2022-08-17: News Headlines

Staff (2022-08-17). Syrian military retaliates against Turkish airstrikes. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 17 (MNA) — Turkish positions inside Syria have been targeted by the Syrian military following two bouts of airstrikes by Turkey that targeted separate locations across the Arab country.

____ (2022-08-17). S Korea says DPRK fires 2 cruise missiles toward western waters. ecns.cn The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) fired two cruise missiles toward the western waters, South Korea's defense ministry said Wednesday.

ANF English (2022-08-17). Urgent call for no-fly zone as Turkey attacks Rojava. greenleft.org.au As Turkey escalates its military attacks on the Kurds, ahead of a possible full-scale invasion of North and East Syria — the region known as Rojava — the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) issued an urgent call for a no-fly zone, reports ANF English.

Gideon Polya (2022-08-17). Student union passes pro-Palestine motion a second time. greenleft.org.au The University of Melbourne Student Union recently passed a motion condemning Israeli apartheid and urging support for the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions movement against the "settler colonial apartheid state". Gideon Polya reports.

Jason Ditz (2022-08-17). Turkey Trades Heavy Shelling With Syrian Kurds. news.antiwar.com Off and on fighting just west of the Syrian Kurdish border town of Kobane has escalated into a Mortar attacks by the Kurds killed a Turkish soldier and wounded four others. Meanwhile, the Turkish shelling Turkish officials claimed res…

WSWS (2022-08-17). Sri Lankan government continues proscription of Tamil and Muslim groups and individuals. wsws.org Reeling under an enormous political crisis and mass opposition, the ruling class is once again seeking to inflame communalism.

Anonymous669 (2022-08-17). Nine Syrian Soldiers Were Killed Or Wounded In Turkish Airstrikes On Northeastern Region (Videos). southfront.org On August 16, three Syrian soldiers were killed and six others were wounded when Turkish warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on the outskirts of the town of Kobane in Syria's northeastern region. | Kobane, which is located in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo, is a known stronghold of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) maintains a network of positions around the town, some of which were hit by Turkish airstrikes. | In a statement to t…

____ (2022-08-17). N Korea tests fire two cruise missiles towards Yellow Sea. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 17 (MNA) — North Korea seems to have test-fired two cruise missiles toward the Yellow Sea on Wednesday, a South Korean military official said, as President Yoon Suk-yeol held a press conference to mark the 100th day since taking office.

____ (2022-08-17). DPRK fires 2 cruise missiles toward western waters. ecns.cn The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) fired two cruise missiles toward the western waters, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported Wednesday citing a military official.

Staff (2022-08-17). Raeisi congratulates Indonesia on Independence Day. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 17 (MNA) — President Ebrahim Raeisi congratulated his Indonesian counterpart on Independence Day of Indonesia and expressed hope for further strengthening of relations between the two countries.

Anonymous669 (2022-08-17). Damascus Denies Holding Missing American Journalist, Sets Conditions For Talks With Washington. southfront.org Austin Tice. Via Twitter. | On August 17, the Syrian government officially denied kidnapping or arresting any US citizen, including missing journalist Austin Tice. | In a statement, Syria's Foreign Ministry addressed President Biden's claim last week that Tice is being held by the Syrian government, calling it "invalid accusations against the Syrian government of kidnapping or arresting US citizens, among them Austin Tice, a service member in the US Army." It added that Tice and others had entered illegally."

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-08-17). Naciones Unidas aborda crisis de migrantes rohinyá en Bangladés. telesurtv.net Los campamentos que albergan a refugiados rohinyá que huyeron de Myanmar hace cinco años fueron visitados por la delegación de la ONU.

Staff (2022-08-17). Multiple bomb, arson attacks rock Thailand's south. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 17 (MNA) — Explosions and fires ripped through at least 17 locations in southern Thailand on Wednesday, authorities said, in what appeared to be multiple coordinated attacks that injured seven people.

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-08-17). Mayo Clinic announces a strategic collaboration for a new era of biomanufacturing. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic today announced a strategic collaboration in biomanufacturing to deliver novel biotherapeutics for rare and complex conditions. The collaboration brings together science, engineering and manufacturing to advance Mayo Clinic's vision of bringing new cures to clinical care. The focus will be on therapies derived from human sources known as biologics — cells, blood, enzymes, tissues, genes or genetically engineered cells — for use in medicines. Therapeutics based on biologics have the…

Staff (2022-08-17). Massive explosions heard at US military base in NE Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 17 (MNA) — Media sources reported on Wednesday that the sound of massive explosions was heard in the Americans' base near the Al Jabseh oil field of Syria.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-08-17). Movimiento indígena y Gobierno de Ecuador retoman diálogo. telesurtv.net El diálogo se reanudará con la mesa de Fomento Productivo y la mediación de la Conferencia Episcopal Ecuatoriana.

____ (2022-08-17). Majority of Hong Kong residents in Greater Bay Area satisfied with living conditions: survey. ecns.cn More than half of Hong Kong residents living in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are satisfied with their living conditions, according to research conducted by Our Hong Kong Foundation (OHKF) on talent flow in the area over the past years.

Staff (2022-08-17). Muscat-Ahvaz direct flight to be launched soon: official. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 17 (MNA) — Shahla Amouri, the chairwoman of the Ahvaz Chamber of Commerce said Wednesday that the Muscat-Ahvaz direct flight will be launched in the coming months.

Anonymous669 (2022-08-17). Prominent Syria Opposition Leader Assassinated In Daraa. southfront.org Syrian sheikh and opposition leader Fadi al-Asimy. Via Twitter. | On August 16, prominent sheikh and opposition leader Fadi al-Asimy was assassinated in the southern Syrian governorate of Daraa. | Al-Asimy was reportedly shot and killed by a squad of assassins who were moving in a car and a motorcycle near a fuel station located in the outskirts of the town of Dael in the northern Daraa countryside. The assassins managed to flee the scene. | Opposition activists in Daraa accused t…

Staff (2022-08-16). Missile attack reported on US military base in E Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 16 (MNA) — News sources on Monday night reported a missile attack on the US base in the Al Omar oil field located in eastern Syria's Deir ez-Zur.

Benjamin Norton (2022-08-16). After nuking Japan, US gov't lied about radioactive fallout as civilians died. multipolarista.com After dropping two atomic bombs on Japan in 1945, US government officials lied to the media and Congress, claiming there was "no radioactive residue" in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that civilians did not face "undue suffering," that it was "a very pleasant way to die."

Jason Ditz (2022-08-16). Turkey Kills 11 in Strikes Near Syria Border Outpost. news.antiwar.com Turkey has fired a flurry of 12 airstrikes against a Syrian border outpost near the Kurdish town of Kobane, Unclear from reports are whether the victims were Syrian soldiers or Kurdish YPG military.

Anonymous103 (2022-08-16). Military Situation In Iraq On August 16, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Muqtada Al-Sadr announces…

_____ (2022-08-16). New Polls Show Almost No One Trusts Our Media Anymore. popularresistance.org Gone are the days when the CIA secretly infiltrated American newsrooms, craftily tricking people into believing U.S. government propaganda was the real news. When they started the Vietnam War based on storm clouds in the Gulf of Tonkin, the CIA officer was in the corner of the copy room whispering, "Say the storm clouds were heavily armed. Say the lightning looked like Charlie! Do it!" | Putting the CIA in every newsroom was a clandestine project called Operation Mockingbird, and it paid mighty dividends. | The Helsinki Times reported that when Carl Bernstein unveiled the scandal in 1977, "The CIA admitted that a…

Brett Wilkins (2022-08-16). Saudi Arabia's Enablers Condemned as Woman Sentenced to 34 Years for Tweets. commondreams.org "Saudi activists warned Western leaders that giving legitimacy to the crown prince would pave the way for more abuses, which is unfortunately what we are witnessing now."

James Patrick Jordan (2022-08-16). While Claiming to Defend Freedom Around the World, the U.S. Has Dozens of Political Prisoners—and the Majority are People of Color. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2022-08-16). Arab World is on the Verge of a Very Important Transformation. journal-neo.org In the Arab world, the old balance of power has rapidly changed according to the famous proverb "all things are in flux", and Saudi Arabia with its architect Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (MBS) is increasingly coming to the fore. The Crown Prince is determined to lead and transform the entire Arab world …

William Van Wagenen (2022-08-16). Did the Syrian Revolution Have Popular Support? globalresearch.ca

Lokesh Choudhary (2022-08-16). Semiconductor Crisis: China-Taiwan Standoff Might Increase Global Chip Shortage. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2022-08-16). How Much has the US Promised to Pay for Lithuania's anti-Chinese Policy? journal-neo.org On August 7, a delegation of 11 Lithuanian officials led by Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Agnƒó Vaiciukeviƒçi≈´tƒó arrived in Taiwan on a five-day visit. According to the Taiwanese Foreign Ministry, the purpose of the delegation's visit is to "strengthen strategic cooperation and business ties in advanced sectors." In reality, however, the Lithuanian vice-ministers …

Staff (2022-08-16). Death toll from Yerevan market blast rises to 16: report. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 16 (MNA) — The death toll from the blast and subsequent fire at Yerevan's Surmalu wholesale market has risen to 16, the press service of the Armenian emergencies ministry reported on Tuesday.

____ (2022-08-16). S.Korea, U.S. to launch preliminary drills ahead of major combined exercise. ecns.cn The combined forces of South Korea and the United States planned to launch four-day preliminary drills on Tuesday ahead of their major combined exercise set to begin next week, according to Yonhap news agency.

WSWS (2022-08-16). Creeping martial law in the Philippines as poverty grows. wsws.org The months since the election of Marcos Jr have been marked by the incremental expansion of authoritarian rule.

Staff (2022-08-16). Putin: "La situación en Ucrania demuestra que Estados Unidos está tratando de prolongar este conflicto" cubadebate.cu El presidente ruso Vladímir Putin acusó este martes a Estados Unidos de tratar de prolongar el conflicto en Ucrania y "desestabilizar y complejizar" la situación en Asia y el mundo con la visita de Nancy Pelosi a Taiwán.

Staff (2022-08-16). Las 3 del día: Cuba en la Olimpiada de Ajedrez y las noticias de este 15 de agosto (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Este lunes en Las 3 del día hablaremos de ajedrez, a propósito de la participación cubana en la última Olimpiada que aconteció en la India. En el certamen, los equipos cubanos ocuparon el puesto 19. Los hombres totalizaron 27 puntos y 24 las chicas. Para conocer más detalles escucharemos en declaraciones exclusivas al presidente de la Federación Cubana de Ajedrez Carlos Rivero.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-08-16). Condenan a seis años de prisión a lideresa Suu Kyi en Myanmar. telesurtv.net La derrocada lideresa de Myanmar apelará contra la nueva condena, añadida a una sentencia anterior de otros 11 años.

Staff (2022-08-16). Bus-oil tanker crash leaves 20 dead in Pakistan's Punjab. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 16 (MNA) — At least 20 people were burnt alive in a collision between a passenger bus and an oil tanker in Pakistan's Punjab province on Tuesday, rescue officials said.

Staff (2022-08-16). Cuba: El terrorismo 2.0 y la mano que mece la cuna. cubadebate.cu Pero si en vez de en países de Asia u Oriente Medio, esos hechos se preparan y financian en una ciudad de Estados Unidos llamada Miami, y las víctimas probables pueden estar en una embajada cubana o en una tienda de La Habana, entonces usted no se enterará y mucho menos los autores intelectuales y financistas de tales actos serán denunciados en los medios de comunicación.

Staff (2022-08-16). Syrian defense min. calls for ending US, Turkey occupation. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 16 (MNA) — Syrian Minister of Defence Ali Mahmoud Abbas stressed the need for ending the occupation of US and Turkey forces in Syria.

Jorge Elbaum (2022-08-16). Banana Republic, pérdida del liderazgo y deterioro del sistema político de EE.UU. globalizacion.ca El paulatino declive del unilateralismo, generado por la emergencia de un nuevo centro de poder en Eurasia, explica el creciente deterioro de la institucionalidad política al interior de los Estados Unidos. Una de sus expresiones domésticas es la judicialización de…

Jordan Schachtel (2022-08-16). One Year Later: How the Biden Admin, Big Tech, and Pfizer Fooled Americans into Taking "FDA Approved" COVID Vaccines that Never Actually Existed. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2022-08-16). Plane crash reported in Saudi Arabia's Riyadh. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 16 (MNA) — Saudi official sources reported that a light plane crashed in the country's capital of Riyadh.

Staff (2022-08-16). Massive fire breaks out in US base near Baghdad airport. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 16 (MNA) — Local Iraqi sources reported that a massive fire broke out in the Americans' Victoria base located near the Baghdad airport.

Staff (2022-08-16). Oman, US conduct joint military exercise. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 16 (MNA) — A joint military drill between the US and the Sultanate of Oman armies kicked off Monday in the Omani Dhofar Governorate and continues until August 24.

____ (2022-08-16). Highly toxic, radioactive waste moved from Japan's Fukushima to Hokkaido amid protests. ecns.cn The chemical waste, that is extremely high in carcinogens and stored near Japan's disaster-hit Fukushima nuclear power plant, was transported Tuesday to a city in Hokkaido among protests from local residents.

Staff (2022-08-16). Turkish launches artillery attacks on N Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 16 (MNA) — Syrian sources announced that Turkish forces have launched artillery attacks on the city of Al-Dirbasiyah as well as its surrounding villages in the northern suburbs of Al-Hasakah.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-08-16). Rusia frustra atentado contra oleoducto en Volvogrado. telesurtv.net Los servicios de seguridad dijeron estar tomando medidas para frenar esas actividades y buscar a los cómplices en Rusia.

____ (2022-08-16). King Fahd Garden in Medina catches fire. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Aug. 16 (MNA) — King Fahd Garden in Medina city, Saudi Arabia, caught fire on Monday night due to severe lightning which ripped through some areas of the city.

Global Voices (2022-08-16). Digital Authoritarianism in Turkey. juancole.com Written by Arzu Geybullayeva< | - Authoritarian regimes have long had a complicated relationship with media and communications technologies. The Unfreedom Monitor is a Global Voices Advox research initiative examining the growing phenomenon of networked or digital authoritarianism. This extract, about Turkey's control and censorship of the internet, is from the series of reports to ...

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-08-15). The U.S. Pivot to Asia: Cold War Lessons from Vietnam for Today. libya360.wordpress.com Cynthia Chung In part one of this series, I discussed how a massive U.S. arms stockpile in Okinawa, Japan that was originally intended to be used for the planned American invasion of Japan was cancelled once the two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. L. Fletcher Prouty, who served as Chief of Special Operations…

_____ (2022-08-15). Economics and Diplomacy: Beijing's Successes in Southeast Asia. journal-neo.org In recent decades, the PRC has achieved outstanding success in foreign policy by developing economic and political relations with various countries around the world. However, relations with the nearest neighbors are of particular importance for any country, and the security of the state often depends on relations with them. Every powerful state that plays a …

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