2023-08-29: News Headlines

infobrics (2023-08-29). BRICS Influence in Shaping the Global Financial Landscape and Its Implications for Developing Economies Like Zambia. infobrics.org We explored the BRICS economy—an alliance of emerging market economies comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Now, we shift our focus to examine BRICS' potential impact on the global financial system. As global economic and political dynamics change, we'll explore what this means for developing countries like Zambia…

infobrics (2023-08-29). Ukraine accuses the Pope of "imperialist propaganda" after he praised Russian youth. infobrics.org Kiev angered at the Vatican for not capitulating to anti-Russia demands.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-29). BRICS and the English-Speaking Caribbean. orinocotribune.com By Wayne Kublalsingh — Aug 25, 2023 | August 24, 2023, marked a dramatic shift in the course of global history. BRICS, the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, announced that they were admitting Argentina, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates into its fold. | The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has calculated that the larger BRICS Plus formation is worth roughly 30 per cent of the globally economy, that is US$30.7 trillion. BRICS Plus is home to 46 per cent of the global population, 3.7 billion citizens. Its share of oil production is now 43.1 per cent; and…

Ahmed Adel (2023-08-29). Kiev's Slow Counteroffensive Makes Biden Lose Interest and Consider Talks with Russia. globalresearch.ca

Vanessa Beeley (2023-08-29). Syrian colour revolution 2:0 — deep dive interview with Ryan Cristian. thealtworld.com The West's blueprint for regime change does not deviate much from historic black operations. | I unpack more of the West's agenda in southern Syria and how it ties in with the north-east and north-west of Syria, Ukraine and even Africa. I will be writing all this up as soon as possible. At the moment running to keep up with events on the ground. | My interview with Ryan Cristian of |

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-08-29). Only Idiots Believe The US Is Protecting Australia From China. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): | The Economist has taken a keen interest in Australia lately, which if you know anything about The Economist is something you never want to see happen to your country. Two articles published in the last few days by the

Binoy Kampmark (2023-08-29). Border Massacres: The Saudi Ethiopian Migrant Killings. dissidentvoice.org We know what the regime is like. Starving a country, bombing its hospitals and strafing its schools has been minor fare for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The population of Yemen has found this out to their colossal cost. Add to this the killing of dissident journalists, the enthusiastic employment of capital punishment, and an …

Ann Brown (2023-08-29). Trump's Pastor: If America Elects Hindu Vivek Ramaswamy, There Will Be 'Strange Gods In The White House'. moguldom.com Vivek Ramaswamy has emerged as a leading Republican candidate, but now his religion is coming under attack. Ramaswamy, the son of immigrants from southern India, is a practicing Hindu. His faith has been attacked by both the Ron DeSantis campaign and Hank Kuneeman, a pro-Donald Trump pastor, self-christened "prophet," and 2020 election denier. Kunneman recently spent a …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-29). Hundreds of prisoners in Bahrain on hunger strike to protest poor prison conditions. peoplesdispatch.org This is the largest ever hunger strike in the country's history and is being supported by common Bahrainis who have been staging protests in solidarity with the striking prisoners…

Ali Abunimah (2023-08-29). Elizabeth Tsurkov's Iraq travel was not authorized, Princeton confirms. electronicintifada.net Mystery remains over activities of detained Israeli intelligence veteran and graduate student.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-08-29). Crashed an Anti-Syria Lobby Meeting Where They Pushed for a New Caliphate and More Starvation Sanctions. orinocotribune.com By Hekmat Aboukhater ∑ Aug 21, 2023 | I crashed the meeting of a lobbying front that ended the life-saving General License 2023 on Syria, and is now pushing to extend Washington's economic war for another 8 years. | Behind closed doors, the former State Department official leading the workshop revealed the group's ultimate goal: partitioning Syria and creating a de facto Caliphate for a rebranded Al Qaeda offshoot. | This July 30, I registered under an alias to join a workshop organized by the Syrian American Council (SAC), the leading voice of the lobby that aims to starve and destabilize Syria into submissi…

Federico Fuentes (2023-08-29). A socialist guide to China's role in the world today. greenleft.org.au In his latest work, Simon Hannah sketches out China's development into "one of the most powerful capitalist and emerging imperialist countries in the world". Federico Fuentes reviews.

Staff (2023-08-29). As Mark Meadows Pushes for Federal Trial, Activists Say Attack on Voting Rights at Heart of Georgia Case. democracynow.org A judge on Monday set Donald Trump's federal trial for plotting to overturn the 2020 election to begin in Washington, D.C., on March 4 — at the height of the presidential primary season and one day before Super Tuesday. Meanwhile, Trump's former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows testified before a federal judge in Georgia on Monday as part of an effort to move his trial from state to federal court. Meadows is one of Trump's 18 co-defendants in the Georgia racketeering case, and any decisions on his fate could affect the others. Black Voters Matter co-founder Cliff Albright says at th…

Mohammad Sadeghpour (2023-08-29). Iranian-Australians welcome NSW Upper House support for democracy struggle. greenleft.org.au The global campaign in solidarity with Iran's uprising is making progress after decades of indifference by Western governments to the suffering of the Iranian people, writes Mohammad Sadeghpour.

Staff (2023-08-29). Judge in D.C. Sets Trump Trial for March 4 & Rejects Trump Lawyer's Citation of Scottsboro Boys Case. democracynow.org We continue to look at Donald Trump's mounting legal battles with constitutional law professor Anthony Michael Kreis. Trump's federal trial for election interference is set to begin in Washington, D.C., in March, but his legal team argued this week for a two-year delay, citing the case of the Scottsboro Boys, nine young Black men who were falsely accused of raping a white woman and convicted in a rushed trial before the Supreme Court ultimately intervened. "It's offensive," Kreis says of the comparison. "To claim that Donald Trump is a victim of some unlawful, unruly criminal justice…

Staff (2023-08-29). Syria accuses Israel, US of trying to escalate war in the country. peoplesdispatch.org Syria's foreign and expatriate ministry issued a statement on Monday, August 28, accusing Israel and the US of trying to escalate the war in the country by supporting terrorists and aggravating the impact of economic sanctions. The statement called on the UN Security Council to "resume its responsibilities and hold the Israeli occupation accountable for …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-29). After sustained protests, Israeli finance minister agrees to release funds for councils in Palestinian-majority areas. peoplesdispatch.org Extremist leader and Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich had announced earlier this month the suspension of funds worth 200 million Israeli shekels meant for municipal councils in Palestinian-majority areas. After sustained protests, he was forced to reverse his decision…

Ann Brown (2023-08-29). Michael Jordan Becomes Wealthiest NBA Player Of All Time With $3.5 Billion Net Worth. moguldom.com Superstar National Basketball Association player Michael Jordan's net worth has soared to an estimated $3.5 billion, solidifying his position as the richest basketball player in history. This revelation from the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Jordan's recent surge in wealth is attributed in part to his strategic business moves, such as his sale of a majority stake …

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