2022-08-07: News Headlines

Staff (2022-08-07). Ataques israelíes dejan más de una veintena de muertes en Gaza. cubadebate.cu Veinticuatro personas, entre ellas seis niños, murieron desde el inicio de la ofensiva militar israelí contra la organización Yihad Islámica en la Franja de Gaza, según el último balance del ministerio de Salud del enclave palestino. La fuente indica que las 24 víctimas perecieron desde el viernes bajo los bombardeos israelíes.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-08-07). Aumenta a 15 cifra de muertos en Gaza tras bombardeos israelíes. telesurtv.net La Policía de Fronteras y el Servicio de Inteligencia Interior israelí capturó de 20 personas en la Cisjordania ocupada.

Anonymous (2022-08-07). Winnecmucca Indian Colony Direct Action Report Back. indybay.org Direct Action report back, in defense of the Winnemucca Indian Colony.

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-08-07). Mayo Clinic Q and A: 10 nutrition myths debunked. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: As a woman in my 40s, I've experienced a wide variety of diet fads come and go. One week I read it's bad to eat carbs. The next week, it's full-fat dairy products. I've seen articles that say I should only eat between certain hours of the day. There is a lot of contradictory information. How do I distinguish between nutrition myth and fact? ANSWER: Among the sea of information about nutrition is a…

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-08-07). Aumenta a 24 la cifra de muertos por ofensiva israelí en Gaza. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Salud palestino denunció que más de 200 personas resultaron heridas por los recientes ataques de Israel.

____ (2022-08-07). Human rights claimants support from Israel crimes regrettable. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 07 (MNA) — Referring to the recent crime of Zionist regime against Palestinians on Gaza, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that the support of advocates of human rights from crimes of Zionist regime on Palestinians is regrettable.

____ (2022-08-07). ASEAN foreign ministers vow to strengthen bloc's centrality, credibility: joint communique. ecns.cn Foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have vowed to strengthen the bloc's centrality and credibility for the sake of peace, stability and prosperity in the region and in the world.

Staff (2022-08-07). Casa Blanca en desacuerdo con prohibición del aborto en Indiana, EEUU. cubadebate.cu Una declaración divulgada por la Casa Blanca consideró que la legislatura de Indiana dio un paso devastador al convertirse en el primer territorio de Estados Unidos en aprobar la prohibición del aborto, pues se trata de otra medida radical de los legisladores republicanos para quitarles los derechos reproductivos y de libertad de las mujeres.

Shane Quinn (2022-08-06). World War II: US Military Destroyed 66 Japanese Cities Before Planning to Wipe Out the Same Number of Soviet Cities. globalresearch.ca The number of Japanese cities destroyed was the exact figure that the Pentagon compiled when finalizing plans, in mid-September 1945, to eviscerate the Soviet Union. Indeed, 66 Soviet cities were earmarked to be wiped out — with 204 atomic bombs — less than 2 weeks after Japan's surrender.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2022-08-06). "The Doomsday Forum": Senior Military, Nuclear Weapons Officials Convene… America's "$1 Trillion Nuclear Weapons Plan". Take out Russia, Iran and North Korea? globalresearch.ca "Blowing up the Planet" through the use of "peace-making nuclear bombs" is a money making undertaking, a corporate bonanza for the "defense" contractors.

WSWS (2022-08-06). Workers action committees in Sri Lanka support Will Lehman's campaign for UAW president. wsws.org Comrade Lehman's struggle in the US, one of the world's most developed industrialised economies, is powerful political encouragement to our struggle in South Asia and throughout the international working class."

_____ (2022-08-06). What Has 'Champion Of Democracy' Wrought? popularresistance.org Despite earnest counsel from many quarters against going to Taiwan, including threatening warnings of dire consequences from Beijing, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, insisted on making the trip. She landed in Taipei in pitch-black conditions near midnight on Tuesday. | Her plane landed on the little-used Songshan Airport close to the Taipei city center. The runway and other lights on the ground were lowered just in case. | Her flight path from Malaysia took an exaggerated circular route over Indonesia and then around the east coast of the Philippines and landed in Taipei from the eas…

Staff (2022-08-06). Turkish fighters airstrike Amadiya district in N Iraq. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 06 (MNA) — The Turkish warplanes targeted an area in Duhok Governorate in northern Iraq on Friday in the continuation of its operations under the pretext of fighting the PKK.

Contributing Writers (2022-08-06). Former US Ambassador in Syria Worked Closely With ISIL and Jabhat al Nusra (al Qaeda). marktaliano.net Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa Interviewer: How is relationship with the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" ISIL? Okaidi: It is good. My relationship with the brothers in ISIL is good. Interviewer: Do you communicate with them? Okaidi: Yes. Of course. I communicate almost daily with brothers in ISIL to settle these disputes and issues. The …

____ (2022-08-06). Facility construction begins for Japan's Fukushima nuclear wastewater release amid opposition. ecns.cn The construction of facilities to release radioactive wastewater into the sea from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan began Thursday despite opposition from the local community and neighboring countries.

____ (2022-08-06). Folk artist turns dough to artworks in Hebei. ecns.cn The 37-year-old woman has been devoted to dough sculpture for more than 10 years, and created many unique dough sculptures.

Staff (2022-08-06). Azerbaijani President to meet Armenian PM in Brussels. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 06 (MNA) — President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev will hold a meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Brussels, President of the European Council Charles Michel said.

H. Patricia Hynes (2022-08-06). The Unbearable Weight of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Where We Stand on August 6 and 9, 2022. juancole.com August 6 and 9 mark the 77th year since the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, annihilating instantly an estimated 170,000 women, men and children and sentencing tens of thousands more to eventual death from radiation poisoning and injuries. Article continues after bonus IC video United Nations Institute …

____ (2022-08-06). FM spokesperson firmly refutes G7 statement on Taiwan. ecns.cn

____ (2022-08-06). Detailed road information of Taiwan available on map app. ecns.cn Netizens said on social media Friday that a map search for Taiwan on Amap or Baidu shows detailed street information "right down to the traffic lights."

____ (2022-08-06). Flash floods kill 550 in Pakistan in heaviest rain in decades. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 06 (MNA) — A Pakistani state agency said that flash floods caused by heavy monsoon rains killed at least 549 people in country over past month, with remote communities in southwestern province of Balochistan among the heaviest hit.

Anand Naidoo (2022-08-05). The Heat: Lebanon at a crossroads. america.cgtn.com Beirut's port blast two years on — thousands of lives upended and still no justice for the victims and their families. Plus an exclusive interview with Lebanon's Foreign Minister — Abdallah Bou Habib.

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