2020-04-12: Social Media Postees

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At least 6 dead after TORNADOES wreak havoc across southern US states, levelling homes & taking down power lines (VIDEOS)
rt.com | 2020-04-13
Several people died after powerful tornadoes swept through parts of the American South, damaging homes, knocking down power lines and clogging roads with uprooted trees. Louisiana and Mississippi have been hit the hardest. | At least six people were killed after tornadoes coupled with severe rainstorms battered Mississippi, with one fatality confirmed in Walthall County, two in Lawrence County and three in Jefferson Davis County as of Sunday evening. | pic.twitter.com/KaedWPL76M– James Pugh (@jpughinreallife)

Julian Assange: One Year in Belmarsh
Dr. Binoy Kampmark | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
It should not be a matter of distinction, but Julian Assange is a figure who is becoming the apotheosis of political imprisonment. This seems laughable to those convinced he is an agent without scruple, a compromiser of the Fourth Estate, …

Assange's mother fact-checks media, as story of her son's previously hidden family published
rt.com | 2020-04-12
Julian Assange's mother has gone on the offensive against slanted reporting after her son's legal adviser revealed that she had two children with the WikiLeaks co-founder. | Stella Morris, a South African-born lawyer who helped Assange work on a legal bid to end extradition threats against him, revealed that the journalist fathered two sons with her during his years of political asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. | In a video statement, Morris said she was coming forward because their lives were "on the brink" and she feared Assange could die in prison as he awaits a ruling over his extradition to the…

Julian Assange: One Year In Belmarsh
Binoy Kampmark | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-04-12
It should not be a matter of distinction, but Julian Assange is a figure who is becoming the apotheosis of political imprisonment. This seems laughable to those convinced he is an agent without scruple, a compromiser of the Fourth Estate, a figure best packed off to a prison system that will, in all assuredness, kill …

Bernie's Decision: Retreat Should Not Be Confused with Surrender
Norman Solomon | indybay.org | 2020-04-12
Class war continues without a letup…

Covid-19 is a sign of our fate if we do not take radical action: Interview of Michael D. Yates
Farooque Chowdhury | mronline.org | 2020-04-12
In the backdrop of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, Michael D. Yates, decades-long union activist, director of Monthly Review Press and former Associate Editor of Monthly Review magazine, discusses condition of the working people and steps required. The interview of Professor Michael Yates, whose academic fields include labor economics and the relationship between capital and labor.

'Any adventurism against Iran to be detrimental for regional peace'
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-12
TEHRAN, Apr. 12 (MNA)

Taliban to release 20 Afghan government prisoners amid fragile peace process
rt.com | 2020-04-12
The Taliban will hand over 20 prisoners as part of the reconciliation process with Kabul, a spokesman for the militant group announced on Sunday. | "Today, 20 prisoners of the Kabul administration will be released by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and handed over to ICRC in Kandahar," the spokesman, Suhail Shaheen, said in a tweet. | The decision comes just days after the Taliban recalled its negotiators from Afghanistan, after accusing Kabul of intentionally delaying a prison exchange. The Afghan governme…

Doctors TAKEN HOSTAGE in Kashmir after attempt to screen man for Covid-19 goes awry
rt.com | 2020-04-12
Three Indian police were injured after they were sent to rescue a group of doctors in Kashmir who were taken hostage by a villager's family protesting against his being tested for coronavirus. | Instead of saving patients, doctors in Budgam district in the India-administered part of disputed Kashmir faced unexpected resistance from the family of a villager to be tested for coronavirus. | The incident began as the doctors arrived in the village of Sheikhpora on Saturday and approached the house where the person suspected of having coronavirus lived to make inquires. | However, they were treated to a rather less…

Venezuela Announces 6-month Rent Suspension, Guarantees Workers' Wages, Bans Lay-offs
Paul Dobson | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
The Venezuelan government announced a series of measures on Sunday in attempts to protect the population from the economic effects of the coronavirus crisis. | Speaking on a live televised address, President Nicolás Maduro instructed that all commercial and residential rent, …

The Week We Should Not Forget for Our Own Sake
Ralph Nader | zcomm.org | 2020-04-12
Corporate control left us totally unprepared and defenseless against pandemics that our public health officials, scientists, and yours truly warned about for years…

Freedom from Fear: John Pilger Discusses Coronavirus Propaganda, Imperialism, and Human Rights
John Pilger | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
John Pilger is a world-renowned journalist and filmmaker. The author of several books and maker of over 60 documentaries (the latest being The Coming War on China and The Dirty War on the NHS), Pilger has won dozens of prestigious …

COVID-19: Capitalist Crisis & Socialist Solutions
Bob P | indybay.org | 2020-04-12
Online Forum: Join via internet or phone. | Register here: | zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYof-mhqjwsjeCVfc5xIsy7Yuf-wngN4g

Post-Republic "Weimar America", Here We Come! Virus Hysteria Adds $10 Trillion to the National Debt
Mike Whitney | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
There's no doubt that the Coronavirus is a serious infection that can lead to severe illness or death. There's also no doubt that 'virus hysteria' has been used for other purposes. Wall Street, for example, has used virus-panic to advance …

In Prague, a Disgraceful Act: They Desecrated and Removed the Statue of Marshal Konev!
Andre Vltchek | dissidentvoice.org | 2020-04-12
Soon there might be silence. The liberation of Prague, as well as the liberation of Auschwitz and/or Warsaw by the Red Army, will be forgotten. At least in Europe, even in Eastern Europe, where it took place. This is where it is all leading to. Perhaps, one day, East European governments will issue new orders …

The Future Belongs to the Movement Sparked by Bernie Sandersmiles k
Miles Kampf-Lassin | zcomm.org | 2020-04-12
We are in a state of crisis. The vehicle for our movement has been derailed. Mourning is understandable. But continuing the fight is the only way forward…

Amid COVID-19, It's Time to Nationalize Airlines and Other Industries
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-12
The $2 trillion stimulus bill that Congress passed on March 27 gave billions to industries like the airlines, but it did not explicitly give money to the oil and gas industry. Senate Democrats negotiated out the $3 billion to oil and gas (and lost clean energy provisions in the meantime) that Trump wanted to fill oil reserves "to the top." The omission was a tiny win for the climate [m…

Amid the Howl of the Pandemic the Silence of the Climate Watchdogs
Mark Hertsgaard | zcomm.org | 2020-04-12
Some government and corporate officials appear to have chosen this moment of anxiety and distraction to engineer financial giveaways and regulatory rollbacks that under normal circumstances would be bitterly contested…

We Can't Allow Trump to Use the Coronavirus Crisis to Attack the Postal Service
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-12
The financially strapped United States Postal Service wound up with crumbs in the $2.2 trillion stimulus deal, despite playing a vital role in our nation's public health and economic stability at this time of crisis. | Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) accused President Trump of personally intervening to strip a Democratic postal rescue proposal from the final bill. Asked on Tuesday for his response, Trump lashed out at the beleaguered Postal Service with a stream of false accusations. | "They los…

There Is No Iranian-American Agreement and No Truce in Iraq
Elijah J. Magnier | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
Mustafa Al-Kazemi has been chosen Prime Minister after difficult negotiations marked by intra-Shiite disagreement. The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, had exploited this disagreement when he boldly challenged the majority Shia in Iraq by his choice of an anti-Iranian …

One World Governance and the Council on Foreign Relations."We Shall have World Government… by Conquest or Consent."
Joachim Hagopian | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
The fact is the Council on Foreign Relations has been controlling US foreign policy for almost a century, and chief among its most obvious agendas has been building and maintaining US Empire's global unipolar hegemony and military strength at all cost.

COVID-19: Devastated Saudi Royal Family Seeks to End Yemen War
Joe Lauria | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
5th UPDATE: At least 150 members of the Saudi royal family have been infected and as a result Riyadh is seeking to end its five-year disastrous assault on Yemen. | *** | As the coronavirus continues its assault on members of the …

The OPCW Is Used as a Political Tool Against Syria
Steven Sahiounie | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
OPCW Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) has determined that chemical weapons have been used or likely used in Syria. The first report of the OPCW was released April 8 and points a finger at the Syrian Arab Air Force concerning 3 attacks …

Fitting Together the Pieces of the Coronavirus Puzzle
Mark Taliano | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
The as yet unfolding story of Coronavirus is a story of corruption and conflicts of interest. Some pieces of the puzzle remain missing, but the big picture is increasingly apparent. | The big picture speaks to the unaccountability of Big Monopolies …

One World Governance and the Council on Foreign Relations."We Shall have World Government… by Conquest or Consent."
Joachim Hagopian | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
The fact is the Council on Foreign Relations has been controlling US foreign policy for almost a century, and chief among its most obvious agendas has been building and maintaining US Empire's global unipolar hegemony and military strength at all cost.

Fitting Together the Pieces of the Coronavirus Puzzle
Mark Taliano | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
The as yet unfolding story of Coronavirus is a story of corruption and conflicts of interest. Some pieces of the puzzle remain missing, but the big picture is increasingly apparent. | The big picture speaks to the unaccountability of Big Monopolies …

COVID-19: Devastated Saudi Royal Family Seeks to End Yemen War
Joe Lauria | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
5th UPDATE: At least 150 members of the Saudi royal family have been infected and as a result Riyadh is seeking to end its five-year disastrous assault on Yemen. | *** | As the coronavirus continues its assault on members of the …

There Is No Iranian-American Agreement and No Truce in Iraq
Elijah J. Magnier | globalresearch.ca | 2020-04-12
Mustafa Al-Kazemi has been chosen Prime Minister after difficult negotiations marked by intra-Shiite disagreement. The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, had exploited this disagreement when he boldly challenged the majority Shia in Iraq by his choice of an anti-Iranian …

VIDEO: People flood stores after curfew announcement in Turkey
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-12
TEHRAN, Apr. 12 (MNA)

Turkey's Erdogan rejects interior minister's resignation after last-minute curfew announcement triggers chaos
rt.com | 2020-04-12
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has rejected resignation of his interior minister after the latter took responsibility for mass panic that saw thousands swarming shops across Turkey ahead of a 48-hour curfew. | "The minister submitted his resignation to the President and the President has informed him that he did not approve that request.The interior minister's resignation has not been accepted. He shall continue to perform his duties," the Turkish President's office said in a statement late Sunday – two days after an eleventh-hour decision by interior minister Suleyman Soylu to impose a 2-day curfew ca…

'It's a sombre day': UK Covid-19 death toll hits 10,000 milestone as 737 new fatalities recorded
rt.com | 2020-04-12
The official death toll from Covid-19 in the UK passed the 10,000 mark on Sunday as health officials announced 737 new fatalities from the disease. Health Minister Matt Hancock said it marks a "sombre day" for Britain. | The UK's number of officially confirmed coronavirus deaths climbed to 10,612 after the fresh statistics were announced. | It comes after the UK's total number of deaths rose by 917 on Saturday and 980 on Friday. Unlike other countries, the UK only includes those who have died in hospitals in its fatality count. While Sunday's increase was smaller than the two preceding days, previous weekends…

Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: CDC recommends wearing cloth masks in public
newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org | 2020-04-12
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends that Americans wear wearing cloth masks in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. The CDC considers cloth masks an additional, voluntary public health measure. On the Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, Dr. Gregory Poland, a …

Italy records LOWEST Covid-19 daily death toll in THREE WEEKS
rt.com | 2020-04-12
Promising signs that Italy has overcome the worst of its coronavirus outbreak continued on Sunday as the Mediterranean country recorded its lowest Covid-19 death toll since March 19. | Deaths from the disease rose by 431 on Sunday, down from 619 the day before. The number of fresh confirmed cases also slowed significantly to 4,092, from 4,694 on Saturday. | Though the outbreak has slowed significantly, Italy remains one of the countries worst affected by the virus. The Civil Protection Agency said that the confirmed fatality count now stands at 19,899, the second highest in the world after the United States.

Covid-19 revealed exactly state-centrism of realism: Adib-Moghaddam
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-12
TEHRAN, Apr. 12 (MNA)

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Plan for healthy meals, fewer trips to the grocery store during pandemic
newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org | 2020-04-12
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: During the COVID-19 outbreak, I'm trying to limit trips to the grocery store. But I want to continue to eat healthy meals. What foods should I consider stocking up on, knowing that I probably won't be buying anything fresh for a couple of weeks? ANSWER: Most people are in the habit of …

IMF's ways to help Iran despite US objection in loan grant: report
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-12
TEHRAN, Apr. 12 (MNA)

COVID-19 SF DPH Healthcare Workers Under Attack, Health & Safety, Racism & Retaliation
Labor Video Project | indybay.org | 2020-04-12
The COVID pandemic is being used to violate union contracts and retaliate against whistleblowers. This pandemic is also hitting Black workers and their families even more heavily. There is also no enforcement by Governor Newsom's Cal-OSHA which has fewer than 200 inspectors for 18 million workers.

Iran produces COVID-19 antibody rapid test kit: Health Min. spox
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-12
TEHRAN, Apr. 12 (MNA)

'Go back to your corona-ridden country': German officials apologize after French people insulted & spat on in border town
rt.com | 2020-04-12
The coronavirus pandemic has become a tough test of the EU's unity, and a small German border town is actively failing it. Officials have sounded the alarm over a spike in aggression from the locals towards visitors from France. | The people of Gersheim have been living side by side with the French for over two decades, crossing the symbolic border between the two European Union member-states without even noticing it. | But in mid-March this border became real, as Germany shut itself off from its neighbors in an attempt to stem the spread of Covid-19. The only exceptions made were for goods deliveries, and for…

Mayo Clinic named national site for Convalescent Plasma Expanded Access Program
newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org | 2020-04-12

Volunteers prove altruism in coronavirus battle
en.mehrnews.com | 2020-04-12
TEHRAN, Apr. 12 (MNA)

Auto Union Official Fired for Warning Fellow Workers About COVID-19
Staff | truthout.org | 2020-04-12
This article was originally published at Labor Notes. | Travis Watkins, chair of an Auto Workers (UAW) bargaining unit in Wyoming, Michigan was fired March 18. The charge was violating Shop Rule #2: "Assaulting, fighting, threatening, intimidating, coercing, or interfering with employees or supervision." | Turns out the "interfering" was hindering management's desire not to tell workers about coworkers sent home for possibly coming down with the coronavirus.

NHS hospitals try treating Covid-19 with Hydroxychloroquine, anti-malaria drug hotly debated following Trump support
rt.com | 2020-04-12
Coronavirus patients at two UK hospitals are reportedly now receiving hydroxychloroquine treatment. The drug, touted by US President Donald Trump as a "game changer," quickly came under scrutiny from his political opponents. | According to a report published on Sunday in the Telegraph, Covid-19 patients at St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London and the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital are being treated with hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug first developed in the…

WATCH Ukrainian firefighters battle massive flames near disused Chernobyl nuclear plant
rt.com | 2020-04-12
Hundreds of personnel, supported by multiple fire engines and special aircraft, were filmed fighting a forest fire that broke out in the Chernobyl exclusion zone, reportedly stirring up radiation levels in the abandoned area. | Already on nationwide lockdown because of Covid-19 outbreak, Ukraine is dealing with wildfires that have engulfed the so-called alienation zone set up after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. The fires have easily consumed the grass, bushes and forest trees that had dried out following a warm end to winter. | A Ruptly video, made public on Sunday, shows a fire engine making its way through a…

Indian cop gets hand CHOPPED OFF amid scuffle with blade-wielding men defying Covid-19 lockdown
rt.com | 2020-04-12
The coronavirus lockdown in the state of Punjab turned violent, with a team of police officers attacked and heavily injured by armed locals who defied the cops' request to show their curfew passes. | The clash broke out at a vegetable market in Patiala, a city in eastern Punjab, after a group of Nihangs

COVID-19: Mayo Clinic expert answers questions about masks after CDC updates its recommendation
newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org | 2020-04-12
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending people wear nonmedical cloth masks while in public to decrease the risk of COVID-19 transmission from person to person. The cloth masks should: Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face.Be secured with ties or ear loops.Include multiple layers of fabric.Allow for breathing …

Russia records over 2,000 new Covid-19 cases in a SINGLE day
rt.com | 2020-04-12
Since Saturday, 2,186 more people have tested positive for Covid-19, bringing Russia's total coronavirus tally to 15,770, according to the government's emergency team in charge of containing the growing epidemic. | The new figure drastically ups the curve, as only 1,667 new cases were recorded across the country the day before. | The bulk of the newly infected

Science Saturday: The importance of antibody testing in addressing COVID-19
newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org | 2020-04-12
If there's one thing the world has learned so far in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's the important role of testing for the disease. The ability to know who has the virus and who doesn't provides critical information for people and entire regions. Early testing involved collecting cells from the back of the …

US reports over 1,900 Covid-19 deaths in single day after setting global record for most fatalities
rt.com | 2020-04-12
The US, which is now leading the world in the number of coronavirus deaths, has added another 1,920 to its grim count in the last 24 hours, Johns Hopkins University reports. | Earlier on Saturday, the US replaced Italy at the top of the coronavirus death toll chart, surpassing 20,000. | Saturday's nationwide death toll is slightly lower than the one reported the day before. On Friday, the US became the first country in the world to report over 2,000 fatalities in a single day as the virus claimed 2,108 lives across the nation. | As the number of deaths due to the outbreak in the US keeps skyrocketing, it is wi…

Oakland Black Housing Union Organizes Mobile March to Demand Housing for Homeless
Sarah Belle Lin | indybay.org | 2020-04-12
Oakland Black Housing Union mobilized a caravan of 100 cars for a mobile march demanding housing for unsheltered individuals during the COVID-19 emergency. The action also highlighted the disproportionate amount of COVID-19 cases in Black communities.