2022-10-10: News Headlines

____ (2022-10-10). The Democratic Party, Now the Leading Party of War. transcend.org The prowar mentality among the progressive Dem pols is not limited to Biden's cruel proxy war to the last Ukrainian. It extends to a second proxy war now being ginned up in Taiwan. When Nancy Pelosi recently visited the island to stir up secessionist sentiment, not a single progressive Democrat in Congress made so much as a peep of protest.

_____ (2022-10-10). The visit of a US carrier strike group to the ROK and its aftermath. journal-neo.org On September 23, for the first time since October 2017, a US Navy carrier strike group led by the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan arrived in South Korea's Port of Busan. The strike group consisted of three ships: USS Ronald Reagan, a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier; USS Chancellorsville, a Ticonderoga-class missile cruiser; and USS Barry, an …

Staff (2022-10-10). North Korea says tests nuclear warning to S Korea, US. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 10 (MNA) — North Korea has said its recent barrage of missile launches were "tactical nuclear" drills personally overseen by Kim Jong Un, and a response to joint United States-South Korea naval exercises.

Dave DeCamp (2022-10-10). Chinese Ambassador Thanks Elon Musk for Taiwan Proposal. news.antiwar.com China's ambassador to the US on Saturday thanked Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk for suggesting a solution to the dispute over Taiwan, while his idea drew criticism from Taiwanese officials. In an interview with Financial Times, Musk said he believes a conflict over Taiwan is inevitable. War in the region could significantly hurt his …

____ (2022-10-09). Musk interview underscores peaceful reunification principle. ecns.cn China expects and is glad to see that more and more people understand and support its principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems", a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said Sunday after Tesla CEO Elon Musk proposed setting Taiwan up as a special administrative zone.

Jason Ditz (2022-10-10). Iraq's Kurdish Regional Government Extends Term by a Year. news.antiwar.com In a Sunday vote This means The big parties could not agree on districting, nor for quotas for ethnic a…

WSWS (2022-10-10). Fishermen in northern Sri Lanka establish action committee. wsws.org Fishermen in Kayts, who face dire conditions, including starvation, decided to form an independent action committee to fight for their social and democratic rights.

Jordan Schachtel (2022-10-10). Why Zelensky's World War III Gambit Will Fail. globalresearch.ca

Lee Je-hun (2022-10-10). Roadblocks in the Inter-Korean Railway Projects: The Armistice and the UN Command between Two Koreas. asia-pacificresearch.com

_____ (2022-10-10). On the th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the PRC and Japan. journal-neo.org In the history of relations between the two now leading Asian powers, the PRC and Japan, the date of September 29 marks a very remarkable event. On this day exactly years ago, Prime Ministers Zhou Enlai and Kakuei Tanaka signed the nine-point Joint Communiqué. The first one stated an end to "the abnormal state …

Staff (2022-10-10). Iran athletes refusal to compete with Zionists real victory. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 10 (MNA) — Depriving of reaching a medal for refusing to compete with the representatives of the Zionist regime is a real victory, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said, hailing Iranian athletes for doing so.

Kerry Smith (2022-10-10). Palestinian Film Festival returns in November. greenleft.org.au Showcasing a diverse and innovative selection of Palestinian films from around the world, the Palestine Film Festival is a cinematic journey of creative, thought-provoking storytelling, reports Kerry Smith.

____ (2022-10-10). I Was Canceled for Criticizing Israel. transcend.org 4 Oct 2022 – I contributed to The Hill TV's "Rising" for three years. But one monologue defending Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Palestinians cost me my job.

Staff (2022-10-10). VIDEO: Woman taking selfie video 'captures blast in Kyiv'. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 10 (MNA) — The clip is thought to have been taken during a missile strike in the centre of Kyiv on Monday morning.

Staff (2022-10-10). En Italia rinden tributo al Che a 55 años de su muerte. cubadebate.cu La Asociación Nacional de Amistad Italia-Cuba (Anaic) rindió tributo hoy al Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara, a 55 años de su muerte en Bolivia. En la ciudad de Collegno, cerca de Turín, fueron develados una tarja en homenaje a la amistad entre Italia y Cuba y un mural con la bandera cubana y una frase del guerrillero heroico.

Staff (2022-10-10). Buen cierre de temporada para la ciclista Arlenis Sierra en el Tour de Romandía. cubadebate.cu La ciclista cubana Arlenis Sierra selló con el tercer lugar en la última etapa su participación en el Tour de Romandía. La manzanillera, que había liderado el primer tramo del evento, se convirtió en una de las principales protagonistas del cierre del circuito mundial de ruta de la Unión Ciclista Internacional en este 2022.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-10-10). Reportan ataque contra base militar de EE.UU. en Siria. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Siria acusó este sábado a Estados Unidos de robar y exportar petróleo sirio a través de la frontera sirio-iraquí.

_____ (2022-10-09). Two Sixties' Radicals Recall Fighting Times In US Labor. popularresistance.org The University of Wisconsin at Madison was a hotbed of student radicalism in the 1960s. Unlike some other centers of campus opposition to the Vietnam War, left-wing activists there were among the first of their generation to organize around issues related to their own mistreatment as workers. In 1963, undergraduates employed in campus jobs formed a Wisconsin Student Employees Union to force the administration to raise their wages to the federal minimum (a 50 cent per hour increase). Seven years later, the UW Teaching Assistants Association organized the first TA strike in U.S. history, a 24-day walk-out that won…

Dave DeCamp (2022-10-09). CENTCOM Says Rocket Attack Targeted US Troops in Syria. news.antiwar.com

Anonymous103 (2022-10-09). Military Situation In Iraq On October 9, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-10-09). Rusia nombra nuevo general para dirigir la operación en Ucrania. telesurtv.net Serguéi Surovikin era el comandante de la agrupación sur de las tropas rusas durante la operación especial rusa de desmilitarización y desnazificación de Ucrania.

Contributing Writers (2022-10-09). Syria: US occupation steals dozens of oil tanks from Rmelan fields. marktaliano.net Original link here: Syria: US occupation steals dozens of oil tanks from Rmelan fields (damascus-post.com) The American occupation forces stole oil tanks from Syria, through the illegal Mahmoudiya crossing, in batches to their bases in northern Iraq. SANA news agency reported that "the American occupation forces stole a convoy of dozens of tanks from …

Steven Sahiounie (2022-10-09). US Troops in Dispute with Their Terrorist Mercenaries in Syria. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2022-10-09). Iraq: some light in the "political clouds" journal-neo.org Almost a year after Iraq's last parliamentary elections in October 2021, no government has yet been formed. There is a fierce power struggle to form a government between the Sadrist movement, led by populist Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, and the Coordination Framework (CF) alliance, which includes a number of Shiite parties largely united in their opposition …

TeleSUR (2022-10-09). Attack on US military base in Syria reported. telesurenglish.net The U.S. Central Command (Centcom) reported that one of its occupation bases in Syria was attacked Saturday night, amid tensions over the illegal presence of U.S. troops in the Arab country's territory. | RELATED: | In a statement issued early Sunday morning, Centcom said that "no U.S. or associated forces were killed or injured and no facilities or equipment were damaged. Additional rockets were found at the launch source site." | A 107mm rocket…

____ (2022-10-09). Over 80,000 vehicles travel on Chinese-invested 1st expressway in Cambodia in 1st week of trial operation. ecns.cn More than 80,000 vehicles had traveled on Cambodia's first-ever expressway in the first week of its trial operation, according to data released by the freeway operator on Saturday.

Tafi Mhaka (2022-10-09). Filmmakers Should Tell the Truth About Slavery: A Critique of "The Woman King" commondreams.org Contrary to what the movie suggests, Africans did sell other Africans into slavery. That tremendously significant detail cannot be bent or avoided. Nor must it, of course, be weaponized to minimize or dismiss the culpability of European slave traders.

Anonymous669 (2022-10-09). Afrin Liberation Forces Claim It Killed Five Turkish Troops In Recent Attacks In Syria's Aleppo (Videos). southfront.org On October 9, the Afrin Liberation Forces (ALF) announced that its cells had carried out three attacks on the Turkish…

Staff (2022-10-09). Turkish base in northern Iraq comes under attack. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 09 (MNA) — The Turkish Zilkan (Zelikan) military base, located in northern Iraq, has come under a rocket attack.

Staff (2022-10-09). Rocket fired at US military base in Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 09 (MNA) — A US military base in northeastern Syria has come under a rocket attack, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a statement.

Staff (2022-10-09). 2 injured in Armenian capital explosion. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 09 (MNA) — An explosion occurred in Yerevan, Armenia, on Bagratunyats Avenue on Sunday morning, according to the National Center for Crisis Management.

Anonymous669 (2022-10-09). Rockets Hit Key U.S. Airfield In Northeastern Syria. southfront.org A U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster departs from a Coalition airfield in Northeast Syria, June 26, 2018. (U.S. Air Force photo by SrA Izabella Sullivan) | Late on October 8, an indirect fire attack targeted a key base of the U.S.-led coalition in Syria's northeastern region without causing any losses. | The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a statement that the Rumalyn Landing Zone was hit by a salvo of 107 mm rocket. | The coalition's so-called landing zone consists of a base an…

Anonymous669 (2022-10-09). Iraqi Resistance Attack Large Turkish Base In Nineveh. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Source: the Directorate General of Counter Terrorism in the Kurdistan Region. | Late on October 8, an indirect fire attack targeted a large base of the Turkish military near the town of Zaylkan in Bashiqa district in the northern Iraqi province of Nineveh. | Three 122 mm Grad rockets reportedly landed in the vicinity of the base. The Directorate General of Counter Terrorism in the Kurdistan Region said in a statement that the attack…

Staff (2022-10-09). Turismo de cruceros en Vietnam recobra vitalidad. cubadebate.cu La llegada a la central ciudad de Da Nang del primer crucero con visitantes extranjeros dio una muestra más de que esta modalidad turística está recobrando vitalidad en Vietnam. El navío francés Le Lape'rouse, de categoría cinco estrellas y con más de 200 turistas internacionales a bordo, atracó este domingo en el puerto de esa urbe para mostrar a los viajeros los paisajes naturales de Da Nang.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-10-09). Al menos 12 muertos deja incendio de un autobús en India. telesurtv.net El primer ministro de India, Narendra Modi, dijo que estaba "angustiado por la tragedia del autobús".

Staff (2022-10-09). Alcalde de Bolivia exige fin de bloqueo de EEUU contra Cuba. cubadebate.cu Ovidio Terrazas, alcalde del municipio de Pucará, donde ocurrió el último combate en Bolivia del comandante Ernesto Che Guevara, exigió el fin del bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero de Estados Unidos contra Cuba. "Muchos de los que estudiaron en Cuba, afirmó Terrazas, nos atendieron en momentos difíciles como los de la pandemia de COVID-19"

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-10-09). Che's Last Battle in Bolivia. libya360.wordpress.com Pedro Rioseco In the narrow Quebrada del Yuro the smell of gunpowder can still be felt. There, behind a rock that keeps the marks of many shots, Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara fought his last battle in Bolivia and the first of the Heroic Guerrilla in his immortal example. It was October 8, 1967 when 17…

____ (2022-10-08). Turkish fighter jets attack N Iraq. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Oct. 08 (MNA) — News sources on Friday night reported that Turkey's fighter jets targeted northern Iraq.

WSWS (2022-10-08). Former police officer massacres 38 people, including 24 children, in Thailand. wsws.org The horrific attack has shocked millions of people and raised questions about the militarised police and army, a growing drug epidemic and social tensions that have reached a breaking point.

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