2022-09-11: News Headlines

_____ (2022-09-11). Joe Biden, the US Military-Industrial Complex, and Arms Supplies to Ukraine and Taiwan. journal-neo.org It is an open secret that money plays a decisive role in US presidential election campaigns &#1 ; all those advertisements and consultancy and PR services have to be paid for. Moreover, as the Democrats' strategy has made clear, organizing street protests and media and other Information campaigns is an expensive business &#1 ; and a lot …

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-09-11). Google and Amazon Workers Push Back on Tech Work for Israeli Apartheid. indybay.org Hundreds in march and demonstrations at SF Google and Amazon offices…

____ (2022-09-11). UN chief calls for massive int'l support for Pakistan to handle climate catastrophe. ecns.cn United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday appealed to the international community for massive support for Pakistan to respond to the ongoing climate catastrophe devastating the lives of millions.

Staff (2022-09-11). Persepolis, Esteghlal defeat rivals in IPL. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 11 (MNA) — Persepolis and Esteghlal football teams defeated their rivals on Matchweek 6 of Iran Professional League (IPL) on Saturday.

Oakland Asian Cultural Center (2022-09-11). Saturday 9/10: Stop the Violence — Solidarity Now! Forum 1. indybay.org Pacific Renaissance Plaza | 388 Ninth Street, Suite 290 | Oakland, California 94607…

Labor Video Project (2022-09-11). Chile's 9/11 & The Rise Of US Fascism. indybay.org Chile and the world will commemorate the 49th anniversary of the 1973 coup. The coup we organized and funded by the US government with the active support of the AFL-CIO American Institute For Free Labor Development. Labor professor Ruth Needleman from Indiana University was in Chile prior to the coup and interviewed many of the Chilean supporters and the AIFLD and US operatives. She talks about that coup and the rise of fascism in the United States.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-09-11). Reportan ocurrencia de terremotos de magnitud 6.2 en Indonesia. telesurtv.net Ambos sismos estuvieron separados por un intervalo de 35 minutos, a los que se sumaron otros dos de menor intensidad.

Staff (2022-09-11). Sismo de 7.6 sacude el este de Papúa Nueva Guinea (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Un terremoto de magnitud 7.6 en la escala de Richter ha sacudido en la mañana de este domingo a la parte oriental de Papúa Nueva Guinea, según han informado el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos y la agencia de Metereología, Climatología y Geofísica de Indonesia.

WSWS (2022-09-10). Sri Lankan unions mount phony campaign against state repression. wsws.org The Trade Union and Mass Organisation held a seminar to cement a pro-capitalist front with opposition parties aimed at blocking any independent action by workers and the poor that threatens capitalist rule.

Scorinoco (2022-09-10). Economic War Against Venezuela Began in 2002, President Maduro Says. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro said this Friday, September 9, that the economic war against Venezuela, carried out by the US and the collective "West," began in December 2002 with the oil strike of the Venezuelan political right wing. | "Imperialism aimed for an economic collapse [of Venezuela]," the president commented during an official program at the Petrocedeño Industrial Complex. "The economic war began long before the sanctions. It began on December 6, 2002. That was when the intense economic war began. Targeting the principal wealth of the country in order to defeat Comandante Hugo Chávez. That…

Staff (2022-09-10). Arbaeen marchers cross through Zarga village in Qom. en.mehrnews.com QOM, Sep. 10 (MNA) — When the Arbaeen marchers crossed through the village of Zarga on the way to the holy Iraqi city of Karbala, the people of the village welcomed them and showed great hospitality towards them.

Staff (2022-09-10). PMF forces thwart terrorist attack against Arbaeen pilgrims. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 10 (MNA) — The Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) announced that they had repelled terrorists' attack on Arbaeen pilgrims.

_____ (2022-09-10). Quiet Quitting' Is Rocking Corporate America. popularresistance.org Burned out employees are allegedly 'quiet quitting' their jobs by doing the bare minimum at work and Corporate America wants you to know that this is a bad thing. | They don't want you to notice that quiet quitting isn't quitting at all. | It's still collecting the checks so that you can afford your rent, and your dinners out at that Indian food place, and your new shoes you like and — if there's a little left over — an education for your children. Collect the check, show up on time, and just do enough that your dumb boss can't justify firing you.

Anonymous669 (2022-09-10). US-led Coalition Wants To Deploy Air-Defense Systems In Syria's Al-Tanf: Monitoring Group. southfront.org Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 263rd Air Defense Artillery, South Carolina National Guard, send a stinger missile downrange from the Humvee-mounted Avenger missile system at Range 91 near Oro Grande, N.M., Oct. 23, 2011. Source: US Army. | The US-led coalition wants to deploy air-defense systems at al-Tanf garrison in the southeastern region of Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on September 10. "The international coalition is preparing to deploy anti-drone air-defense batteries…

Staff (2022-09-10). US continues to smuggle Syrian oil to Iraq. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 10 (MNA) — The US forces have smuggled a new batch of stolen Syrian oil into Iraq, continuing to plunder Syria's natural resources through a number of illegal border crossings.

Staff (2022-09-10). Lebanese security forces arrest 8 ISIL terrorists in Beqaa. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Sep. 10 (MNA) — Launching several intelligence operations, the Lebanese security forces managed to arrest eight members of the ISIL terrorist organization in the Qaraoun area in Beqaa province of Lebanon.

Sharmila Devi (2022-09-10). [World Report] Pakistan floods: impact on food security and health systems. thelancet.com Rainfall caused by climate change has put more than 6 ∑4 million people in need of humanitarian help and exacerbated ongoing challenges in food security and health-care systems. Sharmila Devi reports.

Anonymous669 (2022-09-10). UAE Wants To Buy 120 Bayraktar Combat Drones From Turkey — Report. southfront.org Bayrakdar TB2 UCAV, source: ssb.gov.tr | The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is negotiating the purchase of 120 Bayraktar TB2 combat drones from Turkey's Baykar, Two people familiar with the negotiations told London-based news outlet that Baykar and the Emirati arms procurement agency Tawazun have been negotiating the deal since March."[Bayraktar TB2 drones] will…

Staff (2022-09-10). Chequea Ramiro Valdés condiciones de la termoeléctrica de Nuevitas. cubadebate.cu El Comandante de la Revolución cubana y vice primer ministro Ramiro Valdés Menéndez presidió este sábado una reunión de trabajo, con el objetivo de evaluar la situación de la generación en la termoeléctrica 10 de Octubre, del municipio de Nuevitas, y las acciones de reparación que se ejecutan en la unidad cinco.

Staff (2022-09-10). Fidel Castro: "En el campo de la educación marchamos a la cabeza de América" cubadebate.cu Este 10 de septiembre se cumplen 60 años del discurso pronunciado en 1962 por el Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro en la clausura del Tercer Congreso Nacional de Consejos Municipales de Educación, en el habanero teatro Chaplin. Por la importancia y vigencia de las palabras del Comandante en Jefe en materia de educación, Cubadebate reproduce ese discurso.

Aaron Maté (2022-09-09). Chain of corruption: how the White Helmets compromised OPCW investigations in Syria. thegrayzone.com By enlisting the sectarian insurgent-allied, US-funded White Helmets for chemical weapons probes in Syria, the OPCW abandoned impartiality and broke its fundamental rules for collecting evidence. Before it mired the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in an international cover-up scandal, the April 2018 probe of an alleged gas attack in the Syrian town of Douma achieved a milestone. After numerous claims of chemical weapons use in Syria, Douma marked the first time that an OPCW fact-finding mission …

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