Daily Archives: April 2, 2020

2020-04-02: News Headlines

The Lancet (2020-04-04). [Editorial] COVID-19 will not leave behind refugees and migrants. thelancet.com Never has the "leave no one behind" pledge felt more urgent. As nations around the world implement measures to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2, including lockdowns and restrictions on individuals' movements, they must heed their global commitments. When member states adopted the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, they promised to ensure no one will be left behind. Chief among the world's most vulnerable people are refugees and migrants. The COVID-19 crisis puts these groups at enormous risk.

Anna Petherick (2020-04-04). [World Report] Developing antibody tests for SARS-CoV-2. thelancet.com Laboratories and diagnostic companies are racing to produce antibody tests, a key part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Anna Petherick reports.

Gorka Orive, Unax Lertxundi (2020-04-04). [Correspondence] Mass drug administration: time to consider drug pollution? thelancet.com Mass drug administration is the strategy recommended by WHO to control or eliminate many neglected tropical diseases that cause devastating consequences worldwide. This strategic approach, which has produced unquestionable benefits, consists of treating every person, infected or not, living in a defined geographical area at approximately the same time.1 In 2017, more than 1 ∑7 billion treatments (mainly albendazole, mebendazole, ivermectin, azithromycin, and praziquantel) were delivered to 1 ∑04 billion individuals.

thelancet (2020-04-04). [Department of Error] Department of Error. thelancet.com Mease PJ, Rahman P, Gottlieb AB, et al. Guselkumab in biologic-naive patients with active psoriatic arthritis (DISCOVER-2): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. Lancet 2020; 395: 1126—36—In this Article, the following sentence from the Participants section has been corrected as follows: "Patients were permitted, but not required, to continue stable use of selected standard treatments, including NSAIDs or other analgesics up to the regional marketed dose approved; oral corticosteroids (‚â§10 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent dose); or non-biologic DMARDs (limi…

The Lancet (2020-04-04). [Editorial] Redefining vulnerability in the era of COVID-19. thelancet.com What does it mean to be vulnerable? Vulnerable groups of people are those that are disproportionally exposed to risk, but who is included in these groups can change dynamically. A person not considered vulnerable at the outset of a pandemic can become vulnerable depending on the policy response. The risks of sudden loss of income or access to social support have consequences that are difficult to estimate and constitute a challenge in identifying all those who might become vulnerable. Certainly, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, vulnerable groups are not only elderly people, those with ill health and comorbidities, or…

Fathiah Zakham, Olli Vapalahti, Hilal A Lashual (2020-04-04). [Correspondence] Education and research are essential for lasting peace in Yemen. thelancet.com Yemen, known to many as the land of Sheba, and Manhattan of the desert, is now referred to only as one of the poorest countries on Earth. The name Yemen has become synonymous with cholera, famine, death, instability, and war. The war continues to erase the lives, history, and the future of Yemenis, and meaningful aid and peace have yet to reach Yemen.

Talha Burki (2020-04-04). [World Report] 2020 Canada Gairdner Award winners announced. thelancet.com On March 31, the Gairdner Foundation announced the winners of its annual prizes in biomedical science and global health. Talha Burki spoke with the laureates.

Alastair Brown, Richard Horton (2020-04-04). [Comment] A planetary health perspective on COVID-19: a call for papers. thelancet.com It is natural during the unfolding coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic to focus on emergency response planning, including containment, treatment procedures, and vaccine development, and nobody would doubt the need for these measures. However, an emergency can also open a window of opportunity for reflection and learning. We live in increasingly global, interdependent, and environmentally constrained societies and the COVID-19 pandemic exemplifies these aspects of our world. We would therefore be wise to take a broad integrated perspective on this disease, the impacts of which are already spilling over in…

Gerardo Chowell, Kenji Mizumoto (2020-04-04). [Comment] The COVID-19 pandemic in the USA: what might we expect? thelancet.com As of March 19, 2020, 191‚Äà127 cases of, including 7807 deaths attributed to, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been reported worldwide.1 The incidence of reported cases in China has dramatically reduced to tens per day as a result of strict social distancing measures; however, the pandemic severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is now generating sustained transmission in many countries including the USA. In The Lancet, Isaac Ghinai, Tristan D McPherson, and colleagues2 report details of the first known human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the USA, which was…

Richard Horton (2020-04-04). [Comment] Offline: COVID-19—what countries must do now. thelancet.com How should countries plan for the approaching health crisis caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, himself struck down with infection, has written to every household warning that, "we know things will get worse before they get better". The UK Government is right to prepare the public for the coming human catastrophe. All governments have a responsibility to do the same. But this advice does not go far enough. Here are five critical actions that need to be considered immediately.

Genichi Sugihara, Nori Takei (2020-04-04). [Correspondence] Obsolete medical law in Japan harms doctors' health. thelancet.com Japan has achieved one of the most successful health-care systems in the world.1 Under the nation's insurance scheme, Japanese citizens have taken for granted that anyone can choose any health-care facility and receive the most advanced medical care across the nation. However, little attention has been paid to the fact that such a health system is supported by dedicated and self-sacrificing medical professionals. Such overloaded expectation is especially high in rural areas where the number of doctors remains low.

The Lancet (2020-04-04). [Editorial] Open versus endovascular repair of aortic aneurysms. thelancet.com When the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) released draft guidelines on the diagnosis and management of abdominal aortic aneurysms in May, 2018, it caused outcry. By recommending that endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) of unruptured aneurysms should not be offered—even in patients for whom open surgical repair was contraindicated—critics said that many patients would be denied life-saving treatment and that the guidelines were unworkable.

Juan M Pericà s (2020-04-04). [Correspondence] Authoritarianism and the threat of infectious diseases. thelancet.com Punitive social policy, encompassing the dismantling of the welfare state with the expansion of the penal state and its associated institutions, as nicely stated by Elias Nosrati and Michael Marmot in their Perspective,1 might indeed be considered an upstream social determinant of health. Nosrati and Marmot's analysis relates to the findings described by Navarro and colleagues,2 linking political ideology with policies aimed at reducing social inequalities such as welfare state and labour market policies.

Renato D Lopes, Claudio Gimpelewicz, John J V McMurray (2020-04-04). [Correspondence] Chagas disease: still a neglected emergency? thelancet.com 10 years after highlighting the health consequences for millions of people infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, a 2019 report from the Pan American Health Organization concluded that there has been little progress in the prevention and treatment of Chagas disease, a problem that now extends beyond Latin America.1…

Fay Bound Alberti (2020-04-04). [Perspectives] Face transplants as surgical acts and psychosocial processes. thelancet.com In 2017 the face of Katie Stubblefield made headlines. Not the face she was born with or the face that emerged after 22 reconstructive surgeries. This was another face altogether: a transplant that Stubblefield would receive from Adrea Schneider. There have been 46 recorded face transplants in history. Katie's was the 40th—only the third to have taken place at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, which also undertook the first face transplant in the USA, on Connie Culp, in 2008. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it took 11 surgeons and staff from 15 specialties more than 31 hours to transplant Stubblefield's new…

RT (2020-04-03). 'Missing in action': Trump savages Schumer in scathing letter after criticism of Covid-19 response. rt.com US President Donald Trump has penned a blistering letter slamming Senator Chuck Schumer (D-New York) as "missing in action" during the Covid-19 pandemic, firing back after the lawmaker attacked the federal response to the crisis. | "Thank you for your Democrat public relations letter and incorrect sound bites, which are wrong in every way," the missive begins, responding to the Senate minority leader's

RT (2020-04-03). In meeting with Bezos, Amazon executives conspired to smear fired worker who led protest over Covid-19 safety conditions. rt.com Amazon's top lawyer crafted a strategy to scapegoat the man who organized a protest at a New York warehouse, calling the African-American ex-employee 'not smart, or articulate.' President Obama's ex-spokesman helped carry it out. | Chris Smalls was fired on Monday, after he led up to 50 of his colleagues at a Staten Island warehouse to walk out in protest over what they described as unsafe working conditions at the mammoth facility, including the lack of protective gear for the workers. A number of political and media figures, including the Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) condem…

Chauncey K. Robinson (2020-04-02). COVID-19 voter suppression: Trump admits GOP can't win if many vote. peoplesworld.org Can democracy be protected during a pandemic? Even under the best-case scenario now being presented by officials, the United States may lose up to 100,000 people to the deadly COVID-19 virus. In the midst of this outbreak, it has become painfully clear that President Donald Trump has no intention of mounting a truly national response …

Al Neal (2020-04-02). A lesson in handling crisis from Major League Baseball. peoplesworld.org The collective mood across America is dour. How could it not be? The COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage communities. The incoherent, and obscenely self-obsessed, daily briefings from the White House have led to several cable news networks to stop airing Trump's coronavirus briefings. And Thursday's jobs report only confirms the economic impact we already knew was coming—over 6.65 million …

MBNJSD (2020-04-02). Could COVID-19 Reshape Global Leadership? dissidentvoice.org Photo Credit: CODEPINK As U.S. COVID-19 cases double every few days and the death toll mounts, the U.S. seems to be caught in a "worst of both worlds" predicament: daily life and much of the U.S. economy is shut down, but no real progress has been achieved in its efforts to contain or eradicate the …

Steve Topple (2020-04-02). A chronically ill boy's story sums up the coronavirus lockdown torture for millions of missing people. thecanary.co Note: the author's partner lives with the disease discussed in this articleAnyone who is chronically ill or disabled may be facing bigger challenges during the coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdown. And there's one group of people who are more at risk than others. Yet the government is still

RT (2020-04-02). Saudi Arabia won't undermine Russia-US energy deal & risk facing oil price war on two fronts — market analyst to RT. rt.com If Moscow and Washington strike a deal to boost the sinking oil markets, Saudi Arabia had better stay out of their way, according to analysts who spoke to RT. | The US and Russia agreed to engage in energy talks earlier this week, as both the global coronavirus crisis and the oil row between Russia and Saudi Arabia sent crude prices into a tailspin. International benchmark Brent and US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crashed to 18-year lows on Monday, but they have slightly recovered since then with the news of a possible deal. | The prices could plunge lower if no agreement is reached, analysts have told RT. Ac…

RT (2020-04-02). US small business bailout program may doomed to flop before it starts, as banks balk at terms. rt.com A $350 billion small business bailout, a vital fiscal lifeline for millions of enterprises facing certain doom at the hands of coronavirus-inspired lockdowns, may be dead on arrival due to fears of banks doing the lending. | Thousands of banks expected to participate in the Trump administration's coronavirus stimulus loan program for small businesses are getting cold feet at the eleventh hour, representatives from those banks told a handful of media outlets on Thursday. If they pull out, the entire future of the program is uncertain — and with it the future of millions of American small businesses that em…

RT (2020-04-02). US unemployment may be much worse than expected. rt.com As the coronavirus continues rapidly spreading across the US, economists expect initial jobless claims to hit new multi-decade highs for the second week in a row, with estimates ranging from four to nine million. | Fresh data set to be released by the US Labor Department later on Thursday is expected to show an even more dire situation in the country's labor market and economy than last week, when the filings rose to a record 3.28 million. However, those figures may be corrected and turn out to be even higher as some states were overwhelmed with applications and couldn't properly process them, according to Reu…

RT (2020-04-02). Red states 'slower to respond' to Covid-19 as they listened to Trump, Axios founder claims…except blue states have been worst hit. rt.com Axios co-founder Jim VanderHei politicized the coronavirus crisis by claiming red states have been "slower" responding because they've been "listening to President Trump," but he ignores why blue states have been hit harder. | Speaking to MSNBC's Morning Joe and name-dropping Georgia and Florida as states that waited longer than others to implement stay-at-home orders, VanderHei said "information inequality" is to blame for states not acting as one in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus. | "It's because they were listening to President Trump up until the last five or six days. They were watching Fo…

RT (2020-04-02). Gold rush amid coronavirus & economic uncertainty leads to shortage in small bars & coins. rt.com As Covid-19 disrupts the global economy, people are snapping up small gold bars and coins, confirming once again the yellow metal's safe haven reputation during times of uncertainty. | The price of gold hit a seven-year high of more than $1,700 per troy ounce on March 9, as a result of the deepening economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak. | "People want to buy, not to sell, gold," Mark O'Byrne, the founder of GoldCore, a dealer based in Dublin, told Bloomberg. "We have a buyers' waiting list and we emailed our clients seeing who wished to sell their gold. At this time there are roughly only one or two sel…

RT (2020-04-02). Ireland's restrictions may go beyond April 12, deputy PM says. rt.com The highly restrictive measures Ireland put in place last week to slow the spread of coronavirus may well be extended beyond the initial deadline of April 12, Deputy Prime Minister Simon Coveney said on Thursday. | Ireland's Prime Minister Leo Varadkar significantly ramped up previous restrictions last Friday when he ordered citizens to stay home and only leave to shop for groceries, for brief individual physical exercise or make absolutely essential family visits, Reuters said. Coveney says "people do need to realize that these restrictions may go on for some time." | "We've set an initial period but I think…

RT (2020-04-02). Greece quarantines first migrant camp after 20 asylum seekers test positive for coronavirus. rt.com Athens has quarantined a migrant camp after 20 asylum seekers tested positive for coronavirus, the first such facility in Greece to be hit since the outbreak of the disease. Any movement in or out of the Ritsona camp, which is 75km (45 miles) northeast of Athens and hosts hundreds of people, will be restricted for 14 days. | Tests on 63 people were conducted after a 19-year-old female migrant who gave birth in an Athens hospital was found to be infected. This was the first recorded case among thousands of asylum seekers living in overcrowded camps across Greece. | None of the confirmed cases showed any symptom…

RT (2020-04-02). 'Deepest crisis ever': Covid-19's effect on airlines dwarfs 9/11 fallout, says industry. rt.com The coronavirus has devastated airlines worldwide even more than the aftermath of 9/11, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has said, warning that air carriers are set to lose at least $250 billion. | "Airlines are desperately trying to survive in the most difficult times imaginable," said IATA CEO Alexandre de Juniac. "We have the people and the experience to see this through. But, to be perfectly frank, we don't have the money." | Global demand for flights fell by 14.1 percent in February compared to the same period in 2019, in the "steepest decline in traffic since 9/11." The drop-off was fue…

Staff (2020-04-02). "Social Distancing Is a Privilege": Pandemic Highlights India's Class Divide as 1.3 Billion Lock Down. democracynow.org In India, 1.3 billion people have been locked down for more than a week to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The country reports nearly 2,000 cases and at least 50 deaths. Millions living in poverty and migrant workers were stranded far from home when the lockdown was announced, and some have reportedly died making the perilous journey home. More than 80% of India's workforce is informal, with most living off daily wages often less than $2 or $3 a day — wages they cannot earn under the present curfew — and more than 4 million Indians are homeless. We speak with Indian journalist Rana Ayyub, a contri…

RT (2020-04-02). Covid-19 deaths in Belgium top 1,000 as worldwide cases approach one million. rt.com Belgium's death toll from the Covid-19 virus has topped 1,000, officials have confirmed, with 183 new deaths in the last 24 hours. | As of April 2, Belgium, which has a population of 11.4 million, has recorded more than 15,300 cases of the coronavirus infection. | Health officials in the country said earlier this week that a 12-year-old girl infected with Covid-19 had died of the illness, noting that such a young fatality is a "very rare occurrence." | Belgium is one of many countries in Europe on an almost total lockdown to battle the coronavirus crisis. Belgians are only allowed to leave their homes to buy e…

RT (2020-04-02). 'We are not at the beginning of the end': Greek PM warns of 'most critical month' ahead in battle against Covid-19. rt.com Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis warned that Greece is facing its "most critical month" in the struggle against the coronavirus pandemic amid lockdown measures set to help tackle the spread of the deadly disease. | As of now,"We're not at the beginning of the end, we are probably at the end of the beginning," according to the PM. | April, we're being told by all the experts, will be the most critical month. If we become complacent, we will pay for it and we can't let that happen. | Easter is very popular among Greeks as they tend to travel to the countryside and the islands with their families to attend chur…

RT (2020-04-02). Putin speaks to Russians with update on fight against Covid-19 (WATCH ADDRESS). rt.com President Vladimir Putin is delivering a televised address to the nation as the country faces a growing number of Covid-19 cases, which have seen a record-breaking increase since the previous day. | Putin made a similar address last Wednesday to announce new measures aimed at curbing the coronavirus epidemic and mitigating the damage it was doing to the Russian economy. | The previous package included a week of paid leave for employees in non-essential positions which people were expected to use to self-isolate, a boost to various social benefits, and new revenue taxes for the richer Russians. | Think your fri…

RT (2020-04-02). Half of humanity being asked to isolate themselves at home to fight the spread of Covid-19. rt.com Half of the world's population is being told to stay home in an effort to slow down the coronavirus pandemic, according to a staggering new tally, as the virus continues to hit countries worldwide and crumbles their economies. | More than 3.9 billion people across the globe have been ordered or asked to remain at home except in emergencies and to obtain essential supplies. | AFP's database estimates that curfews and/or confinements have been ordered in more than 90 countries or territories in order to battle the spread of the coronavirus. Thailand's announcement of a curfew — which goes into effect on Fr…

RT (2020-04-02). Thousands of quarantined sailors from USS Theodore Roosevelt to be temporarily housed in Guam hotels. rt.com Sailors from a coronavirus-infected US aircraft carrier are to occupy hundreds of hotel rooms in Guam as the US Navy expedites blanket testing of the crew. Earlier, the captain of the ship wrote a scolding memo on the evacuation. | USS Theodore Roosevelt had to cut short its mission in the South China Sea and dock in Guam last week due to an outbreak of the novel coronavirus on board. The ship herself is unsuitable for proper quarantine measures, while Naval Base Guam doesn't have the capacity to house enough crew members in quarantine. So Navy leaders are in talks with Guam hoteliers and preparing to occupy v…

RT (2020-04-02). US jobless claims surge to record 10 MILLION amid coronavirus lockdown. rt.com Over 6.6 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits for the week ending March 28. The number of claims has grown to 10 million over the last two weeks. | The released figures are much higher than "In the week ending March 28, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 6,648,000, an increase of 3,341,000 from the previous week's revised level," the US Labor Department said in…

RT (2020-04-02). Serbian govt to revoke coronavirus information control decree. rt.com Serbia's government will revoke a decree giving it control over information on the coronavirus outbreak. The decision follows protests and the detention of a journalist for reporting that a major hospital lacked protective gear and properly trained staff, Reuters reports. | Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said the decree, which came into force on Saturday, would be revoked on Thursday "so not a shadow could be cast on our work." | The emergency measure, which said information about the coronavirus outbreak could only come from Brnabic or those authorized by her, had drawn criticism from the Organization for Securit…

RT (2020-04-02). Covid-19 cases reach 1 MILLION worldwide, 50,000 dead as pandemic continues to ravage the globe. rt.com The coronavirus pandemic has passed its landmark moment, as over one million people worldwide have tested positive for the disease, according to figures from multiple sources. | The total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases hit the 1 million mark on Thursday, according to tallies by both the AFP news agency and The novel coronavirus outbreak was first recorded in December 2019, in the city of Wuhan in China's central Hubei province. The number…

RT (2020-04-02). Democratic Party delays US presidential convention until August over coronavirus crisis. rt.com The US Democratic Party has postponed its presidential nominating convention by a month until August, citing the coronavirus health crisis. The delay is the latest sign the coronavirus pandemic is having a profound impact on the presidential race and will continue to do so for months to come, Reuters said. | Democrats will use the convention in Milwaukee to formally pick their nominee to challenge Republican President Donald Trump in the November election. It had previously been scheduled for July. | "In our current climate of uncertainty, we believe the smartest approach is to take additional time to monitor…

RT (2020-04-02). Putin extends paid holiday period in Russia until end of April as Covid-19 cases spike. rt.com Russia's week-long paid leave will be extended until the end of the month, President Vladimir Putin has announced in a national address. The country is bracing for the possible rapid growth of Covid-19 cases. | The move comes a day after the President acknowledged that the situation with COVID-19 in Russia was becoming "complicated," during a meeting with officials, conducted remotely. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova used the opportunity to suggest extending the paid time off. | Putin said the peak of the coronavirus epidemic is yet to come both globally and in Russia. Moscow, which is the hardest hit R…

Nathan Tankus (2020-04-02). The Coronavirus depression requires a new approach to budgeting. mronline.org Congress recently passed a 1.5-1.7 Trillion dollar stimulus bill (as I wrote about last week, the reported headline number is including a useless accounting gimmick which provides no additional support to the U.S. economy). Part of the reason we can report such an exact number is congress budgets in exacts.Take a look at these two …

RT (2020-04-02). 'No humanism or democracy': Russian Foreign Ministry slams West, US for wanting to 'exploit' Covid-19 crisis in Venezuela. rt.com Certain political groups in the West will not hesitate to use the difficulties brought on by the coronavirus pandemic to carry out their long-lasting plans to topple the Venezuelan government, Russia's Foreign Ministry has said. | "Unfortunately, we are seeing how certain countries — we should say, not the countries as a whole, but certain political forces there — are still being driven… by the desire to exploit the difficult situation in the world, the grave epidemiological situation in Venezuela to achieve their political goals," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova told reporters on Thu…

Mark Gruenberg (2020-04-02). Trump regime's threat to suspend Constitution draws flak. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—The GOP Trump administration's reported threat — in a proposal Attorney General William Barr sent to Congress — to virtually suspend the Constitution in order to fight the coronavirus pandemic has drawn bipartisan political flak and a Justice Department denial. But it's still there anyway, as the Brennan Center for Law and Justice points out. …

RT (2020-04-02). Less than one third of Americans would rush to get coronavirus vaccine — poll. rt.com Only around one third of US citizens would get vaccinated against Covid-19 as soon as a vaccine becomes available, despite the rapid spread of the disease across the country, a newly released poll reveals. | In general, Americans appear quite skeptical about getting a coronavirus shot, a new üö®NEW POLLüö&re…

The Canary (2020-04-02). Some Covid-19 patients could have treatment withdrawn to save others. thecanary.co Coronavirus patients could have their treatment withdrawn and offered to others who are more likely to survive, new guidance for doctors has warned.The British Medical Association's (BMA) latest ethics advice said health professionals could be forced to make "grave decisions" should hospitals become overwhelmed with patients.The document warns that decisions around rationing scarce resources, such as ventilators, could determine whether large numbers of patients will receive life-saving treatment or not.It comes as the UK experienced its biggest day-on-day rise in deaths so far, with the government now facing inc…

RT (2020-04-02). PM Johnson may come out of isolation despite still experiencing Covid-19 symptoms. rt.com British PM Boris Johnson could be poised to end his 7-day isolation period on Friday despite continuing to have "mild symptoms" of the coronavirus, with his spokesperson insisting there has been "no change" to official guidelines. | As the UK's coronavirus death toll rises to 2,921 after 569 patients died in 24 hours — a slight increase on Wednesday's record total — a Downing Street briefing to journalists on Thursday revealed that the PM had not fully recovered from the deadly disease. | [The Prime Minister] continues to have mild symptoms but he does still have symptoms. | Johnson's spokesman point…

RT (2020-04-02). Moscow extends coronavirus lockdown until May 1 as Putin prolongs paid leave period. rt.com Moscow, Russia's worst affected city during the current Covid-19 pandemic, has extended its strict home isolation regime until the end of April following President Vladimir Putin's decision to extend nationwide paid leave. | All restrictions imposed in the Russian capital will stay in force until May 1, Mayor Sergey Sobyanin announced on his official blog, as the city struggles to contain the spread of coronavirus. | Moscow has already lived under a strict social distancing regime since last weekend. All residents are requested to stay at home and to go out only when absolutely necessary. Public venues, includ…

RT (2020-04-02). UN postpones global climate summit in Glasgow until 2021. rt.com This year's United Nations global climate summit will be postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic, host country Britain has said. The UK government said the meeting, due to take place in November in Glasgow, Scotland, will now be held next year at a date still to be determined. | The government said in a statement on Wednesday that "in light of the ongoing, worldwide effects of Covid-19, holding an ambitious, inclusive COP26 in November 2020 is no longer possible." The meeting is formally known as the 26th Conference of the Parties. | The decision was made by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change,…

The Canary (2020-04-02). Britons cite 'shocking' lack of medical checks and advice after landing back in UK. thecanary.co Britons returning to the UK from abroad have lambasted the "shocking" lack of testing and medical advice upon arriving back on home soil following the coronavirus outbreak.Some passengers told the PA news agency other countries appeared to be taking the Covid-19 pandemic much more seriously, with medical questionnaires and health checks at land borders and travel terminals.They said there was a chronic lack of similar measures upon landing in the UK, with air passengers breezing through security as though it was "a normal working day" and being left clueless about whether to go into quarantine.Mete Coban, a 27-ye…

C.J. Atkins (2020-04-02). U.S. Communists demand Trump use Defense Production Act, say coronavirus exposes capitalism's failings. peoplesworld.org U.S. Communists are condemning the Trump administration's bungled COVID-19 response and say that the health crisis has quickly morphed into an economic and political one. It's not just Trump that's coming in for criticism, however. In a statement issued Tuesday—just a day before the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States passed the …

2020-04-02: Social Media Postees

Please be social by posting these 'POSTEES' on social media!

[Editorial] COVID-19 will not leave behind refugees and migrants
The Lancet | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
Never has the "leave no one behind" pledge felt more urgent. As nations around the world implement measures to control the spread of SARS-CoV-2, including lockdowns and restrictions on individuals' movements, they must heed their global commitments. When member states adopted the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, they promised to ensure no one will be left behind. Chief among the world's most vulnerable people are refugees and migrants. The COVID-19 crisis puts these groups at enormous risk.

[Comment] The COVID-19 pandemic in the USA: what might we expect?
Gerardo Chowell, Kenji Mizumoto | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
As of March 19, 2020, 191‚Äà127 cases of, including 7807 deaths attributed to, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been reported worldwide.1 The incidence of reported cases in China has dramatically reduced to tens per day as a result of strict social distancing measures; however, the pandemic severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is now generating sustained transmission in many countries including the USA. In The Lancet, Isaac Ghinai, Tristan D McPherson, and colleagues2 report details of the first known human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the USA, which was…

[Comment] Offline: COVID-19–what countries must do now
Richard Horton | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
How should countries plan for the approaching health crisis caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, himself struck down with infection, has written to every household warning that, "we know things will get worse before they get better". The UK Government is right to prepare the public for the coming human catastrophe. All governments have a responsibility to do the same. But this advice does not go far enough. Here are five critical actions that need to be considered immediately.

[Comment] A planetary health perspective on COVID-19: a call for papers
Alastair Brown, Richard Horton | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
It is natural during the unfolding coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic to focus on emergency response planning, including containment, treatment procedures, and vaccine development, and nobody would doubt the need for these measures. However, an emergency can also open a window of opportunity for reflection and learning. We live in increasingly global, interdependent, and environmentally constrained societies and the COVID-19 pandemic exemplifies these aspects of our world. We would therefore be wise to take a broad integrated perspective on this disease, the impacts of which are already spilling over in…

[Correspondence] Education and research are essential for lasting peace in Yemen
Fathiah Zakham, Olli Vapalahti, Hilal A Lashual | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
Yemen, known to many as the land of Sheba, and Manhattan of the desert, is now referred to only as one of the poorest countries on Earth. The name Yemen has become synonymous with cholera, famine, death, instability, and war. The war continues to erase the lives, history, and the future of Yemenis, and meaningful aid and peace have yet to reach Yemen.

[World Report] Developing antibody tests for SARS-CoV-2
Anna Petherick | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
Laboratories and diagnostic companies are racing to produce antibody tests, a key part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Anna Petherick reports.

[Editorial] Redefining vulnerability in the era of COVID-19
The Lancet | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
What does it mean to be vulnerable? Vulnerable groups of people are those that are disproportionally exposed to risk, but who is included in these groups can change dynamically. A person not considered vulnerable at the outset of a pandemic can become vulnerable depending on the policy response. The risks of sudden loss of income or access to social support have consequences that are difficult to estimate and constitute a challenge in identifying all those who might become vulnerable. Certainly, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, vulnerable groups are not only elderly people, those with ill health and comorbidities, or…

[World Report] 2020 Canada Gairdner Award winners announced
Talha Burki | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
On March 31, the Gairdner Foundation announced the winners of its annual prizes in biomedical science and global health. Talha Burki spoke with the laureates.

[Correspondence] Mass drug administration: time to consider drug pollution?
Gorka Orive, Unax Lertxundi | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
Mass drug administration is the strategy recommended by WHO to control or eliminate many neglected tropical diseases that cause devastating consequences worldwide. This strategic approach, which has produced unquestionable benefits, consists of treating every person, infected or not, living in a defined geographical area at approximately the same time.1 In 2017, more than 1 ∑7 billion treatments (mainly albendazole, mebendazole, ivermectin, azithromycin, and praziquantel) were delivered to 1 ∑04 billion individuals.

[Perspectives] Face transplants as surgical acts and psychosocial processes
Fay Bound Alberti | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
In 2017 the face of Katie Stubblefield made headlines. Not the face she was born with or the face that emerged after 22 reconstructive surgeries. This was another face altogether: a transplant that Stubblefield would receive from Adrea Schneider. There have been 46 recorded face transplants in history. Katie's was the 40th–only the third to have taken place at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, which also undertook the first face transplant in the USA, on Connie Culp, in 2008. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it took 11 surgeons and staff from 15 specialties more than 31 hours to transplant Stubblefield's new…

[Department of Error] Department of Error
thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
Mease PJ, Rahman P, Gottlieb AB, et al. Guselkumab in biologic-naive patients with active psoriatic arthritis (DISCOVER-2): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. Lancet 2020; 395: 1126–36–In this Article, the following sentence from the Participants section has been corrected as follows: "Patients were permitted, but not required, to continue stable use of selected standard treatments, including NSAIDs or other analgesics up to the regional marketed dose approved; oral corticosteroids (‚â§10 mg/day of prednisone or equivalent dose); or non-biologic DMARDs (limi…

[Correspondence] Authoritarianism and the threat of infectious diseases
Juan M Pericà s | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
Punitive social policy, encompassing the dismantling of the welfare state with the expansion of the penal state and its associated institutions, as nicely stated by Elias Nosrati and Michael Marmot in their Perspective,1 might indeed be considered an upstream social determinant of health. Nosrati and Marmot's analysis relates to the findings described by Navarro and colleagues,2 linking political ideology with policies aimed at reducing social inequalities such as welfare state and labour market policies.

[Correspondence] Chagas disease: still a neglected emergency?
Renato D Lopes, Claudio Gimpelewicz, John J V McMurray | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
10 years after highlighting the health consequences for millions of people infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, a 2019 report from the Pan American Health Organization concluded that there has been little progress in the prevention and treatment of Chagas disease, a problem that now extends beyond Latin America.1…

[Editorial] Open versus endovascular repair of aortic aneurysms
The Lancet | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
When the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) released draft guidelines on the diagnosis and management of abdominal aortic aneurysms in May, 2018, it caused outcry. By recommending that endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) of unruptured aneurysms should not be offered–even in patients for whom open surgical repair was contraindicated–critics said that many patients would be denied life-saving treatment and that the guidelines were unworkable.

[Correspondence] Obsolete medical law in Japan harms doctors' health
Genichi Sugihara, Nori Takei | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
Japan has achieved one of the most successful health-care systems in the world.1 Under the nation's insurance scheme, Japanese citizens have taken for granted that anyone can choose any health-care facility and receive the most advanced medical care across the nation. However, little attention has been paid to the fact that such a health system is supported by dedicated and self-sacrificing medical professionals. Such overloaded expectation is especially high in rural areas where the number of doctors remains low.

[Perspectives] Man up
Tom Shakespeare | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
Masculinities: Liberation through Photography explores half a century of photographic representations of men–their bodies, their identities, and their social roles. Contemporary politics is full of powerful men–Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Vladimir Putin, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan–behaving in stereotypically dominant ways. You could be forgiven for thinking that the more things change, the more things remain the same. But #MeToo is here to say it can't go on like this, in the wake of the conviction of Harvey Weinstein.

[Obituary] Philip Leder
Geoff Watts | thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
Molecular geneticist and genetic code breaker. He was born in Washington, DC, USA, on Nov 19, 1934, and died from complications of Parkinson's disease in Chestnut Hill, MA, USA, on Feb 2, 2020, aged 85 years.

[Department of Error] Department of Error
thelancet.com | 2020-04-04
Biswal S, Borja-Tabora C, Martinez Vargas L, et al. Efficacy of a tetravalent dengue vaccine in healthy children aged 4–16 years: a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet 2020; published online March 17. dox.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30414-1–The appendix of this Article has been corrected as of April 2, 2020.

In meeting with Bezos, Amazon executives conspired to smear fired worker who led protest over Covid-19 safety conditions
rt.com | 2020-04-03
Amazon's top lawyer crafted a strategy to scapegoat the man who organized a protest at a New York warehouse, calling the African-American ex-employee 'not smart, or articulate.' President Obama's ex-spokesman helped carry it out. | Chris Smalls was fired on Monday, after he led up to 50 of his colleagues at a Staten Island warehouse to walk out in protest over what they described as unsafe working conditions at the mammoth facility, including the lack of protective gear for the workers. A number of political and media figures, including the Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) condem…

'Missing in action': Trump savages Schumer in scathing letter after criticism of Covid-19 response
rt.com | 2020-04-03
US President Donald Trump has penned a blistering letter slamming Senator Chuck Schumer (D-New York) as "missing in action" during the Covid-19 pandemic, firing back after the lawmaker attacked the federal response to the crisis. | "Thank you for your Democrat public relations letter and incorrect sound bites, which are wrong in every way," the missive begins, responding to the Senate minority leader's appeal earlier on Thursday for the appointment of a coronavirus "czar" amid what…

Fighting for immigrant rights during a pandemic
Katrina Huber | splcenter.org | 2020-04-02
As people across the country are confined to their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, little attention has been given to a group of people whose health is in danger because they are locked away from the outside world

Threat of ICE Detention Centers Turning Into Death Camps, Groups Rallying to Free Families
Eoin Higgins | indybay.org | 2020-04-02
ICE is making the pandemic more dangerous for everyone.

As COVID-19 pandemic exposes failure of capitalism, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shifts to the right
wsws.org | 2020-04-02
Ocasio-Cortez is increasingly lining up behind the Democratic Party establishment at the very point that the coronavirus catastrophe is demonstrating the failure of the capitalist system and discrediting all of its political parties and representatives.

Modern-day slavery, corruption & deaths: RT doc looks into desperate African migrant journeys to Europe through Libya
rt.com | 2020-04-02
Hundreds of thousands of migrants are risking slavers and the treacherous waters of the Mediterranean in rubber dinghies to get to Europe

Greece quarantines first migrant camp after 20 asylum seekers test positive for coronavirus
rt.com | 2020-04-02
Athens has quarantined a migrant camp after 20 asylum seekers tested positive for coronavirus, the first such facility in Greece to be hit since the outbreak of the disease. Any movement in or out of the Ritsona camp, which is 75km (45 miles) northeast of Athens and hosts hundreds of people, will be restricted for 14 days. | Tests on 63 people were conducted after a 19-year-old female migrant who gave birth in an Athens hospital was found to be infected. This was the first recorded case among thousands of asylum seekers living in overcrowded camps across Greece. | None of the confirmed cases showed any symptom…

Honk for Justice, SF
Lis Cox | indybay.org | 2020-04-02
As Covid-19 increases exponentially, Never Again Action and allied organizations joined in SF and across the Country to form Car Caravans to Demand that the Camps be closed. 3 minute video.

Could COVID-19 Reshape Global Leadership?
MBNJSD | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-04-02
Photo Credit: CODEPINK As U.S. COVID-19 cases double every few days and the death toll mounts, the U.S. seems to be caught in a "worst of both worlds" predicament: daily life and much of the U.S. economy is shut down, but no real progress has been achieved in its efforts to contain or eradicate the …

These Migrant Workers Did Not Suddenly Fall from the Sky
Vijay Prashad | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-04-02
Madness engulfs the planet. Hundreds of millions of people are in lockdown in their homes, millions of people who work in essential jobs

US pushes conspiracy theory on China's coronavirus death toll to deflect from Trump administration failures
Ajit Singh | thegrayzone.com | 2020-04-02
A widely disseminated and highly dubious story asserting China concealed tens of thousands of deaths originated from a US government…

Fired worker: Amazon hid COVID-19 cases and ignored pleas for protection
Aaron Maté | thegrayzone.com | 2020-04-02
Chris Smalls, an Amazon worker fired after organizing a walkout over unsafe conditions during the coronavirus pandemic, speaks out. Amazon…

Facemask shortage and the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak: Reflections on public health measures
Huai-liang Wu, Jian Huang, Casper J.P. Zhang, Zonglin He, Wai-Kit Ming | thelancet.com | 2020-04-02
Implementing a universal facemask wearing policy in the whole of China could lead to severe facemask shortage. Without effective public communication, a universal facemask wearing policy could result in societal panic and subsequently, increase the nationwide and worldwide demand for facemasks. These increased demands could cause a facemask shortage for healthcare workers and reduce the effectiveness of outbreak control in the affected regions, eventually leading to a pandemic. To fight novel infectious disease outbreaks, such as COVID-19, governments should monitor domestic facemask supplies and give priority to…

[Research Paper] Survey of major trauma centre preparedness for mass casualty incidents in Australia, Canada, England and New Zealand
Belinda J. Gabbe, William Veitch, Kate Curtis, Kate Martin, David Gomez, Ian Civil, Chris Moran, Warwick J. Teague, Andrew J.A. Holland, Fiona Lecky, Mark Fitzgerald, Avery Nathens, Anthony Joseph | thelancet.com | 2020-04-02
The disaster preparedness of MTCs was high for communication, safety and security but there was clear need for improvement in other areas including surge capacity, human resources and post-disaster recovery.

[Editorial] During a world health crisis: A personal view
thelancet.com | 2020-04-02
Like many of you, I am struggling to go about my daily work routine. I am unfocussed and distracted. I am supposed to write an editorial now and the deadline is approaching faster than originally planned. We need more time with production, now that the workload and the amount of time-sensitive studies have increased. Everyone's day-to-day workflow has changed, and we are doing our best to adjust, manage, and to keep things going.

Amid Pandemic, Workers Walk Out, Building Momentum Toward General Strike
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-02
Essential workers at Instacart, Whole Foods, Amazon and General Electric are staging protests and walking off the job in droves across the U.S., demanding increased protections and pay as they continue to face disproportionate risks and increasingly perilous working conditions amid the COVID-19 pandemic. | Thousands of workers for the San Francisco-based Instacart, a popular U.S. grocery delivery service app, went on strike Monday for better pay and health protections as they face soaring demand to…

Serbian govt to revoke coronavirus information control decree
rt.com | 2020-04-02
Serbia's government will revoke a decree giving it control over information on the coronavirus outbreak. The decision follows protests and the detention of a journalist for reporting that a major hospital lacked protective gear and properly trained staff, Reuters reports. | Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said the decree, which came into force on Saturday, would be revoked on Thursday "so not a shadow could be cast on our work." | The emergency measure, which said information about the coronavirus outbreak could only come from Brnabic or those authorized by her, had drawn criticism from the Organization for Securit…

Innovative COVID-19 Safe Protest in San Francisco
Protest News | indybay.org | 2020-04-02
Boisterous Car Rally Honks for Justice for ICE Detainees…

"There Aren't Enough Tests": As Pandemic Intensifies, Global South Prepares for the Worst
Staff | democracynow.org | 2020-04-02
After devastating China, Europe and the United States, the coronavirus pandemic is now intensifying across the Global South. The United Nations warns the pandemic is poised to destroy fragile economies in poor nations, decimating food security, education and human rights. We speak with Yanis Ben Amor, assistant professor of global health and microbiological sciences at Columbia University and executive director of the Center for Sustainable Development at the Earth Institute.

As U.S. Reels from COVID-19, Trump Backs Gilead's Exclusive Patent on Treatment & Suspends EPA Rules
Staff | democracynow.org | 2020-04-02
As the United States leads the world in coronavirus cases, the nation's healthcare system is already stretched to capacity and protective gear in short supply. President Trump and his health advisors say more than 100,000 Americans could die from the coronavirus in the next two weeks. Meanwhile, millions of people have lost their jobs, and a record 6.6 million unemployment claims were filed this week, on top of last week's 3.3 million claims. For more on the economic impacts of the coronavirus, and how Trump has responded to the pandemic by rewarding pharmaceutical corporations like Gilead Sciences and indefinite…

"Social Distancing Is a Privilege": Pandemic Highlights India's Class Divide as 1.3 Billion Lock Down
Staff | democracynow.org | 2020-04-02
In India, 1.3 billion people have been locked down for more than a week to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The country reports nearly 2,000 cases and at least 50 deaths. Millions living in poverty and migrant workers were stranded far from home when the lockdown was announced, and some have reportedly died making the perilous journey home. More than 80% of India's workforce is informal, with most living off daily wages often less than $2 or $3 a day

A university professor reveals a shocking fact about Matt Hancock's coronavirus 'strategy' live on TV
Tracy Keeling | thecanary.co | 2020-04-02
A university professor has revealed a shocking fact about the UK government's coronavirus 'strategy', live on TV. | Prof Mark Harris said that universities sent details of their laboratory staff who could help with coronavirus testing to Matt Hancock's Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) "a couple of weeks ago". But "nothing has yet happened", he said. | The government's 'strategy' for 'ramping up' testing

A Russian firewall for Venezuela against U.S. sanctions
M.K. Bhadrakumar | mronline.org | 2020-04-02
The optics of the Russian oil leviathan Rosneft's decision to sell its subsidiary Rosneft Trading SA and sell all its assets in Venezuela after the US Treasury sanctioned its trading arm two weeks ago as part of Washington's regime change project to oust president Nicolás Maduro, may not look good to the uninformed outside observer.

New Reports Place Israel Among World's 25 "Declining Democracies"
Ramzy Baroud | mintpressnews.com | 2020-04-02
Both Freedom House and V-DEM's Annual Democracy Report shows Israel is experiencing a precipitous decline in democracy. Thought that would hardly be surprising to the 2 million Arab citizens that live there.

Tunisia Leads the Way: New Report Exposes Israel's False Democracy
Ramzy Baroud | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-04-02
Tunisia is the Middle East's greatest success story, according to the findings of the V-Dem Annual Democracy Report 2019. One of the world's most regarded annual reports on democracy and good governance, the V-Dem Report is produced by the V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy) Institute at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. While Tunisians can be …

Kremlin says no talks with Saudi Arabia happened, after Trump's tweets claim Moscow and Riyadh will cut oil production
rt.com | 2020-04-02
US President Donald Trump has said he expects that Russia and Saudi Arabia could drastically curtail their oil output after a conversation between the two nations' leaders. Moscow denies that any talks took place at all. | Trump took to Twitter on Thursday to relay some "great" news for the oil and gas industry, as he expressed his hopes for some supposedly upcoming cuts in crude oil production by Saudi Arabia and Russia which could reverse the current plunge in oil prices. According to the president, oil production could be scaled back by as many as 10 million barrels in total

Oil price war: Is it game over for Trump?
rt.com | 2020-04-02
As the US government tries to convince Russia and Saudi Arabia to put an end to the oil price war, it might just be too little, too late for the Trump Administration. | Saudi Arabia has already hired additional supertankers and a wave of additional supply is about to set sail, according to Bloomberg. In the last week of March, exports rose to 9 million barrels per day (mb/d), up from a rate of 7 mb/d earlier in the month. | Saudi Aramco has also apparently f…

Trump to Hold In-Person Meeting With Big Oil CEOs to Discuss COVID-19 Relief
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-02
President Donald Trump on Friday is reportedly set to hold an in-person White House meeting with top executives from some of the largest fossil fuel companies in the world

Fox News Has Been Lying Its Aging Viewers Into Early Graves
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-02
That moment when you step back from yourself and realize every cell and fiber in your body is a gusting scream of fury and fear so encompassing that you are thrumming on a subharmonic level, yet simultaneously you are so quiescent that the purring cat asleep on your chest has no idea of your condition

Pandemic Highlights India's Class Divide as 1.3 Billion Lock Down
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-02
In India, 1.3 billion people have been locked down for more than a week to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The country reports nearly 2,000 cases and at least 50 deaths. Millions living in poverty and migrant workers were stranded far from home when the lockdown was announced, and some have reportedly died making the perilous journey home. More than 80% of India's workforce is informal, with most living off daily wages often less than $2 or $3 a day

Stock Sales by GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler Trigger Allegations of Insider Trading
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-02
An ethics watchdog called for Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., to be investigated by "any federal law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction over insider trading" after a new report revealed the lawmaker unloaded millions of dollars in stocks from industries hit hard by the economic fallout over the coronavirus pandemic as she publicly downplayed the extent of the outbreak. | The largest transactions from Loeffler's most recent financial disclosures were three sales between Feb. 26 and March…

Medical Staffing Company Slashed Benefits for Doctors, Nurses Fighting COVID-19
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-02
Emergency room doctors and nurses many of whom are dealing with an onslaught of coronavirus patients and shortages of protective equipment