2022-07-24: News Headlines

Ekaterina Blinova (2022-07-24). How Russo-Turkish-Iranian Talks May Help Fix Regional Problems, Set Stage for Global Transformation. orinocotribune.com By Ekaterina Blinova &#1 ; Jul 20, 2022 | Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Tehran on July 19 to take part in the trilateral Astana meeting with his Iranian and Turkish counterparts. The leaders are due to discuss strategic economic and political cooperation, including tackling the food crisis and further de-dollarization. | "The [Putin visit to Iran] is quite important in every sense in the geopolitical, geo-economic, and other aspects," explained Dr. Kerim Has, a political analyst of Russian and Eurasian affairs. "It is the first foreign visit of President Putin out of post-Soviet territory after February…

Anonymous103 (2022-07-24). Assad and Zelenskyy — a contrast in media coverage. southfront.org | Written by Gavin O'Reilly | In the early hours of Friday morning, Israeli

Staff (2022-07-24). Turkish base on Iraq-Turkey border targeted with drones. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) — News sources on Sunday reported that a Turkish military base located on the borders of Iraq and Turkey was targeted with several fixed-wing drones.

____ (2022-07-24). World's oldest male giant panda An An dies at Ocean Park in Hong Kong. ecns.cn An An, the world's oldest male giant panda under human care, has died, the Ocean Park in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region announced Thursday.

____ (2022-07-24). HK well-placed to become world-class data center hub. ecns.cn Corerain Technologies, a chip developer cofounded by a Hong Kong entrepreneur, benefited from Shenzhen policies and facilities when it set out to mass-produce its artificial intelligence products.

____ (2022-07-24). Dinesh Gunawardena sworn in as prime minister of Sri Lanka. ecns.cn Dinesh Gunawardena was sworn in as the prime minister of Sri Lanka by President Ranil Wickremesinghe on Friday.

Staff (2022-07-23). Two Iraqi groups threaten to attack Turkey's soil. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 23 (MNA) — Two unknown groups claimed responsibility for the attack on Turkish bases in northern Iraq and warned that if the Turkish military does not leave Iraq, further operations will be carried out on Turkish soil.

Jason Ditz (2022-07-23). Turkish Drone Strike Reported in East Syria, Three Killed. news.antiwar.com A Turkish drone strike destroyed a car in a residential area near Qamishili on Friday, The Syria Observatory for Human Rights reported this as the fourth Turkish drone strike in the area in the past two days. The attacks seem to be targeting cars, but it's not 100% clear why. | The area is under at least partial control of the Kurdish YPG, so it's possible their members are being targeted. That would be in keeping with Turkish policies. | This isn't…

Ann Garrison (2022-07-23). Congresswoman Karen Bass and the will to intervene. mronline.org Congresswoman Karen Bass is running for mayor of Los Angeles. She's also Vice Chair of the NED, the CIA's soft power arm. She epitomizes everythng that is wrong with the Black political class.

Fight Back (2022-07-23). FRSO condemns State Department designation of Communist Party of the Philippines as 'terrorist'. fightbacknews.org Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns in the strongest possible terms the U.S. State Department decision to keep the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army on its list of designated "Foreign Terrorist Organizations." This is an example of confounding facts with fiction, and it is an attempt to criminalize international solidarity. | The real terrorists in the Philippines are to be found in the U.S.-backed regime of President Marcos. Jails in the Philippines are filled with political prisoners. Trade union federations, like the May First Workers Movement, face constant government repre…

Editor2 (2022-07-23). Global Unions Demand Immediate Release of Syrian Journalist Kidnapped by SDF. orinocotribune.com By Steve Sweeney &#1 ; Jul 19, 2022 | SYRIAN journalist Mohammad al-Saghir must be released by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), global unions said today as he started a hunger strike in protest against his treatment. | The correspondent for the al-Ikhbariyah news channel has been held by the Kurdish-led authorities in Syria's Hasakah province since June 2019 when it is alleged he was abducted. | Fears have been raised over his health with his colleagues concerned over his safety while his family say he has suffered a number of strokes while in jail. | Friends and colleagues have alleged that Mr Saghir has been…

Editor (2022-07-23). VIDEO: Aaron Maté Challenges Guardian on Syria. scheerpost.com Check out Bob Scheer's Interview with Aaron Maté on Scheer Intelligence

Anonymous669 (2022-07-23). SDF Says Two Of Its Female Commanders, One Fighter Were Killed In Turkish Drone Strike (Video). southfront.org On July 23, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) acknowledged that two commanders and a fighter of its all-female force,…

Christopher W Hess, Alberto J Espay, Michael S Okun (2022-07-23). [Clinical Picture] Inconsistency and incongruence: the two diagnostic pillars of functional movement disorder. thelancet.com A 67-year-old woman, who had a 4-month history of a sudden onset of intermittent jerking movements with contortions of her head and right arm, attended our specialist unit. She had been seen earlier at another hospital where neuroimaging and electroencephalography were reported as normal. And after the patient was told the diagnosis was probably "psychogenic spells", she sought a further consultation.

WSWS (2022-07-23). New Zealand foreign minister sounds alarm about Sri Lankan "lessons" wsws.org Drawing "lessons" from the escalating Sri Lanka economic and political crisis, New Zealand and Australia are preparing interventions in the Pacific to suppress popular discontent.

Staff (2022-07-23). US troops continue to steal Syria's natural resources. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 23 (MNA) — Local Syrian media said Saturday that a US convoy of 35 oil trucks loaded with stolen Syrian oil transferred their shipment into Iraq.

WSWS (2022-07-23). SEP condemns state attack on Galle Face protesters in Sri Lanka. wsws.org The military/police violence is a warning of what is to come if the parties of the capitalist class are left in power. It adds to the urgency of workers and rural toilers taking up the political initiative outlined by the SEP in its July 20 statement entitled "For Democratic and Socialist Congress of Workers and Rural Masses!".

Staff (2022-07-23). VIDEO: Chanting "Hello Commander" song in Bayn al-Haramayn. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 23 (MNA) — The epic song themed with generational support for the Islamic Revolution dubbed "Salam Farmandeh or Hello Commander" was performed in Bayn al-Haramayn, the area between the Imam Hossein Shrine and Hazrat Abbas shrine in Iraq.

WSWS (2022-07-23). Peasants form action committee in southern Sri Lanka to fight government attacks. wsws.org The inaugural meeting issued a call for the formation of a wide network of action committees to organise united action to overcome the serious economic problems confronting peasants.

WSWS (2022-07-23). Workers Struggles: Asia and Australia. wsws.org Indian public sector insurance workers hold national strike; Andhra Pradesh rural health workers demand minimum wage; Sri Lankan teachers and health workers protest fuel shortages; Australia: Sydney commuter rail workers to strike again…

Anonymous669 (2022-07-23). Iraqi Resistance Attacks Key Turkish Base In Nineveh With Rockets (Photos, Video). southfront.org FILE PHOTO: Turkish soldiers seen at the border town of Akcakale © Reuters / Murad Sezer | Late on July 22, a rocket attack hit a large Turkish military base located near the town of Zaylkan in Bashiqa district in the northern Iraqi province of Nineveh. | Iraqi officials said that at least one 122 mm Grad rockets landed the outskirts of the base. Just a few minutes after the attack, security forces in Mosul city uncovered improvised launchers with two Grad rockets that failed to fire near al-Tahrir district. | A…

Staff (2022-07-23). Military parade of Al-Hashd Al-Shabi forces kicks off in Iraq. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 23 (MNA) — The military parade of Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) or "Al-Hashd Al-Shabi", on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of its establishment, was kicked off in Diyala Province.

Staff (2022-07-23). Celebran en Marianao acto provincial por los asaltos a los cuarteles Moncada y Carlos Manuel de Céspedes. cubadebate.cu Con la presencia del primer ministro de la República, Manuel Marrero Cruz; el Comandante de la Revolución y vice primer ministro, Ramiro Valdés Menéndez; el secretario de Organización del Comité Central del PCC, Roberto Morales Ojeda; y otras autoridades del Gobierno, el Partido y la capital cubana, se celebró este sábado en la plaza cívica José Martí, en Marianao, el acto provincial por el aniversario 69 de los asaltos a los cuarteles Moncada y Carlos Manuel de Céspedes.

Staff (2022-07-23). Turkey's Zelikan base in N Iraq comes under rocket attack. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 23 (MNA) — Media sources reported late Friday that the Zelikan base in Bashiqa, where Turkish troops are stationed, once again came under rocket attack.

Anonymous669 (2022-07-23). Greater Idlib Militants Shell Government-Held Towns, Kill Or Wound Seven Civilians (Videos). southfront.org On July 22, two civilians were killed and five others were wounded when militants based in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib shelled the government-held towns of al-Suqaylabiyah, al-Baraka, Nobol Elkhatib and Jurin with artillery and multiple rocket launchers. | The three towns are located in the northwestern countryside of Hama. The militants' rocket and artillery strikes targeted several other government-held towns in the northern Lattakia countryside, the southern Idlib countrys…

Staff (2022-07-23). Syrian army builds 3 new bases to counter Turkish threats. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 23 (MNA) — In order to counter Turkey's threats to start operations in northern Syria, the Syrian army is strengthening its positions and equipping its forces in the border areas.

Staff (2022-07-23). Iraq recalls its Chargé d'Affaires to Turkey. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 23 (MNA) — Following Baghdad's request to hold an extraordinary meeting in the UN Security Council regarding Turkey's recent attack on northern Iraq, the country announced that it had recalled its Chargé d'Affaires to Ankara.

Staff (2022-07-23). Iraq files complaint against Turkey at UNSC. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 23 (MNA) — Iraq has filed a complaint to the UN Security Council against Turkey, calling for holding an emergency meeting on the Turkish artillery attack on the north of Iraq.

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