2022-10-23: News Headlines

En.mehrnews (2022-10-23). US base in Syria's al-Omar field comes under drone attack. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) — An unidentified drone targeted the US base in the al-Omar field with a barrage of missiles, sources familiar with the matter said on Saturday.

Staff (2022-10-23). Los asiáticos se repartieron el botín de la Copa Mundial de béisbol sub 23: Japón nuevo campeón. cubadebate.cu El equipo de Japón se proclamó campeón de la IV Copa Mundial de béisbol categoría sub 23 con cita en Taiwán, al derrotar 3-0 a Corea del Sur en la gran final, en partido disputado en el Tianmu Baseball Stadium. Con este triunfo se convierten en el único equipo que ha podido subir dos veces a lo más alto del podio en campeonatos mundiales de esta categoría.

____ (2022-10-23). India's Delhi records worse air quality as winter begins to set in. ecns.cn Indian capital city New Delhi's overall air quality has deteriorated to the "Poor" category, showed the data by the System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting And Research on Sunday.

____ (2022-10-23). Indian rocket places 36 satellites into orbits. ecns.cn Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) early Sunday successfully launched 36 satellites using its heaviest rocket LVM3, officials said.

Alex Bainbridge (2022-10-23). Thousands rally for "Woman Life Freedom" in the Brisbane rain. greenleft.org.au The streets rang out with chants of "Be our voice", "Woman, Life, Freedom" and "One solution: revolution" as thousands marched through Brisbane rain on October 22, reports Alex Bainbridge.

En.mehrnews (2022-10-23). VIDEO: US police shoots unarmed woman. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) — Footage shows US police shooting at an unarmed woman despite she said she had no weapons.

Allan Fisher (2022-10-23). Saturday 10/22: All Out for Palestine. indybay.org Corner of Ocean andWater Streets, Santa Cruz…

En.mehrnews (2022-10-23). Iraqi, Kurdish forces detain 7 terrorists in Erbil, Kirkuk. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) — Iraq's counterterrorism forces detained seven terrorist elements in Erbil, Sulaymaniyah and Kirkuk provinces on Sunday.

En.mehrnews (2022-10-23). Turkey to establish two military bases in Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) — The Turkish army plans to establish two more military bases in the northern regions of Aleppo and Idlib province in Syria.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM, JGN (2022-10-23). Unicef denuncia grave desnutrición en menores de edad en Pakistán. telesurtv.net Al menos 1 de cada 9 menores de cinco años sufre desnutrición aguda severa en las provincias afectadas por inundaciones.

_____ (2022-10-22). Biden Has An 'Off-Ramp' On Ukraine. popularresistance.org A Rose has bloomed In the Blinken/Sullivan/Biden desert of ideas on Ukraine. I refer to Rose Gottemoeller, 69, who was Under Secretary of State for Arms Control during the Obama/Biden second term and knows much more about the real world than the boys Biden has in the back room (if I may risk damning her with faint praise). | Looking for adults in the room? Gottemoeller could be the woman of the hour, if Biden's ivy-mantled advisers would stop preening, sit down, and listen. Writing in The Financial Times two weeks ago, Gottemoeller referred to the "quiet bargain" that ended the Cuban missile crisis of exactly 60…

WSWS (2022-10-22). Condemn brutal Sri Lankan police attack on student demonstration! wsws.org The ongoing police attacks on student demonstrations are another indication that the Wickremesinghe government will use its repressive powers to crush all those opposing its IMF austerity measures.

_____ (2022-10-22). India exhibits its state-of-the-art weapons. journal-neo.org The 12th International Defense Exhibition DefExpo 2022 opened on October 18 in the western Indian state of Gujarat. Defense ministers from 25 countries are expected to attend the exhibition, with representatives from 75 countries participating. The theme of the exhibition is "The Path to Pride," reflecting Republic Prime Minister Narendra Modi's intention to make India …

Anonymous669 (2022-10-22). HTS Infiltrated Northeastern Syria With Help From Turkey's Proxies. southfront.org Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the de-facto ruler of the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib, have infiltrated Turkish-occupied areas in the country's northeastern region with help from a large faction backed by Turkey, Syrian opposition activists revealed on October 21. | At least 100 militants of the terrorist group were reportedly deployed in northeastern Syria in the first week of October. The militants entered the region disguised as members of the Suleyman Shah Division, wh…

WSWS (2022-10-22). Official inquiry into Japanese ruling party's ties to right-wing cult. wsws.org The LDP's extensive links to the Unification Church only came into the public spotlight following the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on July 8 in Nara.

American Indian Resource Center at UCSC (2022-10-22). Saturday 11/5: Inherent Tribal Sovereignty in Practice: Government-to-Government Relationships in California. indybay.org Hybrid Event: Zoom or Horticulture 2 Meeting Hall (HORT 2) at UC Santa Cruz Arboretum, Arboretum Rd, Santa Cruz | Registration Links: linktr.ee/aircucsc

En.mehrnews (2022-10-22). PMU pounds 4 ISIL positions in E Iraq. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 22 (MNA) — Iraq's Popular Mobilization Unit (PMU), also known as Hashd al-Sha'abi on Saturday announced that it has shelled 4 ISIL positions during the past two days.

____ (2022-10-22). Gases found in asteroid Ryugu samples: Japanese scientists. ecns.cn Gases were discovered in the sample collected by Japan's Hayabusa2 space probe from the asteroid Ryugu, Japanese scientists said.

____ (2022-10-22). Chinese experts' advice to help Pakistan in rehabilitation of flood-hit areas: official. ecns.cn Chairman of the National Disaster Management Authority of Pakistan (NDMA) Inam Haider Malik said his country would benefit from the advice of the visiting Chinese flood control expert group in the rehabilitation process of flood-hit people.

WSWS (2022-10-22). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and New Zealand. wsws.org India: Thousands of Punjab government administrative workers strike; Delhi Municipal Corporation sanitation workers strike indefinitely; Alumina refinery workers in Australia strike; New Zealand: Nurses, academics and SCG oil and gas workers strike for higher pay.

Staff (2022-10-22). Fidel Castro: Un pueblo que no tembló en la Crisis de Octubre, ese pueblo no podrá ser jamás vencido. cubadebate.cu Se cumplen 60 años del aniversario de la Crisis de Octubre. Por esta razón el sitio web Fidel Soldado de las Ideas y Cubadebate comparte algunas ideas del Comandante en Jefe, Fidel Castro Ruz sobre este hecho histórico…

Joel Richards (2022-10-21). World Mayors Summit invests in climate change. america.cgtn.com World mayors have announced a record investment of more than a billion dollars to tackle the climate emergency around the globe, particularly in Latin America, Asia and Africa.

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