2020-04-01: News Headlines

RT (2020-04-01). Afghanistan to begin prisoner exchange with Taliban amid lockdown — officials. rt.com The Afghan government will release some Taliban prisoners this week as part of a confidence building measure, officials said on Wednesday. The move is crucial for the success of the peace deal signed between the US and the Taliban to end nearly two decades of war. | A three-member Taliban team arrived in Kabul on Tuesday to begin a prisoner exchange process and met with Afghan officials despite a nationwide lockdown implemented to curb the spread of the coronavirus. | US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo termed the developments as "good news." The statement came a week after he had visited both government leaders…

RT (2020-04-01). Beware #AprilFoolsDay! Social media users rally against Covid-19 jokes and falsehoods. rt.com The coronavirus has put a damper on April Fools' Day this year, with calls not to spread fake news about the pandemic, and people on social media urging others not to joke about Covid-19 or its possible cures. | On Wednesday, the Indian government used the hashtag #AprilFools to urge everyone not to "make #Coronavirus a joke" and stay vigilant against false rumors about the rapidly-spreading disease. | #Coronavirus a joke! #FightAgainstRumour is as important as RT (2020-04-01). 'We will go to the governor's door': Fired Amazon walkout leader vows BIGGER protest if Covid-19 safety demands not met. rt.com The leader of an Amazon warehouse walkout will take his fight for a safe workplace to the New York governor's office if needed, he told RT. City authorities are investigating whether he was fired in retaliation for the protest. | Chris Smalls, the Amazon associate who led Monday's walkout at the megacorporation's mammoth Staten Island warehouse, believes he was fired over his leadership of the protest, but he told RT he isn't done fighting for the safety of what were until recently his fellow employees. "My plan of action is to continue to fight until the buildings are closed down," he said. "They got rid of m…

RT (2020-04-01). Stick to the 'chain of command'! Pentagon rejects aircraft carrier captain's plea to save crew as 100+ sailors contract Covid-19. rt.com US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said it was too soon to evacuate an aircraft carrier where over 100 sailors were infected with Covid-19, despite the unusual plea by the ship's captain to quarantine the entire crew. | Asked about removing over 4,000 sailors aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt — the first US warship on deployment to report an outbreak of the lethal virus — Esper said it was premature, stating "I don't think we're at that point." | "We're moving a lot of supplies and assistance, medical assistance, out to the carrier in Guam. We're providing additional medical personnel as they need it,"

RT (2020-04-01). Russia sees drop in new Covid-19 cases, but cause for alarm as almost half of newly infected in Moscow are under 45. rt.com A total of 440 more people have tested positive for coronavirus over the last 24 hours, in Russia, a drop from the previous day's 500. The nationwide death toll has risen by seven to 24. Moscow remains the disease's main hotspot.

RT (2020-04-01). Japan expands entry ban to 73 countries, all visitors to be quarantined. rt.com Japan's government is expanding a ban on the entry of non-Japanese people to cover 73 countries, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Wednesday. | The number of countries was increased by 49, including the United States, China and South Korea, he said. | Everyone entering the country, including Japanese nationals, will be asked to go into a voluntary two-week quarantine, Reuters reports. Both measures, adopted to contain the coronavirus outbreak, will be effective from Friday. | The prime minister added that he has asked airlines to curb the number of international flights.

RT (2020-04-01). 'Ask the government': Former Celtics star claims NBA season could resume at classified US Air Force site Area 51. rt.com Having held the 2019 Summer League at the University of Nevada, NBA chiefs could find a novel solution to ending the season at a less conventional base in the state — with Area 51 suggested by former champion Paul Pierce. | Area 51, the US Air Force base which is notorious among conspiracy theorists and UFO enthusiasts, could become the home of the NBA as a makeshift setting for the conclusion of the season, former All-Star Paul Pierce has suggested. | Responding to a proposal by former rival Jay Williams that the remainder of the campaign could be played on cruise ships, Boston Celtics icon Pierce named…

The Canary (2020-04-01). Police given new guidance on enforcing coronavirus lockdown after backlash. thecanary.co Police forces have been told people should not be punished for travelling a "reasonable distance" to exercise following criticism of heavy-handed tactics used to enforce the Covid-19 lockdown.The new guidance, issued by the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) and the College of Policing on Tuesday night, also states road checks on every vehicle are "disproportionate".It comes after Derbyshire Police faced a backlash for filming walkers with drones to deter visitors to the Peak District, while North Yorkshire Police stopped motorists at "checkpoints" last week.The new guidance states: "Use your judgement and co…

RT (2020-04-01). Spain surpasses 100,000 Covid-19 infections, records 5th consecutive day with 800+ deaths. rt.com Spanish authorities have confirmed that the total number of coronavirus infections in the country has surpassed 100,000, while the daily death toll reached over 800 fatalities for the fifth consecutive day. | The total number of infections in the country now stands at 102,136, of which 5,872 are being treated in intensive care units across the country. For the second day running, authorities announced a record death toll, with 864 new fatalities. The increase was lower than previous days in terms of percentage, however, despite being a record in absolute terms. | At least 9,053 people have died in total during…

RT (2020-04-01). European markets sink as US coronavirus death toll rises. rt.com European stock markets are falling at the start of trading on Wednesday, beginning the new quarter with fresh losses, as the death toll in the United States from Covid-19 continues to climb. | Germany's DAX plunged by over three percent during early trading, while British and French stock markets have dropped by over four percent. Spain's IBEX and Italy's FTSE MIB are both down over two percent. | The losses are led by shares in Britain's banks which dropped heavily at the start of trading after they froze last year's dividends and vowed not to pay any for this year. HSBC has plunged eight percent, followed by…

RT (2020-04-01). Iran coronavirus death toll rises to over 3,000. rt.com A total of 3,036 coronavirus patients have died in Iran, with 138 deaths in the past 24 hours, the Health Ministry reported on Wednesday. | The ministry's spokesman, Kianush Jahanpur, said the country now has a total of 47,593 people infected, with 2,987 new cases in the past 24 hours, while 15,473 people have recovered. | Speaking on Wednesday in a televised cabinet meeting, President Hassan Rouhani said that the coronavirus crisis is "a great opportunity for Americans to apologize… and to lift the unjust and unfair sanctions on Iran." | One of the worst hit countries in the region, Iran has urged the inter…

RT (2020-04-01). Tokyo 2020 organizers pass Olympic flame to Fukushima after Games postponement. rt.com Organizers of Tokyo 2020 left the Olympic flame in the hands of Fukushima Prefecture on Wednesday. It will be there on display in a lantern for the next month after the Games were postponed for a year due to the coronavirus outbreak. | The handover took place at a subdued ceremony at the J-Village National Training Center in Fukushima, which was originally set to be the starting point of the torch relay. | Of the organizing committee, only Tokyo 2020 COO Yukihiko Nunomura made the trip north, Reuters reported. "This is a [symbol of] hope for the world to celebrate the best of human beings through Tokyo 2020 af…

Eoin Higgins (2020-04-01). Threat of ICE Detention Centers Turning Into Death Camps, Groups Rallying to Free Families. indybay.org ICE is making the pandemic more dangerous for everyone.

Frances Madeson (2020-04-01). Death Camps in the Making: New York's Prisons During a Time of Pandemic. counterpunch.org Every day, says Donna Robinson, a bucket of bleachy water is delivered to a ward in Bedford Hills to be used by the sixty women housed there, her own daughter among them. That's the extent of the supplies they receive to keep their area sanitized from COVID-19. The women are in bunk beds with no

WSWS (2020-04-01). Brazilian stadium turned into field hospital as ruling class closes ranks behind corporate bailouts. wsws.org Shocking images of stadiums transformed into concentration camps for the sick and dying stand in stark contrast to Bolsonaro's criminal denial of the seriousness of the pandemic.

Norman Solomon (2020-04-01). Trump's Mass Negligent Homicide Doesn't Let Democratic Leaders Off the Hook. indybay.org Failures of leadership in a time of coronavirus…

WSWS (2020-04-01). UK warehouse and distribution workers protest exposure to COVID -19. wsws.org Britain's new "Satanic Mills" are a byword for low pay, casualisation and sweat shop conditions, which have only worsened as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Jack Wareham, Dylan Burgoon (2020-04-01). "Whose University? Our University!" The Struggle for a COLA at UC Berkeley. counterpunch.org On March 5th, in the midst of a campus-wide march and rally, a student protester at UC Berkeley walked into the bustling Free Speech Movement Café, a study spot that borrows its name from Cal's legendary 1960s anti-war protests. "Fellow students!" she shouted, climbing on top of the counter. "Today, you will witness the largest

California Nurses Association (2020-04-01). Watsonville Community Hospital Nurses to Hold Shift Change Actions To Demand Protections When Treating Patients With COVID-19. indybay.org To protest the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) and preparedness for frontline health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, registered nurses at Watsonville Community Hospital will hold a silent vigil and solidarity stand on Monday, March 30, 2020. Registered nurses are calling on Watsonville Community Hospital to reverse its decision to weaken personal protective equipment standards and cancel staff rather than preparing for a surge of COVID-19 patients.

Protest News (2020-04-01). Innovative COVID-19 Safe Protest in San Francisco. indybay.org Boisterous Car Rally Honks for Justice for ICE Detainees…

WSWS (2020-04-01). The working class, socialism and the fight against the pandemic. wsws.org The wildcat strikes and protests by Instacart, Amazon and Whole Foods workers are in response to the criminal subordination of workers' safety to corporate profits.

Andre Vltchek (2020-04-01). "Chinese Virus" Rhetoric Shows Ineptness of U.S. Politicians. dissidentvoice.org The Western mass media is extremely busy frightening its own citizens and the entire world with statements like: A leaked government document has suggested up to 500,000 people could die from coronavirus if the disease is able to infect up to 80 per cent of the country. That's what The Independent wrote on 26 February …

Ajamu Baraka (2020-04-01). COVID-19: The Capitalist Emperor has no Clothes. dissidentvoice.org As the capitalist emperor strolls down the avenue of U.S. public opinion butt-naked but for the first time since the 1930s, more and more people are starting to realize that they were not crazy. The brutal failures of the capitalist system that they saw were not a figment of their imagination or a diversion from …

Ted Rall (2020-04-01). The Speech Trump Must But Cannot Give. counterpunch.org Some of my commentary about politics is presented in the form of "advice" to the ruling classes. Please understand: I don't really expect them to take my advice. My advice is not really directed toward them. It is a theoretical exercise. I am really speaking to you, the people. My goal is to set a

WSWS (2020-04-01). Daily Telegraph rails against socialist revival due to coronavirus crisis. wsws.org The fears of the ruling class internationally that the coronavirus crisis is leading to opposition to capitalism on a mass scale are expressed in the commentary in Britain's Telegraph.

Juan Cole (2020-04-01). ran Covid-19 Deaths Rival US as Trump Blockade blocks Medical Supplies. zcomm.org The European Union has activated the Instex trading mechanism for the purpose of sending medicine and medical supplies to Iran to fight the coronavirus outbreak…

teleSUR (2020-04-01). India's Top Court Holds Govt Accountable Over Migrant Crisis. telesurenglish.net India's top court on Monday sought a report from the government over the steps taken for tens of thousands of migrant laborers as they try to return home after losing jobs following Prime Minister Narendra Modi's nationwide lockdown to contain the coronavirus outbreak. | RELATED: | The Supreme Court was hearing two petitions through a video-conferencing as the situation turned grim amid reports of more than 20 migrant laborer…

Elizabeth Schmidt (2020-04-01). Lessons From Africa: Military Intervention Fails to Counter Terrorism. counterpunch.org Late last year, President Trump provoked a furor when he declared his intent to withdraw some 1,400 US troops from West Africa, where he claimed they had quelled the terrorist threat. He sparked a similar firestorm when he announced that the U.S. would (eventually) pull 14,000 troops from Afghanistan, where they were engaged in an

Chris Time Steele (2020-04-01). These Songs Kill Fascists. dissidentvoice.org These Songs Kill Fascists, my latest album, is an ode to Woody Guthrie, a call to fight fascism outside and internally. Featuring Mick Jenkins, Psalm One, Denver jazz legend Ron Miles, and platinum producer DJ Pain 1, the album tackles issues such as the murder of Heather Heyer, Denver's history with the KKK, gentrification, rape …

Sebastiaan Faber (2020-04-01). Spain Nationalized Private Clinics To Fight COVID-19. zcomm.org Spain faced the second worst infection rate in Europe, and took control of the country's private health care companies to improve its response. What does this mean for Spain's public health care system going forward?

WSWS (2020-04-01). Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C. issue shelter-in-place orders. wsws.org The shutdown of nonessential travel affects over 15 million residents, with the Maryland Governor warning residents not to leave the state unless "absolutely necessary."

Arvind Dilawar (2020-04-01). Trump's Cuts to Food Stamps Almost Made the Pandemic Worse. thenation.com Trump's Cuts to Food Stamps Almost Made the Pandemic Worse…

WSWS (2020-04-01). Washington harnesses coronavirus pandemic to promote Venezuela coup. wsws.org The so-called "Democratic Transition Framework" is a patent attempt to weaponize the global pandemic as a means of installing a puppet regime in Caracas.

Labor Video Project (2020-04-01). Stop The Theft Of Our Water! Fighting Constellation Brands Brewery In Mexicali, Mexico. indybay.org The New York based. Constellation Brands has illegally built a $1.5 billion brewery in Mexicali, Mexico. that will steal water from the Colorado river. This will divert water from agriculture. and. the people. A. popular voted opposed. it and are demanding be stopped.

WSWS (2020-04-01). Airlines, auto companies cut pay even as US government bails out corporations. wsws.org While prepared to pocket tens of billions of dollars in federal bailout money, US airlines and automakers are imposing pay cuts and furloughs on employees.

George Ochenski (2020-04-01). What Does COVID-19 Have to Do With Industrial Pollution? counterpunch.org The industry lobbyists were lined up at the trough last week grabbing hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars from the corporate-heavy giveaways in the Senate's $2.2 trillion ($2,200,000,000,000) "relief" bill while average Americans get a relative pittance. That's no surprise considering it came from the Senate's Republican majority and Trump's Treasury Secretary and former Goldman

WSWS (2020-04-01). Peruvian president authorizes military to use lethal force to enforce the national quarantine. wsws.org A new law shows that Peru's ruling oligarchy, in anticipation of widespread unrest, is preparing the army to carry out repression with absolute impunity.

Dawn Foster (2020-04-01). Review: The Far Right Today by Cas Mudde. zcomm.org The far right thrives on 'economic anxiety and cultural backlash'

Jen Moore (2020-04-01). Guatemalan Water Protectors Persist, Despite Mining Company Threats. counterpunch.org The hard work of protecting water and land from the long-term harms associated with gold and silver mining takes place daily on the frontlines of tenacious struggles throughout Latin America and around the world. Indigenous people and affected communities face many reprisals for their resistance, including a mounting number of arbitration suits against their governments

Spread The Strike! (2020-04-01). Grad Students Continue Withholding Grades During Covid-19 Pandemic. indybay.org Email from graduate student to UCSC Chancellor and Executive Vice Chancellor on the day Winter quarter grades are due.

WSWS (2020-04-01). Financial turbulence continues to grow. wsws.org While COVID-19 was the trigger it was not the underlying cause, as the financial system was set to crash due to the dizzy rise of the markets divorced from the real economy.

WSWS (2020-04-01). As Detroit surges past 2,000 cases, COVID-19 pandemic spreads throughout Michigan. wsws.org Given that there is no systematic and mass testing of the public for the presence of the virus, the reported numbers of confirmed cases are very deceptive.

Kenneth Surin (2020-04-01). The UK and Covid-19 Crisis. counterpunch.org BoJo, though not the proverbial rocket scientist, is much better informed generally (and less demented!) than his orange-hued American counterpart, and so, for instance, knows that hospitals caring for COVID-19 patients need more than 2 ventilators each, and that making egregious suggestions regarding possible "cures" for the virus is best left to those better trained in science and medicine!

WSWS (2020-04-01). Sri Lankan SEP to hold online event: "COVID-19 pandemic and capitalist barbarism" wsws.org The event will be live-streamed through the SEP's official Facebook page.

WSWS (2020-04-01). Bangladesh: Garment workers strike over safety amid COVID-19 crisis. wsws.org The anger of Bangladeshi factory workers is mounting because they are unable to practice "social distancing" in their plants or during transit.

Shuja Haider (2020-04-01). Covid-19 Shows America's Class Divide Is Untenable. thenation.com Covid-19 Shows America's Class Divide Is Untenable…

WSWS (2020-04-01). COVID-19 pandemic leads to mass sackings in Australia. wsws.org Unemployment is likely to rise above 15 percent as hundreds of thousands of workers lose their jobs.

WSWS (2020-04-01). Covid-19 pandemic poses gravest threat to world's poorest countries. wsws.org Hundreds of millions of people across the globe live in homes that were detrimental to their health and safety even before the onset of the coronavirus.

The Commonwealth Club (2020-04-01). Livestream: COVID-19 and Climate Implications for Public Health. indybay.org Onlin via livestream…

WSWS (2020-04-01). Coronavirus deaths in US nearing 4,000 as Trump washes his hands of responsibility. wsws.org More than 800 people died Tuesday of COVID-19 in the United States, the highest death toll so far, with nearly 25,000 new cases.