2022-08-29: News Headlines

Rqorinoco (2022-08-29). Imran Khan's Arrest Will Derail Pakistan's Democracy. orinocotribune.com By Ejaz Akram — Aug 23, 2022 | When the nation's most popular leader in living memory is also the state's public enemy number one, what will become of Pakistan? | Prominent defense analyst and former Pakistani military officer Haider Mehdi has vociferously claimed that Army Chief General While much of the Pakistani masses and social media seem to think the same, the state…

WSWS (2022-08-29). Koggala free trade zone workers in Sri Lanka establish action committee. wsws.org Esquel and Aura garment workers denounce job-cutting union betrayals in the free trade zone and the necessity to form action committees independent of trade unions and the capitalist parties.

Staff (2022-08-29). US-Japan joint military drill kicks off. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 29 (MNA) — A joint US-Japan military exercise with firing training kicked off on Sunday in the Kumamoto prefecture on the Kyushu island, Japanese media reported.

____ (2022-08-29). Over 33 mln people, 72 districts of Pakistan affected by floods. ecns.cn Over 33 million people and 72 districts have been affected by the ongoing calamity of floods in Pakistan caused by this season's monsoon rains started in mid-June, the country's National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) said.

____ (2022-08-29). Tunnel 2 of Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway ready for track-laying. ecns.cn As the last tunnel-lining of the Tunnel 2 was finished, it is ready for track-laying work.

India Walton, Sam Rosenthal (2022-08-29). We Can Do So Much More on Student Loan Forgiveness. indybay.org Education should be free…

____ (2022-08-29). Beam erection channel of Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway completed. ecns.cn With the completion of the No. 2 Tunnel of Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, the beam erection channel of the whole railway was set up, laying a solid foundation for its opening-to-traffic in June 2023.

TeleSUR-mcs- JL (2022-08-29). Al menos 1.033 fallecidos deja inundaciones en Pakistán. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con las autoridades, debido a las torrenciales lluvias se perdieron 719.558 cabezas de ganado.

TeleSUR -HIM (2022-08-29). Francia dispuesta a enviar ayuda a Pakistán tras graves inundaciones. telesurtv.net El Gobierno pakistaní declaró estado de emergencia nacional por las lluvias que han ocasionado 1.033 víctimas mortales y más de 40.000 evacuados.

Staff (2022-08-28). VIDEO: Largest procession of Arbaeen starts in Iarq. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 28 (MNA) — The largest procession of Arbaeen started from Basra province in southern Iraq towards the Holy shrine of Imam Hussein (PBUH) in Karbala.

Staff (2022-08-28). Iraqi forces thwart rocket attack on UAE Dana Gas. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 28 (MNA) — Iraqi security forces announced that a rocket attack on the UAE energy firm Dana Gas in Sulaymaniyah in northern Iraq has been thwarted.

Fight Back (2022-08-28). Philippines: Free Adora Faye de Vera, poet, patriot and warrior for women's liberation. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following August 27 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | We join the clamor of women's groups, artists, poets, rights defenders and other democratic organizations for the immediate release of Adora Faye de Vera. Adora Faye was arrested by police last Wednesday afternoon in her place of residence in Quezon City, and later brought to Calinog town, Iloilo, where she is being made to face false criminal charges. She joins at least 800 other political prisoners in the Philippines who continue to suffer unjust incarceration. | Adora Faye is an artist, a poe…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-28). Protests Threaten Biden Administration's Plans for a New Golden Era in U.S.-South Korean Relations. libya360.wordpress.com Jeremy Kuzmarov Protests in Seoul against THAAD missiles. [Source: defensenews.com] Protesters in Seoul demand withdrawal of U.S. troops from South Korea During his trip to the Indo-Pacific in May, U.S. President Joe Biden made his first stop in South Korea where he hoped to inaugurate a new golden era of U.S.-South Korean relations. South Korea's…

____ (2022-08-28). S. Korea win 2022 FIBA U18 Asian C'ship. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 28 (MNA) — South Korea defeated Japan 77-73 here in the final match of the 2022 FIBA U18 Asian Championship on Sunday.

Staff (2022-08-28). Death toll from Pakistan flood exceeds 1,000. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 28 (MNA) — Pakistan's National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) announced that the death toll from the recent flood in the country has exceeded 1,000.

Staff (2022-08-28). Drone attack on Syria army base leaves 1 killed, 2 injured. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 28 (MNA) — Media sources reported an attack on a military base belonging to the Syrian army in the vicinity of the US al-Tanf base in Syria.

Staff (2022-08-28). Senior Hamas leaders meet with Nasrallah. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 28 (MNA) — Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Lebanon's Hezbollah, and Hamas leaders have met and held talks.

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-08-28). India respalda incorporación de Argentina al grupo Brics. telesurtv.net La Cancillería argentina resaltó que los países del Brics, en su conjunto, representan el 22 por ciento de la superficie continental y el 24 por ciento del PBI mundial.

Staff (2022-08-28). Inundaciones en Pakistán dejan más de mil muertos en medio de un escenario catastrófico (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Las autoridades paquistaníes han confirmado este sábado los peores pronósticos y elevado por encima del millar los fallecidos en las inundaciones que llevan semanas azotando el país por las lluvias torrenciales, especialmente catastróficas en la provincia de Sindh, en el sur del territorio nacional.

Staff (2022-08-28). Viceministro primero de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba inicia visita de trabajo en Vietnam. cubadebate.cu El viceministro primero de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Cuba, Gerardo Peñalver Portal, arribó este domingo a Hanoi para copresidir la séptima ronda de consultas políticas entre cancillerías. El recorrido, que incluye además a los países de Cambodia y Laos, se desarrollará del 28 de agosto al 7 de septiembre.

TeleSUR, ysm, MER (2022-08-28). Exjefe paramilitar pide perdón a víctimas del conflicto en Colombia. telesurtv.net El exjefe paramilitar y dos excomandantes de las antiguas AUC solicitaron perdón públicamente ante 400 víctimas de actos violentos.

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