2022-09-19: News Headlines

Labor Video Project (2022-09-19). Barbara Lee & "Pete" Get An Earful In Oakland Over Tax Dollars For A's Owner John Fisher. indybay.org Congresswoman Barbara Lee, US Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff joined together to talk about Federal funding for Oakland projects. Barbara Lee and "Pete" refused to say whether they supported Federal funds going to the GAP A's billionaire owner John Fisher's proposed new A' stadium on Port of Oakland public land at Howard Terminal. "Pete" also refused to say whether this project would harm the Port of Oakland as a working port.

WSWS (2022-09-19). UNICEF warns of worsening child malnutrition in Sri Lanka. wsws.org Fearing the resumption of mass protests and strikes, Wickremesinghe's claim that "no citizen should be starved and no child malnourished" is a desperate attempt to hide the social catastrophe, even as his government prepares to unleash new IMF austerity measures.

Brenda Norrell (2022-09-19). Oak Flat: Biden's Justice Dept opposes Apache Elder, NCAI, Grandmothers in Federal Court. indybay.org In an insulting blow, President Biden's Justice Department is opposing an Apache Elder, the National Congress of American Indians, the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, and the MICA Group, who filed as friends of the court in support of the Apache Stronghold's protection of sacred Oak Flat in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

____ (2022-09-19). Xi's trip advances action for prosperity. ecns.cn From Wednesday to Friday, Xi made state visits to two Central Asian countries and attended the 22nd Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

____ (2022-09-19). One killed, 142 injured in M6.9 earthquake in Taiwan. ecns.cn The 6.9-magnitude earthquake that hit Taiwan's Hualien County has killed one person and injured 142 others as of 11 p.m. Sunday, according to reports from Taiwan media.

Michael Nevradakis (2022-09-19). Court Orders Bill Gates, Indian Government to Respond to Lawsuit Filed by Family of Woman Who Died After AstraZeneca Vaccine. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2022-09-19). Turkish drone crashed in northern Iraq. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 19 (MNA) — Iraqi news sources on Sunday night reported that a Turkish drone crashed in the northern parts of Iraq.

Staff (2022-09-19). Iraqi fighter jets target ISIL hideout on Syrian border. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 19 (MNA) — The Air Force of the Iraqi Army targeted the hideouts of ISIL terrorists on the Iraq-Syria border.

Staff (2022-09-19). Palestinian Resistance launch new anti-Zionist operation. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 19 (MNA) — Palestinian Resistance forces launched a new operation against the Israeli occupiers in West Bank on Monday.

____ (2022-09-19). RMB usage in ASEAN countries continues to grow. ecns.cn The cross-border use of the Chinese currency renminbi in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has maintained growth momentum, with increasing recognition in ASEAN countries, a recent report showed.

____ (2022-09-19). Typhoon Nanmadol floods parts of Japan. ecns.cn More than 190,000 households lost power as Typhoon Nanmadol made landfall in southern Japan on Sunday.

Staff (2022-09-19). Rocket attack reported on US military base in E Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 19 (MNA) — One of the largest US military bases located near an oil field in northeast Syria was shelled on Sunday evening.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-19). Rusia llama a Kirguistán y Tayikistán a frenar el conflicto. telesurtv.net El presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin habló por separado con los mandatarios de estas dos exrepúblicas soviéticas de Asia central.

TeleSUR, gao (2022-09-19). Sismo de magnitud 6.9 sacude a Taiwán. telesurtv.net El epicentro fue localizado a 86 kilómetros al este del distrito de Yujing, sin daños humanos ni materiales conocidos.

Staff (2022-09-18). US sends 100 shipments of equipment to its bases in Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — In the last 24 hours, two US army convoys transferred more than 100 weapons and logistics shipments from Iraq to US bases in Syria.

Staff (2022-09-18). US base in Syria's al-Shaddadi comes under rocket attack. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — The US military base in the al-Shaddadi area in the Syrian eastern province of al-Hasakah was targeted by rockets.

Zahra Mirzafarjouyan (2022-09-18). 7.2-magnitude quake hits SE Taiwan (+VIDEOS). en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — A strong earthquake struck Taiwan's southeastern coast on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said, bringing at least one building down in a small town and sparking tsunami warnings.

Staff (2022-09-18). Pelosi reacts to recent conflict between Azerbaijan, Armenia. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — In reaction to the recent conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, condemned the attacks of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Armenia.

_____ (2022-09-18). Louisiana Court Strikes Blow To Formosa's Giant Plastics Plant. popularresistance.org Louisiana – A years-long battle to stop the chemical company Formosa from building a massive petrochemical complex along the Mississippi River in southern Louisiana swung in favor of residents on Wednesday when a state district judge withdrew the air permits that the company needs to operate. | The Taiwan-based chemical giant first announced its plans to build the $9.4 billion petrochemical complex on a sprawling 2,400-acre site in St. James Parish in April 2018. If approved, the so-called "Sunshine Project" would have been one of the largest and most expensive industrial projects in the state's history. Governor…

Dave DeCamp (2022-09-18). In Armenia, Nancy Pelosi Slams Azerbaijan's 'Illegal' Attack. news.antiwar.com House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) led a congressional delegation to Armenia, from where she slammed on Sunday Azerbaijan's "illegal" attacks on the country. Pelosi's visit came after clashes erupted on the Azeri-Armenian border in the heaviest fighting in the region since the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war. A ceasefire has held since Wednesday, but over 200 troops …

____ (2022-09-18). Moments of Xi Jinping and non-CPC members. ecns.cn Lin Shangyuan, a member of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang and veteran who participated in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, has met President Xi Jinping several times.

Staff (2022-09-18). Turkey furious by US lifting arms embargo on Cyprus. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — News sources reported that Turkey is furious by Washington's decision to lift the arms embargo on Cyprus.

Staff (2022-09-18). US' Pelosi Arrives in Armenia amid conflict with Azerbaijan. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in the Armenian capital of Yerevan on Saturday.

____ (2022-09-18). Xi's visit to Central Asia guides course for SCO cooperation, says Chinese FM. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing Friday midnight after wrapping up attendance to the 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and state visits to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

____ (2022-09-18). Nearly aftershocks jolt Taiwan after 6.5-magnitude earthquake, no casualties reported. ecns.cn As of Sunday morning, 47 tremors have jolted Taiwan subsequent to a 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the eastern county of Taitung at 9: 41 p.m. Saturday, including a 5.3-magnitude one at 10: 35 p.m., said the island's meteorological agency.

Staff (2022-09-18). Asa'ib calls for formation of ministry in Iraq for pilgrimage. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — Iraqi political group Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq has called for the formation of a new ministry in the country to be in charge of the issue of multi-million religious pilgrimages in the country.

Anonymous669 (2022-09-18). Two Syrian Soldiers Killed Near Kobane In Turkish Revenge Airstrikes (Videos). southfront.org On September 18, two soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) were killed in a series of Turkish airstrikes that hit the eastern outskirt of the border town of Kobane in Syria's northeastern region. | Kobane, one of the largest urban centers in northeastern countryside of Aleppo, is a stronghold of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The SAA established a network of positions in the town and its outskirts in the wake of the 2019 Turkish invasion of the northeastern region.

____ (2022-09-18). Iraq Hashd al-Sha'abi forces kill 7 ISIL terrorists in Mosul. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 19 (MNA) — Iraqi security sources on Sunday evening reported that Popular Mobilization Unit (PMU), also known as Hashd al-Sha'abi, forces clashed with ISIL terrorists in south of Mosul, in which, seven ISIL terrorists were killed.

Staff (2022-09-18). Turkey launches new attack on N Iraq. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) — News sources on late Saturday reported that the Turkish planes have launched a fresh attack on areas in northern Iraq.

____ (2022-09-18). President Xi attends restricted session of 22nd Meeting of Council of Heads of State of SCO. ecns.cn Xi spoke highly of Uzbekistan's hard work and important contribution in preparing for the Samarkand summit and advancing SCO's development under its presidency.

____ (2022-09-18). Xi meets Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif at Forumlar Majmuasi Complex in Samarkand on Friday morning.

Lee Siu Hin (2022-09-18). Fall 2022 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Immigrant Justice News Alert! indybay.org U.S. Political Prisoners Special Report: We Have Hundreds of Political Prisoners, Thousands of Asian-American Hate Victims, Half Million Child Farm Labors!

Anonymous669 (2022-09-18). Syrian Army Strike On Greater Idlib Claims Lives Of Three HTS Militants. southfront.org © Sputnik / Iliya Pitalev | On September 18, three militants of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) were killed when the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) shelled the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib. | The militants were manning a position in the outskirts of the town of al-Atarib, one of HTS's few remaining strongholds in the western Aleppo countryside. | Two of the slain militants were reportedly minors. They were identified as Abu Abdo Basartun and Abu Ubaida al-Tah. Both of the…

Staff (2022-09-18). Pelosi condena a Azerbaiyán y pregunta a Armenia sus necesidades en defensa. cubadebate.cu Pelosi es la funcionaria estadounidense de más alto nivel que llega a Armenia desde su independencia tras la desintegración de la URSS. Además de reunirse con su homólogo armenio, la congresista tiene previsto mantener un encuentro con el primer ministro Nikol Pashinián.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-09-18). Millones de musulmanes conmemoran el martirio del Iman Hussein. telesurtv.net Iraquíes y visitantes de diversas nacionalidades árabes y no árabes reviven la narración en la ciudad donde fue martirizado hace unos 1.400 años el Imam Hussein.

Staff (2022-09-18). Nuevo terremoto de 6.8 estremece a Taiwán (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu El terremoto de magnitud 6.8 fue el más grande entre docenas que han sacudido la costa sureste de la isla desde el sábado por la noche, cuando un terremoto de 6.4 sacudió la misma área. No hubo informes inmediatos de lesiones graves.

_____ (2022-09-17). Sanctions Won't Stop Latin American Leaders From Talking With US Workers. popularresistance.org On September 24, leaders from Cuba and Venezuela will speak at an event titled "The People's Summit: Democracy Beyond the US Empire". The event is convened by the International Peoples' Assembly, an international network of people's movements and organizations. The event will be held in the historic Riverside Church in Morningside Heights, as the UN General Assembly convenes further downtown in Manhattan. | Speakers include Bruno Rodriguez, the Foreign Minister of Cuba, Carlos Faria, the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Kristin Richardson Jordan, District 9 Council Member for New York City, Vijay Prashad, Director…

Anonymous669 (2022-09-17). Turkish Foreign Minister Says Withdrawal From Syria Would Harm Ankara & Damascus. southfront.org Turkish forces are seen near Mount Barsaya, northeast of Afrin, Syria January 23, 2018. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi | Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has criticized Syria's calls for a Turkish withdrawal from its territory, warning that such a withdrawal would harm both Ankara and Damascus as it would allow what he called "terrorist groups" to expand their control. | Speaking to reporters at the minister on September 16, Cavusoglu said that the "demands of the Syrian regime are unrealistic." | The "terr…

Anonymous669 (2022-09-17). Turkish Drone Strike Kills Five SDF Fighters In Northeastern Syria. southfront.org Late on September 16, a Turkish combat drone targeted a position of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) near the town of Ain Issa in the northern countryside of Syria's Raqqa. | The drone strike reportedly killed five members of the SDF. Two were fighters of the group, while the rest were members of its Military Police unit. | In an initial response to the deadly strike, the SDF targeted positions of the Turkish military and its proxies in the villages of Jahbal and al-Misherfah wh…

Jenny Pierson (2022-09-17). Evil Empire: Let the Monarchy Die Along With Elizabeth. independentmediainstitute.org The death of Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch of British royalty, has sparked global fascination and spawned thousands of clickbait reports of the details of her funeral. Americans, who centuries ago rejected monarchy, are seemingly obsessed with the ritualism, bizarrely mourning the demise of an elderly and fabulously wealthy woman who was born into …

TeleSUR, hvh, DRL (2022-09-17). Cumbre de la OCS en Uzbekistán concluye con firma de acuerdos. telesurtv.net El presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, afirmó que "es cada vez más claro el creciente papel de nuevos centros de poder".

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