2023-07-22: News Headlines

Larry Johnson (2023-07-22). Putin Issues Stark Warning to Poland and NATO. sonar21.com Putin held a video conference on Thursday with members of Russia's Security Council. I hope folks in the West pay attention to what he said, which is why I'm presenting…

SAMIR (2023-07-22). Filmmakers withdraw from apartheid Israel's Jerusalem Film Festival. bdsmovement.net

M.K. Bhadrakumar (2023-07-22). Storm clouds gathering over Black Sea. peoplesdispatch.org The NATO Summit in Vilnius signaled that there is absolutely no possibility of talks to settle the Ukraine war in the foreseeable future. The war will only intensify, as the US and its allies still hope to inflict a military defeat on Russia although that is clearly beyond their capability…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-07-22). Ukraine loses boats and soldiers in attempt to cross Dnieper river. plenglish.com Moscow, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) Russian forces frustrated two attempts by the Ukrainian army to cross the Dnieper river in the Kherson region, eliminating five boats and more than 30 soldiers, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

Oleg Nesterenko (2023-07-22). "The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" – part 2. indybay.org Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held.

ecns.cn (2023-07-22). Chinese, Ukrainian commerce officials eye deepening economic cooperation, expanding imports. ecns.cn China's Vice Minister of Commerce and Deputy International Trade Representative Ling Ji met with Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine Taras Kachka in Beijing on Thursday.

Paul Larudee (2023-07-22). Free Press, Propaganda and Censorship. dissidentvoice.org In war, truth is the first casualty. — Aeschylus, Greek tragic dramatist (525 BC — 456 BC) How many of us learn about Russia from a Russian point of view? Or about Syria from a loyal Syrian? Or Cuba from a Cuban supporter? Or Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, China or many others on our current …

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-07-22). Ukrainian troops suffer losses in Zaporozhye. plenglish.com Moscow, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) The Russian aviation attached to the Eastern group conducted an airstrikes against over a dozen staging areas of personnel and war matériel of the Ukrainian army in the direction of Zaporozhye, the group's spokesman Oleg Chekhov reported.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-07-22). Putin, Lukashenko to meet in Moscow. plenglish.com Moscow, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Belarusian counterpart, Alexander Lukashenko, who will pay a working visit to Moscow, will meet on July 23, the Kremlin informed.

WSWS (2023-07-22). Judge sets May 2024 trial date in criminal case against Trump for stealing classified documents. wsws.org The setting of the trial date, in the midst of an escalating war against Russia and a growing wave of strikes and protests by workers in the US and internationally, highlights the unprecedented crisis and breakdown of the US political system.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-07-22). Russia will help countries in need of agricultural products. plenglish.com Moscow, Jul 22 (Prensas Latina) Russia will be able to help countries in need of agricultural products and the West will not be able to prevent it, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov assured at the annual meeting of friends of the Gorchakov Foundation.

ecns.cn (2023-07-22). TSMC delays chip production at Arizona plant. ecns.cn Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC) — the world's largest chipmaker — will delay mass production of chips at its new Arizona-based chip plant until 2025 due to a shortage of skilled labor.

ecns.cn (2023-07-22). Xi writes back to academicians and experts, encouraging more sci-tech workers to participate in science popularization. ecns.cn Xi on Thursday wrote back to representatives of academicians and experts who have participated in the lecture tours "Science and China". In the letter, he expressed his sincere hope that sci-tech workers will support, and participate in science popularization.

Jessica Buxbaum, Mintpress News. (2023-07-22). Sierra Club Workers Challenge Leaders' Greenwashing 'Apartheid Tours'. popularresistance.org In June, members of the Sierra Club unit of the Progressive Workers Union (PWU) passed a resolution pledging solidarity with the Palestinian people as the environmental organization pushes forward with its planned trips to Israel. | The workers' resolution puts its words into action by ensuring union funds aren't investing in Israel's settler enterprise and contributing to the oppression of Palestinians. It also calls for establishing a Palestine solidarity committee to foster relationships with Palestinian-led organizations and help educate members on the connections between Palestine and Indigenous struggles in…

WSWS (2023-07-22). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific. wsws.org Sri Lankan health workers hold nationwide protests; Bangladeshi secondary-level school teachers strike; Australia: Queensland power workers walk out for higher pay; New Zealand nurses to strike for 24 hours.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-07-22). Burning mouth syndrome: Why doctors sometimes fight its fire with fire. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Menopause is a risk factor for painful condition, Mayo Clinic Healthcare expert explains LONDON — Hot flashes, mood swings and sleep problems are common as a woman approaches and passes menopause. Much less common but as disruptive is another condition that can afflict perimenopausal and postmenopausal women: burning mouth syndrome. Sarmed Sami, MBChB, a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London, describes the painful condition, how it is diagnosed and why doctors sometimes fight its…

Anonymous669 (2023-07-22). Saudi Arabia Buys Akinci Drones From Turkey's Baykar. southfront.org A Bayraktar Akƒ±ncƒ± combat drone. Source: the Turkish Ministry of National Defense. | On July 18, Saudi Arabia had agreed to buy Turkish drones in what was described as the biggest defense contract in Turkey's history. | Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attended the signing ceremony between Turkish defense firm Baykar and the Saudi Ministry of Defense. | Saudi Arabia will acquire the drones "with the aim of enhancing the…

WSWS (2023-07-22). New York Times publishes graphic details of US hi-tech war with China. wsws.org Bans on the exports of computer chips to China imposed last October "essentially seek to eradicate, root and branch, China's entire ecosystem of advanced technology."

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-07-22). China prosecutes corrupted public servants of various ranks. plenglish.com Beijing, Jul 22 (Prensa Latina) Chinese authorities investigated 316,000 cases of corruption in the first half of the year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China (CPC) reported.

ecns.cn (2023-07-22). Cradle of Civilization: Zengpiyan National Archaeological Site Park. ecns.cn Zengpiyan National Archaeological Site Park in Guilin of Guangxi is a Neolithic archaeological cave site dating back 7,000 to 12,000 years. It is regarded as one of the most important scales and databases of prehistoric archaeology in South China and Southeast Asia.

Mike Walter (2023-07-22). The Heat: China-U.S. Relations. america.cgtn.com Henry Kissinger is the latest in a string of high-profile American visitors to Beijing. What does this mean for China-U.S. relations? In a flurry of diplomatic activity, current and former U.S. government officials have traveled to China. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger just met …

ecns.cn (2023-07-22). Guidance greeted as stimulative for entrepreneurs. ecns.cn China's latest guidance to drive the development of the private sector will boost confidence among private enterprises, allowing them to make more innovations and stimulate market vitality for greater economic growth.

ecns.cn (2023-07-22). China conducts anti-dumping investigation into propanoic acid imports from U.S. ecns.cn China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) announced on Friday to launch an anti-dumping investigation into imported propanoic acid originating in the U.S. starting from July 21, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-07-22). One Chinese citizen injured in Auckland shooting incident. ecns.cn One Chinese citizen got injured in the shooting incident that happened in downtown Auckland in New Zealand on Thursday, China Media Group reported.

ecns.cn (2023-07-22). Tropical storm Doksuri forms, to affect coastal areas in SE China. ecns.cn The 5th typhoon in 2023, or Doksuri, a tropical storm, has formed in the ocean in the east of the Philippines, according to China Meteorological Observatory (CMO) on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-07-22). Heavy rainfall to cool off sweltering north. ecns.cn The heaviest rainfall so far this year began hitting areas in North China on Thursday, bringing some relief to a region that has been scorched in recent weeks by persistently high temperatures.

ecns.cn (2023-07-22). Insights | BRI doesn't distinguish participants based on ideologies, nor does it respond to zero-sum game logic: expert. ecns.cn "The Communist Party of China (CPC) has never forgotten its main mission, which is to serve the people and their interests," said Fabio Massimo Parenti, professor of international studies at the International Institute Lorenzo de' Medici in Florencein an online interview with China News Network.

Anonymous669 (2023-07-22). U.S. Deployed Additional HIMARS Systems In Syria — Report. southfront.org A U.S. M142 HIMARS systme firing during the coalition's rehearsal in Syria's Deir Ezzor. U.S. Army photo. | The United States has deployed additional M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) in Syria, the The Iranian news agency said that the systems were deployed in the country's northeastern region, where the U.S. main…

greenleft.org.au (2023-07-22). Video: Caste and Class in India today. greenleft.org.au

Carolyn Marie Peterson (2023-07-22). What is a Woman? — A War on Biological Reality is being fought by Misogynistic & Child Abusing Men. expose-news.com As a steadfast advocate for women's rights and gender equality for decades, my journey has taken me through tides of societal change. I've witnessed the evolution of the feminist narrative, growing from …

Alina Ramos Martin (2023-07-22). Syria is committed to providing health care to all citizens. plenglish.com In a statement published on its website, the Ministry expressed great concern about the health of civilians in the northern regions, especially children, women and the elderly who do not have access to medical services. | Despite limited resources, we are ready to offer any kind of treatment to patients wherever they are, especially in cases of cancer and chronic diseases, the text stated. | The Ministry made it clear that this attitude stems from a sense of responsibility and commitment, and is part of the national duty that every Syrian, even those living in areas dominated by terrorist and radical groups, has…

Dinesh C Sharma (2023-07-22). World Report] Climate disasters challenge health infrastructures in India. thelancet.com Plans are being drawn up to make the Indian health system resilient to floods, storms, and heatwaves. But implementation will be challenging. Dinesh C Sharma reports.

Gashirai K Mbizvo, Andrew J Larner (2023-07-22). Clinical Picture] A treatable cause of dizziness: vestibular paroxysmia. thelancet.com A 52-year-old right-handed woman was referred to our clinic reporting a 4-year history of spontaneous unpredictable episodes of dizziness. The patient was seen remotely due to restrictions imposed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. She described the episodes as a sudden sensation of feeling like the room was spinning for 5—40 s; they were happening approximately three times a day and she could identify no triggers. Occasionally, the episodes were associated with nausea and vomiting; they had also caused her to fall but did not result in any impairment of consciousness.

Richard Armitage (2023-07-22). Correspondence] Rehabilitation needs during disasters. thelancet.com Hamaiyal Sana and colleagues1 rightly draw attention to the orthopaedic surgical needs in Türkiye and Syria after the earthquakes in the region in February, 2023. However, in addition to these requirements is the associated and indispensable need for rehabilitation services.

_____ (2023-07-22). Ter-se-a o estilo de vida demente e acionado a drogas de Hunter Biden tornado simbolo da sociedade ocidental? strategic-culture.org Fomos todos apanhados nesse pesadelo conhecido como governo Biden. O melhor que todos podemos fazer agora é aguentar o tranco. | Há crianàßas/jovens que por mais que queimem os dedos nà£o conseguem resistir a tocar no cachimbo de crack novamente, e de novo, e de novo… Esse é o caso (parece) do mais deplorável usuário de drogas dos Estados Unidos, Hunter Biden, filho pródigo do país e aspirante a garoto-propaganda do early intervention treatment*, se pelo menos tivesse sido administrado. | *early intervention treatment -Abordagem proativa para lidar com problemas de abuso de substâncias antes que se…

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-07-22). Realizan protestas en la India tras violencia contra mujeres. telesurtv.net Las mujeres locales arrojaron piedras y quemaron algunas partes de la casa que pertenecía al principal acusado en un pueblo.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-07-22). Sube a 112 cifra de muertos por lluvias monzónicas en Pakistán. telesurtv.net La Autoridad Nacional de Gestión de Desastres de Pakistán señaló que la mitad de los decesos han sido en Punyab.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-07-22). Manifestaciones en Israel dejan al menos 15 detenidos. telesurtv.net Unas siete personas fueron detenidas solo en Tel Aviv, donde los activistas bloquearon la autopista Ayalon varias horas.

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