2022-07-18: News Headlines

____ (2022-07-18). Shooting at shopping mall in U.S. state of Indiana leaves 4 dead, 2 injured. ecns.cn A shooting at a shopping mall in the U.S. Midwest state of Indiana Sunday evening left four dead, including the gunman, and two injured.

____ (2022-07-18). Sri Lanka declares state of emegency. ecns.cn Sri Lanka's acting President Ranil Wickremesinghe declared a nationwide state of emergency with effect from Monday, according to a government gazette.

Anonymous103 (2022-07-18). Satellite Imagery Shows Global Crop Declines — Except For Russia And China. southfront.org | Originally published by ZeroHedge | Infrared satellite imagery designed to measure moisture levels and the health of farmlands suggests that staple crops such as wheat are in poor condition and in sharp decline among major exporters including the Ukraine, the US and India. Two countries do have bumper crops so far though; It is hard to say which governments and institutions monitor this data, but a few months ago a multi…

Rqorinoco (2022-07-18). Open Letter to CBC on its Defamation of Eva Bartlett. orinocotribune.com By Karin Brothers &#1 ; | On the morning of July 6th, the CBC crossed the line from merely putting out its usual biased news on Ukraine to a defamatory attack on independent journalists who report live from the Donbas. While they named Americans John Mark Dougan and Patrick Lancaster, they reserved particular venom for the highly-respected Canadian Eva Bartlett. | The National News anchor Ian Hanomansing featured Justin Ling, a writer who has been known to attack reputable journalists whose accounts counter state propaganda. They suggested that tho…

Dave DeCamp (2022-07-18). Biden Promises Not to 'Walk Away' From the Middle East at GCC Summit. news.antiwar.com President Biden on Saturday vowed that the US would not "walk away" from the Middle East during a summit attended by regional leaders in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The summit was attended by members of the Gulf Cooperation Council plus Iraq, Egypt, and Jordan, known as the GCC+3. Biden's message to the Gulf monarchs and other …

Binoy Kampmark (2022-07-18). Customary Barbarity: Britain's SAS in Afghanistan. dissidentvoice.org The insistence that there is a noble way of fighting war, one less bloody and brutal, has always been the hallmark of forces self-described as civilised. Restraint characterises their behaviour; codes of laws follow in their wake, rather than genocidal impulses. Killing, in short, is a highly regulated, disciplined affair. The failed wars and efforts …

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-07-18). Presidente interino decreta estado de emergencia en Sri Lanka. telesurtv.net La medida se produce dos días previos a la votación y elección en el Parlamento esrilanqués del nuevo presidente interino, quien dictar´za el destino de la nación hasta las elecciones de 2024.

____ (2022-07-18). Asia's first professional cargo hub airport put into operation. ecns.cn Ezhou Huahu Airport, the fourth professional freight airport in the world and the first in Asia, was put into operation in Hubei Province on Sunday.

Barry Sheppard (2022-07-18). Biden's Middle East trip a failure. greenleft.org.au United States President Joe Biden's trip to the Middle East was all about re-setting relations with Israel and Saudi Arabia, despite their ongoing state violence and repression, reports Barry Sheppard.

____ (2022-07-18). Asia's largest maritime expressway interchange hub under construction. ecns.cn Binhai Interchange is a sea interchange overpass connecting Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway double line and Ningbo-Zhou Expressway. It is composed of 1 main line interchange bridge and 8 ramp bridges.

____ (2022-07-18). Rail track installation to start on Bangladesh's largest bridge. ecns.cn Installation of rail tracks on the lower deck of Bangladesh's Padma Bridge built by a Chinese enterprise is expected to start this week.

____ (2022-07-18). Hundreds of jellyfish wash ashore in Beirut. ecns.cn Hundreds of jellyfish wash up along the coast in Beirut, Lebanon, July 15, 2022.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-07-18). Tiroteo en Indiana, EE.UU. deja al menos cuatro muertos y dos heridos. telesurtv.net El atacante entró en la zona de comidas con un fusil de asalto y varios cargadores de municiones y comenzó a dispararle a civiles.

WSWS (2022-07-18). Down with the anti-democratic Sri Lankan presidential election! wsws.org On Wednesday, a fraudulent vote is taking place in parliament for a new president, amid continuing anti-government protests now demanding the resignation of Wickremesinghe after Rajapakse fled the country.

Staff (2022-07-18). US CENTCOM commander pays illegitimate visit to Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 18 (MNA) — Lieutenant General Michael Kurilla, commander of United States Central Command visited the occupying American troops stationed in the east of Syria.

WSWS (2022-07-18). South Korean Hyundai workers to vote on wage agreement. wsws.org The latest deal is part of ongoing efforts by the unions to suppress class struggle in South Korea.

WSWS (2022-07-18). UFCW claims passage of Indianapolis Kroger contract, deletes local's Facebook page in response to opposition. wsws.org One day after the contract vote totals were released by the UFCW, the union took down its Facebook page after workers flooded the page with comments in opposition to the sellout contract and accused the union of manipulating the vote.

____ (2022-07-18). 1980s US Central America Wars. transcend.org Updated January 2022 – Less than a decade after U.S. troops were withdrawn from Vietnam, the United States became deeply involved in Central America. The catalyst was a popularly supported leftist revolution in Nicaragua led by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN).

TeleSUR, RDL (2022-07-18). Parlamentarios de India eligen nuevo presidente. telesurtv.net Los resultados se conocerán en 72 horas y el 15to presidente desde la independencia tomaría posesión la semana próxima.

Danny Haiphong (2022-07-17). US &#1 ; Led Imperialism is the World's Leading Purveyor of Chaos. orinocotribune.com By Danny Haiphong — Jul 13, 2022 | The western capitalist axis of domination is responsible for most of the world's crises. The crisis of legitimacy extends from the UK to Japan, and US imperialism is involved in every new catastrophe. | To say that the West, currently led by the dictates of U imperialism, is in trouble would be an understatement. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned on July 7 amid an

Dave DeCamp (2022-07-17). Biden Disputes Saudi Account of MbS Meeting on Khashoggi. news.antiwar.com President Biden told reporters on Sunday that one of Saudi Arabia's top diplomats Biden met with MbS in Saudi Arabia on Friday and told reporters afterward that he raised the issue of Jamal Khashoggi, the journalist who was killed by Saudi agents at Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul in 2018. US intelligence later concluded that MbS ordered the killing. | Biden said he conf…

Contributing Writers (2022-07-17). Syrian Presidential Elections, May 2021. marktaliano.net READ MORE:

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-07-17). Cumbre del G-20 fracasa en condenar a Rusia por conflicto en Ucrania. telesurtv.net Durante las conversaciones en la isla turística indonesia de Bali, los jefes de Finanzas lograron pocos avances políticos.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-07-17). Fallece en Cuba el comandante José Ramón Balaguer. telesurtv.net Desde 1957 se incorporó a la lucha clandestina bajo las órdenes de Frank País para luego integrar el Segundo Frente.

Staff (2022-07-17). Biden's West Asia trip ends in total failure: media. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 17 (MNA) — US President returned to the White House with achieving not a single goal set for his West Asia visit.

____ (2022-07-17). Five civilians killed in Turkey's drone attack in W Mosul. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 17 (MNA) — An Iraqi security source announced a new Turkish attack on Iraq on Sunday which led to the killing of five civilians in West Mosul.

____ (2022-07-17). Sri Lankan PM sworn in as interim president: PM's office. ecns.cn Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe was sworn in as interim president before the chief justice on Friday.

Anonymous669 (2022-07-17). In Video: Syrian Army Deploys More Artillery In SDF-Held Areas. southfront.org © Sputnik / Iliya Pitalev | On July 17, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) deployed more reinforcements in areas held by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northeastern Syria. | The reinforcements including at least three Soviet-made M-46 130 mm towed field guns. The North Press Agency released a video showing the reinforcements passing near the SDF-held town of Manbij in the northern Aleppo countryside on their way to the northeastern region. | The M-46 has an effective firing range of 27.5 kilometers with regular r…

____ (2022-07-17). Saudi leaders meet with Biden over bilateral ties. ecns.cn Saudi Arabian leaders on Friday met with visiting U.S. President Joe Biden in the city of Jeddah to discuss bilateral relations, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

Staff (2022-07-17). Biden disputes Saudi account of Khashoggi murder discussion. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Jul. 17 (MNA) — US President Joe Biden on Saturday differed with Saudi Arabia in their account of discussions at a bilateral summit about the 2018 murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Suzanne O'Sullivan (2022-07-16). [Perspectives] Navigating recovery: the healing power of patients' narratives. thelancet.com The Miskito are Indigenous people of Nicaragua. They come from the Mosquito coast where remote villages nestle between the Caribbean Sea and lush jungle. Their communities are affected by a disorder called grisi siknis that manifests as highly contagious convulsions. It predominantly affects young women and sweeps through villages in sporadic outbreaks. The Miskito believe that grisi siknis is caused by a spirit called the duende. Traditional healers cure it with ritual and herbal potions. Krasnogorsk, a small town in Kazakhstan's vast northern steppe that is now nearly deserted, is another place said to have a u…

Brett Wilkins (2022-07-16). Rights Groups Urge Biden to Secure Release of US Lawyer Held in UAE. commondreams.org The Dubai arrest of Asim Ghafoor—who once represented slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi—came two days before Biden met with the Emirati president in Saudi Arabia.

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