2022-12-29: News Headlines

SP Editor (2022-12-29). Donziger Files Response to 'DOJ's Disastrous Decision to Side With Chevron'. scheerpost.com

WSWS (2022-12-29). Cruel and unconstitutional: US Supreme Court maintains Title 42 exclusion of migrants seeking asylum. wsws.org The ruling confirms both the ruthlessness of the fascistic Republican right and the fecklessness of the Democrats. Both big business parties agree on the policy of barring desperate migrants from entry.

Daniel Kersffeld (2022-12-29). La crisis peruana se irradia por toda la región. globalizacion.ca La represión aumenta en Perú a medida que la actual presidenta Dina Boluarte cierra filas con el centro y la derecha para consolidar su débil gobierno. De hecho, el flamante nombramiento como Jefe de Gabinete a Alberto Otárola, hasta ayer…

Staff (2022-12-29). Peruvian Dictatorship Shows True Colours: Alderpeople Dismissed, National Strike Called for January 4. orinocotribune.com Caracas, December 28, 2022 ( The de facto ministry of the interior justified their decision on the basis that "

Mariana àÅlvarez Orellana (2022-12-29). Golpe en Perú: El "excedente poblacional nocivo" y la entrega de los recursos naturales. globalizacion.ca Analistas peruanos temen que tras la destitución del presidente constitucional Pedro Castillo, el saqueo de los recursos será de tal magnitud, las matanzas serán tan enormes, el hambre tan grande, la desesperación de tal magnitud, que es probable que finalmente…

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-29). Reportan sismo de magnitud 5,4 en Arequipa, Perú. telesurtv.net A pesar de la fuerza del fenómeno, no se registraron daños materiales graves ni lesionados ni pérdida de vidas humanas.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-29). Justicia peruana evalúa prisión preventiva del expresidente Pedro Castillo. telesurtv.net El presidente peruano fue capturado tras una vacancia exprés por el Congreso el cual nombró entonces a Dina Boluarte.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2022-12-29). Expresidente peruano niega cargos judiciales en su contra. telesurtv.net Pedro Castillo aseguró que su prisión preventiva es injusta y responde a una " venganza política".

WSWS (2022-12-29). Is Sahra Wagenknecht founding a new party? wsws.org A Wagenknecht party would seek to steer opposition to the Ukraine war into a nationalist dead-end. Resting on anti-Americanism, it would strengthen German militarism.

WSWS (2022-12-29). Youth and workers in Sri Lanka speak on IYSSE global anti-war webinar. wsws.org The IYSSE in Sri Lanka interviewed students and workers who joined the December 10 global IYSSE rally, "For a Mass Movement of Students and Youth to Stop the War in Ukraine."

Kurt Nimmo (2022-12-29). Blackrock to Take Zelenskyy's Panhandling Act to the Next Level. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR- hvh (2022-12-29). Gobierno colombiano rechaza asesinato de firmantes de paz. telesurtv.net Desde agosto pasado ha disminuido la cifra de asesinatos a firmantes a partir de las medidas implementadas.

Andrew Korybko (2022-12-29). Five Reasons Why Kiev Should Accept the Current Ground Realities & Negotiate Peace with Moscow. globalresearch.ca

Angela (2022-12-29). Sunday 1/15: Q&A Discussion of two short documentary films about Apartheid. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

The Lever (2022-12-29). 2022 FLASHBACK: Uncovering The Largest-Ever Dark Money Donation. levernews.com

Abayomi Azikiwe (2022-12-29). Africa in Review 2022: Regional Dynamics and Continental Security. globalresearch.ca

Animal Liberation Press Office (2022-12-29). Largest US Fur Farm, Recently Raided by ALF, Closes. indybay.org Ohio: The largest mink farm in the U.S. is closing on Friday. The owner of North America's largest mink farm, located in Van Wert County, Ohio is closing down the business and selling it, according to the farm's operations manager, Eddie Meyer.

Answer Coalition (2022-12-29). Workers in South Korea continue to struggle for equality January 15. answercoalition.org In 13 regions through the Republic of Korea (South Korea), workers at the 2021 People's Congress rededicated their commitment to struggling for economic and social justice in the country. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) is preparing for significant demonstrations in Seoul January 15, which are being organized around the slogan, "Let's overthrow inequality through general unity with the people!" The KCTU is the largest umbrella organization of trade unions in the south. | The upcoming action follows the October 20 general strike, the November 17 peasant demonstrations, and the December 2 poor pe…

Appreciating Diversity Film Series (2022-12-29). Thursday 1/19: Diversity Film Series: Childcare in America: 'Through the Night.'. indybay.org Ellen Driscoll Playhouse | 325 Highland Avenue near the corner of Oakland avenue | Piedmont, CA 94611…

CNA Alta Bates Nurses (2022-12-29). Sunday 1/1: Solidarity Rally For CNA Striking Sutter Nurses At Alta Bates:Start New Year With Strikers. indybay.org Sutter Alta Bates Hospital | 24 Ashby St. | Berkeley…

County "Health Service" Workers & HPHP (2022-12-29). Santa Cruz Homeless Death List for 2023: Follow-Up. indybay.org Two public ceremonies were held December 21st where the names of the unhoused dead for the year (some of them) were read. My response was the attached flyer, reprinted in the Serf City Times, suggesting some obvious but likely to be ignored remedies to ward off the 2023 deaths list. Also attached is the Homeless Persons Health Project/County report.

David Giesen (2022-12-29). Friday 12/23: Environmental Economics for Dummies, featuring The Lorax. indybay.org ZOOM: us05web.zoom.us/j/84595777949?pwd=cEpMVFUxNXRPRUJEVU5OSnhXOXZGdz09

____ (2022-12-29). Outdoor medical service stations set up for COVID patients in Zhejiang. ecns.cn Outdoor fever treatment stations have been set up in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, to provide one-stop medical services for COVID patients as local hospitals are under great pressure from a large amount of patients.

____ (2022-12-29). Hangzhou rolls out measures to stimulate economy. ecns.cn Hangzhou, Zhejiang province has rolled out a series of policies to encourage non-local workers to stay during the upcoming Spring Festival holiday from Jan 21 to 27. The goal is to maintain production levels, according to a notice released by local authorities at a news conference on Tuesday.

____ (2022-12-29). Bing Dwen Dwen dressed as Beijing local icon Lord Rabbit. ecns.cn The new image of Bing Dwen Dwen, dressed as Lord Rabbit, or Tu'er Ye, a Beijing local icon symbolizing happiness and good luck, made its debut in Beijing on Wednesday to welcome the New Year.

____ (2022-12-29). Ecuador's Cotopaxi volcano emits ash and gases. ecns.cn The Cotopaxi volcano emits ash and gases, as seen from Mulalo, Cotopaxi province, Ecuador, on December 28, 2022.

____ (2022-12-29). Yinchuan to Lanzhou High-Speed Railway becomes fully operational. ecns.cn The Zhongwei to Lanzhou section of the Yinchuan to Lanzhou High-Speed Railway was completed on Thursday and the Yinchuan to Lanzhou High-Speed Railway became fully operational, shortening the travel time from Yinchuan to Lanzhou to about 3 hour.

____ (2022-12-29). Yuyuan Garden hosts annual lantern show. ecns.cn Shanghai's iconic venue Yuyuan Garden has set up lanterns and light installations to celebrate the New Year.

Here's Your Ticket (2022-12-29). Off to Space with You, Elon Musk! indybay.org Union and labor activists facetiously called for Elon Musk to leave earth for the red planet with a protest at Twitter headquarters in San Francisco on December 19th.

INDYRADIO (2022-12-29). FBI COINTELPRO Document Release. indybay.org It was my original intention to return the stolen FBI documents | to the site where they were hosted.

John W. Whitehead (2022-12-29). 2022's Danger Signs: From Totalitarian Paranoia to Authoritarian Madness. globalresearch.ca

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-12-29). Monday 12/26: 24th Annual, California State Capitol Kwanzaa Kickoff – World Peace Rose Garden. indybay.org California State Capitol World Peace Rose Garden – 15 and L Street – Sacramento, CA…

KQED Live (2022-12-29). Thursday 2/16: Fire and Wine: How Wildfire Affects Your Cabernet. indybay.org KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

KQED Live (2022-12-29). Saturday 2/25: YR Media Eco-Party Hour. indybay.org KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Labor Video Project (2022-12-29). NNU-CNA Sutter Alta Bates Hospital Nurses Fed Up & Strike Against Concession Contract. indybay.org 1800 Sutter nurses at Berkeley Alta Bates and Summit hospitals have gone on a strike for ten days. They are angry at a concession agreement that was being pushed by the NNU-CNA leadership that would allow a two tier contract and would continue the loss nurses to Kaiser where nurses are paid $10 to $12 an hour more.

Labor Video Project (2022-12-29). How About Living Wages? Three Hundred UFCW5 Members Strike SF Macy's Union Square Store. indybay.org Three hundred members of UFCW 5 went on strike against Macy's at the Union Square store in San Francisco. They are fighting for living wages.

Lynda Carson (2022-12-29). HUD FY 2023 budget saves subsidized housing units for the poor. indybay.org New HUD Budget For FY 2023:…

Lynda Carson (2022-12-29). Judge Donna Ryu condemns City of San Francisco's attacks on the homeless encampments. indybay.org Protest Against Attacks On San Francisco Homeless Encampments:…

Marc Batko, W Meyer, K Chavent (2022-12-29). The Humor of Jesus and The cry of the poor. indybay.org After much meditation and reflection, I firmly believe that Jesus made fun of individualism and profit-oriented economic systems. Winning people to trust the infinite, invisible and transcendent God was surely his central goal. "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?" he asked his calculating counterpart. "No sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's consent. You are worth more…!

Mike Whitney (2022-12-29). Tucker "Gets It" — Putin Doesn't Want American Missiles on His Border. globalresearch.ca

President Biden Executive Order (2022-12-29). How will California expand active engagement with the Pan African Diaspora? indybay.org President of the United States of America Executive Order on Establishing the President's Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States – How do we expand active engagement throughout California?>

ProPublica (2022-12-29). A Water War Is Brewing Over the Dwindling Colorado River. juancole.com By Abrahm Lustgarten | (ProPublica) On a crisp day this fall I drove southeast from Grand Junction, Colorado, into the Uncompahgre Valley, a rich basin of row crops and hayfields. A snow line hung like a bowl cut around the upper cliffs of the Grand Mesa, while in the valley some farmers were …

Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs (2022-12-29). Keith McHenry, Co-founder of "Food Not Bombs" Global Movement, Arrested Today. indybay.org December 27, 2022 – Keith McHenry, the co-founder of the global movement "Food Not Bombs" was arrested today and is in jail now.

Strike Debt Bay Area (2022-12-29). Saturday 1/14: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: Less Is More. indybay.org Online: Email strike.debt.bay.area@gmail.com a few days beforehand for the the online invite.

Unicorn Riot (2022-12-29). Quarry Encampment Faces Eviction in Minneapolis. unicornriot.ninja

Werner Neuer, Ivan Illich & Eugen Drewermann (2022-12-29). Astonishment. The Beginning and End of Theology. indybay.org Debt relief is absolutely essential. Making persons morally liable who are materially in debt is a mistake. Condemning the helpless and broken is completely wrong. They urgently need help. Forgiveness of material debts and moral offenses is one and the same for Jesus. Human existence is crucial.

WorkWeek (2022-12-29). Starbucks Strike SF , SF "Ticket To Mars" Concert , Removal of TWU2 a Pres& UAW180 Strike. indybay.org WorkWeek radio covers the Starbuck's in San Francisco. A Starbucks Worker In SF Speaks Out, "Ticket To Mars" Concert In SF, Murder Threats & Removal Of TWU2 a President Roger Marenco and UAW Case Holland Tractor 7 Month Strike and their fight for justice.

WSWS (2022-12-29). George Santos and the putrefaction of capitalist politics: US Republican Congressman-elect exposed as fraud. wsws.org Santos won one of the New York State seats in Congress that flipped from Democrat to Republican.

WSWS (2022-12-29). Tár: A drama set in the classical music world. wsws.org It is a serious and worthwhile film, whatever the balance of its various merits and defects.

WSWS (2022-12-29). Lula appoints former union bureaucrat as Brazil's new labor minister. wsws.org The metalworkers' union of the critical industrial region of ABC headed by Luiz Marinho was responsible for suppressing workers' struggles against mass layoffs, defending an alliance between capital and labor.

WSWS (2022-12-29). Two leaders of plot to kidnap and kill Michigan governor are sentenced in federal court. wsws.org Adam Fox and Barry Croft, Jr. were sentenced to 16 years and 19.5 years, respectively, in U.S. District Court in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Tuesday and Wednesday for the roles they played in plotting to kidnap and kill governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020.

WSWS (2022-12-29). Jose Ma. Sison, founder of the Stalinist Communist Party of the Philippines, dies aged 83. wsws.org To take stock of the life of Jose Ma. Sison is to document the bloody history of betrayed workers' struggles in the Philippines of the past 60 years.

WSWS (2022-12-29). Australian central bank rate rises target working-class households. wsws.org Internal documents from the Reserve Bank of Australia show that the economic and cost-of-living crisis will intensify in 2023, with a deliberate policy to inflict the suffering primarily on workers and their families.

WSWS (2022-12-29). Rank-and-file Committee at Renault-Nissan plant in India opposes union attempt to ram through wage-cutting contract. wsws.org Fearing growing rank-and-file anger over their inaction, the unions have connived with Renault-Nissan management to ambush us—forcing us to vote on an agreement that we haven't seen, let alone studied and discussed.

WSWS (2022-12-29). US winter storm death toll expected to rise as National Guard and emergency services conduct search and rescue operations in Buffalo. wsws.org The official death toll of the massive winter storm that plunged much of the United States into sub-freezing temperatures over Christmas weekend continues to rise as rescue crews clear roads and buildings inundated in snow and ice.

WSWS (2022-12-29). January 6 Committee Final Report upholds "one-man coup" whitewash of Republican Party, Supreme Court, military-intelligence agencies. wsws.org Damning revelations concerning the role played by elements within key state institutions in support of Trump's coup are omitted in the 814-page report.

WSWS (2022-12-29). Jackson, Mississippi, water crisis continues as thousands of residents left without water after winter freeze. wsws.org The water system in Mississippi's capital city has collapsed multiple times in the last two years. In February 2021, similarly extreme winter temperatures froze pipes and resulted in no running water for weeks.

WSWS (2022-12-29). Australia: Labor government delays pay rise for aged care workers. wsws.org Australian aged care workers will wait another 18 months for a 15 percent increase in minimum award rates, after Labor called for the pay rise to be "phased in."

The Conversation (2022-12-29). To attain global Climate and Biodiversity Goals, we must reclaim Nature in our Cities. juancole.com By Emma Despland, Concordia University | The climate and biodiversity crises we have been experiencing for the past few decades are inseparable. The scientific research presented at the back-to-back international summits on climate and biodiversity held in Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt and in Montréal, Canada, respectively, has made this abundantly clear. Addressing these crises …

____ (2022-12-29). Passenger throughput at Beijing Railway Station increases. ecns.cn At the entrance of Beijing Railway Station, passengers pass through the security check only by scanning their ID cards. Many travelers said the new policy has made their trips more convenient.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-29). Chile reporta 125.339 hectáreas afectadas por incendios forestales. telesurtv.net La región norte y el centro del país son las más afectadas con pronósticos de disminución en la disponibilidad del agua, superior al por ciento.

César Zelada (2022-12-29). Dina Boluarte: øPresidenta de la República de Lima? globalizacion.ca La presidenta de facto es débil porque no tiene respaldo popular. Se impone bajo la sangre de las balas militares. | Si somos conscientes en que los 30 jóvenes estudiantes y trabajadores muertos en las provincias de nuestro país, por las…

Emir Sader (2022-12-29). Brasil: Pasado y presente. globalizacion.ca El intento de atentado en el aeropuerto de Brasilia que, caso resultara, habría provocado una catástrofe, hace que el final de este largo período desastroso en la historia brasileña sea todavía mas tenso. | El intento de atentado cayó como una…

teleSUR -rzr, SH (2022-12-29). Senado uruguayo sanciona proyecto de reforma jubilatoria. telesurtv.net El proyecto fue presentado por el Ejecutivo de Luis Lacalle Pou y una Comisión de Expertos en Seguridad Social.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-12-29). India presentará su candidatura para Juegos Olímpicos de 2036. telesurtv.net El funcionario expresó que su nación mostrará un plan de tareas ante los miembros de pleno derecho del Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI).

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-29). STF de Brasil suspende porte de armas en Distrito Federal. telesurtv.net La medida tendrá vigencia durante las ceremonias que serán realizadas el día siguiente, lunes dos de enero, como parte del inicio de la nueva presidencia.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-29). Lideresa mapuche critica nuevo proceso constituyente en Chile. telesurtv.net Asegura que no es democrático, no toma en cuenta los derechos de los pueblos originarios y es liderado por la derecha.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-29). Rusia, Siria y Tàºrkiye sostienen conversaciones en Moscú. telesurtv.net Abordan la crisis siria, las soluciones al problema de los refugiados y cómo hacer frente a la amenaza del terrorismo.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-29). Presidente de Venezuela destaca labor y compromiso de la FANB. telesurtv.net "Desde lo más profundo de mi alma, me siento orgulloso de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana que me toca comandar", subrayó Maduro.

teleSUR, MER (2022-12-29). Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo encuentra al nieto 132 en Argentina. telesurtv.net Este nuevo nieto identificado es hijo de Mercedes del Valle Morales, quien fue desaparecida durante la última dictadura militar.

teleSUR, MER (2022-12-29). Policía de Bolivia aprehende al gobernador de Santa Cruz. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía de Bolivia explicó que la aprehensión fue en cumplimiento de la orden emitida por la Fiscalía Departamental de La Paz en el caso denominado Golpe de Estado I.

teleSUR, odr, SH (2022-12-29). Capital mexicana activa alerta naranja por frío en 6 alcaldías. telesurtv.net Pronostica temperaturas de 1ºC a 3ºC en las primeras horas del jueves, en seis alcaldías de la capital.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-29). Detectan nuevas cepas derivadas de la variante àìmicron en Uruguay. telesurtv.net El ente de Salud alertó que los cambios de los virus pueden influir en su facilidad de propagación y la gravedad de la enfermedad.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-29). Panamá acumula 79 casos de mpox. telesurtv.net El departamento de Epidemiología informa que del total de casos reportados, nueve se mantienen activos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-29). Presidentes de Cuba y Rusia abordan temas de cooperación bilateral. telesurtv.net Ambos líderes expresaron su disposición de implementar consecuentemente los acuerdos alcanzados durante la visita de Díaz-Canel a Moscú en noviembre pasado.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-29). República Dominicana notifica dos nuevos casos de cólera. telesurtv.net Se trata de dos mujeres, una de 33 y otra de 44 años, que recibieron los servicios médicos oportunos y ya se encuentran en sus hogares.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2022-12-29). Fiscalía salvadoreña detiene a alcaldesa acusada de corrupción. telesurtv.net La alcaldesa ha sido acusada por trabajadores de la Alcaldía que reclaman el pago de salarios atrasados y otras prestaciones.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-29). Gobernador boliviano se acoge a su derecho al silencio en el caso Golpe de Estado I. telesurtv.net Desde la Fiscalía General de Bolivia no han indicado la fecha de la audiencia donde Camacho conocerá si se podrá defender en libertad o desde la cárcel.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-29). Al menos 10 muertos deja un incendio en un hotel en Camboya. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento las autoridades han informado de 53 personas rescatadas del hotel y casino Grand Diamond.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-29). El Salvador registra 184 muertos durante temporada decembrina. telesurtv.net Según al Observatorio Nacional de Seguridad Vial, durante el 2022 se han registrado hasta el momento 1.333 personas fallecidas en accidentes.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-29). Suben a 33 la cifra de fallecidos por inundaciones en Filipinas. telesurtv.net Los organismos de rescate señalaron que más 486.000 se han visto afectados por las intensas lluvias en la región sur y este de Filipinas.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-29). Presidente Díaz-Canel agradece a López Obrador su solidaridad. telesurtv.net El mandatario mexicano visitó la isla en mayo último, en donde recibió la Orden José Martí, la más alta del Estado cubano.

Immigrant Children Are Innocent (2022-12-29). Mayor of El Paso refusing to let undocumented immigrant children in Convention cot shelter. indybay.org When an adult parent is put in prison, the jailers don't throw the children in prison with their parent. The authorities put the children into foster care. In Texas, where the Mayor is refusing entry to the Convention center cot shelter for migrants, he is leaving out in the cold migrants with no immigration papers, he is leaving their babies and small children out in the cold with the parents. That is wrong. The children should immediately be put into foster care, not punished for illegal immigration by being left out in the freezing cold with their parents. The children did not chose to break any immigration la…

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-29). Trabajadores ferroviarios realizan huelga en Reino Unido. telesurtv.net Declaran los trabajadores, que si no se toman en cuenta sus pronunciamientos en 2023, continuarán desarrollando las huelgas.

Anonymous103 (2022-12-28). In Video 18+: Night Hunt On Donbass Front Lines. southfront.org

Anonymous765 (2022-12-28). Donbass Front Lines Evolution In 2022. southfront.org |

teleSUR (2022-12-28). Peruvian Court Evaluates Pedro Castillo's Preventive Detention. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, the Supreme Court's Criminal Chamber analyzes the appeal filed by Peru's Former President Pedro Castillo against a judicial decision whereby he is subjected to 18 months of pretrial detention. If the Chamber's decision is favorable, his pretrial detention could be replaced by a detention under the modality of "appearance with restrictions." | RELATED: | On Dec. 15, Supreme Judge Juan Checkley ordered preventive detention agai…

WSWS (2022-12-28). US-backed coup regime in Peru extends emergency rule and military repression. wsws.org Defying the repression and despite Congress's approval of a bill promising to new elections in April 2024, demonstrations have continued in Lima, Cusco and across southern Peru against the December 7 coup and demanding the resignation of Boluarte.

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2022-12-28). Seeking relief from oppression, Peruvians resist Castillo removal…and wait. peoplesworld.org "Pedro Castillo emerged from that deep, excluded, and marginalized Peru that has been the primordial object of nefarious consequences of treason by the elites," according to an observer. Castillo was the first progressive candidate ever to win a presidential election in Peru. After harassing him for months, Peru's right-wing-dominated unicameral Congress recently ordered Castillo's removal …

teleSUR, JGN (2022-12-28). Peruanos reiniciarán el 4 de enero protestas contra Congreso. telesurtv.net Los dirigentes populares también decidieron preparar una marcha hacia Lima, la capital del país suramericano.

teleSUR (2022-12-28). Bolivia Keeps Bus Departures to Peru Suspended. telesurenglish.net The La Paz Bus Terminal ratified on Wednesday the suspension of departures to Peru due to the blockades that persist in that nation. | RELATED: | The director of the Bus Terminal, Américo Gemio said, "There are no departures, unfortunately the tourists are stranded here in La Paz, they will surely return to their places of origin because they will not be able to make the trip to Cuzco and Puno, but well we are going to give them the service they require.

teleSUR (2022-12-28). Bolivia: Police Arrest Santa Cruz Governor. telesurenglish.net The Minister of Government, Eduardo del Castillo, announced on Wednesday the execution of the arrest warrant issued by the Departmental Prosecutor's Office of La Paz against the governor of Santa Cruz. | RELATED: | Castillo said through his official Twitter account: "We inform the Bolivian people that the Bolivian Police complied with the arrest warrant against Mr. Luis Fernando Camacho." | The charges against the…

_____ (2022-12-28). US Patriot Missiles in Ukraine: A Desperate & Dangerous Escalation. journal-neo.org US appears to be in the process of transferring its Patriot air defense missile system to Ukraine. CNN in its article, "Exclusive: US finalizing plans to send Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine," claims the US will approve and then quickly ship the system or systems into Ukraine in just days after the decision is …

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar (2022-12-28). Looking Back on 2022: Ukraine and the Rest of the Story. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2022-12-28). EU, Britain to train 15,000 Ukrainian "warfighters" in Lithuania. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense PostDecember 28, 2022 Lithuania, EU, UK Team Up to Train More Ukrainian Soldiers in 2023 The Lithuanian Ministry of Defense has confirmed it will provide additional military training for Ukrainian troops… Approved by parliament, the aid will hone the skills of nearly 1, 0 Ukrainian soldiers. Around 1,100 personnel will receive training in Lithuania. As …

F. William Engdahl (2022-12-28). Whose Grain Is Being Shipped from Ukraine? America's GMO Agribusiness Giants to Take Control of Ukraine Farmland. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2022-12-28). Zelensky Appoints Sexologist Pyramid Schemer as Ambassador to Bulgaria. strategic-culture.org While Zelensky hypnotizes Western governments into forking over vast sums to finance his war effort, he has appointed a literal hypnotist (and part-time sexologist multi-level marketer) to a high-level diplomatic position. | By Alexander RUBINSTEIN | High end jewelry, hypnotism and multi-level marketing are not qualifications typically associated with international diplomacy. But these skills are featured prominently on the resumé of Ukraine's new ambassador to Bulgaria, Olesya Ilashchuk. | Since her December 23

infobrics (2022-12-28). Leader of important American mercenary group criticizes Ukraine. infobrics.org Former Navy officer, Mozart Group's head Andrew Milburn says Ukraine is run by "f****d people", contradicting his previous statements about the country.

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies (2022-12-28). The Ukraine crisis is a classic 'security dilemma'. nationofchange.org Looking at the conflict and its underlying causes may help to suggest a path to a mutually-acceptable diplomatic solution.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-28). US Patriot Missiles in Ukraine: A Desperate & Dangerous Escalation. libya360.wordpress.com Brian Berletic US appears to be in the process of transferring its Patriot air defense missile system to Ukraine. CNN in its article, "Exclusive: US finalizing plans to send Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine," claims the US will approve and then quickly ship the system or systems into Ukraine in just days after the decision…

Editor (2022-12-28). Patrick Lawrence: A War of Rhetoric & Reality. scheerpost.com Washington put us all on notice when Zelensky got to town: It has no intention of seeking a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis and every intention of recommitting indefinitely to its ideological war.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-28). Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Warns Against US Plans for "Decapitation Strike" libya360.wordpress.com Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's year-end interview with TASS news agency, December 27, 2022 Question: The launch of the special military operation in Ukraine and ensuing developments, including an unprecedented deterioration of our relations with the West, was the main event of the outgoing year. Do you think the conflict in Ukraine can last a long time,…

Philip Giraldi (2022-12-28). Zelensky's "Surprise" Visit. Lock Up the White House Silverware! globalresearch.ca

infobrics (2022-12-28). Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant to Reach 6,000 MW Capacity by 2027. infobrics.org Union Minister of State for Atomic Energy Dr Jitendra Singh stated in the Rajya Sabha that the remaining four units of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KKNPP) will be completed by 2027…

Staff (2022-12-28). Germany assumes command of NATO's 12,000-troop strike force. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATODecember 28, 2022 Germany takes the lead for NATO's high readiness force On Sunday (1 January 2023), Germany takes the lead of NATO's highest-readiness military force, placing thousands of troops on standby and ready to deploy within days. NATO's Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) was created in 2014 at the core of a …

Anonymous103 (2022-12-28). Cognitive Warfare: NATO Is Planning A War For People's Minds. southfront.org | Written by Since 2020, NATO has pursued plans for psychological warfare that must stand on an equal footing with the military alliance's five previous areas of operation (land, water, air, space, cyberspace). It is the battleground of public opinion. NATO documents speak of "cognitive warfare", i.e.: mental warfare. How concrete is the project, what steps have been taken so far, and…

teleSUR (2022-12-28). UN Appoints New Coordinator for Black Sea Grain Initiative. telesurenglish.net

Staff (2022-12-28). Albania, West spurring on Kosovo bloodbath: Serbian foreign minister. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Tanjug News AgencyDecember 28, 2022 Dacic: Albanian FM spurring Kurti to further provocations Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday evening his Albanian counterpart Olta Xhacka had expressed support for Albin Kurti's criminal regime, brutally accusing Serbia of sabre-rattling. "She has not uttered a word to warn Kurti that he has an international obligation to …

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-28). Rusia rechaza acusaciones sobre injerencia en Kosovo, Serbia. telesurtv.net Moscú sigue con atención la situación en torno a Kosovo, donde los bloqueos de carreteras se incrementaron estos días.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-28). Serbia pone a sus soldados en alerta por tensiones en Kosovo. telesurtv.net En el norte de Kosovo se levantaron nuevas barricadas, una en Severna Mitrovica y otra en Zveƒçan dijo la policía kosovar.

Andrew Korybko (2022-12-28). The Five Ways That the US Successfully Reasserted Its Hegemony Over Europe in 2022. globalresearch.ca

Ben Norton (2022-12-28). El plan de América Latina para desafiar al dólar con una nueva moneda y una 'arquitectura financiera regional'. globalizacion.ca El dólar estadounidense se utiliza en la mayor parte del comercio internacional, y su condición de moneda de reserva global otorga a Estados Unidos un " privilegio exorbitante " que sustenta su dominio geopolítico y económico. Sin embargo, la oposición…

Robert S. Becker (2022-12-28). Hard to imagine 2023 with the same irreplaceable, mind-bending blessings as 2022. nationofchange.org Whatever its unvarnished horror, 2022 looks to go down as marking baby steps in the right direction.

Prabir Purkayastha (2022-12-28). Nuclear Bomb Connection in United States Fusion Breakthrough. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2022-12-28). About One-Third Of The Food Americans Buy Is Wasted. popularresistance.org You saw it at Thanksgiving, and you'll likely see it at your next holiday feast: piles of unwanted food — unfinished second helpings, underwhelming kitchen experiments and the like — all dressed up with no place to go, except the back of the refrigerator. With luck, hungry relatives will discover some of it before the inevitable green mold renders it inedible. | U.S. consumers waste a lot of food year-round — about one-third of all purchased food. That's equivalent to 1,250 calories per person per day, or US$1,500 worth of groceries for a four-person household each year, an estimate that doesn't…

_____ (2022-12-28). Dakota Men, Women And Youth Ride To Honor 38+2 Executed Warriors. popularresistance.org Dakota men, women and youth rode into Mankato, Minnesota, on horseback on Dec. 26 to honor Dakota warriors hanged by President Abraham Lincoln on that day in 1862, in the largest mass execution in U.S. history. | The Dakota 38+2 Wokiksuye Sunk Akan Yankapi — the 17-day Dakota Prayer Ride and Water Walk — honors the 38 warriors hanged in Mankato, as well as two additional men who were kidnapped from Canada three years later, brought back to the U.S. and then executed. | This year about 100 riders rode from their homes throughout South Dakota and elsewhere to gather at Sisseton, South Dakota, and began…

_____ (2022-12-28). Indigenous Elders Evicted And Banished From Colony Without Trial. popularresistance.org Winnemucca Indian Colony, Paiute and Shoshone lands, Nevada – The Winnemucca Indian Colony is an Indian Colony created by the 1916 executive order of Woodrow Wilson and an act of 1928 Congress for homeless Paiute and Shoshone Indians to live and work nearby the developing railroad and town in far northwest Nevada. While the history of the Colony is complex, it is undisputed that Residents engaged in self-governance of their homelands until the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and others asserted involvement in the group's affairs. The community has suffered from years of litigious disputes, harassment, and violence…

_____ (2022-12-28). Fighting The 'Psyopcracy'. popularresistance.org Cathy Vogan, the executive producer of Consortium News' webcast CN Live!, recently coined a new term to describe rule by psyops, or psychological operations: psyopcracy. According to Wikipedia: | Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. | The purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior perceived to be favorable to U.S. objectives. | William Casey, C.I.A. director…

_____ (2022-12-28). A Window Into Louisiana's Continued Embrace Of The Fossil Fuel Industry. popularresistance.org Louisiana – I live in South Louisiana on the front lines of the climate crisis and cover the fossil fuel industry and impacts related to the warming planet, so facing gaslighting is a regular occurrence for me. | So it resonated with me that Merriam-Webster dictionary chose "gaslighting" as the word of the year. This year saw a 1,740 percent increase in lookups for gaslighting, according to a post by the dictionary company, which defines gaslighting as "the act or practice of grossly misleading someone especially for one's own advantage." I would add to that, that gaslighting is a driver of disorientation and mis…

_____ (2022-12-28). If Capitalism Is To Be Fought, It Has To Be Fought In The DRC. popularresistance.org On Friday, December 23, the M23 rebel group in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) officially handed over its positions in Kibumba, in North Kivu province, to the East African Community Regional Force (EACRF), citing the recommendations of the summit held in Luanda, Angola, in November. However, days after M23 announced its withdrawal from its seized positions in Kibumba, displaced communities have still not been able to return amid reports that rebel fighters are still present in the area. | Meanwhile, fighting between M23, Congolese troops (FARDC), and an anti-M23 'self-defense' militia continued on Monday,…

_____ (2022-12-28). The Rise Of The Multipolar World, With Economist Richard Wolff. popularresistance.org In the latest episode of Behind The Headlines' "Most Censored News" series, Lee Camp and Professor Richard Wolff discuss the waning of economic power in the United States and the potential reasons for this decline. | Richard Wolff is a well-known economist and host of the nationally syndicated show "Economic Update." He is a Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a visiting professor at the graduate program at the New School in New York City. He cofounded the non-profit group, Democracy at Work and is the author of several books, including, "The Sickness is the System: When…

_____ (2022-12-28). Brazil Gets Ready For Lula ¥s Return. popularresistance.org January 1 will be a long-awaited day for Brazil's progressive movement. On that day, Luis Inácio Lula Da Silva, once and future president, will officially replace the nefarious Latin American Trump, Jair Bolsonaro. With only a few days ahead, the country is already beginning to prepare for this historic day. | Hundreds of thousands are expected to gather in the capital, Brasilia, to see the lion of the Latin American left sworn in. The event will take place to the rhythm of samba, the voices of renowned singers, including Pabllo Vittar — Brazil's most famous drag queen and a favorite target of the defeated…

_____ (2022-12-28). Cooperatives Are Key To Climate Action. popularresistance.org What successful cooperatives and climate initiatives have in common comes down to how closely aligned they are with the needs and capacities of the people they most directly impact. Initiatives that take place at the community, town, city, and regional level, even if not coordinated or controlled by an overarching organization, scale up to make large impacts. Co-ops, as democratically run organizations, can design appropriate and achievable steps that are sustainable for their members, even if they would not be attractive for traditional profit-driven investors. | A good example is the People Power Cooperat…

Staff (2022-12-28). RT applauds Turkey's cross-border war of extermination against Kurds. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com RTDecember 28, 2022 Tàºrkiye claims success against Kurdish fighters Turkish forces "neutralized" three members of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in Iraq, the Defense Ministry announced on Tuesday…. *** The tweet included a video of a Turkish Bayraktar attack drone releasing a bomb….Tàºrkiye uses the term 'neutralized' regardless of whether the fighters were killed or …

Jonathan Cook (2022-12-28). How Netanyahu handed Ben-Gvir the gun to start an annexation war. mronline.org Jewish Power now has dozens of ways to inflame Palestinians into all-out confrontation. A third intifada has never felt closer.

Community Alliance for Global Justice (2022-12-28). An Open Letter to Bill Gates on Food, Farming, and Africa. globalresearch.ca

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). I've been diagnosed with prediabetes. What does that mean? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you've been diagnosed with prediabetes, it means your blood sugar levels are not high enough to be classified as Type 2 diabetes, but are high enough to indicate a need for change. A normal fasting blood sugar level is below 100; whereas, the level of a person with prediabetes is between 100 and 126. Once levels have surpassed 126, it's classified as Type 2 diabetes. This indicates that the body resists insulin or doesn't produce enough of…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-28). Local Fighters In Syria's Daraa Killed Another ISIS Leader. southfront.org Local fighters in the southern Syrian governorate of Daraa have reportedly eliminated yet another senior commander of ISIS. | The terrorist, identified as Abu Louay al-Qalamouni, was reportedly traveling on a motorcycle with another man near the town of Tal Shihab in the western Daraa countryside on December 25 when he was surprised by a checkpoint manned by local fighters. | While al-Qalamouni was attempting to turn back he was shot by the fighters who found his movements suspicious. The t…

Sharon Zhang (2022-12-28). Warren Says Southwest Airline Failures Show Need for Stronger Antitrust Law. truthout.org As Southwest Airlines undergoes a crisis, having canceled thousands of flights over the past few days, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) is saying that lax antitrust enforcement over the past decades is partially to blame for the problem. On Tuesday, Warren said on Twitter that airline mergers have been a "disaster" for consumers and called for regulators to focus on increasing competition… |

teleSUR (2022-12-28). Consumer Gas Prices in Germany To Remain High in 2023: Minister. telesurenglish.net Gas prices for consumers in Europe's largest economy will remain high for another year in the wake of the energy crisis, Germany's Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck has said. | RELATED: | "I hope that things will already be better toward the end of 2023," Habeck told the German Press Agency (dpa) on Wednesday. However, he added: "We will still have to endure higher prices." | After that period, Germany's LNG infrastructure…

____ (2022-12-28). Tibet sets economic goals for 2023. ecns.cn The Tibet autonomous region expects to see GDP growth of 8 percent, as well as 8 percent per capita growth in disposable income for urban residents and 10 percent for rural residents in 2023.

WSWS (2022-12-28). COVID hospitalisations up almost 30 percent in Britain. wsws.org The ZOE COVID Study app reported over 3.3 million current infections in Britain on December 26.

____ (2022-12-28). U.S. Supreme Court orders asylum-limiting measure remain in place. ecns.cn The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered an asylum-limiting measure to remain in place, blocking thousands of migrants from crossing the border.

teleSUR (2022-12-28). AMLO Criticizes Republicans for Inhumane Treatment of Migrants. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) criticized the "inhumane" treatment of migrants by U.S. Republicans, saying he would propose to U.S. and Canadian leaders at a summit next January to tackle immigration issue at its source. | RELATED: | Busloads of migrants were dropped off outside the residence of U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington, D.C. on Saturday night amid historically frigid temperatures. | The migrant…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Self-care steps can keep your heart healthy during the holidays. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have read that heart attacks are more common around the holidays. Why does that happen? Is there anything I can do to lower my risk? I currently take blood pressure medication, and heart disease runs in my family. ANSWER: Heart attacks, along with heart problems in general, are more common around the holidays. Various factors can play into this, including stress, travel, disrupted schedules, changes in diet and even environmental factors. Fortunately, many…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-28). In Video: Iraqi F-16 Fighter Jets Destroy Two ISIS Hideouts In Diyala. southfront.org Iraqi Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcons conduct a training mission over Iraq May 26, 2019. (U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Russ Scalf) | On December 28, F-16 fighter jets of the Iraqi Air Force carried out a series of airstrikes on two hideouts of ISIS cells in the area of Narin in the eastern Iraqi province of Diyala. | The Iraqi Security Media Cell said that the hideouts were uncovered thanks to information provided by the Military Intelligence Directorate, adding that at least ten terrorists were t…

Latino Rebels (2022-12-28). Waj Invades America: Episode 1 With Maria Hinojosa. latinorebels.com For this debut episode of #WajInvadesAmerica, host Wajahat Ali presents the latest in the world of white journalism and then welcomes Pulitzer winner Maria Hinojosa of Futuro Media to talk about #immigration narratives.

Anonymous669 (2022-12-28). Kurdish Forces Share Footage Of Recent Night Attack On Turkey's Proxies In Northern Syria. southfront.org , fighters of the Afrin Liberation Forces. Via the Hawar News Agency (ANHA). | On December 28, the Afrin Liberation Forces (ALF) claimed responsibility for two recent attacks that targeted the Turkish military and its proxies in the northern Aleppo countryside. | In a statement, the Kurdish guerilla group said that its fighters were behind the

scorinoco (2022-12-28). Reconciliation: Turkey Has Not Made Any Serious Offer to Syria. orinocotribune.com By Erman àáete Dec 23, 2022 | While Damascus is open to negotiations with Ankara, it is wary of being used as a Turkish pre-election political ploy. | On 15 December, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that his government planned to schedule a Initially, he suggested the establishment of meetings between intelligence agencies, and defense and foreign ministries, to be followed by…

Mickey Z. (2022-12-28). Remember All Those Female Rockers Who Turned out to be Sexual Predators? (Yeah, Me Neither). dissidentvoice.org Remember that time, in 1980, when paramedics were summoned to the home of a major female rock star? Once there, the medical professionals found two young girls with the rock star. A 15-year-old was arrested on a drug-related charge and a 16-year-old was charged with prostitution. The rock star in question was not a woman, …

Jake Johnson (2022-12-28). Incoming GOP House Majority Could End Big Oil Investigation, Advocates Warn. truthout.org A House committee that has spent more than a year investigating the fossil fuel industry's climate disinformation efforts has reportedly decided not to hand the subpoenaed documents it compiled over to the Senate, a reversal that would likely spell the end of the probe as industry-friendly Republicans take over the chamber. Investigative journalist Amy Westervelt reported for The Intercept over… |

____ (2022-12-28). Stunning landscape of partially frozen Niagara Falls. ecns.cn Niagara Falls, which has partially frozen due to extreme cold weather, offers visitors a breathtaking landscape in U.S., Dec. 27, 2022.

F. William Engdahl (2022-12-28). War on Global Agriculture: The Unsustainable 'Sustainable' UN Agenda 2030. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2022-12-28). Death toll climbs to 60 as impact of widespread US winter storm becomes clear. wsws.org As of Tuesday half of the deaths nationwide had been confirmed in Buffalo, New York. This number is sure to rise as rescue crews reach cars buried in the snow and homes that have been without power for days in sub-freezing temperatures.

teleSUR (2022-12-28). Roads Reopened in Areas Hardest Hit by Storm in New York. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced the reopening of several roads in western New York that were closed due to Winter Storm Elliot. | RELATED: | Work continues in Erie County, where 28 out of deaths in the U.S. have been reported. Work also continues at border crossings with Canada, where the Department of Transportation and Highways is clearing roads and removing vehicles abandoned in the snow.

____ (2022-12-28). Testing no longer used for hospital admittance. ecns.cn All medical institutions should admit patients who tested positive for COVID-19 as the management of the virus will be downgraded from Class A to Class B starting Jan 8, a senior health official said on Tuesday.

____ (2022-12-28). Huawei's genius boy Zhi Huijun leaves office. ecns.cn Zhi Huijun, who joined Huawei in 2020 through this company's "genius boy" plan, left office, the young man said on his Weibo account on Tuesday.

Asad Ismi (2022-12-28). Sri Lanka's Neoliberal Nightmare, Widespread Famine Triggered by Covid-19 Lockdown and an Unpayable External Debt. globalresearch.ca

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-12-28). What Is the Rules-Based Order? orinocotribune.com By Kim Petersen Dec 22, 2022 | In fits of, what might well be termed, masochism, some of us now-and-then tune in to the legacy media. When doing so, one is likely to hear western-aligned politicians rhetorize ad nauseam about the linguistically vogue rules-based order. Now and then, the word "international" is also inserted: the rules-based international order. | But what exactly is this rules-based order? | The way that the wording rules-based order is bandied about makes it sound like it has worldwide acceptance and that it has been around for a long time. Yet it comes across as a word-of-the-moment, both…

Brian E. Roe (2022-12-28). About one-third of the food Americans buy is wasted, hurting the climate and consumers' wallets. nationofchange.org And when food goes bad, the land, labor, water, chemicals and energy that went into producing, processing, transporting, storing and preparing it are wasted too.

Mobilization for Reproductive Justice (2022-12-28). Saturday 1/21: Counter Protest the Catholic Led "Walk for Life" indybay.org Gather at the Philip Burton Federal Courthouse, 4 Golden Gate Ave to rally. Then march together the short distance to Civic Center where the Walk for Life West Coast will hold its annual rally. Our counter protest will be there.

Editor (2022-12-28). Senate Democrats Seeking 'Significant Monetary Compensation' for Southwest Airlines Customers. scheerpost.com By Brandon Gage / AlterNet Southwest Airlines is staring down the barrel of federal and congressional investigations amid the fallout from the more than five thousand flights that it abruptly canceled since Christmas weekend. The Dallas, Texas-based carrier was crippled by "a combination of bad luck and bad planning," according to CNN Business. "About 87% of …

Open Democracy (2022-12-28). Secret Files reveal how UN Climate Advisers 'greenwashed' for BP. juancole.com By Lucas Amin and Ben Webster | ( OpenDemocracy.net) The PR firm advising the UN on climate change campaigns has been accused by US lawmakers of helping BP "greenwash" its fossil fuel investments, openDemocracy can reveal. Internal BP documents released to the US House of Representatives Oversight and Reform Committee and published last …

teleSUR (2022-12-28). Fernandez-Kirchner Denounces Proscription Campaign Against Her. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Argentina's Vice President Cristina Fernandez-Kirchner assured that her decision not to run as a candidate in the 2023 presidential elections is the consequence of a campaign perpetrated by elites to politically outlaw her and Peronism. | RELATED: | "It is neither resignation nor self-exclusion. It is proscription", she said during the inauguration of the Diego Armando Maradona Sports Center in Avellaneda. | "Th…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Mayo Clinic Minute: Safety tips to keep you out of the emergency department this winter. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Winter brings snow, cold and ice that can create hazardous conditions leading to serious injury. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Sue Cullinan, a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician, discusses some of the most common winter-related injuries that she sees and offers tips on how to keep you and your family safe. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/H08ugUwD_Xw Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

Staff (2022-12-28). Obama's Central African War: 12 years later. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense PostDecember 23, 2022 South Sudan to Send 7 Troops to DR Congo to Fight Rebels Also see: Obama sends military advisers to central Africa South Sudan will send 7 soldiers to the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo soon to join a regional force fighting a rebel offensive, a military spokesman said Wednesday. Fierce fighting …

teleSUR (2022-12-28). Skyrocketing Energy Prices Cost Danish Business Blns in 2022. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) published a report showing that the energy bills of businesses in Denmark have increased by a total of 45.8 billion Danish kroner (DKK) (US$6.56 billion) in 2022. | RELATED: | "In 2022, the prices of electricity and gas have reached levels that we have never seen before," Industry Director at DI's Energy Department Troels Ranis said. | Gas and electricity prices increased by…

Marc Vandepitte (2022-12-28). Henry Kissinger Warns Against New World War. globalresearch.ca

Steve Watson (2022-12-28). Video: Bill Gates Calls for "Aggressive" Carbon Taxes to "Accelerate" Fourth Industrial Revolution. globalresearch.ca

____ (2022-12-28). Hong Kong to end COVID tests for arrivals, vaccine pass scheme from Thursday. ecns.cn Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will lift the nucleic acid testing for arrivals and the vaccine pass scheme starting from Thursday, Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu announced on Wednesday.

David Sirota (2022-12-28). State Officials Warned Buttigieg About Airline Mess. levernews.com

____ (2022-12-28). Beijing hospitals step up efforts to treat critically-ill patients. ecns.cn Hospitals in Beijing stepped up efforts to improve reception capacity to ensure the treatment of critically ill patients due to the increase of COVID-19 infectious patients.

Ryan Cristián (2022-12-28). Fiorella Isabel Interview Political Propaganda & The Lies We're Told About "The Enemy" thelastamericanvagabond.com

Jessica Corbett (2022-12-28). 'Disastrous': SCOTUS upholds Title 42 migrant policy during court fight. nationofchange.org "As a Covid control strategy, a humanitarian policy, and a border policy, Title 42 has not only failed but caused irreparable harm on a massive scale."

____ (2022-12-28). RMB internationalization gets more attention. ecns.cn Chinese currency has still undoubtedly experienced a rise in its global profile over the past year.

WSWS (2022-12-28). 2022: A year of deepening economic and financial crisis. wsws.org The most significant shift in the economic and financial landscape has been the development of global inflation to the highest level in four decades and the response of central banks led by the US Federal Reserve.

____ (2022-12-28). Hospitals scramble to cope with elderly influx. ecns.cn Fever clinics and emergency rooms in Beijing are racing to boost the number of critical care beds to cope with rising hospitalizations among older COVID-19 patients.

Garnet Henderson (2022-12-28). This Year, the Reproductive Justice Movement Showed Us What It Means to Fight. truthout.org For reproductive justice advocates, the start of 2022 was ominous. In September 2021, the Supreme Court allowed a six-week abortion ban to go into effect in Texas, declining to block the law even temporarily despite the fact that it was an obvious violation of Roe v. Wade. When oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization arrived in December of that year, the Texas ban had been… |

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). NIH's All of Us Research Program returns health-related DNA results to participants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Institutes of Health's (NIH) All of Us Research Program has begun returning personalized health-related DNA results to more than 155,000 participants. The reports detail whether participants have an increased risk for specific health conditions and how their bodies might process certain medications. The All of Us Research Program collects participants' blood, urine, and saliva samples. These biosamples are stored and managed for research at a specialized All of Us Research Program biobank at Mayo Clinic. "It is rewarding for us at the…

Special to People's World (2022-12-28). Charlene Mitchell: Honoring a committed life. peoplesworld.org The following statement was issued by the Communist Party USA on Dec. 27, 2022, on the occasion of the passing of Charlene Mitchell. The Communist Party USA pauses for a moment to dip its banner to honor the life of Comrade Charlene Mitchell, who died recently at 92. Mitchell was a lifelong activist and joined …

Amy Goodman (2022-12-28). Death Toll Rises as Activists Slam Buffalo's Failed Prep, Response to Blizzard. truthout.org Buffalo, New York, is experiencing a Katrina moment after this weekend's historic blizzard. The death toll has climbed to at least 32 as people froze to death in their homes and cars, with nationwide fatalities surpassing 60 people. State and military police have been deployed to Buffalo to enforce the city's ongoing driving ban as road conditions remain treacherous after a 51.5-inch snowfall. We'… |

WSWS (2022-12-28). "The problem is not 'apathy,' it's the UAW bureaucracy": GM Flint Rank-and-File Committee denounces voter suppression in UAW elections. wsws.org The GM Rank-and-File Committee recently issued a statement responding to the claims by UAW officials that low turnout in the union's national elections was due to "apathy."

Chris Walker (2022-12-28). Former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Routinely Burned White House Documents. truthout.org Newly released transcripts from the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol building reveal that one of former President Donald Trump's top aides regularly burned documents in a White House fireplace in the weeks preceding the violent attack on Congress. Mark Meadows, who served as Trump's chief of staff in the final weeks of his presidency… |

WSWS (2022-12-28). Thousands of airline travelers stranded following deadly winter storm, meltdown at Southwest Airlines. wsws.org Southwest airline workers reported that outdated scheduling systems, incapable of processing thousands of rescheduled flights, have forced mass cancellations through the end of December.

Anonymous669 (2022-12-28). Senior SDF Officials Survives Assassination Attempt In Syria's Deir Ezzor Amid Anti-U.S. Protest. southfront.org . | On December 28, the head of the Deir Ezzor Civilian Council, a part of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, survived an assassination attempt. | The official, Mohamad al-Rajab, was reportedly targeted by unidentified gunmen moving a motorcycle while he was passing near the town of al-Hassan in the northern countryside of Deir Ezzor. He was reportedly on his way to attend a meeting in the council's headquarters. | No side has yet c…

teleSUR (2022-12-28). US Southwest's Meltdown Strands Thousands of Travellers. telesurenglish.net The issues stem from the carrier's unique "point to point" model, in which planes tend to fly from destination to destination without returning to one or two main hubs. | Travelers wait at the check-in counters of Southwest Airlines at Dallas Love Field Airport in Dallas, Texas, the United States, Dec. 17, 2021.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Antibiotic shortage – what to know if you can't find amoxicillin. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Food and Drug Administration, a national shortage of different medications, including a common antibiotic, is expected to last several months. "The most notable one is probably amoxicillin. It is a common antibiotic that we use to treat a variety of childhood infections, including ear infections, strep throat, and pneumonia," says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. She says parents may notice this as they take their children to…

Chris Walker (2022-12-28). White House Condemns Abbott for Bussing Migrants to DC in Freezing Temperatures. truthout.org The Biden administration has condemned Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott for transporting migrants from his state to the Washington, D.C. residence of Vice President Kamala Harris on Christmas Eve, when temperatures in the city were well below freezing. Abbott's administration had not coordinated with any organization or government entity before bussing the migrants, and had not developed any plan… |

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Advancing treatments for acute myeloid leukemia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), also called acute myelogenous leukemia, is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, the spongy tissue inside bones where blood cells are made. The disease progresses rapidly, affecting a group of white blood cells called myeloid cells, which normally develop into mature red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. "There are acute and chronic leukemias, explains Dr. James Foran, an oncologist at Mayo Clinic. "The chronic ones tend to happen…

Steve Watson (2022-12-28). Bill Gates Granted Authority to Buy 2100 More Acres of North Dakota Farmland. globalresearch.ca

Stephen Janis, Taya Graham, Jayne Miller (2022-12-28). Tax Broke: The inside story of how Baltimore's inclusionary housing bill got hollowed out, and how activists hope to fix it. therealnews.com "Tax Broke" is a TRNN investigative project focused on the use of tax break and subsidies stimulate growth in a city that continues to lose population and struggle with poverty. The centerpiece of the project is an hour-long documentary. However, as information comes to light about the cost, fairness, and political economy which fuels this system, TRNN will publish updates in the form of print pieces and podcasts. | ACLU of Maryland housing attorney Barbara Samuels joins this podcast to explain why Baltimore is critical to the growth of affordable housing and what has to happen to make it work as City Counc…

Night Owls (2022-12-28). Night Owls #3: Autumn Offensive. itsgoingdown.org Download pamphlet: Print Tabloid [For a Risograph] Download action posters: Print Tabloid Diversity of tactics is a concept that has been used to break the hegemony of non-violence in social movements. The term can be understood as a shared principle that advocates respect and solidarity across different approaches with the aim of breaking…

SP Editor (2022-12-28). Top 8 Political and Geopolitical Shifts in the Middle East in 2022. scheerpost.com By Juan Cole | Informed Comment We saw a lot of pivotal developments in the Middle East this year, including the impact of climate change in the form of increasing aridity and massive dust storms. But there were also realignments of interests that affect the U.S. Here are some of them: 1. President Biden in …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Holiday safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm hosting my extended family over the holidays for the first time in many years. My great-nephew is 2 years old and will be the youngest person in attendance. I do not have any children, so I am not used to having a toddler around. What should I do safety-wise to prepare for his arrival? ANSWER: It's wonderful that you can host your family gathering this holiday season and welcome young and old into…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-28). Syrian Troops Target Militants In Greater Idlib With Guided Missiles After Deadly Shelling. southfront.org . | The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continues to respond to ceasefire violations in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib. | On December 27, army troops targeted a gathering of militants in the area of Shanbar in the northern Lattakia countryside with an anti-tank guided missile (ATGM). One was killed and another was wounded in the attack. | The next day, December 28, the troops fire another ATGM at a position near the town of Kafr Nouran in the western countryside of Alep…

WSWS (2022-12-28). Western Australian nurses' union prepares to ram through Labor government wage cut. wsws.org The Australian Nursing Federation has shut down all industrial action by nurses, effectively endorsing a deal that will slash real wages and do nothing to resolve staffing and patient safety issues.

Staff (2022-12-28). Supreme Court Keeps Title 42, Causing Rise in Deadly Human Trafficking & Blocking Asylum Seekers. democracynow.org The Supreme Court's conservative majority has ordered the Biden administration to continue enforcing Title 42, blocking asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border. The Trump-era pandemic policy Title 42 has been used to expel over 2 million people at the border since March 2020. The court is preparing to hear oral arguments in February by mostly Republican-led states who are challenging Biden's push to end the policy, while hundreds of migrants face freezing cold temperatures in camps along the U.S.-Mexico border. We speak to Luis Chaparro, a journalist reporting from the U.S.-Mexico border, about the f…

David Giesen (2022-12-28). Wednesday 12/21: Environmental economics for dummies featuring THE LORAX. indybay.org ZOOM: us05web.zoom.us/j/84595777949?pwd=cEpMVFUxNXRPRUJEVU5OSnhXOXZGdz09

____ (2022-12-28). A Very Interesting List To Ponder. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

SP Editor (2022-12-28). Study Ties Abortion Restrictions to 'Significant' Jump in Suicide Rates for Young Women. scheerpost.com

Dr. Carla Peeters (2022-12-28). No Farmers, No Food, No Life. globalresearch.ca

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Mayo Clinic Minute: Best cooking fats for healthy cholesterol levels. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Are you trying to remember which fat is the good fat to use in the kitchen? If you are confused about whether to use unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated or saturated fats when cooking, it's understandable. It can be confusing. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says fats that raise your bad cholesterol levels and increase your risk for heart disease are the ones to avoid. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/drmIcHaxxfM Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips to help a frozen shoulder. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Pain and stiffness in your shoulder can make every activity, including sleep, difficult. Worsening shoulder pain, especially at night, could mean you have a frozen shoulder, says Dr. Christopher Camp, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic surgeon. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/OU6-i4dKPKs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Tips for living younger, longer by preventing disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While we know that health affects longevity and quality of life, it can be difficult to change bad habits. People often try to make sweeping New Year's resolutions, only to fail. In fact, Jan. 17 is the date that the average America breaks their New Year's resolution. Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a Mayo Clinic preventive cardiologist, says a better approach is to focus on small steps that add up over time. "The answer, I think, is…

Editor (2022-12-28). "An Absolute F**cking Disgrace": Record 6,036 US Kids Killed, Injured by Gunfire in 2022. scheerpost.com As of Tuesday, 306 children under age 12 were killed by guns and another 668 were injured nationwide. For those ages 12-17, 1,328 were killed and 3,734 were injured.

Juan Cole (2022-12-28). 2022: Biden Policies Announce the End of the Beginning in Fight against CO2 Emissions. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) In the midst of World War II, on November 10, 1942, Winston Churchill said of the war,: "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." The year 2022 was disappointing for the stated American …

Vlada Moran (2022-12-28). Saturday 12/31: New Year's Eve Organists' Kaleidophone. indybay.org Peace United Church | 900 High Street, Santa Cruz…

Project Censored (2022-12-28). THE PROJECT CENSORED NEWSLETTER December 2022. projectcensored.org Plenty of Publicity for State of the Free Press 2023 and The Media and Me December marks a first for Project Censored and its publishing imprint, the Censored Press: Not…

_____ (2022-12-28). Why is Britain rushing back to Africa? journal-neo.org Leading international experts estimate that one in four global consumers will be African by 20 . The African continent is home to 8 of the world's 15 fastest-growing economies. It is therefore not surprising that interest in Africa has recently increased considerably on the part of leading international players, especially former metropoles. British Foreign Secretary James …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Mayo Clinic Minute: Holiday driving safety tips. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The hustle and bustle of the holidays can be a hazard on the highway. If you're getting behind the wheel, one Mayo Clinic expert has some tips to keep you and your family safe on the road. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/psGh9P5iKW8 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 58) is in the downloads at the end of…

Book Exchange (2022-12-28). Defense Against the Dark Arts. indybay.org

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2022-12-28). ‚ÄûStell dir vor, es ist Krieg und keiner geht hin." globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

Stephanie Tromblay (2022-12-28). Dakota men, women and youth ride to honor 38+2 executed warriors and for healing. workers.org This slightly edited article, which appeared in the Jan. 15, 2019, issue of Workers World, is reprinted to recognize the 17-day, 2022 Dakota 38+2 Memorial Ride and to commemorate the 160th anniversary of the largest mass execution in U.S. history. This year's Memorial Ride left Lower Brule, South Dakota, Dec. . . . |

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Cold weather medical emergencies to know about: frostbite and hypothermia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says arctic cold and bitter winds will spread across much of the U.S., and some states will experience dangerously low temperatures dipping well below zero. This is especially concerning during the busy holiday week when many people are expected to travel. One concern, if you are exposed to the extreme cold, should be frostbite. Frostbite Frostbite is an injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues. First, your skin becomes very cold…

____ (2022-12-28). Draft revision to wildlife law reviewed. ecns.cn Highlighting the importance of curbing the presence of invasive species, a recent draft amendment to the Wildlife Protection Law states that wild animal species introduced from overseas must not be illegally released or abandoned.

Editor (2022-12-28). U.S. 'justice' system trashes diplomatic immunity & rules against Alex Saab, defense working on appeal. mronline.org On Friday, December 23, U.S. Federal Judge Robert Scola of the Southern District of Florida ruled that the Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab does not have the right to diplomatic immunity, as the U.S. government does not recognize the government of President Nicolás Maduro.

____ (2022-12-28). Experts, analysts share optimistic outlook for 2023 A-share performance. ecns.cn In a 2023 forecast for the Chinese capital market, Xun Yugen, chief economist at Haitong Securities, compared A-share performance to "the rising sun".

Ryan Cristián (2022-12-28). The COVID Injections Are Dangerous And NO ONE Should Be Taking Them. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/28/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Know the signs of strep throat in children. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Image courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Strep infections may be on the rise in the U.S., as they have been in the U.K., so it's important to know the signs and symptoms, especially in children. "Group A streptococcal disease is a group of conditions caused by a bacteria called 'group A strep,'" says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "The one that people are probably most familiar with is strep…

teleSUR (2022-12-28). Uruguay Detects New Omicron Variant-Derived Strains. telesurenglish.net The Ministry of Public Health of Uruguay reported today that the new Omicron sublineages of COVID-19 were detected by the Laboratory-Epidemiology Division of the Department of Public Health, noting that the predominant variant worldwide continues to be Omicron. | RELATED: | In this regard, the health authority said that "viruses change over time, including Sars-Cov-2," and warned that changes in the virus can influence its behavior, including ho…

teleSUR (2022-12-28). US University Discloses Unethical Experiments on Prisoners. telesurenglish.net The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) has unveiled an internal investigation about unethical medical experiments on at least 2,600 incarcerated men in the 1960s and 1970s. | RELATED: | The experiments included putting "pesticides and herbicides" on the men's skin and injecting them into their veins. In one experiment, "small cages with mosquitos" were placed close to the participants' arms or directly on their sk…

Editor (2022-12-28). John Kiriakou: CIA Should Get Out of the Laboratory. scheerpost.com

Staff (2022-12-28). "Abject Failure" in Buffalo: Blizzard Death Toll Rises as Activists Slam City's Failed Prep, Response. democracynow.org Buffalo, New York, is experiencing a Katrina moment after this weekend's historic blizzard. The death toll has climbed to at least 32 as people froze to death in their homes and cars, with nationwide fatalities surpassing 60 people. State and military police have been deployed to Buffalo to enforce the city's ongoing driving ban as road conditions remain treacherous after a 51.5-inch snowfall. We're joined by India Walton, former Buffalo mayoral candidate and longtime community activist, as well as Cariol Horne, a community organizer and racial justice advocate who was arrested by Buffalo police…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Science Saturday: Researchers investigate precision nutrition to improve health, prevent diseases. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Could prescribing specific nutrients, grains, fruits and vegetables tailored to a person's DNA and other biological characteristics help improve their health? Precision nutrition took center stage at Mayo Clinic's Individualizing Medicine Conference Nov. 2—3, 2022, in Rochester, Minnesota, where some of the world's top experts shared their knowledge of the potential benefits of tailoring nutrients and dietary guidance to a person's genes, metabolism, microbiome and other distinguishing characteristics. The ultimate goal of the holistic approach is to…

Pat Elder (2022-12-28). The U.S. Military is Poisoning Okinawa. covertactionmagazine.com Blood testing confirms high levels of carcinogen PFAS in the blood of hundreds living close to U.S. bases. Japanese demand answers while Americans deny responsibility. Blood samples are taken on behalf of the Liaison to Protect the Lives of Citizens Against PFAS Contamination at a community center in Ginowan, Okinawa, July 10, 2022. (Toshio Takahashi). …

Phil Wilayto (2022-12-28). Antiwar Activist Faces Repression in Germany. globalresearch.ca

Sharon Zhang (2022-12-28). Groups Connected With Leonard Leo Have Funneled $31 Million to State Court Races. truthout.org A new investigation finds that groups associated with prominent anti-abortion judicial activist Leonard Leo — who has had a hand in the nomination of every sitting conservative Supreme Court justice — have poured tens of millions into significant state court races over the past two decades, demonstrating the depth of Leo's campaign to pack U.S. courts with far right judges. Grid News has found… |

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Weight gain over holiday season – tips to manage calories at parties. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you have noticed you've packed on pounds over the last 10 or 20 years, and wondered how that weight gain happened, here's one idea that might make you consider setting down that extra plate of cookies or latkes during this holiday season. "Studies have shown that, from mid-November until mid-January, people averaged a weight gain in the population of about three quarters of a pound or so. It doesn't sound like much, but it…

Editor (2022-12-28). Germany could become 'bankrupt state' due to energy spending. mronline.org Germany is fearing its own demise at its own hands as the measures it takes to combat the ongoing energy crisis are causing its reserves to falter.

WSWS (2022-12-28). Up to 25,000 COVID-19 deaths in Australia this year. wsws.org Even by the understated official figures, Australia's annual COVID fatalities increased 11-fold in 2022 compared to last year as a direct result of the adoption of a homicidal "let it rip" program.

Sharon Zhang (2022-12-28). Cori Bush Pushes to Stop Missouri's Execution of Amber McLaughlin. truthout.org Two Democratic members of Congress are urging Missouri Gov. Mike Parson (R) to stop the execution of Amber McLaughlin, who the state is scheduled to kill next week, citing the "moral depravity" of the death penalty. In their letter to Parson, Missouri Representatives Cori Bush and Emanuel Cleaver highlighted that McLaughlin was sentenced to death through a unilateral decision by a judge due to a… |

The Lever (2022-12-28). 2022 FLASHBACK: Launching Our Podcast Network. levernews.com During this holiday break, The Lever is resurfacing some of our most important efforts of 2022. Today, we focus on the launch of our current lineup of podcasts this year. We will return to our normal publishing schedule in the new year.
Friends: This has been a truly historic year for The Lever: Our staff has almost doubled in size, we produced more original reporting than ever before, and we launched The Lever's podcast network.We began in June with the launch of Lever Time, our flagship podcast hosted by myself. Lever Time has given us the chance to amplify our work to an entirely new audience, bringing our…

WSWS (2022-12-28). Interview with Kentucky-based wildland firefighter: "They would work us off the clock a lot… all unpaid" wsws.org Despite being one of the most dangerous professions, firefighters are forced to endure inadequate pay, brutal work schedules, and other issues, while witnessing firsthand the impact of climate change on the environment.

DJ Mouse (2022-12-28). Goodbye Moral High Road, Tracy, Riva,Steve, Jack and Carol at Feb. 2020 press conference. indybay.org Tracy Rosenberg, Riva Enteen, Steve, Jack Heyman, Carol Denny and more on the sabotage from the top of our once favorite network…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Mayo Clinic Minute: Snowblower safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Winter is here, and if you live in a region with a lot of snow, investing in a snowblower can save you a lot of time and energy on those mornings when you have to clear the driveway to get to work or school. But Dr. Sanj Kakar, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic hand and wrist surgeon, says those snowblowers can be more dangerous than you think. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/xC1uzCewqbo Journalists: Broadcast-quality video…

_____ (2022-12-28). Sanctions, Sex Jihad, and Syria. strategic-culture.org

Editor (2022-12-28). The First Big Strike of 2023 May Happen Behind Prison Walls. scheerpost.com

Richard Gale (2022-12-28). It Is Time to Dissolve the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). globalresearch.ca

____ (2022-12-28). Important clues of ancient human activities discovered in northwest Yunnan. ecns.cn Archaeologists have discovered a series of important clues of ancient human activities in northwest Yunnan through a joint scientific expedition in 2022. More than 30 Palaeolithic sites were discovered and more than 400 specimens of stone artifacts were collected in the Binchuan Basin.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). How to prevent flu, RSV and COVID-19 during busy holiday season. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu infection rates across the U.S. continue to be very high. "As we predicted, this flu season has hit early, and it's hit us hard," says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "We are seeing high and very high rates of influenza across the country." For those who have yet to get a flu shot, now is an excellent time to…

Alasdair Baverstock (2022-12-28). Migrants struggle to find shelters at U.S.-Mexico border towns. america.cgtn.com With the extension of the Title 42 migration protocols, which will now likely remain in place until mid-2023, the situation at America's southern border is critical. Migrant numbers surged in recent weeks in anticipation the asylum policy would change. Now, the question becomes how long can Mexico's …

Scott Campbell (2022-12-28). Neither Dead nor Defeated: Anarchism and the Memory of Ricardo Flores Magón. itsgoingdown.org On , one hundred years after his death, anarchists gathered at the tomb of Ricardo Flores Magón in Mexico City, where clashes ensued with members of the Regional Confederation of Mexican Workers (CROM), leaving several compañerxs injured. In December, IGD contributor Scott Campbell interviewed Jaime, one of the anarchists present that day. The…

____ (2022-12-28). Report: AI's role in driving growth bigger. ecns.cn Chinese enterprises are planning to increase investment in artificial intelligence as AI is increasingly perceived as one of the drivers in revenue growth and business transformation and integrated into the real economy.

____ (2022-12-28). Beijing hospital under pressure as critical COVID cases surge. ecns.cn As critical COVID-19 cases are soaring across Beijing, Peking University First Hospital is under intense pressure, with almost all EICU beds occupied, CCTV reported on Tuesday.

WSWS (2022-12-28). The Crown Season 5: Exhausting itself in defence of the monarchy. wsws.org One need not be sympathetic to the milieu—hostility is natural and appropriate—to feel that these people are also its victims. The point, however, is what Morgan makes of that and why.

Editor (2022-12-28). Top investigating officer admits Elgar Parishad event 'had no role' in Bhima Koregaon violence. mronline.org This is perhaps the first time any state representative has accepted that the Elgar Parishad event had no role to play in the violence. While three activists have been released on bail, and one died in custody, 12 continue to be jailed over this claim.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Flu shots are important for young people, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 28 and consider myself fairly healthy. I have never gotten a flu shot and have never had the flu. I did receive a COVID-19 vaccine series. Do I really need a flu vaccination? My employer is recommending an influenza immunization for everyone, but I am hesitant. I have heard some people get sick from flu shots. ANSWER: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends that everyone 6 months and older…

teleSUR (2022-12-28). South Sudan Sends Peacekeeping Troops to DR Congo. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir bid farewell to 720 peacekeepers to be deployed in the neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). | RELATED: | "I want you to maintain discipline. There are forces that go for peacekeeping mission in another country and cause problems; they rape women and girls. Don't do it. Don't take anything from shops or civilians, and that is not what you have gone for; instead, protect the lives of the civili…

Matthew Johnson (2022-12-28). The Weekly Round-up: PPE Medpro, the Gender Recognition Bill, and contempt advice concealed. ukhumanrightsblog.com In the news The Government has launched legal action to recover £122m from PPE Medpro, the supplier recommended by Conservative peer Michelle Mone. The claim is grounded in a contract for the supply of 25m sterile surgical gowns awarded via the 'VIP lane' used during the pandemic to prioritise companies with political connections. None of …

Anonymous Contributor (2022-12-28). Proud Boys Fail to Turn out Against Counter-Protest in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. itsgoingdown.org Report on counter-protest against Proud Boys harassing a drag event in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Originally posted to Iron Snowflake. On December 26th, less than a dozen fascists including three Proud Boys and several far-Right live-streamers showed up outside "A Drag Queen Christmas" in Ft Lauderdale, FL. It's 6: 20pm and Proud Boys, Elon Gerberg and fashy friends…

Staff (2022-12-28). "Tired of the Apologies": Workers, Flyers Say Southwest Airlines Meltdown Was Decades in the Making. democracynow.org The U.S. Department of Transportation says it will investigate cancellations and delays by Southwest Airlines after the airline canceled about two-thirds of its flights since a Christmas snowstorm. The unprecedented operational meltdown left thousands of travelers stranded, causing scenes of chaos at airports across the country during one of the busiest travel seasons in the year. Corliss King, vice president of TWU Local 556 representing Southwest flight attendants, says the union has warned the company for years about the technical issues that contributed to this week's chaos. We also speak with Paul Huds…

Victor Castellanos (2022-12-28). Venezuela and North Korea Strengthen Bilateral Relations. orinocotribune.com The two countries addressed the Korean Peninsula's complex situation caused by US interference in the region. | A report released by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry stated that Venezuela's Vice Minister for Asia, Middle East, and Oceania, Capaya Rodríguez González, and North Korean Ambassador to Venezuela Ri Sung Gil met in Caracas to discuss the "deepening of political-bilateral relations" between the two nations. | The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry's report indicated that the diplomats from Caracas and Pyongyang exchanged views on the state of the world during the meeting "with the aim of addressing issues of…

____ (2022-12-28). U.S. university discloses unethical experiments on prisoners decades ago. ecns.cn The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), has unveiled an internal investigation about unethical medical experiments on at least 2,600 incarcerated men in the 1960s and 1970s.

WSWS (2022-12-28). Suncor celebrated as one of Canada's "top employers" despite monstrous record of worker injury and death. wsws.org Just days before Mediacorp's corporate feel-good list hit the pages of the Globe and Mail, an explosion at Suncor's Tamarack gas field in northern Alberta killed two workers.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Get to the point: Proper disposal of sharps. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org "Sharps" is the term used to describe any device with a sharp point or edge that could cut your skin. This includes needles, syringes, infusion sets, lancets (sometimes called "fingersticks") and auto-injectors, like EpiPens. There are many reasons why you may have sharps in your home. They are used to manage many different health conditions, including allergies, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, infertility, blood clotting disorders and psoriasis. It's important to correctly dispose of sharps to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-28). Healthy for the Holidays: Mayo Clinic Health System provides tips for combatting stress this season. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. ‚Äï During the holiday season, it is easy to get caught up in the stress and chaos that can accompany this time of the year. Already demanding lives become even more hectic as last-minute shopping, cooking and spending combine to add even more anxiety. For many people, the result can be overwhelming. "What if there was a way you could plan ahead to counter the stress? Start with identifying the issue," says Lisa Hardesty,…

Chris Walker (2022-12-28). Jamie Raskin Says It's Time to End the Electoral College. truthout.org On Sunday, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland) said lawmakers in Congress should begin the process of abolishing the Electoral College, describing the mechanism as a danger to the American people due to the plethora of ways it can be exploited. In comments on CBS's "Face the Nation" program, Raskin said that presidents should be elected by a popular vote model instead. "We should elect the president… |

teleSUR (2022-12-28). Bolsonaro Might Leave for the US Before Lula's Inauguration. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, a publication in the Brazilian Official Gazette gave the first indications that President Jair Bolsonaro might be planning to travel to the United States to avoid Lula da Silva's inauguration ceremony on Sunday, January 1, 2023. | RELATED: | For days, Brazilian public opinion has been conjecturing about what the far-right politician will do. Bolsonaro has remained completely silent and practically isolated s…

Staff (2022-12-28). Con Filo: El penúltimo del año (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Este martes se transmitió el penúltimo programa Con Filo del año, en medio de una "crisis creativa" de la contrarrevolución. øCuál fue el tema principal de la noche? Los nuevos atractivos que presentará este espacio de la televisión cubana para el próximo 2023.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-12-28). Desembarcan casi 200 refugiados rohinyás en Sumatra, Indonesia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con las autoridades policiales, el grupo de inmigrantes está integrado por 83 hombres, 70 mujeres y 32 niños.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-12-28). Más de 6.000 menores resultaron muertos o heridos por disparos en EE.UU. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con el Archivo sobre la Violencia Armada (GVA), 1.323 niños de entre 12 y 17 años de edad murieron en tiroteos durante este año.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-12-28). Gobierno español dicta nuevas medidas para enfrentar la crisis. telesurtv.net Fue aprobada una ayuda de 200 euros para las 4,2 millones de familias con rentas menores de 27.000 euros.

Staff (2022-12-28). Reportan accidente masivo de tránsito en Matanzas. cubadebate.cu De acuerdo con la periodista matancera Iris Quintero Zulueta acaba de ocurrir un accidente masivo en el municipio yumurino de Los Arabos. Los lesionados son trasladados al hospital Doctor Mario Muñoz de Colón.Desde Cubadebate le daremos seguimiento a ese lamentable incidente, en estos últimos días del año 2022.

Scott Campbell (2022-12-28). Ni muertxs ni vencidxs: El anarquismo y la memoria de Ricardo Flores Magón. itsgoingdown.org El 21 de noviembre de 2022, cien años después de su muerte, anarquistas se encontraron en la tumba de Ricardo Flores Magón en la Ciudad de México, donde se registraron enfrentamientos con miembros de la Confederación Regional Obrera Mexicana (CROM), con un saldo de varixs compañerxs heridxs. En diciembre, Scott Campbell, colaborador de IGD, entrevistó…

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-28). Corea del Norte anuncia refuerzo de su seguridad tras tensiones. telesurtv.net En los últimos días se ha producido un incremento de las tensiones intercoreanas con intercambio de disparos.

Staff (2022-12-28). Chapeando: Chismes, bretes y todo lo demás (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu La pasada semana hablamos en este podcast de la decadencia y caída de casi todos los odiadores en redes. Pues, ahora uno de ellos está reconociendo que las plataformas sufren una crisis de credibilidad por dedicarse a mezclar "chisme y brete con política".

Staff (2022-12-28). Magnus Carlsen comanda el Mundial de rápidas con 7,5 puntos. cubadebate.cu Magnus Carlsen comanda el Mundial de rápidas de Almaty (Kazajistán), al que seguirá el de partidas relámpago (del jueves al viernes), tras las dos primeras rondas. El noruego, que el lunes tumbó al uzbeko Abdusattorov, vigente campeón, acumula 7,5 puntos de nueve posibles, tras sumar este martes dos victorias y dos tablas.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-28). Cuba denuncia vínculos de Twitter con Gobierno de EE.UU. telesurtv.net El editor de Subtack, Matt Taibbi, mostró listas de cuentas contra las que Twitter aplicó la censura por indicaciones del Pentágono y el Departamento de Estado.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-28). Guatemala: Peasants, Indigenous and Popular Sectors Elect their Presidential Binomial for 2023. libya360.wordpress.com Ollantay Itzamná Thelma Cabrera and Jordán Rodas. Candidates for MLP presidential binomial, 2023 Nearly 700 spokespersons from different territories of the country, members (affiliates) of the political organization Movimiento para la Liberación de los Pueblos (MLP), on December 28, 2022, complying with all the requirements and electoral rules established by the Guatemalan legal system, held…

teleSUR, JGN (2022-12-28). Vicepresidenta argentina denuncia campaña de proscripción en su contra. telesurtv.net Fernández de Kircher convocó a realizar una gran manifestación el 24 de marzo próximo, cuando se cumplirán 40 años del retorno a la democracia en el país suramericano.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-28). Mueren 16 personas en Sudán tras colisión de dos vehículos. telesurtv.net Autoridades policiales declararon que hubo 19 heridos como resultado de este accidente de tránsito.

Staff (2022-12-28). Luka Doncic factura el partido de su carrera y uno de los mejores de la historia del baloncesto (+Video). cubadebate.cu Los narradores del partido en Dallas no daban crédito. "Es un milagro de Luka Doncic y de los Dallas Mavericks", gritaban. El esloveno había facturado el mejor partido de su carrera y del curso y una actuación en los altares de la historia. 60 puntos, 21 rebotes y 10 asistencias. Una línea estadística única en la mejor liga de baloncesto del mundo.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-28). Reabren vías en zonas más afectadas por tormenta en Nueva York, EE.UU. telesurtv.net El personal del Departamento de Transporte y Autopistas limpia las carreteras y retira los vehículos abandonados en la nieve.

Staff (2022-12-28). Informan sobre cobro electrónico o en efectivo del impuesto sobre documentos. cubadebate.cu El 22 de diciembre pasado, el Ministerio de Justicia autorizó el cobro en efectivo o electrónico del impuesto sobre documentos en sus oficinas de trámites, como una alternativa para la ciudadanía ante la escasez de sellos. Directivos del Minjus, la ONAT, Etecsa y Correos de Cuba informaron en conferencia de prensa los fundamentos e implementación de esta iniciativa.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-28). Presidentes de Rusia y Armenia discuten salidas a crisis azerí. telesurtv.net La conversación tuvo lugar al margen de una cumbre informal de la Comunidad de Estados Independientes en San Petersburgo.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-28). Asesinan a guía penitenciario ecuatoriano en cárcel El Rodeo. telesurtv.net El hecho forma parte de la crisis carcelaria que deja más de 420 presos han sido asesinados en once masacres desde 2021.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-28). Presidente de Corea del Sur indulta a exfuncionarios y políticos. telesurtv.net Más de 1.300 personas, entre exfuncionarios y políticos, recibieron el perdón presidencial "desde la perspectiva de una amplia unidad nacional a través de la reconciliación, la tolerancia y la consideración".

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-28). Moscú prohíbe venta de crudo ruso a países que establezcan tope. telesurtv.net El decreto entrará en vigor a partir del primero de febrero de 2023 hasta el primero de julio de 2023.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-28). Ascienden a 13 los muertos por inundaciones en Filipinas. telesurtv.net Se reportan tres muertes en Bicol en la isla principal de Luzón, dos en el centro y ocho en el sur de Filipinas.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-12-28). Cifra de muertos por tormenta invernal en EE.UU. aumenta a 65. telesurtv.net Del total de fallecidos, las fuentes indicaron que 32 han tenido lugar en el condado de Búfalo, ubicado en Nueva York.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-28). Recalan más de 200 migrantes haitianos en Ciego de àÅvila, Cuba. telesurtv.net Las autoridades reportaron 31 niños y 61 mujeres a bordo, quienes arribaron en horas de la noche al puerto de Kasasa.

teleSUR (2022-12-28). Gun Ban in Brasilia Goes Into Effect Until Monday. telesurenglish.net The Federal Supreme Court (STF) informed that Judge Alexandre de Moraes suspended gun permits throughout the Federal District region for non-security professionals. | RELATED: | It was "determined the temporary suspension of the authorizations of all species to carry firearms, as well as the transport of weapons and ammunition," according to the STF decision signed by Minister Moraes. | Except for members of the Armed F…

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-28). Refuerzan seguridad en Brasilia para toma de posesión de Lula. telesurtv.net El nuevo gobierno comenzará a trabajar en la madrugada del domingo para evitar un vacío de poder antes de la ceremonia.

Staff (2022-12-28). øQué hitos marcaron la agenda deportiva en 2022? (+Video). cubadebate.cu Los títulos mundiales del judoca Andy Granda en +de 100 k y de la canoísta Yarisleidy Cirilo en la canoa biplaza, elegidos atletas de la temporada, pueden catalogarse como las actuaciones más importantes del deporte cubano este 2022, año en que no fueron celebrados eventos multideportivos, pero sí deparó varias sorpresas.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-28). Ministro de Reconstrucción de Japón renuncia tras escándalo. telesurtv.net Se sospecha que Kenya Akiba canalizó fondos políticos a su familia y pagó recompensas a los secretarios por su papel en su campaña para las elecciones a la Cámara de Representantes.

Staff (2022-12-28). COVID-19: Ante una transmisión que aumenta, acrecentar la responsabilidad. cubadebate.cu En la tarde de este martes, desde el Palacio de la Revolución, tuvo lugar la reunión del Grupo Temporal de Trabajo para la prevención y control de COVID-19, la cual estuvo encabezada por el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista y Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-28). ONU pide a Afganistán revocar restricciones contra las mujeres. telesurtv.net El Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los DD.HH. alertó que la medida impacta más allá de las fronteras de Afganistán.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-12-28). Reportan agravamiento de la salud de papa emérito Benedicto XVI. telesurtv.net El jefe de la oficina de prensa del Vaticano precisó que la situación está "bajo control" y seguida por los médicos.

Juan Torres López (2022-12-28). La cotización del dólar puede provocar crisis de deuda en cadena. globalizacion.ca La subida de tipos de interés en Estados Unidos va seguida de una apreciación de su moneda que está reforzando la inflación en el resto del mundo y provocando graves problemas, sobre todo, a las economías ya de por sí…

teleSUR (2022-12-28). Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo Find Grandson 132. telesurenglish.net The humanitarian organization Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo in Argentina announced today having found the whereabouts of Juan José Morales, son of Mercedes del Valle Morales, who disappeared during the last civil-military dictatorship (1976-1983). | RELATED: | Celebrating "the resolution of a new case, which renews hopes for this path of truth, memory, justice and identity," the institution said, "We hope that 202…

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-12-28). Registran más de 2.800 casos y 13 fallecidos por Covid-19 en Panamá. telesurtv.net Respecto a la vacunación, en Panamá se han aplicado más de 8.600.000 dosis contra la pandemia, correspondientes a cuatro rondas.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-28). Aumenta a 29 la cifra de muertos por inundaciones en Filipinas. telesurtv.net Las inundaciones también dañaron un total de 1.112 casas en las regiones afectadas, la mayoría de las cuales se registraron en la península de Zamboanga, el norte de Mindanao y la región de Caraga.

Ana Perdigón (2022-12-28). Venezuela's Authorities Control Fire at Cardón Refinery. orinocotribune.com Firefighters from Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) in Falcón state were able to gain control of the fire reported on the night of Monday, December 26, in a waste lagoon at the Cardón refinery, part of the Paraguaná Refining Hub. | This was confirmed the same night through the social media accounts of Vice Minister for Risk Management and Civil Protection Carlos Pérez Ampueda. | Pérez Ampueda indicated that the National Risk Management System carried out fire extinguishing maneuvers in the waste lagoon. | Sistema Nacional de Gestión de Riesgo ejecuta maniobras de extinción de incendio en la laguna de residuos ubicad…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-28). Resaltan que Bolivia tiene una de las inflaciones más bajas del mundo. telesurtv.net El control de la inflación en Bolivia se sustenta en datos objetivos, avalados por revistas académicas y medios de comunicación internacionales.

Marc Vandepitte (2022-12-28). Henry Kissinger advierte de una nueva guerra mundial. globalizacion.ca La fiebre bélica ha afectado enormemente a la reflexión sobre el conflicto en Ucrania. El ex-Secretario de Estado Kissinger advierte que esta guerra podría desembocar en otro peligroso conflicto mundial. En un artículo reciente defiende entablar unas negociaciones rápidas e…

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-28). Corte de EE.UU. mantiene norma para expulsar a migrantes. telesurtv.net Por mayoría simple, los jueces aprobaron no suspender el Título 42 y mantener cerrada la frontera para migrantes irregulares.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-28). Organizaciones realizan movilización en rechazo a reforma jubilatoria en Uruguay. telesurtv.net "Pasó la Navidad y nos regalan cinco años más de aportes", denunciaron los afectados.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-28). Rusia acusa a Occidente de no querer la paz, sino la derrota de Moscú. telesurtv.net El titular de la cartera de Exteriores denunció que el principal beneficiario del "conflicto caliente" es Estados Unidos.

Staff (2022-12-28). Fallece Dr. Carlos Gutiérrez Calzado, reconocido científico del sector biofarmacéutico cubano. cubadebate.cu Este miércoles 28 de diciembre falleció en horas de la madrugada el Dr. Carlos Gutiérrez Calzado, reconocido científico del sector biofarmacéutico cubano.En los últimos años de su vida laboral (2012-2017), se desempeñó como presidente de BioCubaFarma y anteriormente como director general del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas, (CNIC).

Staff (2022-12-28). A 50 años de la muerte del puertorriqueño Roberto Clemente, continúa la leyenda. cubadebate.cu Cincuenta años después de su muerte, Roberto Clemente, el talentoso jardinero de los Piratas de Pittsburgh, sigue siendo una de las figuras más reverenciadas de Puerto Rico y de América Latina.Su estilo elegante y el poder de su brazo no tuvieron rival en su época. Pero sus esfuerzos humanitarios constituyen tal vez su mayor legado.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-28). Lanzan campaña para detener la deforestación en Colombia. telesurtv.net La ministra Muhamad agradeció a las comunidades amazónicas que han acogido los acuerdos de no deforestación.

Staff (2022-12-28). Japón registra máximo diario de muertes por COVID-19. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Salud, Trabajo y Bienestar de Japón reportó este jueves la muerte de 415 personas por COVID-19, considerado un máximo histórico para una sola jornada en el país asiático.Por prefecturas, la mayor cantidad de decesos se registró en Hokkaido (38), seguida por Saitama (26), Kumamoto (24) y Tokio (21).

Staff (2022-12-28). Aunque se ha controlado la situación epidemiológica es imprescindible el actuar responsable de la población. cubadebate.cu Mucho hemos aprendido en Cuba desde que en marzo de 2020 se detectó el primer paciente positivo a la COVID-19. Escenarios epidemiológicos diversos, y en ocasiones sumamente complejos, implicaron comenzar a desarrollar acciones que nos permitieran identificar cambios en la circulación del virus y qué incidencia podían tener entre la población cubana.

Staff (2022-12-28). Aves ornamentales y la belleza de lo "diferente" cubadebate.cu Las aves ornamentales se describen como animales que poseen una belleza que las hace diferentes. La multiplicación de colores, el diseño de sus plumas, la belleza de su canto, son algunas de los encantos que las identifican.Hoy ponemos a su consideración algunas postales que reflejan su hábitat desde una mirada diferente.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-27). 'Pro-Nazi' Germany and Japan Have No Place at the UNSC. libya360.wordpress.com Ambassador Oleg Stepanov to Sputnik news agency: Germany and Japan no UNSC. Forever. Every year, the UN General Assembly considers a regular draft resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other relevant practices. Usually with no surprise. However, this time the vote was mind breaking, indeed. Especially, in terms of who and…

JANET (2022-12-27). German warmakers target antiwar organizer Heinrich Bàºcker. iacenter.org By John Catalinotto December 22, 2022 Antiwar organizer Heinrich Bàºcker, who operates the Co-op Anti-War Cafe in Berlin, Germany, faces charges stemming from his speech at a protest last June. His case impacts antiwar activists worldwide. German antiwar activist Heinrich Bàºcker making a speech last summer that became a pretext for repression, Treptower Park, Berlin. Photo web source: www.pressenza.com/2022/12/german-peace-activist-under-criminal-investigation-for-speaking-against-war/ Bàºcker's speech focused on the horrors the Nazi Wehrmacht inflicted on Ukraine during German imperialism…

Ana Zorita (2022-12-27). Peru: Widespread uprisings continue after coup, despite police violence. greenleft.org.au Massive protests continue in Peru in a widespread rejection of the right-wing coup against President Pedro Castillo on December 7, reports Ana Zorita.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-27). Gobierno de Dina Boluarte destituye autoridades locales en Perú. telesurtv.net Parte de la ofensiva del nuevo gobierno contra personas que estarían vinculadas al destituido presidente Pedro Castillo.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-27). Autoridades peruanas acusan de corrupción a exministro de Defensa. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía de Perú allanó viviendas del exministro de Defensa Walter Ayala por presuntos ascensos irregulares en las fuerzas de seguridad en 2021.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-27). Mercenary Col. (Ret) Andrew Milburn: "Ukraine is a Corrupt, Fucked-up Society" libya360.wordpress.com

_____ (2022-12-27). Nearly Every War Has Been The Result Of Media Lies. popularresistance.org ulian Assange once observed that, 'Nearly every war has been the result of media lies.' For daring to publish evidence of US war crimes, Assange now sits in the high-security Belmarsh prison in London, at risk of being extradited to the US within the next few weeks. The prospects for a fair trial range from miniscule to zero. | In a recent interview, WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson told US journalist Glenn Greenwald that legal avenues in London to challenge Assange's unlawful extradition were being exhausted. What is needed now is, not recourse to a legal system that is subservient to power, but a po…

_____ (2022-12-27). The High Cost of Blowing Up the World: Ukraine and the 2023 NDAA. strategic-culture.org Will Americans wake up to the reality that they've been walking on the wrong side of history for too long or has the point of no-return been crossed? | Bipartisan insanity was on display again this week as the U.S. congress responded to Biden's requested $37 billion in additional aid to Ukraine by giving him The aid was part of an overall omnibus spending bill passed by both houses of…

Staff (2022-12-27). Over a quarter of Germany's second-largest annual arms exports went to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Deutsche WelleDecember 27, 2022 Ukraine updates: Germany spent ‚Ǩ2.24 billion on military aidBerlin signed off on ‚Ǩ8.9 billion in arms exports in 2022, with more than a quarter of that heading to Ukraine Germany's government gave the greenlight to arms exports amounting to at least ‚Ǩ8.9 billion ($8.48 billion) this year, making it the second-highest …

Staff (2022-12-27). Serbian forces placed on highest combat readiness as Kosovo threatens final solution. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com B92December 26, 2022 Combat readiness of MUP and Serbian Army raised; Kurti will attack North KiM? Also see: Final assault on Kosovo Serbs backed by West, synchronized with Ukraine war: Serbian president President of Serbia and Supreme Commander of Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vuƒáiƒá, ordered Serbian Armed Forces to be at the highest level of …

Anonymous103 (2022-12-27). Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On December 27, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org

A Guest Author (2022-12-27). ILWU must oppose the U.S./NATO-provoked war! workers.org The slightly edited statement was released on Dec. 15, 2022. We, members and retirees of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), are very concerned about the Coast Committee's public statement of March 3, 2022, on the war in Ukraine. It diverges from the many antiwar positions that our union . . . |

Staff (2022-12-27). Final assault on Kosovo Serbs backed by West, synchronized with Ukraine war: Serbian president. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The second feature cites Serbian President Aleksandar Vuƒáiƒá asserting that the U.S./NATO-created (following the 78-day air war against Yugoslavia/Serbia in 1999) pan-Albanian entity in Kosovo has plotted an imminent assault on remaining ethnic Serbs in Kosovo, fully backed by the West (the NATO Quint: the U.S., Britain, Germany, France and Italy), and timed to exploit …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-12-27). 'Nearly Every War Has Been the Result of Media Lies': Julian Assange, State-Corporate Media and Ukraine. orinocotribune.com By Media Lens Dec 14, 2022 | Julian Assange once In a recent interview, WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson told US journalist Glenn Greenwald that leg…

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2022-12-27). Hollywood and Its Useful Idiots: Propaganda for the War in Ukraine, Big Pharma, and Every Other Globalist Agenda. globalresearch.ca

____ (2022-12-27). Ukrainian president hopes for quick implementation of agreements with U.S. ecns.cn Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday voiced his hope for a quick implementation of agreements with the United States reached during his recent visit to Washington, the presidential press service said.

Roberto J De Puente, Jeffrey Sachs (2022-12-27). The Prince of Hell and Peace in Ukraine is possible. indybay.org There is little truth in war. If you want to survive, any means must necessarily be acceptable. In this scenario, lying is not a sin, not something to be outlawed, but simply an option to achieve one's own goals. It is therefore normality. Basically, no one who is in a war can be accused of lying, because the logics of humanity and decency are then suspended.

Ray McGovern (2022-12-27). Journalists & Not-So-Much Journalists on Zelensky. globalresearch.ca

infobrics (2022-12-27). BRICS Tourism Market is Projected to Increase at a 4.0% CAGR in 2032. infobrics.org The BRICS tourism market is poised to reach a valuation of US$ 465 Billion in 2022. Sales are projected to increase at a 4.0% CAGR, with the market size reaching US$688.31 Billion by 2032…

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-27). Serbia's Army on Highest Level of Alert Amid Tensions in Northern Kosovo. news.antiwar.com Serbia has placed its military on the highest level of alert as tensions continue to rise in northern Kosovo between ethnic Serbs and Kosovo authorities backed by NATO. "The president of Serbia, as the commander-in-chief, has ordered tonight that the Serbian Armed Forces be at the highest level of combat readiness, meaning the preparedness to …

Jake Johnson (2022-12-27). Raskin says electoral college is a 'danger' to democracy and should be abandoned. nationofchange.org "We should elect the president the way we elect governors, senators, mayors, representatives, everybody else: Whoever gets the most votes wins."

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). A Plea For the Development of Pathology. jamanetwork.com Pathology, in its early development, was a by-product of anatomy during that period when the first dissections of the human body were developing anatomic knowledge. Morgagni, Vesalius, Fallopius, Eustachius, and others of the earlier anatomists, whose names are still attached to hydatids, tubes and various other structures of the body, made note of abnormalities encountered in the course of their anatomic investigations. Pathology, during this early stage of its development, could not be considered a subdivision of knowledge with standing of its own. It noted objectively gross anatomic deviations from the normal,…

Sharon Zhang (2022-12-27). Congress Passes Measure Making It Easier for Workers to Track Retirement Funds. truthout.org A proposal to make it easier for workers to access all of their retirement funds across different employers has passed into law after being added to the omnibus funding bill last week, marking a small win for workers. The Retirement Savings Lost and Found Act, first introduced by Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) and Steve Daines (R-Montana), creates an online "lost and found" database… |

Staff (2022-12-27). Turkish press celebrates NATO's strongest revitalization in 40 years. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Anadolu AgencyDecember 27, 2022 NATO's decisive comeback in 2022 2022 was perhaps the most decisive year for NATO since the early 1980s, when the Cold War was re-escalated…US President Ronald Reagan's launch of the Strategic Defense Initiative, and Washington's deployment of nuclear-armed Pershing II missiles in Europe. *** These added to never-ending discussions on the …

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-27). Denuncian asesinato de otro firmante de paz en Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Su muerte lleva hasta 43 el número de firmantes de la paz asesinados este año y a 348 desde los acuerdos de La Habana.

| REUTERS | (2022-12-27). Tensions rise in northern Kosovo, Serbia puts army on alert. tribune.com.pk Protesting Serbs in the ethnically divided city of Mitrovica in northern Kosovo erected new barricades on Tuesday, hours after Serbia said it had put its army on the highest combat alert following weeks of escalating tensions between Belgrade and Pristina. | Serbia's defence ministry said in a statement late on Monday that in response to the latest events in the region and its belief that Kosovo was preparing to attack Serbs and forcefully remove the barricades, President Aleksandar Vucic had ordered Serbia's army and police to be put on the highest alert. | "There is no reason to panic, but there is reason to…

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2022-12-27). Country for Bad Dreams: Vandalism on the Australian Nullarbor Plain. globalresearch.ca

Editor (2022-12-27). New JFK/CIA Revelations & Our Alarmingly Secretive Security State. scheerpost.com By Glenn Greenwald /

Chris Hedges (2022-12-27). Chris Hedges: The Democrats Are Now the War Party. mintpressnews.com PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY (

Robert S. Becker (2022-12-27). Comeuppance for the unindicted, domestic, rogue terrorist — and ex-president. nationofchange.org "I disrupt foes like any warlord,/ Back me or face the next civil war."

Vijay Prashad (2022-12-27). The perils of Pious Neoliberalism in the Austerity State: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2022). mronline.org The International Labour Organisation's Global Wage Report 2022—23 tracks the horrendous collapse of real wages for billions of people around the planet.

_____ (2022-12-27). Implementation of the rocket decisions of the WPK Congress. journal-neo.org The middle of December 2022 was marked by several important events that were not so much an aggravation of the situation on the Korean peninsula, but rather an important step in implementing the decisions of the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea regarding the development of the DPRK's nuclear missile capabilities. On December …

WSWS (2022-12-27). Germany: Children's clinics on the brink of collapse while the government procures nuclear bombers. wsws.org Germany is currently experiencing a wave of COVID 19 deaths and other severe respiratory illnesses pushing the country's children's hospitals to the brink of collapse. In mid-December the German parliament decided it was better to spend taxpayers' money on procuring nuclear bombers.

_____ (2022-12-27). The Nuclear Industry Is Trying To Come Back; Here's What They Don't Want You To Know. popularresistance.org At the most recent United Nations COP27 meeting in Egypt, the nuclear industry had a strong presence pushing nuclear power as a low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels. Clearing the FOG spoke to Dr. Arjun Mkhijani, the president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, about why nuclear power is not needed and is actually counterproductive in the age of the climate crisis. Dr. Makhijani wrote the book on a roadmap to a carbon-free, nuclear-free future. An expert in nuclear fusion, he also talks about the Department of Energy's nuclear fusion advances, which is actually a weapons program, and why thi…

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-27). Report Warns Risk of Nuclear War At Its Highest Since US Nuked Japan. news.antiwar.com A Swedish group that assesses catastrophic risks warned in its annual report this year that the risk of nuclear weapons use is higher today than at any point since the US dropped nuclear weapons on Japan in 1945, AFP reported on Tuesday. Kennette Benedict, an advisor to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists who led the …

WSWS (2022-12-27). Roger Waters releases new versions of antiwar tracks on The Lockdown Sessions EP. wsws.org Internationally renowned rock musician and political activist Roger Waters has released an extended play recording of six songs from his Pink Floyd and solo catalog that highlight his decades of opposition to imperialist war and the threat of nuclear annihilation.

_____ (2022-12-27). Exposed: The Most Polluted Place In The United States. popularresistance.org Benton County, Washington – The most polluted place in the United States — perhaps the world — is one most people don't even know. Hanford Nuclear Site sits in the flat lands of eastern Washington. The facility — one of three sites that made up the government's covert Manhattan Project — produced plutonium for Fat Man, the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki during World War II. And it continued producing plutonium for weapons for decades after the war, helping to fuel the Cold War nuclear arms race. | Today Hanford — home to 56 million gallons of nuclear waste, leaking storage tanks, an…

_____ (2022-12-27). CIA Should Get Out Of The Laboratory. popularresistance.org The Central Intelligence Agency announced in October 2020 — which was ignored until just the past few weeks, when it began circulating on social media — that it had launched something called C.I.A. Labs, "a federal laboratory and in-house research and development arm for C.I.A. to drive science and technology breakthroughs for tomorrow's intelligence challenges." | The Agency says that C.I.A. Labs will join with a network of more than 300 other federal laboratories and that it will serve as a "research partner for other labs, academia, and industry in disciplines spanning from artificial intelligence…

_____ (2022-12-27). Illinois Will Be The First State To Eliminate Cash Bail. popularresistance.org Springfield, Illinois – On January 1, Illinois will become the first state in the country to officially eliminate its cash bail system when the Pretrial Fairness Act goes into effect. Under the new system, a person will only be detained before trial if a judge determines that they pose a threat to others or have a likelihood of being a flight risk. | The measure — part of a 2021 omnibus criminal justice reform bill — was the fruit of years of organizing and advocacy work, much of which was led by women in the state who understood that ending money bail is a gender issue. | The cash bail system plays a…

_____ (2022-12-27). The Fate Of The USS Bonhomme Richard. popularresistance.org The Navy has convinced the public that its ships are protected against catastrophic fires because they are all outfitted with extremely sophisticated firefighting sprinkler systems equipped with aqueous film-forming foam known as AFFF, or "A triple F." In the case of the tiniest flame, the sensitive system was designed to automatically douse a fire in just a few seconds, so we were led to believe. | Since 2015 or so, the Navy had become very aggressive in its public posturing in defense of the highly carcinogenic foams because of increasing public concerns regarding the health of servicemembers, civilians in clos…

Thom Hartmann (2022-12-27). The Climate Crisis Drove the US's "Bomb Cyclone," Record-Breaking Temperatures. truthout.org William Clay didn't realize this was the weekend fossil fuel billionaires' intentional actions would lead to his death, but that's what happened. He died in Buffalo on his 56th birthday, Christmas Eve, and was found frozen to death about a mile from his house, attempting to walk home from the store. While Buffalo is famous for the intensity of its winter storms, this appears to be worse than… |

____ (2022-12-27). Mega water diversion project benefits over 15 mln Beijingers. ecns.cn A mega water diversion project has so far benefited more than 15 million residents of Beijing, local water authorities said on Tuesday.

Cindy Harper (2022-12-27). Pfizer CEO, Who Said Online "Misinformation" Is Criminal, Is Found Guilty of "Misleading" Vaccine Statements. globalresearch.ca

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Patient Information: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. jamanetwork.com This JAMA Patient Page describes the neurological disorder amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and its symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment options.

Zhiwen Fu, Jinmei Liu, Shijun Li, Chen Shi, Yu Zhang (2022-12-27). [Articles] Treatment-related adverse events associated with HER2-Targeted antibody-drug conjugates in clinical trials: A systematic review and meta-analysis. thelancet.com The incidences of adverse events between two HER2-targeted ADCs were similar in different cancer types, but different HER2-targeted ADCs appeared to have different mean incidences of adverse events. The comprehensive summary of the adverse events of HER2-targeted ADCs is critical for clinicians caring for patients with cancer receiving HER2-targeted ADCs therapy.

Edward Curtin (2022-12-27). Christmas: Passing on the Lyrical Gift of Language. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2022-12-27). Fragile Fiji coalition government installed amid ongoing turmoil. wsws.org With Fiji's ruling elite sharply divided, the coalition government, propped up by an unpopular minor party which is sharply factionalised, will be highly unstable.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Migrants dumped in front of VP Kamala Harris's home in sub-freezing conditions: Gratuitous cruelty and political reaction. wsws.org On the orders of Republican Governor Greg Abbott, up to 140 refugees were loaded onto buses and shipped like cattle from Texas to Washington D.C., a grueling journey of 36 hours.

Anonymous765 (2022-12-27). Another Military Escalation In Europe. southfront.org |

_____ (2022-12-27). Sudan on the verge of political change. journal-neo.org Various centers of power in Sudan, experts say, may have signed a framework agreement designed to return the country to civilian government after the military coup in October 2021. However, doubts from NGOs and academics, as well as persistent street protests in the capital Khartoum, warn against over-optimistic expectations. The agreement announced on December 5 …

WSWS (2022-12-27). Sarath Kumara: Sri Lankan Trotskyist fighter dies at 57. wsws.org Sarath was a principled working-class fighter for Trotskyism until the very end—a life shortened by the economic circumstances and social misery created by capitalism.

Global Research (2022-12-27). WHO Director General Tedros: "Some Countries Are Using to Give Boosters to Kill Children" globalresearch.ca

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2022-12-27). What Is Asymmetric Warfare? globalresearch.ca

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). COVID-19 vs Influenza for Risk of Thrombotic Events in Hospitalized Patients—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply We appreciate the interest in our recent study and the opportunity to share our responses to the comments by Dr Yii and colleagues. We sought to assess whether the risk of arterial and venous thromboembolism among patients hospitalized with COVID-19 differed from those hospitalized with another respiratory viral infection. Patients with influenza in 2018-2019 were selected as the comparator because this pathogen also causes pandemics, results in hospitalization when severe, and is associated with increased risk of acute myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and venous thromboembolism. Evaluating outcom…

_____ (2022-12-27). The Democrats Are Now the War Party. strategic-culture.org

____ (2022-12-27). More new rail lines improve connectivity. ecns.cn Chinese railways adopted new schedules on Monday, adding more passenger and cargo services to improve efficiency and capacity with increased demand expected following the easing of epidemic measures…

Sarah Anderson (2022-12-27). The top 10 inequality victories of 2022Ôøº. nationofchange.org Champions of a more egalitarian society made important strides, building the power of workers while reducing the power of wealthy tax dodgers and greedy pharma execs.

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Stenting Plus Medical Therapy and Risk of Stroke and Death in Patients With Symptomatic Intracranial Stenosis. jamanetwork.com To the Editor We have some observations about the CASSISS trial, which did not demonstrate superiority of intracranial stenting added to optimal medical therapy. This finding was similar to the SAMMPRIS and VISSIT trials.

JANET (2022-12-27). Int'l Women's Alliance honors Ka Joma. iacenter.org December 23, 2022 The following statement was released Dec. 23 by the International Women's Alliance, a global grassroots women's organization. Go to internationalwomensalliance.wordpress.com/. Credit: internationalwomensalliance.wordpress.com The International Women's Alliance is deeply grieved by the passing of one of the greatest militant leaders of our times, the founding leader of the Communist Party of the Philippines, Comrade Joma. His vision, his dedication to overthrowing imperialism and his absolute belief in the victory of the people of the Philippines in gaining national liberation remained to his las…

NYC Anarchist Black Cross (2022-12-27). International Call For New Year's Eve Noise Demonstrations. itsgoingdown.org International call from New York City Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) for noise demonstrations on New Year's Eve outside of jails, prisons, juvenile halls, and detention centers. photo: Ash Agony This is a call for a night of strong solidarity with those imprisoned by the state. Historically, New Year's Eve is one of the noisiest nights…

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). HHS Releases New Report on Long COVID Experiences. jamanetwork.com The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a report highlighting the experiences of patients with long COVID. Between 5% and 30% of people who had COVID-19 may develop long COVID conditions, and about 1 million individuals aren't in the workforce "at any given time" because of related symptoms, according to an HHS statement. It also notes that researchers have documented more than 50 long COVID conditions that affect nearly all organ systems.

____ (2022-12-27). Biden approves federal aid to New York amid deadly blizzard. ecns.cn U.S. President Joe Biden approved an emergency declaration on Monday for the state of New York amid a deadly blizzard.

Sharon Zhang (2022-12-27). GOP Representative-Elect Santos Admits He Lied About College, Work History. truthout.org Republican U.S. Representative-elect George Santos has admitted that he told numerous lies about his résumé on the campaign trail amid calls for him to resign after reporters uncovered the lies in an explosive investigation last week. On Monday, Santos, elected to represent New York's 3rd congressional district in November, told the New York Post that he "embellished" his professional background… |

Chris Walker (2022-12-27). Jan. 6 Committee Member Says He'd Be Surprised If DOJ Doesn't Indict Trump. truthout.org A member of the House select committee investigating the causes of the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol building says that former President Donald Trump will likely be indicted for his role in the day's events, as well as his attempts to overturn the legitimate outcome of the 2020 presidential election, which he lost to President Joe Biden. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland) spoke on… |

____ (2022-12-27). National crackdown on COVID drug profiteering. ecns.cn Authorities have recently intensified the crackdown and supervision of the illegal sale of epidemic drugs and materials and on acts of hoarding and profiteering as the number of COVID-19 infections is rapidly increasing.

unitedEditor (2022-12-27). Arab Gulf: A political and economic force leading the Arab world. unitedworldint.com Over the past few weeks, the Arabian Gulf has been at the center of global attention with more than one event and more than one issue. Regardless of the nature of the event or the issue that brought it under the spotlight, this intense media interest in it only says that the Gulf countries have …

Animal Liberation Press Office (2022-12-27). 4000 More Captive Mink Find Freedom in Michigan, Farm Sabotaged. indybay.org In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, activists have claimed responsibility for the liberation of 4000 captive mink from Scholten Farm in Wayland, Michigan (260 139th Avenue). This is the fourth liberation from an American fur farm in the last 2 months. Extensive damage to ten farm vehicles, the water supply and killing devices were also claimed.

teleSUR (2022-12-27). Cuba Denounces Twitter's Ties With the US Government. telesurenglish.net Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez denounced on Tuesday that entities of the United States government maintain links with the social network Twitter to act against his country. | The foreign minister spoke of attacks as part of unconventional warfare, specifically psychological warfare, and in this regard, demanded a response from the relevant authorities of the U.S. government. | RELATED: | "The Twitter Files, docume…

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Labor Unionization Among US Health Care Workers. jamanetwork.com This cross-sectional study examines the effect of unionization on pay, noncash benefit, and working hours among health care workers.

Sharon Zhang (2022-12-27). Poll Finds Sinema Gets Only 13 Percent Support in 3-Way Race With Gallego, Lake. truthout.org A new poll — one of the first conducted after Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announced earlier this month that she would be switching her affiliation from Democratic to independent — shows that the embattled conservative would get blown out in a hypothetical race for her seat in Arizona in 2024, but would still sap enough votes from the leading Democratic candidate to hand a Republican the race. |

_____ (2022-12-27). Will Mbappe Have to Leave France Over Racism? strategic-culture.org France has a deep-seated problem with racism, but due to the official French political ideology, France denies they have any problem, and denies that racism exists in France. | Yesterday's

WSWS (2022-12-27). New VW CEO restructures company with support of the trade unions, costing thousands of jobs. wsws.org That a clique of billionaires can decide the fate of hundreds of thousands of workers jointly with highly paid union bureaucrats underscores the absurdity of a social system that subordinates all social needs to profit interests.

Paige Bennett (2022-12-27). USPS announces electrification of mail truck fleet. nationofchange.org New electric mail trucks are expected to begin servicing postal routes in late 2023.

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Association of Family Income With Morbidity and Mortality Among Lower-Income Children and Adolescents. jamanetwork.com This study examines the association between family income and the prevalence of claims-based diagnoses for 6 types of chronic and acute conditions, along with 10-year mortality, among children and adolescents in lower-income families.

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). VA Finds Nirmatrelvir Associated With Lower Risk of Long Covid. jamanetwork.com The antiviral therapy nirmatrelvir, 1 of the medications used in Paxlovid, may mitigate the development of long COVID conditions, according to an observational study by the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The study was posted to the preprint server medRxiv in early November and had not yet been peer-reviewed.

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2022-12-27). Pfizer's Shots Aren't Safe and Were Never Shown to be. globalresearch.ca

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Stenting Plus Medical Therapy and Risk of Stroke and Death in Patients With Symptomatic Intracranial Stenosis—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply We agree with the comments by Drs Zedde and Pascarella and Drs Alexander and Yu that patient selection in our study may have altered the effect on the outcomes of stenting and medical therapy for patients with intracranial stenosis.

Anonymous669 (2022-12-27). In Video: ISIS Terrorists Storm Security Center In Syria's Raqqa, Kill Six SDF Personnel. southfront.org On December 26, two fighters from Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and four others from its security wing, Asayish, were killed in an attack by ISIS terrorists in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa. | The attack targeted an Asayish security center in the direct of Diriyah. ISIS terrorists gunned down the guards then stormed the center, where suspected members of the terrorist group are usually held. An intense gun battle broke out inside and around the security center. Ten SDF and Asayish personnel we…

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Restoring Physician Authority in an Era of Hospital Dominance. jamanetwork.com In this issue of JAMA, Ahmed et al report that approximately 1 in 10 health care workers are union members and that union membership is associated with higher wages, better benefits, and more equitable compensation across races and ethnicities. This analysis opens a new and timely avenue of research into the impact of unionization on the health care workforce.

teleSUR (2022-12-27). COVID-19 in Panama Records 13 Deaths Last Week. telesurenglish.net The Panamanian Ministry of Health (Minsa) released on Tuesday its weekly epidemiological report from December 18 to 24, a period in which a positivity rate of 12 percent was detected with 7 385 118 tests performed. | RELATED: | In the reference period, Minsa recorded 13 deaths, 4 076 active cases involving 7 385 118 tests performed to detect the disease, which represents a positivity rate of 12 percent. | According to the epidemiological report, as of last Saturda…

ADC (2022-12-27). Elon Musk and Twitter Target, Silence Palestinian Journalists. dissidentvoice.org This fall when Elon Musk took over Twitter he promised that he will adhere to free speech principles allowing for the free flow of ideas and expression. However, only a few months into his control of the company he has kept one policy consistent the silencing of Palestinian voices, including journalists. The attack …

Staff (2022-12-27). Why I'm Glad Joe Biden Beat Donald Trump. thealtworld.com

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Intensive Therapy Reduces Risks for Patients With Acute Heart Failure. jamanetwork.com Patients who were hospitalized for acute heart failure had a lower risk of all-cause death and heart failure readmission when they received early and rapid high-intensity medical therapy after discharge. The international STRONG-HF (Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Rapid Optimization, Helped by NT-proBNP Testing, of Heart Failure Therapies) trial is the first randomized clinical trial to compare the safety and efficacy of an intensified protocol of oral heart medications with usual care during the vulnerable early period after discharge.

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Graphic Medicine—The Best of 2022. jamanetwork.com This Arts and Medicine feature reviews 2 books published in 2022: a clinical ethics graphic medicine casebook illustrating how ethical dilemmas in clinical practice play out in real situations; and a graphic public health comics anthology showing how comics meet the needs of risk communication and health promotion.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Australian poverty report reveals impact of COVID austerity drive. wsws.org One in eight people in Australia, and one in six children, are now living below the poverty line as cost-of-living pressures increase.

Julian Rose (2022-12-27). 'The Hijacking of Green': From Beauty and Biodiversity to Fakery and Fascism. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Peter McCullough (2022-12-27). Wide Range of Neurologic Syndromes after COVID-19 Vaccination. globalresearch.ca

JANET (2022-12-27). U.S. holds meeting with African states: promises and realities. iacenter.org By Carlos Lopes Pereira December 23, 2022 The author, a veteran of the liberation movement in Guinea and Cape Verde, is a regular contributor of articles on Africa to Avante, the weekly newspaper of the Portuguese Communist Party. This article was published Dec. 22, 2022. Translation: John Catalinotto. U.S. strategists aimed at winning African states' support for U.S. foreign policy. A "summit of leaders" between the United States of America and countries in Africa took place in Washington Dec. 13-15. Leaders from 49 of the 55 African states were present. Excluded were Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Sudan, becaus…

WSWS (2022-12-27). Judge rejects lawsuit by Trump-endorsed Kari Lake seeking to overturn Arizona election defeat. wsws.org Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson ruled against every single one of Lake's claims and noted in his decision that none of Lake's witnesses could point to any intentional misconduct or evidence of a single vote that was changed.

____ (2022-12-27). Chinese online celebrity Li Ziqi and Weinian reached settlement after mediation. ecns.cn

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Not Effective Against COVID-19. jamanetwork.com A pragmatic randomized clinical trial demonstrated that angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), widely used as an antihypertensive and used to treat individuals with a high risk of heart disease, did not improve clinical outcomes among people hospitalized with COVID-19.

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2022-12-27). "Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come." globalresearch.ca

teleSUR (2022-12-27). German Hospitals Fear Wave of Insolvencies in 2023: Survey. telesurenglish.net Germany's healthcare sector may face a wave of insolvencies in 2023, the country's Hospital Federation (DKG) warned on Tuesday. | "The damage to healthcare will be visible in many regions," DKG Chairman Gerald Gass said in a statement. "The wave of insolvencies that was predicted several months ago is now rolling in." | RELATED: | Only 6 percent of hospitals in the European Union's (EU) most populous country rate their current economic…

Anonymous Contributor (2022-12-27). News From Anowarà :ke: On the Struggles of Mohawk Mothers in Canada. itsgoingdown.org

Staff (2022-12-27). Crescent and Star war games: Turkey, Pakistan accelerate military integration. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahDecember 27, 2022 Turkish, Pakistani militaries hold joint drill in Karachi Turkish and Pakistani militaries took part in a weeklong joint exercise in Pakistan's southern port city Karachi, the Defense Ministry said Tuesday. "Heroes of friendly and brotherly countries are together for 'Crescent and Star'! 'Crescent and Star-2022 Exercise' was held with the participation …

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). JAMA Network Articles of the Year 2022. jamanetwork.com This Medical News article is our annual roundup of the top-viewed articles from all JAMA Network journals.

Joseph Wiinikka-Lydon (2022-12-27). Dangerous Devotion: Congressional hearing examines threat of white Christian nationalism. splcenter.org

WSWS (2022-12-27). Turkey's new minimum wage accelerates collapse in living standards. wsws.org As big corporations and banks reap huge profits, the Erdogan government's new minimum wage is accelerating the unprecedented decline in living standards.

Editor (2022-12-27). Markets and Technology Won't Solve Climate Crisis. We Must End Capitalism. scheerpost.com

LaborFest (2022-12-27). "Ticket To Mars" Concert At Elon's Twitter San Francisco Headquarters: Oligarchs Gone Wild. indybay.org The first "Get Your Ticket To Mars" concert took place at Elon Musk's Twitter headquarters on December 18, 2022. Musicians, poets, tech and labor organizers spoke and artists painted a mural on the side of the building.

WSWS (2022-12-27). UK trade union bureaucracy tries to sabotage mounting strike wave. wsws.org The union leaders are terrified that support for nurses and ambulance workers could galvanise millions who see in the attacks on NHS workers a link between the fight to defend public health and their own struggle to defend their livelihoods.

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Safe and Effective for Children 6 Months to 5 Years. jamanetwork.com A trial found that two 25-μg doses of the mRNA-1273 (Moderna) vaccine were safe for children aged 6 months to 5 years and elicited immune responses consistent with those seen in older children, adolescents, and adults who had received higher doses of the vaccine.

Derrick Broze (2022-12-27). In 2023 It Will Be Nearly Impossible to Avoid Facial Recognition in the U.S. thelastamericanvagabond.com As more airports in the United States adopt facial recognition technology, the privacy of Americans is once again threatened. In early December, The Washington Post reported that the U.S. Transportation Security Administration is beginning to test new facial recognition tools at 16 major domestic airports. The WaPo reported: "The Transportation Security Administration has been quietly

WSWS (2022-12-27). Judge rejects lawsuit by Trump-endorsed Kari Lake, seeking to overturn Arizona election defeat. wsws.org Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson ruled against every single one of Lake's claims and noted in his decision that none of Lake's witnesses could point to any intentional misconduct or evidence of a single vote that was changed.

Global Research News (2022-12-27). Selected Articles: The Plan. WHO's Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030), Leading to World Tyranny. globalresearch.ca By Excess mortality is reported from Norway — and all over the western world or Global North. Excesses never …

Dr. Emanuel Garcia (2022-12-27). Poetry, Poetic Justice and Angel Di Maria's World Cup Final Goal in 2022. globalresearch.ca

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Exome Sequencing of a Clinical Population for Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. jamanetwork.com This retrospective study assesses the prevalence of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and contributions of PKD1, PKD2, and other genes related to cystic kidney disease in a large, unselected cohort of patients.

____ (2022-12-27). SOEs ramp up inland infrastructure projects. ecns.cn State-owned enterprises focused on infrastructure construction are ramping up efforts nationwide, especially in central inland provinces and with more focus on key livelihood projects, to inject more impetus into the nation's recovery.

____ (2022-12-27). Death toll rises to 57 as big freeze grips U.S. ecns.cn A massive winter storm stretching from the Great Lakes all the way down to the Rio Grande along the Mexican border has killed at least 57 people across the United States as of Monday.

____ (2022-12-27). Shanghai clinics dealing with surge in infections. ecns.cn Ruan Sheng, an ambulance driver at the South Branch Center of Shanghai Medical Emergency Center, has run an average of 20 trips each day for the last week with his teammates, Doctor Li Zhu and Wang Xiaodong, a paramedic.

____ (2022-12-27). Hotels offer 'self-isolation rooms' for infected patients. ecns.cn With Zhejiang province bracing for a possible surge in COVID-19 infections in the coming months, hotels there have started to offer self-isolation rooms for people infected with the virus.

Martin Armstrong (2022-12-27). The Hypocrisy Behind the Vaccines. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2022-12-27). Australian climate activist Violet Coco speaks on her jailing for Sydney Harbour Bridge protest. wsws.org After being sentenced to 15 months' jail for briefly blocking a lane on the bridge, Violet Coco discussed with the WSWS about the political implications of climate change and Australia's anti-protest laws.

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Surgical Procedures for Ankle Osteoarthritis Produce Similar Results. jamanetwork.com Total ankle replacement and ankle fusion were equally effective for improving end-stage ankle osteoarthritis and had a similar number of harms, trialists reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

WSWS (2022-12-27). New York state nurses vote overwhelmingly to strike. wsws.org In a nearly unanimous vote, more than 17,000 health care workers at 12 New York hospitals showed their willingness to strike for higher pay, safer work environments and better staffing.

Editor (2022-12-27). Before COB on the First Workday of 2023, CEOs Will Make More Than the Average Annual Pay for All US Workers. scheerpost.com Before happy hour time, the typical top exec will have pocketed more than home health aides, firefighters, pre-K teachers, and other essential workers will make the whole year.

Colin Todhunter (2022-12-27). Of Economic Crises and Pandemics — Facebook as Fact, Government as Truth, Big Pharma as God. globalresearch.ca

Robert J. Burrowes (2022-12-27). Historical Analysis of the Global Elites: Ransacking the World Economy Until 'You'll Own Nothing'. globalresearch.ca

____ (2022-12-27). Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway marks 10-year operation. ecns.cn A total of 1.69 billion passenger trips have been made on the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway since it went into operation ten years ago.

Editor (2022-12-27). Illinois Will Be the First State to Eliminate Cash Bail. Here's Why Women Led the Push for Reform. scheerpost.com Grassroots and advocacy groups helped push for the state's elimination of cash bail — a move that will help incarcerated people and family members who must often come up with the money.

teleSUR (2022-12-27). 2022 Hottest Year in Italy Since 1800: Data. telesurenglish.net The new record won't be official until the end of the year, but LaMMA officials said it is statistically impossible for average temperatures to fall below those of 2018, previously the hottest year on record in Italy. | A woman shelters from the sun with umbrella during hot weather at the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, June 17, 2022.

Hanna Hanania (2022-12-27). When Will the Peace of Christmas Come Home? globalresearch.ca

____ (2022-12-27). At least 27 dead from ongoing winter storm in New York. ecns.cn New York recorded at least 27 deaths from the ongoing winter storm as of Monday morning, bringing the total casualties in the United States to over .

WSWS (2022-12-27). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org About 1,800 Sutter nurses at hospitals in Oakland and Berkeley, California have walked on a 10-day strike while Audi workers in Mexico voted down a below inflation pay increase brought back by their union Sitaudi.

The Lever (2022-12-27). 2022 FLASHBACK: Exposing The Secret Medicare Privatization Spree. levernews.com

JANET (2022-12-27). Disastrous Keystone oil spill in Kansas. iacenter.org By Otis Grotewohl December 23, 2022 A major Keystone oil spill of roughly 600,000 gallons occurred Dec. 7 in a creek in rural Washington County, Kansas, in the northwest region of the state. The Keystone spill is the largest in the history of that pipeline network; even more alarming is the fact that it was not a spill of conventional crude oil — problematic enough — but a product of the filthy Canadian tar sands, diluted bitumen, also known as "dilbit." EPA photo of section of Dec. 7 oil spill in Kansas Diluted bitumen is much harder to clean up than standard crude oil, because it is a much thicker,…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-27). Two More Turkish Soldiers Killed In Northern Iraq Operation. southfront.org FILE PHOTO: Turkish soldiers seen at the border town of Akcakale © Reuters / Murad Sezer | Turkey has acknowledged losing two soldiers in recent attacks by the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) within the Operation Claw-Lock zone in Iraq's northern region. | On December 15, the Turkish Ministry of National Defense said that Infantry Commando First Lieutenant Tunahan Yavuz died of wounds he sustained as result of a roadside bomb attack by the PKK. The attack in question took place on December 5. | Later on December 2…

Art Moore (2022-12-27). Top Oncologist: Cancer in Patients Exploding After COVID Shots. globalresearch.ca

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). The Relationship Between Income and Child Health. jamanetwork.com Researchers have been using statistical methods to investigate the link between health and income in both adults and children since individual-level data allowing them to do so first became available. However, previous investigators were forced to rely on highly imperfect data. Sample sizes were often small, indicators for socioeconomic status were crude, and health status and the presence or absence of acute and chronic conditions was generally self (or parent) reported. Despite these limitations, evidence emerged of a robust relationship between income and health measures, including the presence of chronic cond…

JANET (2022-12-27). Water polluting energy company gets green light to resume fracking. iacenter.org By Betsey Piette December 21, 2022 During a protest in 2017, Dimock resident Ray Kemble holds a gallon jug containing water contaminated by Cabot Oil & Gas, which tried to sue Kemble for his "frivolous claim." Pennsylvania Nearly 14 years after a water well explosion on Jan. 1, 2009, made residents of Dimock, Pennsylvania, aware of methane in their groundwater, the fracking company responsible pleaded no contest to 15 criminal charges, including nine felonies. The notorious Cabot Oil & Gas, now Coterra Energy, agreed Nov. 29 to pay more than $16 million for a public water line to Dimock residents and to cover the…

Chris Walker (2022-12-27). Florida GOP Leader Says She's Open to Expanding "Don't Say Gay" Law. truthout.org A key Republican lawmaker in Florida's legislature is signaling that she would be open to implementing increased restrictions on what educators can discuss when it comes to LGBTQ issues in public school classrooms throughout the state. The proposal would expand the "Parental Rights in Education Act" — commonly referred to as the "Don't Say Gay" law — that was enacted this year by Gov. |

WSWS (2022-12-27). This week in history: December 26-January 1. wsws.org This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Malaysian parliament endorses unstable new government. wsws.org The current government will be just as ruthless as the previous UMNO regimes in cracking down on social unrest as it seeks to impose the demands of business.

Staff (2022-12-27). Pandemic Poverty: Ray Suarez on How COVID-19 Set Back Low-Income Workers in the U.S., Especially Women. democracynow.org A new series of video reports by the Economic Hardship Reporting Project and The Intercept called "Insecurity" looks at women leaving the workforce, the impact of the expanded child tax credit, and the wave of union organizing during the pandemic. The series spotlights people navigating food, housing and healthcare insecurity — who are falling through the cracks of the social safety net in the process. We feature clips from the series and speak with the host, Ray Suarez, former PBS correspondent and longtime journalist and an author, and Alissa Quart, executive director of the Economic Hardship…

teleSUR (2022-12-27). Cuba: Donation From Belize To Ease Damages After Hurricane. telesurenglish.net The batch contains construction supplies provided by members of the Cuban state mission in Belize. | This solidarity initiative was led by Ardelle Sabido with Cuban friends ¥ collaboration in Belize, who have recently contributed to food, clothing, construction materials and medicine donations. | Sabido also praised the 20 cubic feet container was sent to Cuba for those affected by hurricane Ian. | The Cuban embassy expressed its gratitude for such a solidarity contribution that "will contribute to the recovery from the devastating impact caused by Hurricane Ian". This initiative really reaffirms the stren…

____ (2022-12-27). Ex-S.Korean President Lee Myung-bak granted special presidential pardon. ecns.cn South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol on Tuesday granted his special pardons to former President Lee Myung-bak as well as some other politicians and former government officials, according to the Ministry of Justice.

Julia Conley (2022-12-27). Protesters: "No Democracy With Oligarchy" at Twitter HQ. indybay.org Dozens of artists, labor advocates, and climate campaigners answered a call from Climate Justice Arts on Sunday, arriving at Twitter's headquarters in San Francisco to paint the company's famed bird logo on the street outside along with pro-democracy messages.

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). COVID-19 vs Influenza for Risk of Thrombotic Events in Hospitalized Patients. jamanetwork.com To the Editor We have several concerns about the recent study that demonstrated that hospitalization with COVID-19 before and during COVID-19 vaccine availability vs hospitalization with influenza in 2018-2019 was significantly associated with a higher risk of venous thromboembolism within 90 days.

Paul Haeder (2022-12-27). After a Fawning Netflix Doc, AOC Still Doesn't Get It! dissidentvoice.org Headline news, no: "AOC Casts House Democrats' Sole Vote Against Omnibus Spending Bill: Rep. Ocasio-Cortez cited 'the dramatic increase in DHS and ICE spending' as the reason behind her vote." Oh, wouldn't it be a fine thing in the neighborhood if this AOC went rogue, Independent Party, on her hands and knees, and apologizing: I …

Anonymous669 (2022-12-27). Eight Syrian Intelligence Officers Killed Or Wounded In New Daraa Attack. southfront.org . | Early on December 27, unidentified gunmen attacked a checkpoint of the Syrian Military Intelligence Directorate (MID) near the town of Elnaymah in the eastern countryside of Daraa. | The gunmen targeted the checkpoint, locally known as al-Radar, with machine guns and rocket propelled grenades. As a result of the hit-and-run attack, three intelligence officers were killed and five others were wounded. The death toll could rise as some of the wounded are said to be in a critical cond…

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2022-12-27). Biden Protects CIA By Withholding 5,000 Critical Documents on JFK Assassination. covertactionmagazine.com Vice President of the Mary Ferrell Foundation calls new release by Biden a "sham" because key documents remain classified. On December 15, President Joe Biden released nearly 1,500 documents on the JFK assassination, but withheld 5,000 critical documents. The move was not surprising given Biden's long track record going back to his days on the …

Ariadna Eljuri (2022-12-27). President Maduro: Venezuela Achieved its Goals in 2022. orinocotribune.com President Maduro said that Venezuela will continue on the path of recovery in 2023. | This Monday, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, wrote that all the goals proposed for this past year were achieved: "We have reached the last Monday of this year, convinced that we have achieved the goals that we set for ourselves in 2022." | President Maduro noted that one of the proposed goals was the recovery and development of the country. This projec…

unitedEditor (2022-12-27). After the attack in Paris. uwidata.com In the neighborhood of Strasbourg Saint Denis in Paris, is also referred to as the "Little Istanbul", an attack was conducted on a street where also one of the PKK center is located. 3 people were dead including some PKK members, while 3 more were injured. The culprit of the attack, a French citizen named …

Sarah Anderson (2022-12-27). Pay Disparity Is Rising. Let's Commit to an Equitable Economy in the New Year. truthout.org If the typical CEO of a large U.S. corporation clocks in at 9 am on January 2, by 3: 37 pm that afternoon he'll have earned $58,260 — the average annual salary for all U.S. occupations. In other words, in less than seven hours on the first workday of the New Year, that CEO will have made as much as the average U.S. worker will make all year. I took a look at the even wider disparities for various… |

WSWS (2022-12-27). South Korean pseudo-lefts cover up union sell-out of striking truck drivers. wsws.org Pseudo-left organizations like Workers' Solidarity (WS) helped prepare the betrayal of the truckers' strike by promoting the KCTU's false militant-sounding phrase-mongering as good coin.

Juan Cole (2022-12-27). The Unbearable Whiteness of Being French: Murderer of Kurds 'William M.' Treated with kid Gloves. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) Last Thursday, one "William M.," a retired French train conductor, went to the Kurdish Cultural center in the 10th Arondissement of Paris with a gun and shot six people, killing three and wounding three others, all Kurds. Some were in a hairdresser's shop. So write Nathalie Birchem et Denis Peiron …

WSWS (2022-12-27). Death toll continues to mount as extreme winter weather inundates Buffalo and freezes much of United States. wsws.org Freezing temperatures and snow storms are blamed for 57 deaths nationally since Friday. More than 200 million people have been affected by a massive winter storm stretching from Maine in the Northeast down to the Gulf of Mexico and as far west as the Rocky Mountains.

____ (2022-12-27). Researchers develop UAV-mediated drug delivery for first aid. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have developed an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-mediated first-aid system for targeted delivery (uFAST).

____ (2022-12-27). Icicles on cliff lure tourists in Henan. ecns.cn Huge frozen waterfall creates a spectacular winter landscape at Yuntai Mountain Geopark, Dec. 26, 2022. Icicles on cliffs draw lots of tourists.

Fight Back (2022-12-27). Anger as Miami judge rules against freedom for Alex Saab. fightbacknews.org Miami, FL – A Miami judge ruled against freedom for Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab on December 24. In a two-week-long hearing to determine Saab's diplomatic status and his right to immunity from prosecution, Saab's defense team presented stacks of evidence proving his status as a special envoy. The defense even used documents from the U.S. government provided by the federal prosecutor, Alex Kramer, that stated as much. None of this made a difference to U.S. District Judge Robert Scola. | In his ruling, Judge Scola wrote, "Saab Moran cannot be entitled to diplomatic immunity because he could not – as a matter of la…

WSWS (2022-12-27). Strong support for SGP election campaign in Berlin. wsws.org The Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei election statement calls for €100 billion for nurseries, schools and hospitals, instead of armaments and war, together with a massive hike in wages and the expropriation of all the war profiteers.

Abayomi Azikiwe (2022-12-27). Netherlands Prime Minister Apologizes for Atlantic Slave Trade. Dispels the Payment of Reparations. globalresearch.ca

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Reported Health Care Affordability for US Men and Women With Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage. jamanetwork.com This study uses National Health Interview Survey data from 2000 to 2020 to examine reported differences between US men and women aged 19 to 64 years with employer-sponsored insurance in obtaining affordable health care.

jamanetwork (2022-12-27). Surgeon General Tackles Workplace Well-being. jamanetwork.com US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, MD, MBA, released framework for increasing mental health and well-being in the workplace.

Dan Rosenbaum (2022-12-27). As e-bike Fires Rise, Calls Grow for Education and Regulation. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-27). Registran segunda Navidad más cálida desde 1947 en Francia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con Météo France, la media de 11,3 grados centígrados se registró en las 30 estaciones meteorológicas de referencia.

Staff (2022-12-27). øCuánto ha avanzado la agricultura urbana en estos 35 años? cubadebate.cu El programa de la agricultura urbana, suburbana y familiar en Cuba, surgió hace 35 años, el 27 de diciembre de 1987, con la expansión de los organopónicos, una indicación del General de Ejército Raúl Castro. En la actualidad, el programa ocupa más de dos millones de hectáreas de tierras cultivables y administra 147 000 fincas suburbanas. Su principio fundamental ha sido la producción sostenible de alimentos sobre bases agroecológicas.

Staff (2022-12-27). Musk, Zuckerberg y los multimillonarios dueños de redes y medios. cubadebate.cu Lo curioso es que las principales redes sociales y grupos de comunicación se están convirtiendo en caprichos de lujo de los multimillonarios. Si el más rico se ha quedado con Twitter, otro destacado acaudalado, Jeff Bezos, propietario de Amazon con 114.500 millones de dólares, es también el dueño del Washington Post.

Staff (2022-12-27). Profesora de Massachusetts exalta vacunas cubanas e inequidad mundial en el acceso a inmunógenos. cubadebate.cu La profesora Tanalís Padilla, investigadora del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts y autora de numerosos libros, entre estos Una historia de las normales rurales, exalta hoy las vacunas cubanas y la inequidad mundial. El diario local La Jornada inserta hoy un artículo de la profesora de origen mexicano, en el cual resaltó el esfuerzo de Cuba en la confección de sus vacunas contra la covid-19 y empieza con las entregas del biológico a México.

Staff (2022-12-27). Participe en el concurso de Cubadebate dedicado al triunfo de la Revolución. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate, en conjunto con el sitio Fidel Soldado de las Ideas, convoca a los usuarios de la telefonía móvil en Cuba a participar en el concurso con motivo del triunfo de la Revolución. El certamen consiste en la siguiente pregunta: øQuién es el autor de la obra musical "El gran día de enero"?

Staff (2022-12-27). Cuatro peloteros cubanos renuevan contrato con Dragones de Chunichi. cubadebate.cu Los lanzadores Yariel Rodríguez y Frank Abel àÅlvarez, y los jugadores de posición Pedro Pablo Revilla y Guillermo García, renovaron hoy sus contratos con los Dragones de Chunichi en el beisbol profesional japonés. También oficializó su nuevo acuerdo el otrora estelar jugador Omar Linares, como entrenador de la franquicia perteneciente a la llamada liga central.

Staff (2022-12-27). Reciben atención más de 200 haitianos que recalaron en Cayo Coco, Ciego de àÅvila. cubadebate.cu Un total de 253 haitianos, incluidos 31 niños y 61 mujeres, que viajaban en barco con la intención de migrar a Estados Unidos, recalaron la medianoche de este domingo en el puerto de Kasasa, en Cayo Coco, Jardines del Rey, al norte de Ciego de àÅvila, donde reciben atención en un centro educacional de la provincia.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2022-12-27). Ubican 56 galaxias "gemelas" en el Universo. telesurtv.net La investigación comprendió el análisis de 10.000 galaxias con el propósito de buscar ejemplos de estructuras con atributos similares a la Vía Láctea.

Staff (2022-12-27). Informan sobre hallazgo de embarcación abandonada en Cayo Guillermo. cubadebate.cu Las personas naturales o jurídicas con derechos sobre el bien hallado, interesadas en ejercerlos, deberán acudir a la Capitanía de Júcaro, ubicada en Cayo Coco, municipio Morón, provincia Ciego de àÅvila, en un término que no exceda los 30 días naturales, contados a partir de la publicación de esta nota.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-27). Marruecos lanza museo virtual de su participación en Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net La plataforma presenta una galería digital con las imágenes y fotos oficiales del conjunto deportivo africano.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-27). Costa Rica insta a cumplir medidas sanitarias contra la Covid-19. telesurtv.net La titular manifestó que con el cumplimiento de las medidas, colaborará con la prevención de la enfermedad.

teleSUR- jaa, YSM (2022-12-27). Tàºrkiye descubre nuevo yacimiento de gas en el mar Negro. telesurtv.net El líder turco celebró el aumento de las reservas de esa nación que alcanzaron un total de 710.000 millones de metros cúbicos.

Staff (2022-12-27). Asiste Díaz-Canel a celebración por 10 años de BioCubaFarma y tres décadas del Polo Científico. cubadebate.cu "Gracias por confiar en los científicos cubanos", fue el sentir de mujeres y hombres de ciencia que este martes celebraron en el Palacio de Convenciones el décimo aniversario de la fundación del Grupo de las Industrias Biotecnológicas y Farmacéuticas de Cuba, BioCubaFarma y las tres décadas de la creación del Polo científico.

Staff (2022-12-27). Las 3 del día: Lo que fue noticia este 26 de diciembre (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu En el podcast Las 3 de día tenemos de todo un poco en materia informativa, para despedir la última emisión de lunes de 2022. Compartiremos noticias económicas, nacionales, internacionales, de índole política, culturales, deportivas, de impacto y otras sorpresas. °Conéctese ya!

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-12-27). Club Santos de Brasil rendirá homenaje a Pelé. telesurtv.net El equipo colocará un nuevo logo en honor al astro brasileño, máximo goleador de la historia del club.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-27). Presidente de EE.UU. declara emergencia en estado de Nueva York. telesurtv.net La gobernadora de Nueva York informó que Biden "aprobó nuestra solicitud de una declaración federal de emergencia".

teleSUR, JGN (2022-12-27). Comitivas de 120 países asistirán a la toma de posesión de Lula en Brasil. telesurtv.net El presidente electo brasileño llamó este lunes a la paz y la tranquilidad en el país tras la amenaza terrorista por parte de un bolsonarista.

Staff (2022-12-27). Pedro Luis Lazo, Pedro Chávez, Osmany Urrutia y Miguel Cuevas elegidos para ingresar al Salón de la Fama. cubadebate.cu Seleccionaron para integran el Salón de la Fama del Beisbol al exlanzador de Pinar del Río Pedro Luis Lazo, al jardinero integrante de equipos Cuba y destacado manager de La Habana Pedro Chávez y al tunero Osmany Urrutia, segundo de por vida en promedio ofensivo y al exjonronero de la provincia de Camagàºey Sol Miguel Cuevas.

Staff (2022-12-27). Se extiende el plazo de importación sin carácter comercial de plantas eléctricas. cubadebate.cu La Resolución 328/2022 prorroga hasta el 31 de marzo de 2023, la importación sin carácter comercial, por encima del valor establecido por la vía de los envíos aéreos, marítimos, postales y de mensajería, de las plantas eléctricas de una potencia superior a los 900 vatios, que se presentan a despacho de la Aduana General de la República.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-12-27). Asistirán comitivas de 120 países a la toma de posesión de Lula en Brasil. telesurtv.net El presidente electo brasileño llamó este lunes a la paz y la tranquilidad en el país tras la amenaza terrorista por parte de un bolsonarista.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-27). Rusia neutraliza grupos vinculados a Daesh en Ucrania y Siria. telesurtv.net Fueron encontrados fotos y videos que confirman la participación de extremistas de este grupo en el conflicto sirio.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-27). Aumentan a más de los decesos por tormenta de invierno en EE.UU. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento suman un total de 55 fallecidos, de ellos 27 fueron en Nueva York, según el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Erie (DSCE).

Staff (2022-12-27). México contratará a otros 119 médicos cubanos para prestar servicios a partir de enero del 2023. cubadebate.cu Otros 119 médicos cubanos arribarán en enero a México para prestar sus servicios especializados, anunció el director del Instituto Nacional del Seguro Social, Zoé Robledo. El funcionario dijo que 491 especialistas se hallan en 11 estados, en lugares muy difíciles y marginales, y ayudan a dar cobertura todos los días y a toda hora allí donde están ubicados.

Staff (2022-12-27). Un ejemplar de cocodrilo cubano se electrocutó en un zoológico de Washington al atacar un tomacorriente. cubadebate.cu En un comunicado, el Instituto Smithsoniano de Biología de la Conservación y Zoológico Nacional informó que el cocodrilo fue hallado muerto en la madrugada del 17 de diciembre, en su espacio. Dadas las circunstancias en las que lo encontraron, el personal determinó que "el cocodrilo se sintió atraído por un tomacorriente y atacó la infraestructura eléctrica en el hábitat".

teleSUR -odr, YSM (2022-12-27). Fuertes nevadas dejan 17 muertos en Japón. telesurtv.net Los fuertes frentes invernales han dejado varados a cientos de vehículos en las carreteras.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-27). Bolivia reporta ralentización en casos de Covid-19 en una semana. telesurtv.net En los últimos siete días, los casos en Bolivia se incrementaron en 3.547, lo cual indica una reducción en la velocidad de crecimiento de contagios.

teleSUR- odr, YSM (2022-12-27). Accidente de tránsito deja seis muertos en Sudáfrica. telesurtv.net Un chofer de 35 años de edad, un bebé y cuatro pasajeros de entre ocho y 15 años fueron las víctimas del choque.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-27). Presidente de Bolivia resalta exportación de minerales en 2022. telesurtv.net El mandatario aseveró que las exportaciones en este sector superaron los 6.000 millones de dólares en 2022, lo que representa un crecimiento del 14 por ciento respecto al año previo.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-27). Lluvias afectan a casi 70.000 personas en Filipinas. telesurtv.net La institución confirmó asimismo que en la actualidad, unos 60.905 Paquetes de Alimentos Familiares (FFP, siglas en inglés) están disponibles para entregar.

Staff (2022-12-27). Investigadores japoneses descubren un "supermosquito" resistente a los insecticidas. cubadebate.cu Un estudio liderado por investigadores japoneses descubrió la existencia de mosquitos que son más resistentes a los insecticidas. Al analizar esos "supermoquitos", ejemplares de la especie Aedes aegypti en Vietnam, Indonesia, Camboya, Taiwán y Ghana , se comprobó que habían sufrido una mutación del gen L982W.

Staff (2022-12-27). Reto viral: Descubre las siete diferencias entre las imágenes. cubadebate.cu Además de ser uno de los más populares en las redes sociales, también se trata de uno de los más complejos ya que pocos lograron detectar las siete diferencias entre las imágenes. Este es un acertijo visual que te permitirá descubre tu nivel de tu inteligencia visual de una forma rápida y entretenida. øTe sientes listo para vencer el reto?.

Staff (2022-12-27). Vietnam incursionará en el sector turístico cubano el próximo año. cubadebate.cu Todo está avanzado para que Vietnam incursione en 2023 en el sector turístico cubano, anunció el embajador en ese país, Orlando Hernández Guillén. En principio, empresas vietnamitas asumirán la reparación de dos hoteles y la construcción de otro en La Habana. Además, nuevos sectores permitirán fomentar la presencia de inversiones de Vietnam en Cuba.

teleSUR, YSM (2022-12-27). Honduras extiende alerta en seis departamentos por frente frío. telesurtv.net La alerta se extiende a los departamentos de Cortés, Atlántida, Islas de la Bahía, Colón, Santa Bárbara y Yoro.

Staff (2022-12-27). Emilio Sabourín y del Villar, un ejemplo de beisbolista patriota. cubadebate.cu Luis Pasteur y Emilio Sabourín y del Villar fueron dos contemporáneos del siglo XIX que nunca se conocieron. La única relación entre ambos es estrictamente geográfica, toda vez que Sabourín es un apellido de origen francés. Durante décadas, los monumentos habaneros al eminente científico galo y al héroe deportivo cubano, estuvieron situados en lugares limítrofes.

Staff (2022-12-27). Reinauguran en La Habana monumento a pelotero mambí Emilio Sabourín. cubadebate.cu Esta mañana fue reinaugurado en el vedado capitalino el monumento al pelotero mambí Emilio Sabourín del Villar, quien ofrendó su vida por la independencia de Cuba. El homenaje se realizó el día en que se conmemora el 148 aniversario del primer juego de béisbol en Cuba y en vísperas de la jornada dedicada a este deporte en Cuba.

Staff (2022-12-27). Telescopio espacial James Webb capturó el nacimiento de estrellas en la nebulosa Carina. cubadebate.cu Científicos de la NASA realizaron un análisis profundo de una de las primeras imágenes icónicas del Telescopio Espacial James Webb, denominada "Acantilados Cósmicos", y encontraron un nacimiento estelar que había pasado desapercibido para el telescopio espacial Hubble.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-12-27). Bomberos controlan incendio en refinería en estado Falcón, Venezuela. telesurtv.net En mayo pasado un incendio se produjo en una de las lagunas de tratamiento de la misma refinería, el cual fue controlado poco tiempo después.

Staff (2022-12-27). Putin dejará de vender petróleo a los países del G7, la UE y Australia (+Video). cubadebate.cu El presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, firmó este martes el decreto de la respuesta de Moscú al tope al precio del petróleo ruso impuesto por los países del G7, la UE y Australia. Así, el país euroasiático dejará de vender crudo a las naciones que se han sumado a la medida. El decreto entrará en vigor el 1 de febrero de 2023.

Staff (2022-12-27). Asciende a 50 la cifra de fallecidos por la ola de frío en Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu La tormenta invernal en EEUU ha provocado la muerte de al menos 50 personas en el país. Autoridades revelaron que, hasta este lunes, continuarán las bajas temperaturas en la nación, en la que se acumulado gran cantidad de nieve en los hogares de los ciudadanos, provocando un entorpecimiento en las vialidades.

Staff (2022-12-27). Las imágenes más simpáticas de los Premios de Fotografía de vida silvestre 2022. cubadebate.cu La vida sin humor no tendría ningún sentido. El sentido del humor es algo que se hace extensible a todo el reino animal, no solo los animales a dos patas hacemos alarde de él, y estas fotografiás pertenecientes a los Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022 son la prueba irrefutable de ello.

Staff (2022-12-27). Conciertos, ofertas gastronómicas y actividades deportivas se desarrollarán en La Habana por fin de año. cubadebate.cu Un concierto de la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional (OSN) dedicado a los 50 años del Movimiento de la Nueva Trova, y bailables populares, anuncian autoridades de la capital, para celebrar el fin de año y el aniversario 64 del triunfo de la Revolución. Los días 31 de diciembre y primero de enero se ofrecerán cenas especiales en los restaurantes.

Staff (2022-12-27). El tiempo: Temperaturas en ascenso y lluvias en el norte central. cubadebate.cu Esta tarde las temperaturas estarán ascendiendo a valores máximos entre los 22 y 25 grados Celsius en el occidente y el centro, mientras en la región oriental estarán entre los 26 y 29 grados Celsius, hasta los 33 grados Celsius en la porción sur oriental. En la noche disminuye la nubosidad y las lluvias, excepto en el norte de central donde habrá algunas lluvias hasta el anochecer.

teleSUR (2022-12-27). Haitian Migrants Receive Assistance in Cuba. telesurenglish.net Haitian migrants aboard a boat disembarked last Sunday at midnight on the northern coast of the central Cuban province of Ciego de Avila due to bad weather after trying to reach the U.S. | RELATED: | Authorities received 253 Haitian migrants who were given medical and humanitarian attention after arriving at night at the port of Kasasa, in Cayo Coco, Jardines del Rey, in the north of the central Cuban province.

Alex Koplos (2022-12-27). Stop racist repression: Allow all migrants entry to the U.S.! workers.org El Paso, Texas On Dec. 19, 400 Texas National Guard soldiers were deployed in my hometown of El Paso to "assist" with the mass migration at the border with Juarez, Mexico. The state deployed these imperial special bodies of armed men as the city was anticipating the end of Title . . . |

Victoria Torres (2022-12-27). Vuelta a la Patria Program: More than 2 Thousand Venezuelans Return Home in 2022. orinocotribune.com

Victoria Torres (2022-12-27). Vuelta a la Patria Program: Over 2,000 Venezuelans Return Home in 2022. orinocotribune.com In 2022, the Vuelta a la Patria program repatriated 2,060 Venezuelans with the help of the Venezuelan Consortium of Aeronautical Industries and Air Services (Conviasa). | This achievement was announced by Minister for Transportation and President of Conviasa Ramón Velásquez Araguayán via social media, where he shared a video summarizing the airline's accomplishments of 2022. |

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-12-27). Presidente argentino acata fallo sobre impuestos a Buenos Aires. telesurtv.net El mandatario afirmó que "las decisiones judiciales son obligatorias aun cuando las estime disvaliosas e injustas".

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