2024-09-12: News Headlines

Pressenza New York (2024-09-12). A Short Overview of Making Colonial Empires by European Powers from the Time of the Vienna Congress up to WWI (1815‚àí1914). pressenza.com The period in the world's history from the end of the Napoleonic Wars (1815) to the beginning of the Great War (1914) is usually labeled as the "golden age" of the European imperialistic expansion and the making of the greater national states and overseas colonial empires in Africa and Asia. Nevertheless, in 1815 huge territories of the world still have been unknown to Europeans, and millions of people in Africa and Asia were living their lives not influenced by European civilization. Europeans even were not very familiar with China, one of the oldest, richest, and biggest civilizations globally. However, only a…

Hugo GABBERO (2024-09-12). Azerbaijan: Civil society demands attention to human rights and climate justice ahead of COP29. fidh.org Human rights organisations, including the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, highlight the urgent need to address serious human rights concerns in Azerbaijan in the lead-up to its hosting this year's United Nations Climate Conference (COP29), to be held in Baku from November 11 to 22, 2024.
11th September 2024. We, the undersigned civil (…) | – | /…

Hugo GABBERO (2024-09-12). Kyrgyzstan: Overturn decision to liquidate Kloop Media. fidh.org

Raphaël Lopoukhine (2024-09-12). ​Unlocking the full potential of the European Union Charter of fundamental rights. fidh.org

APR editor (2024-09-12). PNG's Marape remains PM after no confidence vote against him fails. asiapacificreport.nz By Scott Waide, RNZ Pacific PNG correspondent Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James Marape has successfully thwarted a vote of no confidence after 75 MPs backed him and 32 voted for the opposition. But the session was not without drama. Just after 10am, after the opposition leader moved a motion for a vote of no…

infobrics (2024-09-12). BRICS — Shaping the Future of Global Finance and Investment. infobrics.org Imagine a world where five powerhouse nations are redefining the global economic landscape. BRICS—an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—is not just a coalition of emerging markets; it is a formidable alliance shaping the future of global finance and investment…

aljazeera (2024-09-12). North Korea fires multiple short-range ballistic missiles. aljazeera.com The launches detected by South Korea and Japan are North Korea's first public weapons firing activities in two months.

Rayhan Uddin (2024-09-11). Neom: Bosses at Saudi megacity accused of 'racism, misogyny and corruption'. middleeasteye.net Neom: Bosses at Saudi megacity accused of 'racism, misogyny and corruption' | One senior executive made racist remarks about South Asian workers and a Black female employee, according to a WSJ report | | Design simulation of the 500-metre tall parallel structures proposed for Neom and…

aljazeera (2024-09-11). Kenya's largest airport disrupted by strike over possible leasing deal. aljazeera.com Workers at Kenya's largest airport went on strike to protest a possible leasing deal with India's Adani Group.

publicbooks (2024-09-11). Violent Majorities Part II: Indian and Israeli Ethno-Nationalism. publicbooks.org "There are still atrocities being committed in the name of Jewish supremacism and in the name of territorial maximalism."

infobrics (2024-09-11). From India to Russia, the Love for Cinema. infobrics.org The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, organised the creative project, 'Film7Days competition', in which Goan director Sainath Uskaikar was the only Indian participant. Another feather in his cap was winning the special award for his 7-minute film 'Footprints of the road'. Sainath shares his experience of filming in Kasan, the capital city of Tatarstan…

C.J. Polychroniou (2024-09-11). Even the National Intelligence Director Admits Government Secrecy Is a Problem. truthout.org Deception, lies and secrecy — including lies to cover secrecy — characterize authoritarian regimes. However, the politics of lying and official secrecy are no less common in democratic governments. For example, thanks to whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg releasing the Pentagon Papers, the public learned of the truth about the Vietnam War: U.S. military officials were systematically lying to Congress… |

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