria's…

_____ (2022-10-03). Saudi Arabia's Achievements and its National Day. journal-neo.org On September 23, Saudis solemnly and widely celebrated their National Day to commemorate the reunification of their country 90 years ago. From the liberation of Riyadh in 1902 until unity was proclaimed in 1932, King Abdul Aziz Al Saud managed to unite his kingdom, transforming over a dozen separate and feuding principalities, emirates and sheikhdoms …

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