2023-01-28: News Headlines

Asian Law Alliance SJ, SJMDA (2023-01-28). Sunday 1/29: San Jose: Vigil for the Mass Shooting Victims in Half Moon Bay, Oakland & Monterey Park. indybay.org San Jose City Hall | 200 E Santa Clara St, | San Jose, CA 95113…

Oakland Asian Cultural Center (2023-01-28). Friday 2/17: My Boyfriend Apocalypse: Chapbook Reading and Writing Workshop with antmen pimentel mendoz. indybay.org Oakland Asian Cultural Center…

____ (2023-01-28). Philippines celebrates Chinese Lunar New Year with colorful parade. ecns.cn The Filipino Chinese community in Baguio City held the Chinese Lunar New Year Grand Colorful Parade in Baguio City, Philippines on Friday.

WSWS (2023-01-28). Protests erupt across Sri Lanka against IMF-dictated tax hikes. wsws.org The unions have been forced to organise these limited protests in an attempt to contain the rising anger of their members who are facing skyrocketing inflation.

Unicorn Riot (2023-01-27). Elderly Woman Among at Least 9 Palestinians Killed During Raid on Jenin. unicornriot.ninja

scorinoco (2023-01-27). Peru: Congress Members Present Impeachment Motion Against Boluarte (+AMLO). orinocotribune.com On Wednesday, January 25, a group of Peruvian Congress members presented an impeachment motion against de facto President Dina Boluarte for moral incapacity. | The motion, presented by Congresswoman Nieves Limachi of the Perú Democrático party, comes amid heavy repression against protests in several regions of the country. | Presentada la Moción de Vacancia contra Dina Boluarte. — Guillermo Bermejo Rojas (@GuilleBermejoR) The gr…

Unicorn Riot (2023-01-27). Elderly Woman Among at Least 9 Palestinians Killed During Raid on Jenin. unicornriot.ninja

scorinoco (2023-01-27). Peru: Congress Members Present Impeachment Motion Against Boluarte (+AMLO). orinocotribune.com On Wednesday, January 25, a group of Peruvian Congress members presented an impeachment motion against de facto President Dina Boluarte for moral incapacity. | The motion, presented by Congresswoman Nieves Limachi of the Perú Democrático party, comes amid heavy repression against protests in several regions of the country. | Presentada la Moción de Vacancia contra Dina Boluarte. — Guillermo Bermejo Rojas (@GuilleBermejoR) The gr…

Staff (2023-01-27). Romania: NATO fighter jets prepare for war in Black Sea region. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Air CommandJanuary 27, 2023 Allied Air Forces work together in Air Defence drills over Romania France, Italy, Romania, Spain, Tàºrkiye and the US operated within Romanian Airspace carrying out air maneuvers against simulated adversarial Air Defence systems take downs…. Allied Air Command directed a dynamic training operation between the French MAMBA system supported by …

Editor (2023-01-27). B61-12: new U.S. nuclear warheads coming to Europe. mronline.org In December, the United States is bringing new nuclear warheads to Europe. The B61-12 warhead is a more advanced warhead from the ones currently deployed in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey.

_____ (2023-01-27). Africa Objects To US Chairing UN Climate Fund, Citing Unpaid $2 Billion. popularresistance.org Developed countries nominated the US Treasury's Victoria Gunderson to jointly lead the UN flagship climate fund's deliberations in 2023. These appointments are typically approved without discussion. | On behalf of African board members, Kenyan environment official Pacifica Ogola raised an official objection. The US has contributed just $1 billion to the fund in its 12-year history, compared to $9bn from EU countries and $3bn from Japan. A further $2bn pledged under former president Barack Obama was never delivered. His successors Donald Trump and Joe Biden have not paid in a cent. | Ogola stressed, in a letter da…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-27). Unidentified Combat Drone Attacked HTS Ammunition Depot In Syria's Greater Idlib Reports. southfront.org | On January 27, a large explosion rocked the town of Aqrabat in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib, which is occupied by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and several other terrorist groups. | Aqrabat, which is known to be a stronghold of HTS, is located in the northern Idlib countryside, just a few kilometers away from the border line with Turkey. | Syrian opposition activists said that the explosion was the result of a strike that was carried out by…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-27). Syrian Democratic Forces Begin Cambing Raqqa City In Framework Of Anti-ISIS Operation. southfront.org On January 27, military and security units of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) began cambing the northern Syrian city of Raqqa, the former capital of ISIS, in the framework of a large-scale The operation was launched two days earlier with support from the United States-led coalition in response to an attack by ISIS cells in Raqqa city that claime…

imperial.ac.uk (2023-01-27). Indian entrepreneurs recognised as top 75 young achievers. imperial.ac.uk Two Imperial entrepreneurs have been recognised as top 75 young Indian alumni at awards to mark India's 75th anniversary of independence.

Amiad Horowitz (2023-01-27). years after Paris Peace Accords, Vietnam remembers victory over U.S. imperialism. peoplesworld.org Jan. 27th marks the th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, the agreement which ended the American War in Vietnam, or as it is known in the United States, the Vietnam War. From 1955 to 1973, the United States waged one of the harshest wars in modern history against the Vietnamese people, …

____ (2023-01-27). Laos looks to tourism to drive economic recovery. ecns.cn The Lao government considers tourism as its top priority in revitalizing the economy and the country is preparing to welcome an influx of foreign visitors in 2023, a senior official has said.

WSWS (2023-01-27). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and New Zealand. wsws.org India: Part-time public-school teachers in Kerala protest low wages; Bangladeshi research institute workers strike over unpaid wages; Australia: Queensland power maintenance workers strike for higher pay; New Zealand teachers impose work-to-rule over stalled pay talks.

WSWS (2023-01-27). Hip hop artist Sankofa speaks out on the Fort Wayne Philharmonic strike, its implications for art and culture: "I am not a politician. I'm an independent musician." wsws.org The veteran hip hop artist, based in Fort Wayne, Indiana, sat down with the WSWS to discuss the Philharmonic musicians' struggle and related issues.

Caitlin A. Johnstone (2023-01-27). "Chinese aggression" sure looks an awful lot like U.S. aggression. mronline.org Punchbowl News reports that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is planning a trip to Taiwan, which will be yet another incendiary provocation against Beijing if it occurs. The previous House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, sparked a significant escalation in hostilities with her visit last year, the consequences of which are still reverberating today.

Derek Seidman (2023-01-27). On 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War's End, We Must Not Forget Its Brutality. truthout.org Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Paris Peace Accords — signed on January 27, 1973 — that ended the U.S. war against Vietnam. Many in the U.S., such as American war veterans and refugees from southeast Asia, still live with the war's traumatic legacies. But for others, it is an increasingly distant thing — something known less through living memory and more through Hollywood mythology and… |

____ (2023-01-27). Up to 80 pct of Cambodian people celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year: PM. ecns.cn Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen said here on Monday that the Chinese Lunar New Year has gained great popularity in the kingdom, estimating that up to 80 percent of the population observe it.

Frances Kuo (2023-01-27). Hong Kong tailors livestream to maintain business. america.cgtn.com The pandemic hit Hong Kong's tailoring industry hard. Many tailors are struggling to stay afloat. Find out how.

WSWS (2023-01-27). Greece drops charges against Syrian swimmer Sara Mardini for helping refugees. wsws.org It is a devastating climbdown for EU-backed Greek authorities, who under the pseudo-left Syriza government tried to criminalize Mardini for helping refugees.

Fight Back (2023-01-27). Tyre Nichols brutally murdered by Memphis police. fightbacknews.org Memphis, TN. – On January 10, 29-year-old Tyre Nichols died in the hospital after sustaining injuries from five Memphis police officers. Nichols was found to have died due to extensive bleeding. Nichols was reportedly pepper sprayed, tazed and then beaten after being restrained. The family's attorney, Antonio Romanucci, made comments to the press emphasizing the extreme brutality of the murder. | There have already been protests in Memphis held by friends and family of Tyre Nichols, where they shouted the common phrase, "Say no more. Release the video!" demanding footage of the murder of Nichols. | In news i…

americanthinker (2023-01-27). Gavin Newsom uses pro-life woman's tears-of-joy face over Roe's end as face of misery to promote abortion in campaign ad. americanthinker.com It smells like a lawsuit.

Jordan Schachtel (2023-01-27). US Army Faces Worst Recruiting Numbers Since End of Draft Era, Offers Medals & Promotions for Referrals. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2023-01-27). Embestidas y fracasos de la derecha en América Latina. cubadebate.cu Tres importantes reveses afrontaron últimamente los derechistas de la región. El fracasado golpe en Brasil fue antecedido por una fallida asonada en Bolivia y por el naufragio de las conspiraciones en Venezuela.Estas derrotas no anulan la continuada embestida de las formaciones reaccionarias. Han logrado instalarse en Argentina, replantean su acción en Colombia, retoman el legado pinochetista en Chile, despuntan en México y participan de la feroz represión desatada en Perú.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-01-27). Presentan vacuna nasal contra la Covid-19 en India. telesurtv.net El fármaco nasal cuenta con la aprobación de la Dirección General de Control de Medicamentos de India.

Staff (2023-01-26). Massacre in Jenin: Resistance continues amid occupation killing of at least 9 Palestinians. samidoun.net This morning, occupation forces carried out a massacre in Jenin amid widespread Palestinian resistance. Occupation forces killed nine Palestinian martyrs, including a 61-year-old woman, and they were denied medical attention due to the presence of both occupation snipers and tear gas/targetting of hospitals and makeshift clinics. Occupation forces rampaged through the streets, targeting Palestinian civilian …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-01-26). US to Send M1 Abrams to Ukraine. US-Backed Terror Targets Myanmar's Upcoming Elections. libya360.wordpress.com Update for January 25, 2023: West pledges main battle tanks to Ukraine Western media reports resignation of several high-level Ukrainian officials; The US and Germany have pledged the M1 Abrams and Leopard 2 main battle tanks; Western military experts explain that Western main battle tanks require large logistical support, years of training…

Staff (2023-01-26). Fighting tomorrow's wars today: NATO defense chiefs discuss Ukraine, Kosovo, Iraq with global partners. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Command TransformationJanuary 24, 2023 NATO Chiefs of Defence Meet in Brussels On 18 and 19 January 2023, the NATO Military Committee, joined by invitees Finland and Sweden, met in Chiefs of Defence format in Brussels. The Chiefs of Defence discussed the strengthening of the Defence and Deterrence posture of the Alliance by increasing readiness, …

Brittani Banks (2023-01-26). The U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment Proves in Ukraine That It Forgot the Lessons of Vietnam. independentmediainstitute.org Friday, January 27th, marks years since the signing of the Paris Peace Accords by representatives from the United States, North and South Vietnam effectively ending American participation in the Vietnamese civil conflict. What the Georgetown University international relations scholar Charles Kuphan calls an "isolationist impulse" made a "significant comeback in response to the Vietnam …

Staff (2023-01-26). Great friends and partners: Turkey delivers more combat drones to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Interfax-UkraineJanuary 26, 2023 Baykar transfers two more Bayraktar TB2 drones to Ukraine The Turkish company Baykar has transferred two more Bayraktar TB2 drones to Ukraine on a free basis, the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has reported. "Today [January 25] we received two more Bayraktar TB2 drones from our great friends …

_____ (2023-01-26). Study Throws New Light On Unfair Practices By Global Fashion Brands. popularresistance.org A study published this month found that popular international fashion brands with factories in Bangladesh were involved in multiple "unfair practices," such as paying suppliers below the cost of production, which had an impact on workers and their livelihoods. | The study conducted by Aberdeen University and advocacy group Transform Trade, titled 'Impact of Global Clothing Retailers' Unfair Practices on Bangladeshi Suppliers During COVID-19,' was based on the survey of 1,000 Bangladeshi factories that manufacture garments for international fashion firms. It found that these factories were facing rising costs for…

Anonymous669 (2023-01-26). Several People Wounded In Drone Attack On Government-Held Town In Syria's Hama. southfront.org On January 26, several people were wounded when a drone attacked the outskirts of the town of Qatrat al-Rihan in the northwestern countryside of Syria's Hama. | The target of the drone attack was reportedly a position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). It is still unclear if any of the wounded are service members. | This was the second such attack in less than a week. On January 23, a drone attacked the town of al-Suqaylabiyah, some 25 kilometers to the southeast of Qatrat al-Rihan, without causing any l…

_____ (2023-01-26). Egyptian Economic Crisis Has Hit Syrian-Owned Businesses. strategic-culture.org

Peoples Dispatch (2023-01-26). Controversy over Beirut blasts probe escalates. peoplesdispatch.org The investigation into the August 2020 blasts, which killed over 200 people and injured thousands, has become a point of contention after controversial judge Tarek Bitar said he was resuming proceedings. Lebanon's Chief Prosecutor Ghassan Oweidat has filed charges against Bitar…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-26). Military Situation In Iraq On January 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

_____ (2023-01-26). 'Chinese Aggression' Sure Looks an Awful Lot Like U.S. Aggression. strategic-culture.org Punchbowl News reports that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is planning a trip to Taiwan, which will be yet another incendiary provocation against Beijing if it occurs. The previous House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, sparked a significant escalation in hostilities with her visit last year, the consequences of which are still reverberating today.

Natalia Marques (2023-01-26). Atlanta fights against $90 million dollar "urban warfare" corporate-backed police training facility. peoplesdispatch.org On June 7, 2021, then Atlanta city councilwoman Joyce Sheperd introduced a city ordinance to lease 381 acres of public land to the Atlanta Police Foundation for a police training facility, then budgeted at $80.6 million dollars. "To her surprise," writes the activist group Defend the Atlanta Forest, this ordinance was met with massive public opposition. | Leading up to a meeting on June 16, 2021 of Atlanta city council's finance executive committee, Atlanta residents called in 3 hours and 41 minutes of public comments in the form of pre-recorded messages. Most comments were in opposition to the project. Protester…

Prof. Joseph H. Chung (2023-01-26). North Korea and the "General Theory of Juche"(主體:주체): Seven Questions. globalresearch.ca

Lucine Kasbarian (2023-01-26). The Armenian Cause: Silence Is Violence. indybay.org Social justice slogans that evidently don't apply to the Armenian Cause.

SouthFront5 (2023-01-26). Indonesia To Use Central Bank Digital Currency In Metaverse. southfront.org Indonesia is taking a big step forward in the world of digital currencies by introducing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to its citizens. This CBDC, which is scheduled to be launched later this year, will be used in the decentralized Metaverse platform. This is a huge milestone for Indonesia and the world as it marks the first-ever country to use a central bank digital currency in a blockchain-based virtual world. In this blog post, we will explore the implications of this move and what it could mean for…

Anonymous669 (2023-01-26). 'International Resistance' Targets Another U.S. Supply Convoy In Iraq. southfront.org Early on January 26, a convoy moving logistic supplies for the United States-led coalition was targeted with an explosive device as it was passing near the town of al-Yusufiyah to the south of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, | The so-called International Resistance claimed responsibility for the attack a few hours later. In a statement, the shadowy group said that the convoy was "damaged." No casualties were reported as a result of the attack."By the grace of God Almighty and your prayers for you…

Juan Cole (2023-01-26). McCarthy's Vendetta against Rep. Ilhan Omar Recalls Congress's Refusal to seat first African-American Elected to House in 1869. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is making an attempt to keep Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from taking her seat on the Foreign Affairs Committee. Omar is the only African Muslim woman in the House, and it is hard not to conclude that she is being targeted on racial and …

WSWS (2023-01-26). Sri Lankan plantation trade union leader elevated into cabinet. wsws.org On the same day Jeevan Thondaman became a member of cabinet, the Ceylon Workers Congress announced a local electoral seat-sharing pact in the Wickremesinghe's United National Party.

Staff (2023-01-26). Amnesty Says India and Egypt Must End 'Unrelenting Assault on Human Rights'. commondreams.org As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi as the chief guest at his nation's 74th Republic Day celebrations, Amnesty International on Thursday led calls for both right-wing leaders to "address the ongoing human rights and impunity crises" in their respective countries. Meeting ahead of events commemorating the adoption of India's …

Jake Johnson (2023-01-26). 4 + Climate Groups to UN: 'No COP Overseen by a Fossil Fuel Executive' Can Be Legitimate. commondreams.org

Steven Sahiounie (2023-01-26). Mossad and CIA Are Training Christian Extremist Militia in Lebanon. globalresearch.ca

Xiaolu Sun (2023-01-26). Asian American population on the rise in Long Island City. america.cgtn.com Long Island City in the borough of Queens is the fastest growing Asian neighborhood in New York. A large number of migrants to Long Island City are recent graduates and Chinese students. Find out more.

Staff (2023-01-26). Presentan equipo Cuba al V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol (+ Infografía). cubadebate.cu En una transmisión de la Televisión Cubana, autoridades de la Federación Cubana de Béisbol presentaron este miércoles el equipo Cuba al V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, que se celebrará en cuatro ciudades de Asia y América del 8 al 21 de marzo de 2023.

Staff (2023-01-26). Sudáfrica trasladará más de 100 guepardos a India para reintroducir la especie. cubadebate.cu Sudáfrica anunció el jueves que llegó a un acuerdo para trasladar más de 100 guepardos a India, en el marco de un ambicioso proyecto para reintroducir estos felinos en ese país. India albergaba antes a los guepardos asiáticos, una subespecie declarada extinguida en 1952, debido a la escasez de lugares propicios para su vida y porque eran perseguidos por cazadores.

2023-01-28 08:36:05 | 08:36 EST | jz | 60 | 25 | 24 | 7 | 0