2020-04-09: News Headlines

Shawn Yuan (2020-04-11). [World Report] Tsinghua University launches School of Public Health. thelancet.com The new school will focus on infectious diseases and aims to strengthen public health policy in China. Shawn Yuan reports.

Kelli Stidham Hall, Goleen Samari, Samantha Garbers, Sara E Casey, Dazon Dixon Diallo, Miriam Orcutt, Rachel T Moresky, Micaela Elvira Martinez, Terry McGovern (2020-04-11). [Comment] Centring sexual and reproductive health and justice in the global COVID-19 response. thelancet.com Global responses to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic are converging with pervasive, existing sexual and reproductive health and justice inequities to disproportionately impact the health, wellbeing, and economic stability of women, girls, and vulnerable populations. People whose human rights are least protected are likely to experience unique difficulties from COVID-19.1 Women, girls, and marginalised groups are likely to carry a heavier burden of what will be the devastating downstream economic and social consequences of this pandemic.

Paul Webster (2020-04-11). [World Report] Virtual health care in the era of COVID-19. thelancet.com Patients are under lockdown and health workers are at risk of infection. Paul Webster reports on how telemedicine is being embraced like never before.

Richard Horton (2020-04-11). [Comment] Offline: COVID-19—bewilderment and candour. thelancet.com "This disease is unlike anything I have seen before. If you end up on ICU, you are potentially in real trouble. I have never seen anything like it before." These words were written by one intensive care physician working at a London teaching hospital. As deaths accumulate, the early message that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 causes mostly a mild illness has been shown to be dangerously false. One in five patients develop complications and are at grave risk. A further misunderstanding concerns age.

Susan Jaffe (2020-04-11). [World Report] Regulators split on antimalarials for COVID-19. thelancet.com US and French authorities have authorised the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, but the EU regulator and WHO say the science doesn't support the decision. Susan Jaffe reports.

The Lancet (2020-04-11). [Editorial] Palliative care and the COVID-19 pandemic. thelancet.com Palliative care services are under-resourced at the best of times. The 2017 Lancet Commission on Palliative Care and Pain Relief described the widespread lack of access to inexpensive and effective interventions as a travesty of justice. And these are not the best of times. As health systems become strained under COVID-19, providing safe and effective palliative care, including end-of-life care, becomes especially vital and especially difficult.

Geoff Watts (2020-04-11). [Perspectives] Irene Higginson: progress towards a better ending. thelancet.com Media coverage can drive change—so the note of exasperation in Irene Higginson's voice is understandable: "I wish there was as much attention paid to people who don't have proper access to palliative care as there has been to the assisted dying debate", she says. Higginson has a particular interest in the way we die; as Professor of Palliative Care and Policy at King's College London (KCL), London, UK, she is eager to advocate for her specialty. "UK hospices still rely for two-thirds of their funding on charitable donations", she explains.

Roger Kneebone (2020-04-11). [Perspectives] Another hand on the scalpel. thelancet.com As a medical student I first learned anatomy from textbooks and atlases. These showed the structures I needed to memorise. Someone else had decided what was important and what could be ignored or omitted. Then I encountered prosections, created by experts to show anatomy in three dimensions. There too, much had been removed. Whether it was the contents of the infratemporal fossa or the components of the brachial plexus, what I saw was what remained after "irrelevant" material had been taken away.

Georgina Ferry (2020-04-11). [Perspectives] Helen Boyle: pioneer of early mental health treatment. thelancet.com In 1939, Helen Boyle gave her inaugural address as the first woman President of the Royal Medico-Psychological Association (later the Royal College of Psychiatrists). "Every general hospital is failing in its duty", she said, "if it does not have at least an outpatient department for nervous patients". When she began her career, psychiatric treatment for all but the wealthy was largely confined to public asylums. Boyle's had been one of the first voices raised in favour of early diagnosis and treatment for mental breakdown.

The Lancet (2020-04-11). [Editorial] The gendered dimensions of COVID-19. thelancet.com SARS-CoV-2 does not discriminate, but without careful consideration, the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic might. Demographic data from small studies are already informing political decisions and clinical research strategies. Women and men are affected by COVID-19, but biology and gender norms are shaping the disease burden. The success of the global response—the ability of both women and men to survive and recover from the pandemic's effects—will depend on the quality of evidence informing the response and the extent to which data represent sex and gender differences.

RT (2020-04-10). US reports nearly 1,800 coronavirus fatalities in 24 hours, as death rate slows after 2 days of back-to-back records. rt.com Nearly 1,800 people died in the US after contracting the coronavirus on Thursday, a tally by John Hopkins University suggests. The overall US death toll stands at just over 16,500 as it continues to lead the world in cases. | The US, which according to various projections is nearing the peak of its outbreak, registered 1,783 deaths from the virus in a single day, according to data aggregated by the university. | While some models — such as one provided by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) — forecast that the US should still expect the pinnacle of the outbreak to come later this w…

RT (2020-04-09). Unbeatable virus or false positive? Doctors alarmed after some Covid-19 patients test positive after recovering. rt.com Troublesome results from South Korea and China, showing some of the patients who recovered from the coronavirus test positive again, could throw off widely accepted strategies for battling the virus, from shutdowns to vaccines. | After about 50 recovered patients in the city of Daegu tested positive for Covid-19 again, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) launched an investigation into whether they were somehow reinfected, or if the virus had made a comeback. | "While we are putting more weight on reactivation as the possible cause, we are conducting a comprehensive study on this," said…

RT (2020-04-09). 'Mere insinuation offends me': Italy's PM Conte blasts suggestion of ulterior motive behind Russian coronavirus aid. rt.com Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has called any suggestion that Russia had an ulterior motive in sending coronavirus aid to Italy "an insult to the Italian government," warning that the pandemic poses an existential threat to the EU. | Amid stalled EU relief efforts, aid and personnel arrived in Italy from China, Cuba and Russia to help Italian medical authorities fight back against the coronavirus outbreak in the country, which ravaged its northern regions and forced a total lockdown of society. | When asked if the Russian coronavirus aid, in the form of both manpower and medical equipment, was a ploy by the Kre…

(2020-04-09). U.S. activates new phase of violence against Venezuela. workers.org The U.S accuses Venezuelan President Maduro of "narcoterrorism" but the people defend him. The Platform of Venezuelan Social Movements Against the Blockade issued the following statement on March 26. To the People of the World and Friends of the Bolivarian Revolution In the midst of the most recent attacks of . . . |

G. Dunkel (2020-04-09). Haiti faces a coronavirus catastrophe. workers.org The predictions are grim, and the figures are totally misleading: As of April 5, 6 p.m., Haiti reported only 21 COVID-19 cases and one death. The Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, reported 1,745 cases and 52 deaths. (worldometers.info/coronavirus/) Haiti has only 130 ICU beds. Dr. . . . |

Miko Peled (2020-04-09). COVID-19: The Zionist Underpinnings of Israel's Violent Crackdown on Haredi Jews. mintpressnews.com In a conversation I had with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro for an upcoming episode of the "They did not get these values, of loving their guns and stealing Palestinian land, from Judaism," he said. He explained that Jewish people throughout history have kept to themselves, avoided violence and war, and, in fact, are prohibited by heavenly decree from sovereignty over the Holy Land. "Establishing sovereignty in the Holy Land, from which we were expelled by the Almighty…

RT (2020-04-09). 'We have too many ships at sea': Pentagon says more Theodore Roosevelt-level coronavirus outbreaks are possible. rt.com New large-scale coronavirus outbreaks within the US military are certainly possible given the amount of assets it has deployed worldwide, the Pentagon has said, adding it was getting ready to operate in the "Covid environment." | "I think it is not a good idea to think that the [Theodore Roosevelt outbreak] is a one of a kind issue," Air Force General John Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said during a press briefing on Thursday. | We have too many ships at sea, we have too many deployed capabilities. There's 5,000 sailors on a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. To think it will never happen a…

RT (2020-04-09). How Western media colludes with tiny Navalny-linked group of doctors to weaponize Russia's Covid-19 battle. rt.com If you know the country well, you will know this: There are two Russias — the one 146 million people live in, and the fantasy version Western media outlets describe. | Both exist in parallel universes. This is why most English-speaking Russians usually react with a mixture of shock and horror when their language skills become proficient enough to read what the foreign press is writing about their homeland. | Now, predictably, Russia's response to Covid-19 is being weaponized as part of the mythical 'information war'. This is because Western media coverage of the country generally isn't about journalism…

RT (2020-04-09). Oil prices surge amid report Russia, OPEC & allied producers agree historic output cuts. rt.com Crude prices jumped 12 percent on Thursday after the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and major producers led by Russia agreed to cut output by 20 million barrels a day, according to Reuters sources. | US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) surged 12 percent on the report of collective cuts to $28.36 per barrel, while international benchmark Brent crude gained 8.5 percent to $35.79 a barrel. | Oil prices have collapsed after OPEC+ countries disagreed on production cuts last month, with Russia refusing to lower output. In response, Saudi Arabia ramped up its production to a record high of more…

RT (2020-04-09). Oil prices slide as OPEC+ closes in on record production cut deal. rt.com Following a brief surge, crude prices slumped again on Thursday, while OPEC and major producers led by Russia are still discussing a new output cut deal, expected to be a record one. | The prices surged by some 12 percent on reports that Russia and Saudi Arabia managed to agree on new production cuts. | The growth, however, was short lived and the prices fell back some ten percent later in the day, as it emerged that no agreement between the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and non-cartel countries has been achieved. | The long-awaited meeting of the OPEC+ ministers took place on Thursd…

RT (2020-04-09). US weekly unemployment claims jump by 6.6 million, bringing 3-week total to more than 16 MILLION. rt.com The US Labor Department reported on Thursday that the jobless rolls continued to grow due to the Covid-19 lockdown, with 6.6 million Americans filing first-time unemployment claims in the week ending April 4. | The figure nearly matches the jump registered in the previous week when 6.87 million people filed initial claims and brings the total jobless claims for the last three weeks to more than 16 million. | The ongoing surge in filings for unemployment insurance has been aggravated by the expansion of those who are allowed to file claims. The CARES Act has expanded the group to include the self-employed and i…

RT (2020-04-09). Our Covid-19 numbers are best in Western Europe, don't ruin it: Austrian chancellor asks people to stay home for Easter. rt.com Austria is weathering the coronavirus pandemic better than many but that's not an excuse to break self-isolation for Easter celebrations, despite traditions and good weather, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has warned. | "We are a country in West Europe that has the best trend in [Covid-19] numbers. This is thanks to the self-isolation measures, further steps and participation of the population," Kurz said in a statement. | But Austrians should keep in mind that "the virus is still among us" and plan how they celebrate Easter accordingly. He asked people to refrain from customary family reunions for the celebration…

Janine Jackson (2020-04-09). 'The Gig Economy Is Really Just Pushing People Into Precarious Work' – CounterSpin interview with Bama Athreya on the gig economy and Covid-19. fair.org Janine Jackson interviewed Open Society's Bama Athreya about the gig economy and Covid-19 for the Media…

Tom Coburg (2020-04-09). Analysis of Britain's different coronavirus counting measures shows far higher deaths. thecanary.co The number of deaths caused by coronavirus (Covid-19) is far greater than is being given out in the daily briefings, recent analysis shows. Many of these additional deaths are of older citizens.How the coronavirus deaths figures are made available: The Office for National Statistics (ONS) produces figures that

RT (2020-04-09). Iran releases 'political prisoners' amid Covid-19 outbreak, while virus-stricken UK keeps Assange behind bars. rt.com Tehran has released an Iranian national seen as a political prisoner in the UK as it fights the coronavirus. British activists and media rushed to say Iran's move was not enough — while being blind to a bigger problem at home.

RT (2020-04-09). UK PM Boris Johnson moved out of intensive care, will be 'closely monitored' — Downing Street. rt.com British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has left the intensive care unit (ICU) of a London hospital where he was moved after his Covid-19 worsened on Monday, his office has said. | Downing Street issued a statement Thursday to say Johnson "has been moved this evening from intensive care back to the ward, where he will receive close monitoring during the early phase of his recovery." | The PM was "in extremely good spirits," the statement added. Johnson was admitted to hospital on Sunday on the advice of his doctor, more than a week after he was diagnosed with the disease. | UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has…

RT (2020-04-09). 'We have to wait for a patient to die so others can use his bed & ventilator' — doctor at hardest-hit Ecuador city to RT. rt.com Shortages of beds, drugs, ventilators, and protective gear have seen medical staff in Guayaquil, Ecuador fighting a losing battle against Covid-19, a local doctor told RT, calling on the international community to intervene. | Located just around 260 miles south of the capital, Quito, the city has

The Canary (2020-04-09). NHS staff are having to sacrifice their family lives to protect loved ones from coronavirus. thecanary.co Some NHS workers are sending their children to live with relatives in a bid to protect their loved ones from coronavirus (Covid-19).Staff caring for coronavirus patients on the front line are fearful of catching the it themselves and potentially passing the infection on to their loved ones.In a bid to protect their families, some NHS workers have taken steps to isolate themselves outside of work.Sending children to stay with grandparents, aunts and uncles is one step some NHS staff have chosen to take. | Other NHS workers have started living in hotels, hostels and other temporary accommodation as they care for co…

RT (2020-04-09). Rice & wheat prices surge amid fears Covid-19 lockdown may threaten global food security. rt.com Increased panic buying of food due to coronavirus lockdowns has led to price spikes for the world's two staple grains, rice and wheat. Importers rushed to stockpile the goods, while exporters have curbed shipments. | The price of rice has hit seven-year highs, while wheat futures have risen by around 15 percent since the second half of March. The International Grain Council expects a sharp upturn in near-term demand for rice and wheat-based foods. | According to the Thai Rice Exporters Association, the price of five percent broken white rice (the industry benchmark) rose 12 percent between March 25 and April 1…

RT (2020-04-09). 'Cautious hope': Merkel says Germany's Covid-19 curve is 'flattening', relaxing of lockdown might begin soon. rt.com Berlin could discuss easing restrictions on businesses and public life as early as next week, Chancellor Angela Merkel said, adding that progress has been made in the coronavirus fight but warning it could yet prove fleeting. | Berlin could discuss easing restrictions on businesses and public life as early as next week, Chancellor Angela Merkel said, adding that progress has been made in the coronavirus fight but warning it could yet prove fleeting. | "The curve is flattening out," Merkel said of Germany's fight against Covid-19 ahead of Easter. She believes the number of new confirmed cases gives "cause for c…

RT (2020-04-09). Odisha becomes first Indian state to extend coronavirus lockdown till end of April, paving way for nation to follow suit. rt.com The government of Odisha has extended its Covid-19 lockdown until April 30 — the first of India's states to do so. Other parts of the country are likely to take similar measures, with the full approval of New Delhi. | The current 21-day lockdowns, which were imposed in response to the global coronavirus outbreak, are set to expire next week. But the infection is nowhere near subsiding in India, with over 5,000 identified cases and almost 150 deaths recorded so far. | Chief Minister of Odisha Naveen Patnaik announced the extension on Thursday, adding that his government had advised New Delhi to make the ex…

RT (2020-04-09). Russia's coronavirus tally surpasses 10,000 after record daily surge, 13 more deaths. rt.com The number of confirmed Covid-19 cases has broken the 10,000 barrier in Russia, with 1,459 more people testing positive in the past 24 hours, the national disease response team revealed on Thursday morning. | Officials reported that 13 more patients have died, bringing the nationwide death toll from the disease to 76. The tally of reported Covid-19 cases now stands at 10,131. | Worryingly, the curve is sharply upward. 1,175 fresh infections were recorded the previous day and 954 on Tuesday. | Of the new cases, 1,056 are in Moscow and its surrounding region, where there have been ten more deaths. Russia's secon…

RT (2020-04-09). Over 300,000 Canadians may die from Covid-19 in case of 'no control effort' — report. rt.com The Public Health Agency of Canada has issued a report detailing the possible best and worst-case scenarios of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the most grim projections saying the death toll could go into tens of thousands. | The modeling data

Shimbun Akahata (2020-04-09). Japanese Communists criticize secrecy surrounding COVID-19 case numbers on U.S. military bases. peoplesworld.org TOKYO—The Japanese Communist Party is criticizing both the Japanese and U.S. governments for refusing to make public detailed information on the state of COVID-19 infections among U.S. forces stationed in Japan. At a meeting of the House of Representatives Security Committee on April 3, JCP Representative Akamine Seiken noted that there are reportedly a considerable …

RT (2020-04-09). Global carmakers aim to reopen plants, pledging increased worker safety. rt.com Automobile producers across the world have accelerated efforts to restart their factories amid the Covid-19 pandemic which has sent the auto industry into the worst tailspin since the 2008-2009 financial crisis. | Car manufacturers and suppliers say that temperature screening, daily health questionnaires, assembly lines redesigned to keep workers between three and six feet (0.9m to 1.8m) apart, and lots of masks and gloves, could enable large-scale factories to operate safely. | Italian sports car maker Ferrari has offered to provide voluntary blood tests to employees who wanted to know if they had been expose…

RT (2020-04-09). 'Heal Italy': Conte's govt wins Senate confidence vote on decree to help virus-hit economy. rt.com The Italian government won a confidence vote in the Senate on Thursday over an emergency decree that lays out measures worth €25 billion ($28 billion) to support an economy battered by a severe Covid-19 outbreak. | The 'Heal Italy' package, presented by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on March 16, suspends loan and mortgage repayments for hard-hit companies and families via state guarantees for banks. It also increases funds to help firms pay workers temporarily laid off as a result of a lockdown imposed by the government to try to curb the spread the coronavirus. | Italy's ruling coalition, dominated by th…

Staff (2020-04-09). "Exposing U.S. Racism in a Stark New Way": COVID-19 Kills Disproportionate Number of Black Americans. democracynow.org We speak with family physician and epidemiologist Dr. Camara Phyllis Jones about how the coronavirus is taking a devastating toll on black Americans, who are disproportionately dying from the virus across the country as a result of entrenched racial inequality. Black Americans are more likely to have chronic health problems and less likely to have insurance. They also make up significant numbers of frontline workers that are still going to work amid the pandemic. Jones is the former president of the American Public Health Association. Her recent piece for Newsweek magazine is headlined "Coronavirus Disease Discri…

RT (2020-04-09). Whale of a time: World's 2nd-largest mammals FILMED frolicking in French waters as Covid-19 lockdown limits marine traffic. rt.com As millions of people languish in coronavirus-induced lockdowns, it seems the natural world is enjoying the respite from humans, as two fin whales, second in size only to the blue whale, were spotted off the coast of France. | The pair were snapped basking in the waters off the Calanques National Park, Marseille on Tuesday by a maritime patrol keeping tabs on activity in the nature reserve. | 2 rorquals ont été observés dans le @ParcCalanqueüê≥ | Des images rares capturées par la patrouille ULAM13. Cette observation du 2ème plus grand animal au monde est un indice de + sur un potentiel ef…

Staff (2020-04-09). Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Fiddles While Brazil Burns. therealnews.com Brazil's COVID-19 cases and deaths are higher than neighboring countries, yet the president takes no action. Indigenous people and the poorest Brazilians are in grave danger.

RT (2020-04-09). Grim stability: US records almost 2,000 Covid-19 fatalities for 2nd day in a row, as death toll closes in on 15,000. rt.com With models predicting that the US is nearly at the peak of its Covid-19 death rate, the country reported almost 2,000 deaths on Wednesday, about the same number as the day prior. The US accounts for about a third of all cases.

Ezra Levin, Leah Greenberg (2020-04-09). Telling the truth about coronavirus is resistance to Trump and authoritarianism. peoplesworld.org Last week, Trump and Mitch McConnell both blamed Democrats and the impeachment trial for distracting the nation and aiding the spread of COVID-19. We know—the shamelessness of this accusation is infuriating. In light of this article, and the entire GOP response to COVID-19, the quote we've been coming back to in recent days is from …

RT (2020-04-09). US overtakes Spain with second highest Covid-19 deaths worldwide, but Italy still holds top spot. rt.com The United States surpassed Spain's coronavirus death toll late Wednesday night, according to the latest figures gathered by Johns Hopkins University, putting it in second place behind Italy, which still leads the globe in fatalities. | The lethal virus has killed 14,817 patients in the US, the new data shows, edging out Spain by fewer than 50 deaths. Though Italy's toll of 17,669 remains the world's highest, the US leads all other nations in cases by far, reporting well over 430,000 infections — more than the next three countries combined. | Covid-19 has afflicted 1.5 million people worldwide since the o…

Mark Gruenberg (2020-04-09). Nearly 17 million have lost their jobs, overwhelming state unemployment agencies. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Total unemployment claims since the start of the COVID-19 epidemic have now topped 16.8 million. For the week ending April 4, an additional 6.6 million new claims were filed. New information in March exceeded 15 million, total, the federal government's Bureau of Economic Analysis said on April 9. The only reason the number did not …

RT (2020-04-09). Vietnam: 15,000 people linked to Covid-19 hotspot at Hanoi hospital 'tested negative'. rt.com More than 1,000 healthcare workers and 14,400 others linked to a Covid-19 outbreak at a hospital in Hanoi have tested negative for the coronavirus, the ruling body in Vietnam's capital said on Thursday. Bach Mai hospital, one of the country's biggest medical centers, has been under lockdown since March 28 after authorities became concerned that cases there would spiral out of control. | "All 15,461 people tested negative for the virus. The outbreak in Bach Mai has been well controlled after the lockdown," Hanoi People's Committee chairman Nguyen Duc Chung said at a meeting. "Another 9,000 people who visited or…

RT (2020-04-09). Bolsonaro says experimental Covid-19 drug could save 'thousands of lives' & thanks India for approving exports of raw ingredients. rt.com Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has thanked Indian PM Narendra Modi after New Delhi gave the nod to continue exporting ingredients for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), stressing that the drug could save thousands of lives. | After a series of requests to the Indian leader to allow exports of HCQ — an anti-malarial drug that has shown early promise as a treatment for Covid-19 — Bolsonaro said Brazil would soon receive "raw materials" to continue producing the drug itself, thanking Modi for the gesture. | "I am grateful to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and to the Indian people, for this very timely help to…

RT (2020-04-09). World-famous Bolshoi Theater could GO BUST due to Covid-19 lockdown. rt.com Russia has a long list of venerable institutions, the Hermitage Museum, Tretyakov Gallery, and Moscow State University comprise a selection of national icons that any country would be proud to call their own. | However, despite their centuries of history, it seems these esteemed establishments are NOT resistant to the turmoil of Covid-19. In an interview with Moscow daily newspaper Kommersant, Bolshoi Theater general director Vladimir Urin warned that the distinguished ballet and opera house may close for good if the city's strict self-isolation regime doesn't end by September. As it currently stands, every pe…

RT (2020-04-09). Pakistan snubs regional group's meeting on Covid-19, objecting as India takes charge of conference. rt.com Islamabad has boycotted a meeting of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) to discuss a collective response to Covid-19, insisting the conference must be led by its official secretariat instead of New Delhi. | While the organization "provides an important platform for regional cooperation," the latest meeting between trade officials "could only be effective if spearheaded by the SAARC Secretariat," a spokesperson for Pakistan's Foreign Office said on Wednesday, referring to Nepal, which coordinates the eight-member regional bloc. | Since the SAARC Secretariat was not part of today's vide…

RT (2020-04-09). OPEC+ reach deal to cut production by 10mn barrels per day, ending price war that devastated oil market – reports. rt.com Representatives of oil-producing countries have reportedly reached a tentative agreement on limiting production, hoping to boost the price of crude that plummeted after a Saudi push to flood the market and Covid-19 lockdowns. | OPEC+ countries reportedly agreed to scale back output by 10 million barrels per day starting on the first day of May, after an hours-long teleconference on Thursday, Reuters reported citing an OPEC statement. The cuts will slowly reduce over time, easing to 8 million bpd after two months until the end of 2020, and relaxing further in the months afterward. | The organization has yet to…

RT (2020-04-09). Boris Johnson 'stable and improving' after 3rd night in ICU for Covid-19. rt.com British PM Boris Johnson remains in intensive care but is "stable" and "things are getting better," UK Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden has said. Johnson was admitted to hospital four days ago, suffering from Covid-19. | Dowden said Johnson "sat up and engaged with medical staff" and that his health was "improving" after a third night spent in the ICU. Johnson was brought to St. Thomas's Hospital in London on Sunday, 10 days after testing positive for Covid-19 when his symptoms worsened. | He was moved into intensive care on Monday and was receiving oxygen support, but was not on a ventilator, Downing Street sa…

RT (2020-04-09). Washington fails to provide proof for alleged Moscow-backed Covid-19 disinformation campaign — Russian Foreign Ministry. rt.com Russian diplomats called on their US counterparts to provide some actual evidence of allegations circulated by American media and officials that Moscow is waging a coronavirus-themed fake news campaign — but have received none. | The fail-proof 'blame Russia' approach persisting in the West in recent years remains baseless and without substance, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday. | "We are curiously watching the attempts by several American media, as well as by some high-ranking officials to blame Russia for conducting a certain pandemic-related disinformation campaign…